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Diagnostic Tests

Diagnostic Description of the Purpose of the Date of the Reference Findings Implications
Procedure Procedure Procedure Procedure
Complete Blood The complete blood To detect infection February 13, Hemoglobin 121g/L An increased hemoglobin indicates
count (CBC) is often due to the ectopic 2017 120-160g/L increased oxygen carrying capacity.
used as a broad pregnancy. And A decreased hemoglobin indicates that
screening test to typically it can be the body has too few RBC and this causes
determine an confirmed by blood the body to destroy RBC faster than they
individual's general test can.
health status. It can Hematocrit 0.37% A high hematocrit indicates
be used to: Screen 0.37- 0.47 % polycythemia. Low levels of hemoglobin
for a wide range of may be caused by anemia, blood loss,
conditions and nutritional deficiency, bone marrow
diseases. Help problems, chemotherapy
diagnose various
conditions, such as Neutrophil 0.63 % High neutrophil levels are often caused by
anemia, infection, 0.50-0.70 % an infection, but other medical conditions
inflammation, and certain drugs can cause them as
bleeding disorder or well.

Low levels of neutrophil indicates

Lymphocyte 0.29 % An increased level of lymphocytes

0.20-0.40 % indicates blood cancer or a chronic
infection. A decreased level of
lymphocytes indicates Lymphocytopenia.

Eosinophil 0.03 % The most common reasons for an

0.0-0.07 % increase in the eosinophil count are
allergic reactions such as hay fever,
asthma, or drug hypersensitivity.
Decreases in the eosinophil count may be
seen when a patient is receiving
corticosteroid drugs.

Basophil 0.00 % An alteration in bone marrow function

0.0-0.01 % such as leukemia or Hodgkin's disease
may cause an increase in basophils.

Corticosteroid drugs, allergic reactions,
and acute infections may cause the
body's small basophil numbers to

Platelet 388 10^9/L A high platelet count can cause blood

Count clots to develop spontaneously. A low
150-400 platelet count may also be called
10^9/L thrombocytopenia. This condition can
range from mild to severe, depending on
its underlying cause.

Urinalysis A urinalysis is a test it is used to detect February Color Light Yellow The appearance of your urine may
of your urine. for presence of any -Amber change when it contains bacteria, white
A urinalysis is used to pathogenic blood cells, fat, red blood cells, or chyle.
detect and manage organism A changed appearance may indicate
a wide range of Transparency Slightly urinary tract or renal infection.
disorders, such as -Clear turbid The appearance of your urine may also
urinary tract change because of certain drugs.
infections, kidney Pyridium can change the urine to dark
disease and orange color and dorban can make it
diabetes. look red.
A urinalysis involves Diabetes, dehydration and starvation can
checking the make the urine have a fruity odor.
concentration and pH 6.0 Normally, your urine is slightly acidic, but
content of urine. -4.5 – 8 an infection can make it alkaline. There
may be a change in the pH level of your
urine at different times during the day.
Your diet and water intake can also make

a difference. An optimum pH is usually
about 6.0.

Specific 1.025 It refers to the weight of your urine as

gravity compared to water. Specific gravity goes
-1.010 – 1.030 up when your urine is highly
concentrated, and specific gravity
comes down when the water content is
Low specific gravity may indicate
conditions such as nephrogenic diabetes
insipidus, diabetes insipidus,
pyelonephritis, or acute tubular necrosis.
High specific gravity indicates
dehydration, nephritic syndrome, liver
failure, acute glomerulonephritis, heart
failure, or shock. If you don't have a
normal urinalysis result, ask your doctor for


Glucose Negative There may be trace amounts of glucose

-Negative in the urine after eating a large meal. You
are likely to spill glucose into the urine if
you have diabetes. Ketones are the
outcome of incomplete fat metabolism
and may appear in your urine in diabetes,
after diarrhea, or in starvation states.

Protein Negative It is normal to have a small amount of

-Negative protein in your urine, but the presence of
albumin usually indicates fever, renal
disease, tumors, hypertension, etc.
Pregnancy and extreme muscle exertion
may also make some protein to appear in
your urine

Imaging method Ultrasound helps to
that uses high-
Ultrasound confirm
frequency sound
waves to produce abnormalities inside Minimal
images of structures
the body. pelvic ascites
within your body.
The images can
provide valuable
Abnormal implant of embryo.
information for
diagnosing and
treating a variety of
diseases and
conditions. + pregnancy
@ fallopian


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