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Tubular Designer Rule Set

Version 1.0
Tubular Designer Rule Set Version: 1.0
Date: 09/Sept/06

Revision History
Date Version Description Author
09/Sept/06 1.0 Initial Version Frederik Siegmund

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Tubular Designer Rule Set Version: 1.0
Date: 09/Sept/06

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 5

2. Static Temperature 5

3. Pore Pressure and Fracture Gradient 6

4. Design Criteria for Least Cost Design 7

4.1 Internal Divisions 7
4.1.1 Internal Divisions for Sour Service Casing 7
4.1.2 Internal Divisions for Standard Service Casing 7
4.1.3 Internal Divisions for Tubing 7
4.2 Least Cost Design Name 8
4.3 Maximum Weight/Foot 8
4.3.1 Maximum Weight/Foot For Casing 8
4.3.2 Maximum Weight/Foot for Tubing 10
4.4 Acceptable Grades 12
4.4.1 Acceptable Grades for Casing 12
4.4.2 Acceptable Grades for Tubing 12
4.5 Acceptable Connections 12
4.5.1 Acceptable Connections for Casing 12
4.5.2 Acceptable Connections for Tubing 13
4.6 Maximum Coupling OD 14
4.7 Maximum Number of Sections 14
4.7.1 Maximum Number of Sections for Casing 14
4.7.2 Maximum Number of Sections for Tubing 15
4.8 Minimum Section Length 15
4.8.1 Minimum Section Length for Casing 15
4.8.2 Minimum Section Length for Tubing 15
4.9 Minimum Acceptable Design Factors 15
4.9.1 Minimum Acceptable Design Factors for Casing 15
4.9.2 Minimum Acceptable Design Factors for Tubing 16
4.10 Tolerances 16

5. Casing Load Cases 17

5.1 As Run <Run Number> 17
5.2 Green Cement Pressure Test 17
5.3 Installed Load Case 17
5.4 Full Evacuation - Static 18
5.5 1/3 Evacuation 18
5.6 1/3 Gas Replacement 19
5.7 Gas Kick 20
5.8 Pressure Test 24
5.9 Surface Tubing Leak – <Static / Hot> 24

6. Tubing Load Cases 27

6.1 Installed Load 27

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6.2 Pressure Test 27

6.3 Full Evac - <Static / Hot> 28
6.4 Shut-In - <Static / Hot> 28
6.5 After Perforating 28

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Tubular Designer Rule Set

1. Introduction
The Tubular Designer rule sets generate loads to reflect a company policy or operational practices. This document
outlines the rule set labeled “Tubular Designer Rule” distributed with Tubular Designer and later versions.

2. Static Temperature
The default static temperature for onshore wells (Table 2.0.1) is determined based on a surface temperature of 60 °F
and a temperature gradient of 1.4 °F/100 ft. The default static temperature profile for offshore wells (Table 2.0.2) uses
a similar algorithm in addition to accounting for the temperature reduction in water. The static temperature profile
can be modified at any depth or entered directly without using the default conditions.

TABLE 2.0.1-Onshore Static Temperature Default

Depth (ft) Temperature (°F) Gradient (°F/100 ft)

0 60


KB1 60


Deepest Casing String 60 + 1.4 (∆ Depth/100 ft)

TABLE 2.0.2-Offshore (platform and subsea) Static Temperature Default

Depth (ft) Temperature (°F) Gradient (°F/100 ft)

0 65


KB 65


Water Depth + KB 65-1.0 (Water Depth/100 ft)


Water Depth + KB + 100 ft 60


Deepest Casing String 65 + 1.4 (∆ Depth/100 ft)

KB is the kelly bushing height

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3. Pore Pressure and Fracture

Fract ure Gradient
The user has the opportunity to enter the pore pressure directly or allow Tubular Designer to calculate a default pore
pressure profile. The default calculation creates a profile that starts at the KB (zero reference) and includes the depths
corresponding to each casing shoe. For offshore wells, an air gap and seawater gradient is included. The equivalent
pore pressure at all other depths are assumed to be 0.5 ppg less than the mud weight used when running each casing

The user has the opportunity to enter the fracture gradient directly or allow Tubular Designer to calculate a default
fracture gradient profile. The default calculation is based on the work by Zamora using the fracture gradient parameters
for the Gulf of Mexico. The following equations are used:

FG = FP + (S - FP) K
S = 1/D [8.5 Dw + (C3 + C4 A) DS ]

D = DS + DW + Da

K = M[1.0 - C5 exp (-C6 DS)]

FG = fracture gradient (ppg)

FP = pore pressure (ppg)
S = overburden gradient (ppg)
K = matrix stress coefficient
D = TVD, KB (ft)
DS = depth of sediment (ft)
DW = water depth (ft)
Da = air gap (ft)
C3 = 8.03
C4 = 0.232
C5 = 0.55
C6 = 0.000134
x = 0.075
A = 4 (for Gulf of Mexico)
M = 0.4 hard rock
1.0 soft rock

Zamora, M.: “New Method Predicts Gradient Fracture,” Petroleum Engineer International (September 1989) 39-47.

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4. Design Criteria for Least Cost Design

The Least Cost Design dialog is initially populated by the Tubular DesignerRule2 rule set when the user invokes the
“Generate Least Cost Strings” button. The Least Cost Design dialog provides the design constraints so that Tubular
Designer can obtain a least cost string design. The constraints are separated into pipe selection criteria and string
design constraints. Pipe selection criteria are used to determine which pipe is considered for the design. The string
design constraints, which include the minimum acceptable design factors, provide the information to define an
acceptable design. The specification of a Least Cost Design is made through internal divisions.

4.1 Internal Divisions

4.1.1 Internal Divisions for Sour Service Casing

The divisions for a sour service casing string depend on the original user-input divisions, temperature, and the hole
clearance for the string. The divisions are created in three steps. The user-input divisions input in the Casing
Scheme dialog are the initial divisions for the string. Step 1 and Step 2 refine the divisions based on temperature
while, Step 3 refines the divisions based on hole clearance.

Step 1. If a division has a static temperature at the top less than 150 °F and a static temperature at
the bottom greater than 150 °F, then this division is divided into two divisions at the MD
location where the temperature is 150 °F.

Step 2. If a division has a static temperature at the top less than 200 °F and a static temperature at
the bottom greater than 200 °F, then this division is divided into two divisions at the MD
location where the temperature is 200 °F.

Step 3. If the hole clearance at the top of a division is greater than 0.5” and the hole clearance at the
bottom is less than 0.5”, then this division is divided into two divisions. The two divisions are
separated at a point 400 ft above the measured depth where the hole clearance changes
from greater than 0.5” to less than 0.5”, provided that the point 400 ft above where the hole
clearance changes is below the top of the current division.

Please see Section for the hole clearance calculations.

4.1.2 Internal Divisions for Standard Service Casing

The divisions for a standard service casing string depend only on the original user-input divisions and hole
clearance. Unlike sour service casing, the divisions for standard service casing are not affected by static
temperature. If the hole clearance at the top of a division is greater than 0.5” and the hole clearance at the bottom is
less than 0.5”, the division is divided into two divisions. The two divisions are separated at a point 400 ft above the
depth where the hole clearance changes from greater than 0.5” to less than 0.5”, provided that the point 400 ft above
where the hole clearance changes is below the top of the current division.

4.1.3 Internal Divisions for Tubing

The internal divisions for tubing are the same as the original user-input divisions.

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4.2 Least Cost Design Name

In versions prior to Tubular Designer 6.0, the Least Cost Design was manifested as a Design Criteria where the
names of the design criteria for casing had the form “criteria #n” (where n represented the running order of the
string) and the design criteria for tubing was called “standard tubing”. In versions Tubular Designer 6.0 and later,
although each String Model has the same name for its “Least Cost Design” dialog, each dialog is completely unique
to the String Model it references.

4.3 Maximum Weight/Foot

4.3.1 Maximum Weight/Foot For Casing

The maximum casing weights for production type casing strings (i.e. production casing, production liners and
production tieback strings), and drilling type casing strings (i.e. conductor, surface, intermediate, drilling liner and
drilling tieback strings) are listed in Table 6.3.1. Note that the maximum weights for drilling casing strings are limited
to provide drift diameters suitable for the popular standard bit sizes. Some of the listed pipe size/weight
combinations require a “special drift” designation to accommodate the listed bit size.

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TABLE 6.3.1-Maximum Weight/Foot for Casing

Casing OD (in) Production Casing Maximum Drilling Casing Maximum Standard Bit Size (in)
Weight (lb/ft) Weight (lb/ft)

< 4.500 Error N/A N/A

4.500 ≤ OD < 5.000 25.8 N/A N/A

5.000 ≤ OD < 5.500 34.0 18.0 4.125

5.500 ≤ OD < 6.625 43.1 17.0 4.750

6.625 ≤ OD < 7.000 65.8 53.7 4.750

7.000 ≤ OD < 7.625 76.3 38.0 5.875

7.625 ≤ OD < 7.750 84.8 39.0 6.500

7.750 ≤ OD < 8.625 46.1 46.1 6.500

8.625 ≤ OD < 8.750 77.1 32.0 7.875

8.750 ≤ OD < 9.625 49.7 49.7 7.625

9.625 ≤ OD < 9.750 91.0 53.5 8.500

9.750 ≤ OD < 9.875 59.7 59.7 8.500

9.875 ≤ OD < 10.750 62.8 62.8 8.500

10.750 ≤ OD < 11.750 108.7 65.7 9.500

11.750 ≤ OD < 11.875 87.2 65.0 10.625

11.875 ≤ OD < 13.375 71.8 71.8 10.625

13.375 ≤ OD < 13.500 100.3 72.0 12.250

13.500 ≤ OD < 13.625 81.4 81.4 12.250

13.625 ≤ OD < 14.000 88.2 88.2 12.250

14.000 ≤ OD < 16.000 113.0 113.0 12.250

16.000 ≤ OD < 18.625 94.5 94.5 14.750

18.625 ≤ OD < 20.000 96.5 96.5 17.500

20.000 ≤ OD < 21.500 169.0 169.0 17.500

21.500 ≤ OD < 24.000 141.0 141.0 20.000

24.000 ≤ OD < 26.000 207.0 207.0 22.000

26.000 ≤ OD < 28.000 270.0 270.0 N/A

28.000 ≤ OD < 30.000 Error 290.0 N/A

30.000 ≤ OD < 32.000 Error 390.0 N/A

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32.000 ≤ OD < 34.000 Error 420.0 N/A

34.000 ≤ OD < 36.000 Error 440.0 N/A

36.000 ≤ OD < 38.000 Error 470.0 N/A

38.000 ≤ OD < 40.000 Error 500.0 N/A

40.000 ≤ OD < 42.000 Error 520.0 N/A

42.000 ≤ OD < 44.000 Error 560.0 N/A

44.000 ≤ OD < 46.000 Error 580.0 N/A

46.000 ≤ OD < 48.000 Error 600.0 N/A

48.000 ≤ OD < 52.000 Error 630.0 N/A

52.000 ≤ OD < 56.000 Error 680.0 N/A

56.000 ≤ OD < 60.000 Error 740.0 N/A

60.000 = OD Error 790.0 N/A

60.000 < OD Error N/A -

4.3.2 Maximum Weight/Foot for Tubing

Table 6.3.2 lists the maximum weight/foot for tubing strings.

TABLE 6.3.2-Maximum Weight/Foot for Tubing

Tubing OD (in) Maximum Weight (lb/ft)

OD < 2.063 Error

2.063 ≤ OD < 2.375 4.5

2.375 ≤ OD < 2.875 7.7

2.875 ≤ OD < 3.500 11.65

3.500 ≤ OD < 4.000 17.05

4.000 ≤ OD < 4.500 22.5

4.500 ≤ OD < 5.000 26.5

5.000 ≤ OD < 5.500 24.1

5.500 ≤ OD < 7.000 43.1

7.000 ≤ OD < 7.625 57.1

7.625 ≤ OD < 9.625 55.3

9.625 = OD 75.6

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9.625 < OD Error

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4.4 Acceptable Grades

4.4.1 Acceptable Grades for Casing

The acceptable grades for all casing strings are listed in Table 6.4.1.
TABLE 6.4.1-Acceptable Grades for Casing

Casing Type Service Temperature Acceptable Grades

All Standard All H-40, J-55, K-55, N-80, O-95, P-110, Q-125

All Sour T ≤ 150 °F H-40, J-55, K-55, C-75, L-80, C-90, T-95

Intermediate Sour 150 °F < T ≤ 200 °F H-40, J-55, K-55, C-75, N-80, L-80, C-90, C-95, O-95, T-95

Production Sour 150 °F < T ≤ 200 °F H-40, J-55, K-55, C-75, L-80, C-90, C-95, T-95

All Sour 200 °F < T H-40, J-55, K-55, C-75, N-80, L-80, C-90, C-95, O-95,

T-95, P-110, Q-125

4.4.2 Acceptable Grades for Tubing

The acceptable grades for tubing are listed in Table 6.4.2.
TABLE 6.4.2-Acceptable Grades for Tubing

Tubing OD (in) Standard Service Sour Service

<5 J-55, N-80, P-110, Q-125 J-55, L-80, C-90, T-95

≥5 K-55, N-80, O-95, P-110, Q-125 K-55, L-80, C-90, T-95

4.5 Acceptable
Ac ceptable Connections

4.5.1 Acceptable Connections for Casing

The determination of acceptable connections is based on the pipe OD, maximum differential burst pressure, hole
clearance, and the length of the string. For production casing, the maximum differential burst pressure is based on
the surface tubing leak with a hot flowing temperature profile. For drilling casing, the maximum differential burst
pressure is based on the 1/3 gas replacement, gas kick, and pressure test load cases. Since there may be multiple,
1/3 gas replacement, gas kick, and pressure test loads, the differential pressure for each of these loads is calculated
and the maximum value is used. Table 6.5.1 summarizes the selection process for acceptable casing connectors.

TABLE 6.5.1-Acceptable Connections for Casing

Pipe OD (in) Maximum Differential Hole String Acceptable

Internal Pressure (psi) Clearance Length (ft) Connections

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≤ 9-5/8 < 7500 ≥ 0.5 All BTC, LTC, MTC

> 9-5/8 < 7500 ≥ 0.5 All BTC, MTC, MIJ*

All ≥ 7500 ≥ 0.5 All MTC*

All ≥ 7500 < 0.5 All SLH* **

All < 7500 < 0.5 ≤ 3000 IFJ, SLH* **

All < 7500 < 0.5 > 3000 SLH

* For 11-3/4” and 10-3/4” surface casing, add STC to acceptable connector list.
** For casing of OD = 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6.625, 7, 7.625, 8.625, 9.625, 10.75, 11.75,
13.375, 16, 18.625, and 20, add MTC to acceptable connector list.

Note that API BTC, API LTC, and IFJ (integral flush joint) connectors are eliminated from strings for more critical
applications. This serves two purposes: 1) a specialty service connector, such as MTC (metal-to-metal seal, threaded
and coupled) or SLH (slim-line, high performance) can, in some cases, be used on a "non-critical" string to yield a
lower cost design versus a string which uses API BTC, API LTC, or IFJ, and 2) it simplifies the rules so that non-
standard sizes like 7-3/4", 9-3/4", and 14" can be handled without special rules since API connections are not available
on some non-standard sizes. On other non-standard sizes, the API connection design of the nearest smaller API size
is applied to the pipe. Consequently, use of specialty service connectors may be necessary to obtain the least cost
design, or in some cases to obtain any design at all.

4.5.2 Acceptable Connections for Tubing

The acceptable connectors for tubing are selected based on bottom hole pressure and tubing OD. The bottom hole
pressure is determined from the Pore Pressure profile entered in the Formation dialog. Table 6.5.2 summarizes the
acceptable connectors for tubing.

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TABLE 6.5.2-Acceptable Connections for Tubing

BHP (psi) Tubing OD Acceptable

(in) Connections

≤ 7500 ≤ 4.5 EUE

≤ 7500 > 4.5 BTC, MTC

> 7500 ≤ 4.5 MTC, MIJ

> 7500 > 4.5 MTC

4.6 Maximum Coupling OD

The maximum coupling OD is based on hole clearance. The rules for casing and tubing are summarized below:

Hole Clearance (in) Maximum Coupling OD (in)

≥ 0.5 MIN (pipe OD +8.0, Hole Size - 0.3)

< 0.5 Hole Size - 0.3

4.7 Maximum Number of Sections

4.7.1 Maximum Number of Sections for Casing

Table 6.7.1 shows the maximum number of sections for casing strings, where “Liner” includes both drilling and
production liners, “Tieback” includes both drilling and production tiebacks, and “Full String” includes conductor,
surface, intermediate, and production casing strings.

TABLE 6.7.1-Maximum Number of Sections for Casing

String Type Division Length (ft) Max # Sections

Liner Any 1

Tieback L < 10000 2

Tieback L ≥ 10000 3

Full String L < 8000 2

Full String 8000 ≤ L < 16000 3

Full String L ≥ 16000 4

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4.7.2 Maximum Number of Sections for Tubing

The maximum number of sections per division for a tubing string is determined based on the number of divisions, the
type of service (normal or sour), and the string or division length. The rules are summarized in Table 6.7.2

TABLE 6.7.2-Maximum Number of Sections for Tubing

Number of Service Division Length Maximum Number of

Divisions (ft) Sections

1 Normal Any 1

1 Sour ≤ 12000 1

1 Sour > 12000 2

≥2 Any ≤ 10000 1

≥2 Any > 10000 2

4.8 Minimum Section Length

4.8.1 Minimum Section Length for Casing

The minimum section length for casing strings is 40 ft.

4.8.2 Minimum Section Length for Tubing

The minimum section length for tubing is 30 ft.

4.9 Minimum Acceptable Design Factors

4.9.1 Minimum Acceptable Design Factors for Casing

The minimum acceptable design factors are based on the string type and the service load for production casing
strings. Currently, all drilling casing applications are considered “Normal” service. Production casing service is
“Critical” if the maximum internal surface pressure equals or exceeds 5000 psi, or if any division in the string is
designated for sour service. The minimum acceptable design factors are listed in Table 6.9.1.

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TABLE 6.9.1-Minimum Acceptable Design Factors for Casing

Service Burst Collapse Tension Compression VME

Drilling Casing 1.25 1.0 1.5 1.2 1.25

“Normal” Production Casing 1.25 1.0 1.5 1.2 1.25

“Critical” Production Casing 1.25 1.1 1.6 1.2 1.3

4.9.2 Minimum Acceptable Design Factors for Tubing

The selection of the minimum acceptable design factors for tubing is based on the equivalent bottom-hole pressure
(EBHP). The EBHP is determined from the Pore Pressure profile entered in the Formation dialog. Table 6.9.2 gives
the design factors for tubing.

TABLE 6.9.2-Minimum Acceptable Design Factors for Tubing

Design Factor EBHP ≤ 12 ppg EBHP > 12 ppg

Burst 1.25 1.25

Collapse 1.1 1.1

Tension 1.5 1.5

Compression 1.2 1.2

VME 1.25 1.3

4.10 Tolerances

The OD and wall tolerances are given in Table 6.10.1, where “t” denotes the nominal wall thickness of the casing or
tubing string.

TABLE 6.10.1-Tolerance on Outside Diameter

OD (in) OD Tolerance Wall Tolerance

< 4.5 + 0.031 in -12.5 % t

≥ 4.5 + 1.0 % OD -12.5 % t

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5. Casing Load Cases

5.1 As Run <Run Number>
This load defines the installed load of the casing string when it is run in the hole.
• External Pressure:
Pressure The fluid the string was run in the hole.
• Internal Pressure:
Pressure The fluid the string was run in the hole.
• Temperature:
Temperature Static temperature
• Intervals:
Intervals Not free to move. Axial adjustment is set shock load = 1780 * velocity (ft/s) * maxArea (in2)

5.2 Green Cement Pressure Test

This load defines the installed load of the casing string when cementing.
• Input:
Input The fluid the string was run in the hole. Surface pressure is calculated so that the pressure differential
across the plug at the bottom is 500 psi.
• External Pressure:
Pressure External pressure as in Installed Load.
• Internal Pressure:
Pressure The fluid the string was run in the hole. Surface pressure is calculated so that the pressure
differential across the plug at the bottom is 500 psi.
• Temperature:
Temperature Static temperature

5.3 Installed Load Case

This load case defined the installed conditions for a casing string. With the exception of tiebacks, the floats are
closed and no axial adjustment (i.e. Pickup/Slackoff) is applied to the casing.
• External Pressure:
Pressure With the exception of conductor casing set in soft rock, the external pressure profile for all
casing is labeled “Mud/Cement” or “Cement”, where n is the running order of the string. The lead cement slurry
density is 12.5 ppg, or the mud weight plus 0.5 ppg, whichever is greater. Five-hundred feet of tail slurry having
the greater density of 1). 16.2 ppg, or 2). The mud weight plus 0.5 ppg is assumed on bottom. Conductor casing
(in soft rock) is driven, and the Pore Pressure profile entered in the Formation dialog is used as the external
pressure profile. Even though the conductor (in soft rock) is not cemented, no axial movement is permitted over
the length of the string.
• Internal Pressure:
Pressure With the exception of the conductor, the internal pressure profile for casing is the mud
weight in which the string is run. This profile is labeled “xx.x (MW unit) Mud”, where xx.x is the mud weight. For
conductor casing, the internal pressure profile is the maximum of 1). the mud weight the conductor was run in
with, and 2). 8.5 ppg.
• Temperature:
Temperature The temperature profile for the Installed Load is determined from the static temperature profile.
For conductor and casing strings where the static temperature at the bottom of the string is less than 166 °F, the
static temperature profile is used. For all other casing strings, the temperature of the Installed Load is
determined using a cementing temperature correlation from Kutasov and Taighi . This temperature profile,
labeled "Cemented", is calculated as follows:

BHCT = (1.342 - 0.2228 stg) BHST + 33.54 stg - 102.1

Kutasov, I.M., and Taighi, A.K., “Better Deep-hole BHCT Estimations Possible”.

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BHCT = bottom-hole circulating temperature (°F)

stg = static temperature gradient (°F/100 ft)
BHST = bottom-hole static temperature (°F)


BHCMT = as cemented bottom-hole temperature (°F)

SCMT = ST + 0.3 (BHCMT - ST)

If SCMT < 90 °F, SCMT = 90 °F
If SCMT > 150 °F, CMT = 150 °F

SCMT = as cemented surface temperature (°F)
ST = static surface temperature (°F)

5.4 Full Evacuation

Evacuation - Static
This load case is a conductor, production casing, production liner, or production tieback load
• External Pressure:
Pressure Mud fluid.
• Internal Pressure:
Pressure 0 psi
• Temperature:
Temperature Static temperature.

5.5 1/3 Evacuation

Evac uation
This load case is a surface casing, intermediate casing, or drilling liner / tieback load. Multiple 1/3 evacuation cases
can be generated when subsequent open hole sections are drilled without being cased to the wellhead. In addition,
a 1/3 evacuation to the shoe of the string under consideration is also generated.
For example, if the well plan calls for a 9-5/8” intermediate casing string at 10000 ft, a 7-5/8” drilling liner at 12500 ft,
and the total depth is 15000 ft, three 1/3 evacuation load cases are considered for the 9-5/8” casing. These include:
1/3 evacuation from 10000 ft, 1/3 evacuation from 12500 ft, and 1/3 evacuation from 15000 ft. The internal mud weights
below the 1/3 open hole depth are the mud weights corresponding to the mud weights used to run each subsequent
The Schlumberger-IPM rule set automatically eliminates 1/3 evacuation collapse loads that are less severe (i.e.
lower equivalent collapse pressure) over the entire length of the string when compared to other 1/3 evacuation
• External Pressure:
Pressure Mud fluid.
• Internal Pressure:
Pressure The casing is internally evacuated (i.e. completely void) from the surface to 1/3 of the open
hole measured depth. The remainder of the open hole contains the Mud Weight used to run the subsequent
• Temperature:
Temperature Static temperature.

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5.6 1/3 Gas Replacement

Multiple 1/3 gas replacement load cases can be generated in the same manner in which the1/3 evacuation loads
were generated. The Tubular Designer Rule rule set automatically eliminates 1/3 replacement burst loads that are
less severe (i.e. lower differential burst pressure) over the entire length of the string when compared to other 1/3
replacement loads.
• Internal Pressure:
Pressure The internal pressure profile has 0.0 psi/ft gas from 1/3 of the open hole (OH) depth to the
surface, with the mud weight used to drill at OH depth below the gas. The gas pressure at the surface is equal to
the mud weight x 0.05195 x 1/3 of the open hole TVD
• External Pressure:
Pressure The Pore Pressure profile is used for the external pressure.
• Temperature:
Temperature In this load case, both static and circulating temperature profiles are considered. The circulating
temperature is called “circulating-xxxxx”, where xxxxx is the depth (ft, m) of the open hole section. Table
illustrates how the circulating temperature is calculated.

Depth (ft) Temperature (°F) Gradient

(°F/100 ft)
0 T1=T2-(2/3 x tvd x 0.8 x stg )
0.8 stg
2/3 TVD T2=0.9 x BHST
TVD 0.95 x BHST

“1/3 Replc-xxxxx str n S,W”
“1/3 Replc-xxxxx str n C,W”
xxxxx = indicates the open hole depth (ft, m)
n = string running order
“S” indicates Static Temperature
“C” indicates Circulating Temperature
“W” indicates that Wall Loss is considered

stg represents the static temperature gradient in °F/100 ft.

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5.7 Gas Kick

This load case is a casing load, except for conductor casing. A gas kick having a kick intensity and kick volume as
specified by the user (Figure 9.1) is circulated out of the well using the Driller’s method. A maximum casing pressure
profile is generated as the gas kick is circulated from the open hole to the surface. Multiple gas kick load cases are
generated. The gas kick circulation pressures are a function of the casing program, hole size, and bottom hole
assembly/drill string design.
• Input:
Input Kick intensity and kick volume.
• External Pressure:
Pressure The Pore Pressure profile is used for the external pressure for all drilling strings except the
drilling tieback. For the drilling tieback, the Mud Weight the drilling tieback was run in with is used for the
external pressure.
• Internal Pressure:
Pressure The following steps are completed to determine the internal pressure profile for the gas kick:

1) Determine the Gas Volume in ft
For example: Gas Volume = 50 bbl = 280.73 ft

2) Calculate the annular volume around the drill collars.

2 2
DCvol = 0.7854 x (Hole Size - Drill Collar OD ) x Drill Collar Length/144

Table shows the drill collar OD's and length based on hole size.

TABLE Collar ODs and Length

Drill Collar Drill Collar Length Drill Collar Length

Hole Size (in) OD (in) Onshore (ft) Offshore (ft)

H < 3.5 No Drill Collars N/A N/A

3.5 ≤H ≤ 4.750 3.5 800 400

4.750 <H ≤ 5.875 4.125 800 400

5.875 <H ≤ 7.000 4.75 800 400

7.000 <H ≤ 8.750 6.75 600 300

8.750 <H ≤ 10.625 8 600 300

10.625 <H ≤ 12.250 9 500 300

12.250 <H ≤ 17.500 9.5 500 300

17.500 <H 10 300 100

3) Calculate the height of the gas kick.

a) If gas volume ≤ volume around drill collars:

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Tubular Designer Rule Set Version: 1.0
Date: 09/Sept/06

2 2
Height = Gas Volume x 1440/(0.7854 x (Hole Size - Drill Collar OD ))

b) If gas volume > volume around drill collars:

Height = Drill Collar Length + (Gas Vol - Drill Collar Vol) x 144/(0.7854 x (Hole Size - Drill Pipe
OD ))

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Hole Size (in) Drill Pipe OD (in)

H ≤ 2.875 2.375

2.875 <H ≤ 4.750 2.875

4.750 <H ≤ 7.625 3.5

7.625 <H ≤ 12.250 4.5

12.250 <H 5

4) Calculate the pressure of the gas at top and bottom of the bubble and add these to the internal
pressure profile.

5) Move the top of the bubble halfway to the surface and calculated the bottom depth (zbot) of the bubble.

For vertical wells:

− b + b 2 − 4ac
z bot =

A= (Hole 2
 1  1 
− D2   
4  144  5.62 

B = kρ mud

a = B − ρ gas

b = Pf + 2 ρ gas z top − B(z f + z top )

c = z top (Bz f − Pf − ρ gas z top ) −

Pf V2T1
T2 A

For deviated wells, an iterative solution is required.

Pf V2T1
mbot =
T2 A Pf − B(z f − z bot ) − ρ gas (z bot − z top ) ]+ m top

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Tubular Designer Rule Set Version: 1.0
Date: 09/Sept/06

Solution procedure:

Guess zbot (0 < zbot < zf)

Solve for mbot

Interpolate new zbot using mbot

Check to see if mbot converged

If mbot converged, then exit loop. If not converged continue iteration with new zbot.

6) Using the known bottom of the bubble, calculate the pressure at the top of the bubble (Ptop) and add this
value to the pressure profile.

Pf = k (ρ mud + I )z f

Pbot = Pf − kρ mud (z f − z bot )

Ptop = Pbot − ρ gas (z bot − z top )

7) Start the process again by moving to Step 5, but then progressively moving the gas bubble to the surface.

D = drill pipe OD (in)

Hole = hole size (in)
I = kick intensity (ppg) (use 0.5 ppg for development and 1 ppg for exploratory wells)
k = conversion constant (0.05195)
mbot = md at bottom of gas bubble (ft)
mtop = md at top of gas bubble (ft)
Pbot = pressure at bottom of gas bubble (psi)
Pf = kicking formation pressure (psi)
Ptop = pressure at top of gas bubble (psi)
T1 = temperature of gas below depth ztop (ºR)
T2 = temperature of gas at formation depth zf (ºR)
V1 = volume of gas below depth ztop (bbl)
V2 = volume of gas at formation depth zf (bbl) (use 50 bbl)
zbot = tvd at bottom of gas bubble (ft)
zf = tvd of kicking formation (ft)
ztop = tvd at top of gas bubble (ft)

ρ gas = gas density of kicking formation (psi/ft) (use 0.1 psi/ft)

ρ mud = current estimated pore pressure (ppg)

• Temperature:
Temperature The gas kick temperature profile is based on a circulating temperature correlation from
Kutasov and Taighi5. This temperature profile, labeled “yy.y bbl Kick-xxxxx”, is calculated as follows:

Kutasov, I.M., and Taighi, A.K., “Better Deep-hole BHCT Estimations Possible”.

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BHCT = (1.342 - 0.2228 stg) BHST + 33.54 stg - 102.1


BHCT = bottom-hole circulating temperature (°F)

stg = static temperature gradient (°F/100 ft)
BHST = bottom-hole static temperature (°F)

SCT = ST + 0.3 (BHCT - ST)

If SCT < 90 °F, SCT = 90 °F
If SCT > 150 °F, SCT = 150 °F

SCT = surface circulating temperature (°F)
ST = static surface temperature (°F)


“yy.y bbl Kick-xxxxx str n”


yy = kick volume (bbl)

xxxxx = indicates the open hole depth (ft, m)
n = string running order

5.8 Pressure Test

This load case is relative to the As Run installed load. The first packer is not set.
• Input:
Input Tubing Test Pressure. Default value is the minimum of 80% burst rating minus column of mud fluid for
every item.
• External Pressure:
Pressure Mud fluid
• Internal Pressure:
Pressure Mud fluid. A plug is set at the bottom. The internal pressure is developed by applying a user
defined tubing surface test pressure.
• Temperature
Temperature : Static temperature

5.9 Surface Tubing Leak – < Static / Hot>

This load case is a production casing, production liner or production tieback load.
• Input:
Input Mud based fluid gradient.

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Date: 09/Sept/06

• External Pressure:
Pressure The external pressure profile for production casing is generated as follows:

The mud base fluid gradient entered in the property panel is used above the production casing TOC. A cement
mix water gradient (8.4 ppg) is used below the production casing TOC to a depth equal to the previous shoe
(when the TOC is above the previous shoe), and Pore Pressure in the open hole section.

The external pressure profile for the production tieback is generated as follows:

The mud base fluid gradient entered in property panel is used above the production tieback TOC. A cement mix
water gradient (8.4 ppg) is used below the production tieback TOC.

The external pressure for production liners uses Pore Pressure.

• Internal Pressure:
Pressure Internally, the casing has the full wellhead shut-in pressure on top of the packer fluid. The
packer fluid density is the Mud Weight for the tubing. If a tubing string is not provided in the wellplan, the
Schlumberger-IPM rule set assumes 9 ppg KCl packer fluid.

TABLE Tubing Leak (onshore & platform)

TVD (ft) Pressure (psi) Mud Weight

0 SITP @ surface
Packer Fluid
Packer Depth calculated
Packer Depth calculated
+ 1 ft
Study Bottom calculated Gas Gradient

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Tubular Designer Rule Set Version: 1.0
Date: 09/Sept/06

The gas pressure prediction model (GASP) is used to calculate the shut-in pressure for the well. The
Schlumberger-IPM rule uses the bottom hole pressure (BHP) as entered by the user in the completion
screen. The default value is pore pressure at deepest string bottom. and that the gas is 100% methane.
The assumption of 100% methane is conservative, since this yields the highest shut-in pressure.

A discontinuity in the internal pressure profile is developed across the packer. The pressure just
above the packer is a result of the SITP exerted on the column of packer fluid, whereas the pressure
below the packer is a result of the BHP less the gas gradient. Tables and illustrate the
construction of the internal pressure profiles for both onshore/platform and subsea wells.

TABLE Tubing Leak (subsea)

TVD (ft) Pressure (psi) Mud Weight

Mudline SITP @ mudline
Packer Fluid
Packer Depth calculated
Packer Depth calculated
+ 1 ft
Study Bottom calculated Gas Gradient

It should be noted that the Schlumberger-IPM rule set does not consider liner overlap. For example,
if 9-5/8” production casing is set at 10000 ft and the top of the 7” production liner is at 9700 ft, the
rule set will consider all production loads for the 9-5/8” casing to extend down to 10000 ft. By
following this approach, the structural integrity of the production casing is assured regardless of
the liner top placement.
• Temperature:
Temperature Static temperature or production temperature, based on the temperature correlation by Erpelding
and Miller .


“Srf Tbg Leak-Hot str n”

n = string running order

 g    g 
T ( z , t ) = Tgeo + A G − + TBH − (Ts + Gz D ) + A − G  e ( z − zD )/ A
 g c JC p    g JC 
  c p 
 αt 
m& Cpf (t )
Tgeo = Ts + Gz f (t ) = a + b log 2 
2πk e  ro 
m& = 41667 ρ stp MMCFD ro =

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Date: 09/Sept/06

A= general function (ft)

a= time function parameter (0.5 assumed in parameter file)
b= time function parameter (1.25 assumed in parameter file)
Cp = specific heat capacity of gas ≅ 0.58 Btu/lbm-°F

6. Tubing Load Cases

6.1 Installed Load
• Input:
Input Slack-off / pickup, seal movement up / down.
• External Pressure:
Pressure Packer fluid.
• Internal Pressure:
Pressure Packer fluid
• Temperature:
Temperature Static temperature
• Intervals:
Intervals Axial adjustments and movements limits for packers defined in the input (slack-off / pickup, seal
movement up / down).
For seal bore packers, the defaults for seal movement are unlimited movement up and zero down. The default for
slack-off is:

Tubing OD (in) Axial Adjustment

Adjustment (lbf)

OD < 2.063 Error

2.063 ≤ OD < 2.375 - 3000

2.375 ≤ OD < 2.875 - 5000

2.875 ≤ OD < 3.500 - 7000

3.500 ≤ OD < 4.000 -10000

4.000 ≤ OD < 4.500 -12000

4.500 ≤ OD < 5.000 -15000

5.000 ≤ OD < 5.500 -18000

5.500 ≤ OD < 7.000 -20000

7.000 ≤ OD < 7.625 -24000

7.625 ≤ OD < 9.625 -26000

9.625 = OD -30000

9.625 < OD -30000

6.2 Pressure Test

This load case is relative to the As Run installed load. The first packer is not set.

Erpelding, P., and Miller, R.A.: "Tubing Temperature Correlations for Injection and Production Based on Simulation and Field
Experience," Presented at the 1994 OTC, paper number 7537.

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Tubular Designer Rule Set Version: 1.0
Date: 09/Sept/06

• Input:
Input Tubing Test Pressure. Default value is the minimum of 80% burst rating minus column of packer fluid for
every item.
• External Pressure:
Pressure Packer fluid
• Internal Pressure:
Pressure Packer fluid. A plug is set above the first packer. The internal pressure is developed by
applying a user defined tubing surface test pressure.
• Temperature:
Temperature Static temperature

6.3 Full Evac - < Static / Hot>

Hot >
This load case defines the load of a fully evacuated string.
• External Pressure:
Pressure Packer fluid to packer. 0 psi below packer.
• Internal Pressure:
Pressure 0 psi
• Temperature:
Temperature Static or flowing temperature (see Surface Tubing Leak – Hot).

6.4 Shut-
Shut - In - <Static / Hot>
Hot >
• Input:
Input Same as flowing / injecting load.
• External Pressure:
Pressure Packer fluid to packer. Internal pressure below packer.
• Internal Pressure:
Pressure The internal pressure profile is calculated by GASP (see Surface Tubing Leak – Hot).
• Temperature:
Temperature Static, flowing temperature (see Surface Tubing Leak – Hot)

6.5 After Perforating

This load is only created if the equivalent bottom hole pressure, based on the mud weight of the casing at TD less 0.5
ppg, is greater than the packer fluid density.
• External Pressure:
Pressure Packer fluid to packer. Internal pressure below packer.
• Internal Pressure:
Pressure The internal pressure profile, called “After Perforating”, is determined as shown in Table
After Perforating Internal Pressure Profile

Depth Pressure (psi) Mud Weight (ppg)

0 calculated

Packer Fluid


• Temperature:
Temperature Static temperature.

Confidential Schlumberger, 2008 Page 28

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