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Hubungan spastisitas dengan nyeri pasca stroke

Association of spasticity with post-stroke pain

Astuti Tjondronegoro*, Damodoro Nuradyo**, Paryono**

*SMF Saraf RSUD Prambanan Sleman
**Bagian Neurologi, Fakultas Kedokteran UGM, Yogyakarta


Pain is uncommon event after stroke. Post-stroke pain can arise as a direct consequence of the brain
itself, from the ensuing disabilities or immobility, or from stroke-related treatments. At present, there is
little evidence for the association between post-stroke pain and spasticity.The aim of this study is to know
the association of spasticity with post-stroke pain. This is a cross-sectional study. Eighty post-stroke
patients were examined and divided into two groups, 40 subjects in spasticity group and the others
without spasticity. We measured pain intensity with visual analogue scale (VAS), meanwhile the
assessment of spasticity using modified modified ashworth scale (MMAS). Pain was reported by 45
patients with mean VAS 3,57. Univariate analysis demonstrated association between post-stroke pain and
spasticity, motor and sensory deficites. A logistic regression analysis demonstrated that spasticity was the
only independent variables that significantly increased risk of post-stroke pain (p=0.001, RP=8.238) and
sensory deficit (p=0.012, RP=4.324). The conclusion of this study is that spasticity related to post-stroke
pain. The more severe the spasticity, the higher intensity the post-stroke pain.

Keywords: post-stroke pain, stroke, spasticity

Correspondence: Astuti Tjondronegoro, email:


Nyeri pasca stroke adalah keluhan yang sering terjadi. Dapat langsung sebagai akibat kelainan
pada otaknya atau oleh karena disabilitas atau imobilitas atau karena berhubungan dengan pengobatan
yang diberikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara spastisitas dengan nyeri
pasca stroke. Dari 80 subjek yang mengikuti penelitian ini dibagi dalam dua grup dengan masing2 40
subjek dengan spastisitas dan tanpa spastisitas. Penilaian nyeri menggunakan VAS sedangkan
spasatisitas menggunakan MMAS, setelah dilakukan analisis statistik univariat didapatkan nyeri pasca
stroke berhubungan dengan spastisitas, defisit motorik dan sensorik dengan p=0,012. Setelah dilakukan
analisis multivariat regresi logistik didapatkan hanya spastisitas yang berkorelasi dengan nyeri pasca
stroke secara independen. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah bahwa semakin berat level spastisitas, semakin
berat intensitas nyeri pasca stroke.

Kata kunci: nyeri post-stroke, stroke, spastisitas

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