The Thermal Dynamic Study of Polyester: Summary

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The thermal dynamic study of polyester

Shi Dali 050412007015 Lin Yin 110012007055 Wang Xi 110012007095 Yang

Ge 140122007045

(Chemistry and Chemical engineering College, Ocean University of China,

Qingdao, Shandong Province)

Summary: The thermal stability of polyester directly determine

the scope and polyester. This paper through the thermal analysis
method and poor reduction micro business studies gather
terephthalic acid glycol (PET) and thermal stability, thermal dynamic
parameters of polyester, and according to the experimental data
and the polyester thermal stability of changing with temperature.

Key words: polyester thermal decomposition Poor reduction

micro business

Chinese library classification: X703.1

Literature identification code: A

Polyester diols by ErYuanSuan polyol or acids or high-
molecular compounds and condensation. Include polyester resin,
polyester, polyester acid etc. Such as, terephthalic acid Polyethylene
glycol esters terephthalate (PET) consists of terephthalic acid
(PTA) and glycol (EG generated by condensation, including) part of
the PET again through the water cut and eventually generated. The
glycol esters Polymethlene terephthalate (PMT) is based on the
potassium and 2 bromine ethane, or in the appropriate bromine
methylene chloride solvent reaction, belong to a new polyester.
Amorphous copolymerization pet PETG by 1,4-dihiobenzene ring
of methanol modified polyethylene adipic acid esters two benjia
formed two new polyester, application of a wider range.
Polyester can with a wider temperature range to maintain good
physical properties, moisture absorption performance of small,
electric insulation performance is good, but in the high temperature
environment characteristics of easy throush degradation. Therefore
the thermal stability of polyester directly determine the scope of use
polyester, polyester and value to improve their study of pyrolysis
value increases the thermal stability of the vital role .
Based on the clustering of terephthalic acid esters, for example,
glycol, its thermal pyrolysis process dynamics research.

1 The basic properties of polyester

1.1 The physical properties of polyester

The relative density of polyester 1.11 ~ 120, in curing,

polyester shrinkage when the volume of physical properties are as
(1) heat-resistant. Most of the thermal deformation temperature are
polyester in 50 ~ 60 ° c, some heat-resistant good polyester can
reach 1.2 degrees Celsius. Red-hot expansion coefficient of alpha 1
(130-150) x 10-6 degrees Celsius.
(2) mechanical properties. Unsaturated polyester resin with high
tensile strength, bending, etc.
(3) chemical resistance. Polyester resin, water resistant, dilute
acids, dilute alkali resistant, good performance of the organic
solvent, at the same time, the performance of polyester chemical
resistance with its chemical structure and geometric switch is
different, can have a big difference.
(4) the dielectric insulation performance, high coefficient.

1.2 Polyester chemical properties

Many kinds of polyester and chemical properties are different,

but the polyester under high temperature mechanism of complex
will cracking reaction. PET, such kinds of polyester PMT thermal
process is complicated, with phase change of temperature, reaction
mechanism are changing. The process of pyrolysis and PBT only one
stage, and reaction. Normally, with similar molecular structure of
polyester, molecular chain of benzene, thermal stability. Another pet
thermal stability and polyester additive type, content, and the
physical form of polyester.

2 Thermal analysis

Thermal analysis is in process control temperature

measurement, the physical properties of the material with a
temperature changes. According to determine ICTA physical
properties, will existing thermal analysis technology into 9 class 17.
Differential thermal analysis, DSC and thermogravimetric analysis
and thermal mechanical analysis of the four pillars of thermal
analysis is used to study the material, crystal transformation,
melting, sublimation and adsorption physical phenomena and
dehydration, decompose and chemical oxidation, reduction
phenomenon. They can provide fast by the thermal stability and
thermal decomposition product, the change process, various types
of infinite change point, the glass transition temperature and
softening point, heat, temperature and purity, blasting, and polymer
characterization of data structure and properties, but also for
balance and chemical kinetics studies of commonly used method.

2.1 Differential Scanning Calorimetry

DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry, DSC), is in process

control temperature measurement, the input to the sample and the
energy GSCC temperature difference of time or a kind of
technology. In the differential thermal analysis of samples, occurs
when the radiant heating rate of sample itself is nonlinear. For
example, in heat reaction to the sample after heating speed greatly
behind heating speed program control of heating or not, or even the
temperature, At the end of the reaction, sample for heating and
higher speed program control of heating speed, the temperature
control program gradually up, The temperature is always in the
change. But in heating, sample and GSCC and sample surrounding
environment have bigger difference, the heat transfer between
them, will reduce the sensitivity and accuracy of the thermal
measurement. So far, most of the differential thermal analysis
technology is not only quantitative analysis and qualitative or work
half quantitative analysis of work, in the process of change to obtain
the temperature and reaction kinetics sample data. Differential
scanning calorimetry thermal analysis is to overcome the amount in
the quantitative determination of differential thermal analysis on
these deficiencies and developed a new kind of thermal analysis
technology. This happened because of sample through the thermal
energy changes timely due compensation, and maintain between
GSCC remained the same temperature, temperature, heat transfer,
small signal detection, heat loss. Therefore the sensitivity and
accuracy are greatly improved, but the quantitative analysis of heat.

2.2 Thermogravimetric analysis

Many substances in heating and cooling process for heating,
often have the quality change the size of its changes, and the
temperature of the material and the chemical composition and
structure are closely related. Therefore use in heating and cooling
process quality of material, can change the physical differences and
different. Thermogravimetric analysis (TG) is, referred to as
Thermogravimetry in process control temperature measuring the
quality of material with the temperature of a relationship. Its
characteristic is quantitatively, can accurately measuring the quality
of material and the rate of change. At present, thermogravimetric
analysis method widely used in chemistry and chemical related
fields, in metallurgy, paint and ink science, ceramics, food
technology, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, polymer
science, biochemistry and geochemistry and play an important role.
The rmogravimetric analysis including the static and dynamic
method, method of two types.
The static pressure method and grading quality changes and
determination of two isothermal mass change. Pressure changes in
the quality and determination of spontaneous atmosphere
thermogravimetric analysis, is in process control temperature
measurement, in constant pressure balance quality under volatile
relationship with the temperature of a kind of method. The use of
sample decomposition of volatile products formed by gas as
atmosphere, and the constant pressure under control temperature
measuring quality and can reduce the process of thermal oxidation
process. The isothermal mass changes in temperature is refers to
the physical quality and measured under the conditions of
temperature of the relationship between a method. The
temperature of every must be constant temperature and constant
intervals, physical record of constant temperature relation curves.
The high accuracy, can record tiny weightlessness, but more time-
The method of dynamic and weight, temperature and thermal
gravimetric analysis into shang thermogravimetric analysis.
Thermogravimetric and micro business thermogravimetric analysis
are in the process of heating situations, the material quality change
with temperature. Micro business thermogravimetric analysis and
derivation thermogravimetric analysis (thermogravimetry
Derivative, respectively), it is the record of temperature and
thermal gravimetric curve of a Derivative of a kind of technology.
Due to the dynamic analysis and micro business tepid simple
thermogravimetric analysis, and practical techniques and DTA, DSC,
so widely used in thermal analysis technology.

3 Minus bad micro business

Poor reduction micro business (Freeman - Carroll) is a thermal

analysis curves (TG curve) some weightlessness rate of bottom,
temperature, and the difference between two adjacent to a method
of calculating activation energy. By the dynamic equation can be
obtained with Arrhenius equation (1):
α/d T=A/βexp ( - E/ R T) (1 - α) n (1)
The (1) type sides at Δ trypanblau again by lg (1 - alpha),
Get type (2),
Δlg(dα/d T)/Δlg (1 - α )= -E/2. 303R •Δ (1/T)/Δlg( 1 - α )+ n
Type, alpha for conversion, A for the (min 1); - Beta for heating
rate (c/min), T for temperature (K), E is for activation energy (mol);
kJ / N for reaction series, R for gas constant (8) 314 J mol/K). By Δ
lg (d/d T) / alpha Δ lg (1 - Δ of alpha) (1 / T) / Δ lg (1 - alpha)
fitting lines, through the linear gradient and intercept can obtain
activation E and reaction series of value, n. the E and n value into
type (1), the former refers to the value of A factor.

4 Polyester pyrolysis of experiment

4.1 Experimental process

Select a b - a sample, b - PET the thickness of the PET 0.12

mm, sample were taken 10.7 mg. By Swiss MET listed company
DSC822e TL ER type differential scanning calorimeter to differential
scanning calorimetry is hot (DSC) analysis, heating rate is 10 °
c/min from 25 ° c to 1 min, insulation 290 degrees from 290 to 25
degrees Celsius, static air atmosphere. By Swiss MET listed
company production of TL ER SD2TA851e type thermogravimetric
TGA / / synchronous differential thermal analyzer thermogravimetric
analyzer for pyrolysis loss (TG) analysis, heating rate is 10 ° c/min,
from 25 ° c to 600 ° c, static air atmosphere. Porcelain crucible: 70
muon l.

4.2 Data analysis[6]

4.2.1 DSC analysis

Figure 1 samples of DSC spectra
As shown in figure 1 shows that the degree of overheating,
sample and cold.
Specimen of overheating: T = 230 degrees - 190 overheating
degrees = 40 ° c
Sample super-cooling: T super-cooling = 260 ° c = 65 ° c – 195
Super-cooling degree and overheat degree is mainly composed
of the impetus and phase transition process in the process of
temperature conditions. The change process "cold" and "over-
heated", detailed list will occur spontaneously, if cold faster (cold),
namely the little more easily crystallization, Similarly if overheating
faster (overheating during the process, so the easier it).
PET in molten state, only the crystallization parts change,
melting heat is actually destroying crystal structure need calories.
The higher the crystallinity, melting heat, namely the melting heat
and polymer is proportional to the crystallinity. The crystallization of
melting heat PET for 140.1 KJ/mol. Due to the PET chain rigidity,
crystallization slow, if the glass of PET slow-heat or slow cooling,
melt temperature in the glass transition temperature of the above
and below the melting point, can form a certain proportion of
crystalline structure. In certain temperatures PET materials should
be part of the crystallization of internal temperature or time limit
due to fully complete crystal, when temperature is higher than that
of the glass transition temperature of the molecular chain, soft and
have enough Yin sport ability to rearrange the crystallization, will
release the crystallization heat. Cold crystallization is located in the
Tg curve of DSC, reflects the PET after peak from the glass
transition temperature of cold and clean. Glass transition
temperature of amorphous phase provides information for chain,
PET in glass transition, can cause physical properties, especially the
mechanical properties, thus glass-transition temperatures are often
used in PET processing or the need to consider that a very
important parameter.

Sample DSC analysis results

The glass transition 93.81
temperature Tg degrees
The crystallization 229.59
temperature Tc degrees
MJ exothermic 22.17
Melting Tm degrees 260.31
Molten peak crystallinity 31.17
Molten peak heat J· g -467.31
Cold crystallization 197.28
temperature T 'C
degrees Celsius
Cold crystallization heat 440.76
4.2.2 TG analysis

Figure 2 sample respectively, TG spectra

Pictured above, PET's TG curve of the first steps starting
weightlessness temperature zero for 337.74 degrees Celsius, the
initial temperature is 408.61 degrees Celsius, the end 478.49
degrees Celsius temperature for the second stage is the initial
temperature zero, zero degrees in 592.13 reaction, in 580 ~ basic
600 ° c interval, and almost no loss of residue 3.04%. To meet the
needs of engineering application, and other components of the PET,
with its decomposition temperature approximately 400 degrees.
Respectively for the small business TG curve thermogravimetric
curve, reflects the change rate and quality of sample temperature
or time. It can be seen in PET passion curve has two stages, so the
thermal pyrolysis of differential curve is heavy, two peak see chart.

Initial temperature 337.87

degrees Celsius zero
Decomposition 398.36
temperature degrees
The reaction 588.26
temperature degrees.
The remaining amount 3.04
after reaction
Weightlessness rate 439. 53
degrees Celsius

4.3 Thermal dynamics research

4.3.1 The calculation is studied. apparent activation

energy Flynn - by Ozawa - studied. apparent

activation energy decomposition method

Flynn - by Ozawa - studied.apparent activation energy

decomposition method, below type:

Type of:β— — —The heating rate;

A — — —Frequency factor;
E— — —Thermal studied. apparent activation energy;
R — — —Gas constant;
α— — —Conversion。 Poor reduction micro commercial calculation

of this experiment data processing temperature


To better compare the main selection, PET activation reaction

relative severe 340-445 degrees and pp.961 ~ 561 degrees Celsius
temperature interval analysis, data processing, in general 2 degrees
Celsius temperature interval. Calculation results, see table 3 b - PET
in different temperature range of lg (d/d T) / alpha Δ lg (1 - Δ of
alpha) (1 / T) x 104 / Δ lg (1 - alpha) fitting lines (see figure 3 and
In 340-445 pp.961 ~ 561 ° c and relative severe interval,
reaction temperature, only two of the investigation activation.
Table 3
Temperature Activation Reaction Refers to The linear
degrees E kJ/mol series n the correlation
Celsius former coefficient
A/min r
340~445 167.13 0.66 4.33E+11 0.99490
515~561 123.04 0.70 1.05E+7 0.98363

FIG 3 o sample sent reduction micro commercial 340-445 degrees

Celsius temperature and reaction of interval series

4.3.2 Reaction. Series

Figure 4 is bad for reduction micro sample in commercial pp.961

~ 561 degrees Celsius temperature and reaction of interval series Coats - redfern method to calculate the

reaction series

For the polymer pyrolysis under inert angry, thermal dynamics

of basic equations for:
Type of: C----------t Moments of weightlessness percentage
β--------- The heating rate
E---------- Activation reaction
A---------- Frequency factor
R---------- Gas constant
T---------- Absolute temperature
Most pyrolysis reaction pseudo-first-order reaction n = 1 used
to approximate. Using similar methods, coats - redfern lg ln [C] (1-
1 / T drawing to a line, if that is, except for the reaction, the
reaction occurs deviation line. Minus bad micro calculated reaction

series (commercial) this experiment

data processing by

Using differential reduction micro commercial calculated under

the heating rate of single b - 340-445 degrees in PET temperature
range for the activation energy 12kJ/mol. 167, reaction series is 0.
66, refers to the former factor is 33E + 4) 11min - 1, 561 degrees
Celsius temperature in pp.961 ~ 123. For the activation energy
interval 04kJ/mol, reaction series is 0.70, Refers to the former
factor is 1. 05E + 7min- 1。

5 Conclusion

(1) b - PET thermal decomposition, mainly divided into two stages

is reaction.
(2) b - PET with the rise of temperature pyrolysis reaction
studied.apparent activation energy, reduce series, and increased
more prone to thermal.
(3) temperature on the thermal stability of polyester has a great
influence. In certain temperatures can maintain a stable polyester,
but when the temperature rise to polyester may produce
polycondensation reaction temperature rise, polyester
decomposition. Industrial production of polyester added stabilizing
agent, can make the thermal stability, but only within a certain
range, excessive stabilizers can rise to the contrary, stabilizer
species will also affect thermal stability .
(4) heating rate of pyrolysis products of different influence . As
the temperature increases, polyester decomposition can produce
different result, through different temperature, the product can
speculate polyester category macromolecular molecular composition

6 References

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