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Evaluation and prediction of flyrock resulting

from blasting operations using empirical and
computational methods

Article in Engineering With Computers · March 2015

DOI: 10.1007/s00366-015-0402-5


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6 authors, including:

Danial Jahed Armaghani Edy Tonnizam

Amirkabir University of Technology Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


Mohsen Hajihassani Aminaton Marto

Urmia University Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


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Engineering with Computers
DOI 10.1007/s00366-015-0402-5


Evaluation and prediction of flyrock resulting from blasting

operations using empirical and computational methods
D. Jahed Armaghani1 · E. Tonnizam Mohamad1 · M. Hajihassani2 ·
S. V. Alavi Nezhad Khalil Abad1 · A. Marto1 · M. R. Moghaddam3,4 

Received: 18 December 2014 / Accepted: 13 March 2015

© Springer-Verlag London 2015

Abstract  Mines, quarries and construction sites face some model performance indices including coefficient
environmental impacts, such as flyrock, due to blasting of determination (R2), value account for and root mean
operations. Flyrock may cause damage to structures and squared error and also using simple ranking procedure, the
injury to human. Therefore, flyrock prediction is required best flyrock prediction models were selected. It was found
to determine safe blasting zone. In this regard, 232 blast- that the ANFIS model can predict flyrock with higher per-
ing operations were investigated in five granite quarries, formance capacity compared to ANN predictive model. R2
Malaysia. Blasting parameters comprising maximum values of testing datasets are 0.925 and 0.964 for ANN and
charge per delay and powder factor were prepared to pre- ANFIS techniques, respectively, suggesting the superiority
dict flyrock using empirical and intelligent methods. An of the ANFIS technique in predicting flyrock.
empirical graph was proposed to predict flyrock distance
for different powder factor values. In addition, using the Keywords  Blasting · Flyrock · Empirical graph ·
same datasets, two intelligent systems, namely artificial Artificial neural network · Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference
neural network (ANN) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
system (ANFIS) were used to predict flyrock. Considering

1 Introduction
* D. Jahed Armaghani
The most effective tool for excavating rock mass is still the
E. Tonnizam Mohamad
blasting technique. Whenever explosives in a blast-hole are
detonated, huge energy is created in the form of waves and
M. Hajihassani
gas in the air and in the earth [1]. Only 20–30 % of the pro-
duced energy is utilized for fragmentation and movement
S. V. Alavi Nezhad Khalil Abad
of the rock mass and the rest of this energy is wasted and
creates undesirable environmental impacts, such as air and
A. Marto
ground vibrations, flyrock and dust [2–4]. Among them,
flyrock is recognized as the main cause of human injury,
M. R. Moghaddam
fatalities and structural damage [1, 5, 6]. Flyrock refers to
the uncontrolled dispersion of rock fragments from blast
Department of Geotechnics and Transportation, Faculty areas caused by explosive energy [7]. There is an effective
of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM, relationship among three factors, distribution of explosive
81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
energy, mechanical strength of the rock mass and charge
Construction Research Alliance, Universiti Teknologi confinement [8–12]. Any mismatch between these factors
Malaysia, UTM, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
may produce flyrock [8]. When this happens, much of the
South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran explosive energy is used to throw rock rather than create
Saman Zamin Hamgam Engineering Company, Tehran, Iran fragmented rock [5].

Engineering with Computers

Several empirical equations have been suggested for In order to predict flyrock distance, some researchers
the prediction of flyrock distance arising from blasting have proposed empirical equations. An empirical model
[13–17]. These equations just consider limited numbers was established by Lundborg et al. [13] based on hole and
of parameters having influence on flyrock. Their perfor- rock diameters as follows:
mances are not satisfactory due to the complex nature of
the flyrock problem, whereas exact prediction of the fly- Lm = 260 × D2/ 3 (1)
rock distance is essential to determine the blast safety area
[18, 19]. Therefore, prediction of flyrock is required using Tb = 0.1 × D2/3 , (2)
other new predictive techniques. where Lm is the maximum rock projection in metres, D is
Artificial intelligence methods such as artificial neural the hole diameter in inches and Tb is the size of rock frag-
network (ANN) can be used to solve the complex and non- ment in metres. Gupta [16] suggested an empirical equa-
linear problems in the field of geotechnical engineering as tion to predict flyrock distance based on stemming length
reported by many scholars (e.g. [20–25]). This is because and burden as follows:
of the fact that intelligence-based predictive models take
advantage of flexible nature where the models can be L = 155.2 × d −1.37 , (3)
easily calibrated when new data become available. This where L is the ratio of stemming length to burden and d is
advantage makes them powerful tools in solving prob- the distance travelled by the rocks in metres. A model was
lems more specifically when they are highly non-linear established by Raina et al. [31] to determine the horizontal
and the contact natures between input and output variable (FSH) and vertical (FSV) safety factors of flyrock/projection
are unknown [26]. In this study, ANN and adaptive neuro- in open-pit mines. The required parameters selected to ascer-
fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) were applied predict fly- tain the safety factor were very simple and related to the rock
rock distance using the datasets obtained from five granite mass and blast design parameters. The safety factor, as a
quarry sites in Malaysia. In addition, using the same data- dimensionless quantity, was developed utilizing blast design
sets, an empirical graph was proposed to predict flyrock parameters with correction factors for various conditions of
distance. the field and the explosive. A factor of 1.5 was considered to
be safe for flyrock. McKenzie [32] proposed equations for the
prediction of the maximum range of flyrock, and the particle
2 Methods for prediction of flyrock size (achieving the maximum range) in blasting using density,
hole diameter, explosive density and confinement state. This
Undesirable projection of rock fragments due to blasting study significantly determined the danger zone of blasting.
operations is defined as flyrock [6]. Flyrock is an unwanted Trivedi et al. [33] proposed an equation to predict flyrock dis-
environmental impact which is induced by the propelling tance using multi-variate regression analysis. They monitored
of rock fragments due to the creation of explosive energy 95 blasting operations of four opencast limestone mines in
during blasting works [27]. The flyrock mechanism pro- India and relevant blasting parameters were recorded. Pro-
duces an effective relationship among the distribution of posed equation for flyrock prediction is as follows:
the explosive energy, the strength properties of the rock
mass and charge confinement. Therefore, flyrock can occur 105.1 qI0.51 q0.14
as a result of any incongruity among these parameters [8].
Flyrock = , (4)
B0.93 ST0.64 σc0.75 RQD0.93
In such a case, an abundant amount of the explosive energy
is consumed not in producing fragmented rock but in pro- where qI is linear charge concentration, q is specific charge,
jecting the rock [5]. σc is unconfined compressive strength, ST is stemming
Flyrock accidents occur for several reasons, including length, B is burden and RQD is rock quality designation. R2
abnormalities in the blast pattern, the use of explosives and of 0.815 was obtained for their developed model. Another
uncertain conditions in the rock mass [28, 29]. Fletcher empirical equation was developed by Ghasemi et al. [34]
and D’Andrea [30] stated that much explosive energy, for flyrock prediction utilizing dimensional analysis. The
insufficient stemming and venting of the explosive energy equation is as follows:
through a weak plane can cause excessive flyrock beyond  
the blast safety area. According to Bhandari [7] and Hemp- Fd = 6946.547 B−0.796 S 0.783 St1.994 H 1.649 D1.766 (P/Q)1.465 ,
hill [9], the main reasons for flyrock occurrence are insuf-
ficient burden and spacing, insufficient stemming, incorrect (5)
drilling, hole overload, an immoderate powder factor and where B is burden, S is spacing, St is stemming, H is hole
undesirable geological conditions. length, D is diameter of blast-hole, P is powder factor and

Engineering with Computers

Table 1  Recent studies on flyrock prediction using soft computation techniques

References Technique Input parameter No. of dataset R2

Monjezi et al. [18] ANN HD, BS, ST, PF, SD, N, C, RD 250 R2 = 0.98
Rezaei et al. [3] FIS HD, S, B, ST, PF, SD, RD, C 490 R2 = 0.98
Monjezi et al. [37] ANN HD, BS, ST, PF, D, SD, C, B 192 R2 = 0.97
Monjezi et al. [36] ANN-GA HD, S, B, ST, PF, SD, D, C, RMR 195 R2 = 0.89
Amini et al. [38] SVM, ANN HL, S, B, ST, PF, SD, D 245 R2ANN = 0.92
R2SVM = 0.97
Jahed Armaghani et al. [19] ANN-PSO HD, S, B, ST, PF, C, D, N, RD, SD 44 R2 = 0.94
Monjezi et al. [39] ANN HD, S, B, D, C 310 R2 = 0.98
Khandelwal and Monjezi [1] SVM HL, S, B, ST, PF, SD 187 R2 = 0.95
Ghasemi et al. [35] ANN, FIS HL, S, B, ST, PF, C 230 R2ANN = 0.94
R2FIS = 0.96
Marto et al. [40] ANN-ICA RD, HD, BS, ST, PF, C, Rn 113 R2 = 0.98
This study ANN, ANFIS C, PF 232 R2ANN = 0.92
R2ANFIS = 0.98

HL hole length, S spacing, B burden, ST stemming, PF powder factor, SD specific drilling, SVM support vector machine, C charge per delay, D
hole diameter, HD hole depth, RD rock density, BS burden to spacing, N number of row, B blastability index, GA genetic algorithm, RMR rock
mass rating, PSO particle swarm optimization, SD subdrilling, ICA imperialist competitive algorithm

Q is mean charge per blast-hole. The coefficient of determi- in predicting flyrock induced by blasting in granite quarry
nation (R2) equal to 0.83 indicates the high prediction per- sites. Finally, their results indicated the applicability of
formance of the proposed equation. the proposed model in predicting flyrock distance. Several
In addition to empirical methods, several researchers recent works on the prediction of flyrock and their perfor-
have been using soft computing techniques in order to pre- mance are presented in Table 1.
dict flyrock distance. Monjezi et al. [18] employed artificial
neural network (ANN) to predict flyrock distance caused
by blasting operations. They used 192 datasets to train 3 Artificial neural network
ANN simulations and showed the high performance of the
ANN model in flyrock prediction. The results of their study The ANN is a soft computation technique inspired by the
revealed that the most effective parameters on flyrock dis- human-brain information process. A typical ANN consists
tance are blast ability index, charge per delay, hole diam- of three main constituents, namely learning rule, network
eter, stemming length and powder factor. A fuzzy interface architecture and transfer function [41]. There are two
system (FIS) was applied by Rezaei et al. [3] to predict major types of ANN: recurrent and feed-forward. Shahin
flyrock. They compared the FIS results with conventional et al. [42] recommend that if there is no time-dependent
statistical models and showed the higher efficiency of the parameter in the ANN, the feed-forward (FF) ANN can be
developed FIS model compared to statistical models. Two employed. The multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural net-
models, namely ANN and FIS, were used to predict flyrock work is one of the most well-known FF-ANNs [43]. MLP
by Ghasemi et al. [35]. They demonstrated the capability consists of a number of nodes or neurons in three layers
of both models in predicting flyrock distance, but the FIS (input, hidden and output) linked to each other by weights.
model produced higher performance compared to the ANN Du et al. [44] and Kalinli et al. [45] reported on the high
model. Monjezi et al. [36] applied a neuro-genetic model efficiency of MLP-ANNs in approximating various func-
to predict flyrock and back-break. They found that the tions in high-dimensional spaces. Nevertheless, the ANN
most influential parameters on flyrock are stemming and needs to be trained before interpreting the results. Among
powder factor. Khandelwal and Monjezi [1] used Support many kinds of learning algorithms to train MLP-FF, the
vector machine (SVM) and MLR techniques to estimate back-propagation (BP) algorithm is the most extensively
flyrock of Soungun Copper Mine, Iran. After comparison utilized [46, 47]. In a BP-ANN, the imported data in the
of these methods, they introduced SVM as a better option input layer start to propagate to hidden neurons through
for close flyrock prediction. In other research, Jahed Arma- connection weights [48]. The input from each neuron in
ghani et al. [19] predicted flyrock distance using hybrid the previous layer, Ii, is multiplied by an adjustable connec-
particle swarm optimization (PSO) and ANN. PSO was tion or weight, Wij. At each node, the sum of the weighted
used because it can improve the performance of the ANN input signals is computed and then this value is added to a

Engineering with Computers

Fig.  1  a Sugeno fuzzy model

with two rules, b equivalent
ANFIS architecture [49]

threshold value known as the bias value, Bij (see Eq. 6). To 4 Adaptive neuro‑fuzzy inference system
create the output of the neuron, the combined input, Ji, is
passed through a non-linear transfer function f (Jj), such as Jang [50] developed ANFIS based on the Takagi–Sugeno
a sigmoidal function (see Eq. 7). However, in general, the FIS. ANFIS is a universal estimator that is able to estimate
output of each neuron provides the input to the next layer any real continuous functions [51]. It takes advantage of
neuron. This procedure is continued until the output is gen- both ANN and FIS principles and presents all the advan-
erated. To achieve the error, the created output is checked tages of both in a single framework. An adaptive ANN con-
against the desired output. The BP training can change the sists of a number of nodes connected by directional links,
weights between the neurons iteratively in a way that mini- where each node is described using a node function with
mizes the root mean square error (RMSE) of the system. fixed or changeable parameters. In this kind of network,
More details of the BP algorithm can be seen in the classic when the FIS is initialized ANN is used to determine the
artificial intelligence books [48, 49]. unknown relationship between the parameters. This opti-
mization process is named “adaptive”. Figure 1a shows an
adaptive ANN which consists of a premise and the conse-

Jj = (wij Ii ) + Bj (6)
quent parts. This network is equal to the FIS, see Fig. 1b.
Based on the applicability of ANFIS in determining the
yi = f (Jj ). (7) non-linear relationship between input and target data, it has

Engineering with Computers

been widely utilized in different engineering applications Table 2  Description of granite quarry sites used in this study
(e.g. [22, 52–54]). Quarry name Distance to Johor (km) Latitude Longitude
To describe the procedure of ANFIS easily, it is sup-
posed that the FIS under consideration is composed of two Hanson 20 1°48′12″N 103°88′02″E
inputs (x, y) and one output (f) and the rule base includes Taman Bestari 17 1°60′41″N 103°78′32″E
two fuzzy rule sets “if–then” as below: Trans Crete 30 1°31′21″N 103°52′60″E
Rule I: if x is A1 and y is B1, then f1 = p1x + q1y + r1 Kulai Batu 32 1°64′00″N 103°58′11″E
Rule II: if x is A2 and y is B2, then f2 = p2x + q2y + r2, Seri Alam 22 1°28′58″N 103°41′21″E
where pi, qi and ri are the consequent parameters to be
settled. According to Jang [50] and Jang et al. [51], an
ANFIS model with two inputs, one output, five layers and
two rules might be described as follows:
Each node i in layer 1 produces a membership grade of a
linguistic label and the node function of the ith node is

Qi1 = µAi (x) = 2 bi

1+ σ1

where Q1i is the membership function and x is the input

to node i. Ai is the linguistic label assigned to node i and
σ1,  vi,  bi are parameters that make changes in the figure
to the membership function. The existing parameters in
this layer are related to the premise part (see Fig. 1a). Each
node in layer 2 computes the firing strength of each rule
via multiplication and the ratio of firing strength of the ith
rule to the sum of firing strengths of all rules is calculated Fig. 2  Residential area which is located near Seri Alam quarry site
in layer 3.
Qi2 = wi = µAi (x).µBi (y) i = 1, 2 (9)
Qi3 = Wi = 2 i = 1, 2 (10)
j=1 wj

Every node i in layer 4 is a node function, whereas Wi is the

output of layer 3. The parameters of layer 4 are related to
the consequent part.
Qi4 = Wi fi = Wi (pi x + qi y + ri ) (11)
Finally, the incoming signals are summed in layer 5 and
produce the overall output.

 wi fi
Qi = Overall Output = W i fi =  . (12)
5 Site investigations and data collection
Fig. 3  A view of the Seri Alam quarry site
To provide a sufficient number of datasets for the predic-
tion of flyrock induced by blasting, five granite quarry sites
were studied in the Johor area, Malaysia. Related descrip- weathering in these sites are mainly classified into grades
tions for these quarries are described in Table 2. The pur- III–V. Rock quality designation (RQD) values are meas-
pose of the blasting operations in these sites is to produce ured only in Kulai Batu and Seri Alam quarries and their
130,000–320,000 tons of aggregate per month. In each results are achieved in the range of 30–65 %. In addition,
month, 6–12 blasting operations are conducted in these minimum and maximum Schmidt hammer rebound values
quarries depending on the weather conditions. The mass are obtained as 19 and 37, respectively. Moreover, limited

Engineering with Computers

Table 3  Summary of parameters used in this study factors in these operations was observed between 0.45 and
Parameter Symbol Category Min Max Mean 1.1 kg/m3. The maximum and maximum measured stem-
ming length was 1 and 4.5 m, respectively. In addition,
Maximum charge per C Input 47.713 572.555 237.057 ammonium nitrate and fuel oil (ANFO) and dynamite were
delay (kg)
used as the main explosive material and initiation, respec-
Powder factor (kg/m3)PF Input 0.45 1.1 0.769
tively. The blast-holes were stemmed using fine gravels.
Flyrock distance (m) – Output 71 410 199.591
To measure the flyrock distances in these sites, their bench
surfaces were coloured and two video cameras were put in
place to monitor the flyrock projections. After each blast-
a number of uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) tests ing, the relevant videos were reviewed to find the locations
are conducted on the samples in laboratory and values of of the maximum rock projections.
30 MPa and 75 MPa are obtained as minimum and maxi- In order to select the input parameters for prediction
mum UCS results, respectively. It should be mentioned that of flyrock, many well-established studies were reviewed.
all observations and tests in this study are performed in According to many researches of flyrock prediction (e.g.
accordance with ISRM [55] standard. [3, 18, 19, 34, 36, 38]), maximum charge per delay and
Since the blasting operations in the mentioned quarry powder factor are the most influential parameters on fly-
sites are conducted close to the location of existing facili- rock distance. Hence, among all recorded blasting parame-
ties and equipment, flyrock is an important problem in ters, results of maximum charge per delay and powder fac-
these quarries. In addition, factories and residential areas tor parameters were selected as input parameters for both
are close to the location of blasting works in these sites. empirical and computational prediction. A summary of the
As an example, there is only 600 m distance between Seri data used in this study is shown in Table 3.
Alam quarry site and surrounding residential area as illus-
trated in Fig. 2. Therefore, flyrock is a significant prob-
lem in this site. In addition, a view of Seri Alam quarry is 6 Empirical model for flyrock prediction
shown in Fig. 3.
A total number of 232 blasting works were investigated Although empirical approaches in predicting flyrock are
and their blasting parameters were measured. In each blast- not accurate, these methods are of interest due to their
ing, several blasting parameters including burden, spac- ease of use. In this study, to propose a new empirical graph
ing, stemming length, hole diameter, hole depth, maxi- for flyrock prediction, the results of maximum charge per
mum charge per delay and powder factor were recorded. delay and powder factor obtained from 232 blasting opera-
Hole diameters of 75, 89, 115 and 150 mm were used in tions were utilized. In this regard, a series of analyses were
the blasting operations of these sites. The range of powder undertaken and a graphical model was proposed to predict
flyrock distance as shown in Fig. 4. Based on this graph,

Fig. 4  Empirical model for prediction of flyrock using maximum charge per delay and powder factor

Engineering with Computers

flyrock distance can be predicted using maximum charge Table 4  The proposed number of neuron for hidden layer
per delay values ranging from 69 to 551 kg and values of Heuristic References
powder factor ranging from 0.5 to 1.1 kg/m3. To construct
this model, for each powder factor, the best-fit equation ≤ 2 × Ni + 1 Hecht-Nielsen [58]
was achieved to predict flyrock. The maximum, minimum 3Ni Hush [56]
and average R2 of these equations were obtained 0.953, (Ni + N0)/2 Ripley [63]
0.831 and 0.901, respectively. Moreover, their RMSE val- 2+N0 ×Ni +0.5N0 × N02 +Ni −3 Paola [64]

Ni +N0
ues were obtained 29.231, 15.024 and 22.445, respectively. 2Ni/3 Wang [65]
The overall RMSE of 22.445 indicates that the proposed √
Ni × N0 Masters [66]
empirical model can predict flyrock with a suitable degree 2Ni Kaastra and Boyd [67]
of accuracy. In addition, employing this model is of interest Kanellopoulas and Wilkinson [57]
due to its ease of use. This graph can be used as a primary
Ni number of input neuron, N0 number of output neuron
design to predict flyrock before blasting operations in gran-
ite quarries.
of hidden neuron in the range of 1–6 should be used for
flyrock prediction (using 2 inputs and 1 output).
7 Application of intelligent systems for prediction In this study, all datasets were divided randomly to
of flyrock training and testing datasets. The idea behind using some
data for testing is to check the performance capacity of
To predict Flyrock induced by quarry blasting, two intelli- the developed model. In the studies by Swingler [68] and
gent systems, namely ANN and ANFIS were developed. As Looney [69], testing dataset was recommended as 20
mentioned earlier, maximum charge per delay and powder and 25 % of whole dataset, respectively, while a range of
factor were considered as model inputs. The modelling pro- 20–30 % of whole data was suggested for testing in the
cedures of the ANN and ANFIS techniques are described in study by Nelson and Illingworth [70]. Considering these
the following sections. recommendations, 20 % (46 datasets) of whole datasets
(232 datasets) was selected randomly as testing datasets,
7.1 ANN model to predict flyrock whereas the remaining 186 datasets were used for train-
ing the system. In order to determine the optimum num-
An attempt was made to predict flyrock using ANN tech- ber of neurons in the hidden layer, several ANN models
nique. To do this, all 232 datasets were normalized in the were constructed using one hidden layer and mentioned
range of (0,1) using the following equation: number of hidden neurons for prediction of flyrock as pre-
    sented in Table 5. In this table, five iterations were mod-
Xnorm = X − Xmin / Xmax − Xmin , (13) elled for each hidden neuron and average results of these
where X is the measured value, Xnorm represents the normal- iterations were presented. According to average results,
ized value of the measured parameter and Xmin and Xmax are considering R2 values of both training and testing data-
the minimum and maximum values of the measured param- sets, model No. 5 with 5 hidden neurons outperforms the
eters in the dataset. The performance of the ANN models other ANN models. Hence, in construction of ANN mod-
depends strongly on the suggested architecture of the net- els, value of 5 was selected as number of hidden neuron to
work as mentioned in the studies by Hush [56] and Kanel- predict flyrock.
lopoulas and Wilkinson [57]. Therefore, determination In the next step of ANN modelling, five different data-
of the optimal architecture is required to design an ANN sets were selected randomly to develop ANN model. Ran-
model. The network architecture is defined as the number dom selection of datasets for proposed models in this study
of hidden layer(s) and the number of nodes in each hidden was performed utilizing the ANN code written by authors.
layer(s). According to various researchers (e.g. [58–60]), Using the suggested ANN structure and considering five
one hidden layer can solve any complex function in a net- different randomly selected datasets, 5 ANN models were
work. Hence, in this study, one hidden layer was selected to constructed for flyrock prediction (see Table 6). The test-
construct the ANN models. In addition, determining neuron ing datasets were also simulated for each train as shown in
number(s) in the hidden layer is the most critical task in the Table 6. It should be noted that in constructing ANN mod-
ANN architecture as mentioned by Sonmez et al. [61] and els in this study, using trial-and-error procedure and recom-
Sonmez and Gokceoglu [62]. Table 4 tabulates some equa- mended values in different studies [52, 71], the learning
tions related to determination of number of neuron pro- rate and momentum coefficient were considered as 0.1 and
posed by several scholars. Based on this table, the number 0.9, respectively.

Engineering with Computers

Table 5  R2 of trained ANN models to predict flyrock

Model No. Nodes in hidden layers Network result
Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 Iteration 5 Average
2 2 2 2 2
R R R R R R2
Train Test Train Test Train Test Train Test Train Test Train Test

1 1 0.885 0.906 0.886 0.905 0.891 0.887 0.889 0.895 0.876 0.921 0.885 0.903
2 2 0.899 0.910 0.897 0.870 0.899 0.911 0.896 0.867 0.906 0.874 0.899 0.886
3 3 0.914 0.882 0.901 0.921 0.918 0.889 0.916 0.850 0.921 0.919 0.914 0.892
4 4 0.912 0.899 0.918 0.897 0.920 0.876 0.923 0.929 0.918 0.927 0.918 0.906
5 5 0.931 0.895 0.919 0.925 0.922 0.926 0.927 0.906 0.933 0.918 0.926 0.914
6 6 0.922 0.891 0.912 0.927 0.918 0.902 0.920 0.911 0.916 0.899 0.918 0.906

Table 6  Performance indices Method Model R2 RMSE VAF Rating for R2 Rating for RMSE Rating for VAF Rank value
of each model and their rank
values in predicting flyrock ANN Train 1 0.921 0.056 92.090 2 3 1 6
Train 2 0.928 0.052 92.787 5 5 5 15
Train 3 0.923 0.055 92.309 3 4 2 9
Train 4 0.926 0.055 92.587 4 4 3 11
Train 5 0.926 0.056 92.599 4 3 4 11
Test 1 0.923 0.063 92.074 3 4 3 10
Test 2 0.918 0.070 91.820 2 2 2 6
Test 3 0.927 0.063 92.224 5 4 4 13
Test 4 0.905 0.065 90.449 1 3 1 5
Test 5 0.925 0.055 92.336 4 5 5 14
ANFIS Train 1 0.979 0.029 97.925 5 5 5 15
Train 2 0.964 0.035 96.383 2 2 1 5
Train 3 0.967 0.034 96.737 3 3 3 9
Train 4 0.975 0.029 97.552 4 5 4 13
Train 5 0.967 0.031 96.736 3 4 2 9
Test 1 0.964 0.042 95.516 4 4 3 11
Test 2 0.966 0.034 96.622 5 5 5 15
Test 3 0.953 0.051 95.287 1 3 2 6
Test 4 0.955 0.052 95.160 2 2 1 5
Test 5 0.961 0.051 96.102 3 3 4 10

7.2 Prediction of PPV, AOp and flyrock using ANFIS of fuzzy rules, the results of RMSE were only considered.
The linguistic variables were set as very very low (VVL),
To develop a predictive ANFIS model in predicting flyrock, very low (VL), low (L), medium (M), high (H), very high
232 quarry blasting operations were investigated. In ANFIS (VH) and very very high (VVH) in this study.
analyses, similar to ANN modelling, the best architecture In the next step, considering the suggested ANFIS struc-
should be determined. To this aim, using a trial-and-error ture, using the same selected datasets in ANN modelling,
procedure, several ANFIS models were built to determine 5 ANFIS models were constructed and their results are
the number of fuzzy rules. The Gaussian membership func- shown in Table 6. In addition, these models were checked
tion, as a well-known membership function in fuzzy sys- using the data assigned for testing datasets. Figures 5 and
tems, was employed in the modelling of ANFIS [52]. Even- 6 show the normalized membership functions of input
tually, each input parameter with 7 fuzzy rules outperforms parameters for the best ANFIS model in predicting flyrock.
the other ANFIS models; therefore, a number of 49 fuzzy The presented membership functions were assigned after
rules (7 × 7) indicate the best performance for flyrock pre- training the system. Furthermore, for the output (flyrock), a
diction. It should be noted that in determining the number linear type of membership function was utilized. It is worth

Engineering with Computers

Fig. 5  Membership functions assigned for maximum charge per delay

Fig. 6  Membership functions assigned for powder factor

noting that, in the best model, the RMSE results were not were randomly divided into five different datasets (training
decreased after epoch number of 16. In this study, all ANN and testing) for development of intelligent models. Some
and ANFIS models were constructed using MatLab version performance indices including R2, amount of value account [72]. for (VAF) and RMSE were computed to check the capacity
performance of all predictive models:

8 Results and discussion
(y − y′ )2
R2 = 1 − i=1
N (14)
i=1 (y − ỹ)
In this research, two intelligent techniques, namely ANN
var(y − y′ )
and ANFIS were developed to predict flyrock distance. VAF = 1 − × 100
During the modelling process of this study, all 232 datasets var(y) (15)

Engineering with Computers

Table 7  Results of total rank for all predictive techniques obtained prediction for ANN and ANFIS techniques, respectively.
from five randomly selected datasets Based on the presented results, considering both train-
Method Model Total rank ing and testing datasets, the prediction performance of the
ANFIS models is higher than the performance of the ANN
ANN 1 16
models. It should be mentioned that the presented results
2 21
of RMSE in Table 6 were obtained for normalized datasets.
3 22
The graphs of predicted flyrock using the best ANN and
4 16
ANFIS models against their measured values for training
5 25 and testing datasets are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respec-
ANFIS 1 26 tively. As shown in these figures, the ANFIS model can
2 20 provide higher performance capacity in prediction of fly-
3 15 rock in comparison to ANN predictive model. In these fig-
4 18 ures, R2 values of testing datasets equal to 0.925 and 0.964
5 19 for ANN and ANFIS techniques, respectively, suggest the
superiority of the ANFIS technique in predicting flyrock. In
addition, RMSE values of 0.055 and 0.042 for testing data-
 sets of ANN and ANFIS approaches, respectively, reveal
1 N

(y − y )2 , (16) that ANFIS can provide higher performance capacity for
N i=1
prediction of flyrock compared to ANN. According to these
where y, y′ and ỹ are the measured, predicted and mean of results, although both intelligent techniques can predict fly-
the y values, respectively, N is the total number of data and rock with high level of accuracy, ANFIS can be used when
P is the number of predictors. Theoretically, the model will more accurate prediction is required to estimate flyrock.
be excellent if the VAF is 100 and RMSE is zero. Results
of model performance indices (R2, RMSE and VAF) for all
randomly selected datasets based on training and testing are 9 Summary and conclusions
presented in Table 6. High performances of the train dataset
indicate that the learning step of the models is successful if In this study, five granite quarries in Johor, Malaysia, were
the test dataset reveals that the model generalization abil- investigated to propose empirical and intelligent models
ity is satisfactory. As it can be seen from Table 6, select- for flyrock prediction. In this regard, blasting parameters,
ing the best models is too difficult. To overcome this diffi- namely maximum charge per delay and powder factor of
culty, a simple ranking procedure suggested by Zorlu et al. 232 blasting operations, were taken into consideration.
[73] was used to select the best models. A ranking value Using the mentioned parameters, an empirical graph was
was calculated and assigned for each training and testing proposed to predict flyrock distance for different powder
dataset separately (see Table 6). Total ranking of training factors ranging from 0.5 to 1.1 kg/m3. Overall RMSE of
and testing datasets for two intelligent systems in predict- 22.445 shows the proposed empirical model can provide
ing flyrock are shown in Table 7. According to this table, a suitable prediction capacity for estimation of flyrock. In
models No. 5 and 1 showed the best performance of flyrock addition, using the same datasets, ANN and ANFIS models

Fig. 7  R2 of measured and

predicted values of flyrock for
training and testing datasets
using ANN

Engineering with Computers

Fig. 8  R2 of measured and

predicted values of flyrock for
training and testing datasets
using ANFIS

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