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Problem Statement
On 1 January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
— adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at a historic UN Summit — officially came into force. Over the next
fifteen years, with these new Goals that universally apply to all, countries will mobilize efforts to end all forms of
poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change, while ensuring that no one is left behind.

The SDGs build on the success of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and aim to go further to end all forms
of poverty. The new Goals are unique in that they call for action by all countries, poor, rich and middle-income to
promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with
strategies that build economic growth and addresses a range of social needs including education, health, social
protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection.

India is rich in endless diversity starting from its physical features to geologic structure, flora and fauna, demographic
structure, races, languages, religions, arts and crafts and customs and traditions. India has been variously described
as the“Mini World", and the "epitome of the world". The diversity in India is unique. Underneath this diversity lies
the continuity of Indian civilisation and social structure from the very earliest times until the present day.

Today, India's vast expanse is divided into 29 states, each blessed with its own geographic and demographic
uniqueness. The attainment of 17 SDGs in our country can only be accomplished with the achievement of the goals
by each state individually. The 17 SDGs set by the UN are given below.

End poverty in all its forms End hunger, achieve food security and
everywhere improved nutrition and
promote sustainable agriculture

Ensure healthy lives and Ensure inclusive and equitable quality

promote well-being for all at all education and promote lifelong
ages learning opportunities for all
Achieve gender Ensure availability and sustainable
equality and empower all women management of water and sanitation for
and girls all

Ensure access to affordable, Promote sustained, inclusive

reliable, sustainable and modern and sustainable economic growth, full
energy for all and productive employment and decent
work for all

Build resilient infrastructure, Reduce income inequality within and

promote inclusive and sustainable among countries
industrialization and
foster innovation

Make cities and human settlements Ensure sustainable consumption and

inclusive, safe, resilient and production patterns

Take urgent action to

combat climate change and its Conserve and sustainably use the lakes,
impacts by regulating emissions and rivers, oceans, seas and marine
promoting developments in resources for sustainable development
renewable energy

Protect, restore and promote Promote peaceful and inclusive societies

sustainable use of for sustainable development,
terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably provide access to justice for all and build
manage forests, effective, accountable and inclusive
combat desertification, and halt and institutions at all levels
reverse land degradation and
halt biodiversity loss

Strengthen the means of

implementation and revitalize the
partnerships between the states
for sustainable development
Every state in our country is already working towards the achievement of these goals in some or the other
way, but there is still a lot to be done. So here’s what the participants have to do. Each team will be allotted
one of the 29 states of India. The team has to work for the state in the following manner –
1. Study the current situation of the state on goals (Goal Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 16). What are the
policies/schemes being run by the state governments for the achievement of these 7 SDGs? Will
they be able to achieve the goals by 2030? A complete study along with relevant data will be
2. Point out the drawbacks of the current policies/schemes (if any).
3. Suggest new policies or schemes for the achievement of each of these 7 goals by 2030. A
detailed policy, its implementation, along with the future projections.

1. With the vision of making India achieve the Sustainable Developed Goals, it is an initiative to
promote innovation.
2. To represent the current scenario of Indian states regarding different agendas and improve it by
presenting ingenious solutions.
3. To bring into notice, the focus of governmental institutions, on various innovative policies which can
be applied to counterfeit the problems arising within the country.

1. Innovation: The policies must be creative, original, and novel in its area of application and should
have a potential for leaving an impact on the society.
2. Practical solutions: The policies must be practically applicable. It could be in the form of an add-on
or a completely new model, but the overall impact should be positive.
3. A planned policy: The policies have to be mathematically planned for the next upcoming years (up
to 2030). Analysed data, graphs, previous trends and future projections may be included.

Event Structure
The event will consist of the following –
1) Abstract Submission
All the teams registered need to submit an abstract for the ideas they wish to present in Technex. The
abstract (not more than 300 words) must include all the ideas and strategies the team thinks as relevant for
the attainment of the 7 Sustainable Development Goals (Goal Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) in the country. It may
also include what the team thinks that what one as an individual must do for the attainment of the goals.
The abstract would be judged by writing style, content and relevance to the Sustainable Development
Goals. From this, teams will be shortlisted that would get the chance to participate in Round 1:
Presentation Round at Aagaz during Technex. So analyse the topic well and provide a crisp write-up of
your strategies and methodologies.
The abstract must be sent in .doc/.docx/.pdf format via email to and or by the due date.
Please mention the subject of the email and name of the file as

The abstract must be sent latest by February 5, 2017.

2) State Allocation
All the teams shortlisted to participate, will be asked to fill a preferential order of the states they want to
work upon. The state will be allocated according to the order, priority being given to the team which
registered earlier. The teams will be required to fill the form latest by February 8, 2017, failing to do which
the team will be allotted the state randomly. The states will be allocated by February 10, 2017.
After this, all the teams may start preparing for the main event at Technex’17.

3) Main Event at Technex’17

a) Round 1 (Presentation Round)
 Each team is required to prepare a presentation (not more than 10 minutes) to represent their
state. The teams need to study the current situations of the state, current policies by the State
Government and the new policies the team wants to implement in their state.
(Please refer the Problem Statement and Expectations sections.)
 The presentations will be judged on the basis of:
-Accurate study of the current situations and policies
-Impact and feasibility of the new policies proposed.

Best teams from this round will be shortlisted for the Round 2.

b) Round 2 (Parliament Round)

 In this round, the teams will be presenting the same as they did in the Round 1, but not through
a PowerPoint presentation, rather, in the way it is done in a parliament. The jury members will
be seated on the stage, and the teams will speak up their points just by standing in their place.
The teams can carry their hard/soft copies with them. (Laptops may be brought if required.)
 This round is more of a discussion round; hence the participants are expected to come prepared
and not just read out the matter.
 For each of the seven goals, each team will be given 2 minutes to speak on the current situation
of the state and the policies/ideas proposed for the goal.
(Exceeding the time will lead to a deduction in points.)
This, once done by all the teams for Goal 1, next goal (Goal 2) will be discussed.
(Again, 2 minutes to each team.)
This will go on for all the above-mentioned goals.
 There will be Q&A round as well, in which the judges may ask questions from the state
representatives, just after they present their policies.
 States will also be allowed to question each other, once all the goals have been discussed. A
separate discussion session will be conducted for the same.

Best teams from this round will be the winners.

Rules and Regulations
1. A team must have a minimum of 2 members.
2. Individuals or Teams are only allowed if they are students of authorized institutions.
3. The last modified abstract as on January 5, 2017, 11 P.M. will be considered final.
4. Multiple teams from the same college are allowed.
5. Teams comprising members from different colleges are allowed.
6. The teams must strictly follow all the deadlines failing to which will lead to their disqualification.
7. The decision of the Jury shall be final and binding. All participants have to abide by the decision of the
jury. No interim or later communication about the decision or its veracity shall be entertained and shall be
viewed seriously.
8. Technex holds all the rights to change the dates for the submission and the participants will be informed
about the same by E-mail.
9. All mode of official communication will be through the Technex E-mail.

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