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Not The Official Papal Souvenir

Some funny and some not so funny aspects of the church industry.

Edited by Rolf Heimann.

An open letter to the pope.

On behalf of a number of humanists, we wish to express the following concerns about the
visit of the head of the Catholic hierarchy, Karol Wojtyla, now Pope John Paul II.
We do not oppose this visit to Australia but feel that the cost of the visit, which is very
considerable, should be more limited in its burden on the taxpayer. The cost should be almost
entirely borne by the Vatican itself and the Catholic Church in Australia.
It is recognised that the Pope is a titular head of state and entitled to diplomatic courtesies
but transport costs within Australia should not be at government expense. This applies particularly
to the 'Popemobiles' and the great costs of transporting these vehicles. Security for the Pope is
important and should be Australia's responsibility but not at the overall cost of millions of dollars.
Twelve million dollars at least has been quoted; four million may be raised by the Church. Where
will the rest come from if not from the taxpayer? Why is the government so silent, particularly in
present economic circumstances?
Of the greatest concern however is the expected propagation during the Pope's visit through
his speeches, of doctrinaire, intolerant, repressive views which are not even shared by a great
proportion of Catholics. These are the reactionary views on divorce, contraception, abortion,
censorship and sexual behavior; fertility control and personal freedom and tolerance generally.
During the Pope's visit to Africa statements were repeatedly made against contraception and
effective family planning. "Be fruitful and multiply" was the message in a continent beset by severe
economic difficulties, by hostilities, by food shortages and starvation, by population pressures in
many regions and by high child and maternal mortality.
There are such high birth rates in a number of African countries that economic and social
infrastructures cannot keep pace. The pressure on the environment has already had disastrous
The statements were pure hypocrisy based on doctrinaire blindness.
It needs to be pointed out that the Vatican has not been free from moral and financial
corruption, with recent financial scandals well documented. It has been morally corrupt in its
dealings with dictatorships, in support of totalitarian regimes, of oppression, of censorship and of
intolerance. The Papacy's advocacy for peace and development must be regarded as hypocricy in
view of the hierarchy's above divisive positions and pronouncements.
This is in marked contrast to the attitudes of a number of progressive and liberal Catholics
who are then condemned by the Vatican. We respect some Church leaders such as those in Central
America and the Philippines who are active in social reform, who would wish to influence the
Vatican's regressive stance but who in turn are slated and disparaged by Rome. The Catholic
Commission for Justice and Peace also does admirable work often against hierarchy opposition.
Decent Catholics do not wish to impose their beliefs on others but the Papacy does. Very
many Catholics do not even share the official intolerance on divorce and fertility issues. Reform is
needed in the hierarchy if there is to be any credibility. There is no sign of reformist attitudes in this
Pope. Perhaps this visit, if all the issues are brought out in the open and constructive criticism is
encouraged, may, after all, do some good.
A t-shirt souvenir of this visit, for commercial sale, asks "Is the Pope a Catholic?" Is he, in a
real, responsible, human sense? Or is he merely a front man and propagandist for an oppressive,
intolerant and often corrupt Vatican, concerned mainly with wealth, power and opulence.
Many Catholic Church leaders, particularly in the developing world have credibility, social
responsibility and compassion. We believe that the credibility of Pope John Paul II and the Vatican
in these areas are more than suspect - they are of a very low order.

A group of concerned Australian humanists.

was produced by The Holy Ghost Busters, c/o P.O. Box 1555 P, Melbourne 3001
in honour of the visit by our Holy Father John Paul II, in November 1986.
It was edited by Rolf Heimann. Typesetting was by "Access".

Many thanks to the contributors Phillip Adams; Thomas, Richard and Harriett Anon; Lofo; Madalyn O'Hair; Neill Overton;
Keith Rex; John Shakespeare; Michael Sharkey; lain Stock; Peter Viska and others who
gave encouragement and inspiration, or whose ideas we borrowed when it was impossible to ask permission.

ISBN 0 9595827
Australians are extremely fortunate this year to have been chosen as hosts to Our Holy Father
John Paul II, son of a humble Polish Army man and now no less than the earthly representative of
God Almighty, the creator of almost everything.
The importance of the Holy Visitation cannot be underestimated, for it comes at a time when
three quarters of Roman Catholics (not to mention others) consider Our Holy Father's attitude on
matters like birth control as out of step with today's world. Organisers hope that the event will help
Australians to understand that the Papacy is as alive and concerned about its world as it ever was.
Just what are these concerns? How did the Holy Office become such a colourful institution?
How can you personally contribute to a revitalisation of the values that are dear to the heart of Our
Holy Father? Is it worth the trouble? Are you a Christian at all?
We hope that this little booklet will help you to open your eyes.

Brother Lofus
Order of the Immaculate Contraception

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