Ciaran Caul: Script To Screen

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Ciaran Caul

Script to Screen
24th January 2018


On a distant world, a robot slowly builds a home for its long awaited creators.

A robot is sent to another planet to set up a colony in advance.
The robot however is left waiting years to fulfil his mission.
Step outline

The animation starts with a rocket landing on an unfamiliar planet. It falls through the clouds and touches down on the dusty
We then see the boot up sequence for the robot, starting as a first person shot and transitioning out to show it detaching from
the lander.
The next scene is the robot building a hydroponics dome, cut into 3 parts. There’s a few seconds where it’s accessing the
instructions, a shot of it about 1/3 build and a final bit with it closing the door as it is fully built.
It’s now night-time and we see the robot looking through some form of telescope attached to the lander.
In the next scene we see the robot planting a mixture of seeds inside the dome.
There is then a time-lapse showing the plants growing inside and then outside of the dome. This is interspersed with shorter
scenes with the telescope. This scene will show that over a long period of time it grows a variety of plants to make the planet/
area habitable. Due to a love/fascination with mankind coded into it, the robot watches the skies each night, eagerly waiting the
day humans come to settle the home it has built for them.
As time passes the robot visibly ages, worn down by the environment it is creating. Decades after it first touched down the
robot goes out to tend the plants when it sees a light descending into the forest.
On rusted joints it hobbles towards the light. In a clearing, sits a gleaming spaceship.
As the robot approaches its battered systems start to fail. It falls down in the grass, its last sight being a group of humans
coming down the ship’s ramp.

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