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15 Nov 8:00am – 12:00pm

Please make sure you abide by the times stipulated to submit your assignments. If you are
told to bring the assignments on Monday, you can’t bring them on Tuesday just because
Tuesday is also working day and whoever is at MDC will accept them. That’s not how it
works. If you are advised to bring the assignments on Monday then you have to bring
them on Monday. If you bring them on Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday -
no one will take them. Trust me on this.
You can’t make your own day to bring your assignments. It didn’t work for some students last
time – and please the excuses: I have heard them in my life time. They range from:

 I didn’t know the submission day. (Make an effort to know the submission day)
 I had a meeting at the office. (Submit earlier)
 I went to a funeral. (Bring the assignment before leaving for the funeral or send
somebody to bring it. Finish the assignment a week or days before submission
then you can just submit in the event of any unforeseen)
 My computer crashed. (Need a back up right from the start)
 Viruses destroyed my assignments. (Back up, a simple flash could give you back
 I had not finished and I needed more time to finish. (Plan well, make time for
 I was out of town on office work. ( Bring the assignments before you leave)
 I thought I could bring it any day so long as it’s a working day. ( Don’t think like
that, it’s ridiculous)
 Electricity problem; was not able to print. (Finish the assignment a week or days
before submission then you can just submit in the event of any unforeseen)

Plan accordingly guys. If you know that you will not be around at the time when
everyone will be submitting their assignment(s), then let me know. We can make
arrangements for you to submit earlier. My number is 0884113344, 0999113344
 Remember to put your membership number on every page of your assignments.
Remember to number the pages.
 Be reminded that you’re only allowed to submit one file of soft copy for each assignment,
that is, instead of having a file for company brief, a file for references, a file for task 1, a
file for task 2 etc, the requirement is that you should put all individual files into one file
(copy and paste to create one file not folder). Alternatively, right from the beginning
when you start typing, type everything into one file without creating separate files for
each task.
In the event that you don’t create one file, you will be asked to do so. It’s not our job to
create one file for you. Check with CIM tutors if you need clarification on this.
 Remember to take your GREEN CARD along with you when you bring your
assignment(s) for submission. MDC will only accept assignments from students who will
have NO tuition balance. Besides, a centre fee of K2500 per subject will be required
from internal students (students who registered with MDC this July – Nov 2017
semester.) A centre fee of K6500 will apply to external students ( those who did not
register at MDC during semester July – Nov 2017 but would want to submit assignments)
 Bring your Soft Copy on a CD and NOT a Flash Disk. We don’t accept flash disks.

 Soft copy to be in both Word and PDF formats.

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