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According to data from the National Population and Family Planning

(BKKBN 2010) figures unhealthy sexual behavior among adolescents, especially
among unmarried adolescents have increased from 52% -75% in the city of
Medan. In this era of globalization, the contents of all the information relating to
sexuality is very easily accessible by young people, both through print and
electronic media. The purpose of this study is to describe the level of knowledge
and attitude of students towards sex behavior in SMAN 13 Medan. The design
used in this research is descriptive research method, population in this study were
all students of Class X, XI, XII due to population infinitive Frankel states that the
samples minium in a descriptive study of 100 people. The sampling technique in
this study by accidental sampling. Where Data is collected primarily by
questionnaire. Data presented frequency table, then analyzed descriptively using
The results showed SMAN13 of 93 respondents in Medan that most of
the students' knowledge and attitude of students of SMA Negeri 13 Medan on most
free sex in middle category, namely 93people (88.2%), followed by the category of
either 8 people (8.6%) and the lowest category ie 3 rep(3.2%). With the
knowledge that has been good about sex, it is recommended to teenagers to
always selective in accepting a variety of information relating to sex in order not
to cause a false understanding so free from behaviors that lead to casual sex acts.

Key words : knowledge, attitude, student, free sex.

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