How Do I Manually Boot HP-UX On Integrity (Itanium) Based Systems

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Manual HP-UX boot methods on Itanium / Integrity systems

DocId: IA64KBRC00017398 Updated: 10/5/05 8:23:00 AM

How do I manually boot HP-UX on Integrity (Itanium) based systems ?

This document is broken down into four sections.

SECTION 1: - Booting to the HP-UX boot loader

- Using the EFI HP-UX primary boot option.

- Via the EFI shell.

SECTION 2: - Valid boot switches

- How to boot HP-UX to single user mode on Integrity servers ?

- How to boot HP-UX to LVM maintenance mode on Integrity servers?
- How to boot HP-UX to VxVM maintenance mode on Integrity servers ?
- How to boot HP-UX to kernel tuning maintenance mode on Integrity servers?

SECTION 3: - Alternate kernels

- How to boot alternate kernels Integrity servers?

SECTION 4: - Modifying the AUTO file

- From EFI shell

- From HPUX boot loader
- From HP-UX
HP Integrity Servers
rx1600 rx1620
rx2600 rx2620
rx4640 rx5670
rx7620 rx7640
rx8620 rx8640
HP Integrity Superdome IA64
For a detailed explanation on different boot configurations see HP's
Documentation web page

Managing Systems and Workgroups: A Guide for HP-UX System Administrators

Chapter 5. Administering a System: Booting and Shutdown
Booting Systems


Integrity systems boot architecture is different from PA-RISC based platforms.

Instead of a BCH boot interface, an HP Integrity Server uses the Extensible
Firmware Interface (EFI).

Managing boot options :

man setboot
DocId: IA64KBRC00012174 - How to add an EFI boot menu entry using menus - LEGACY
DocId: IA64KBRC00017056 - How to add an EFI boot menu entry - new Firmware menus
DocId: IA64KBRC00012172 - Managing boot options from the efi shell

To manually boot an Integrity server :

SECTION 1 - Booting to the HP-UX boot loader


1 . Boot the system to the EFI manager screen.

EFI Boot manager screen:


EFI Boot Manager ver 1.10 [14.57] Firmware ver 2.31

Please select a boot option

HP-UX Primary Boot: 0/1/1/1.2.0

EFI Shell [Built-in]
Boot option maintenance menu
Security/Password Menu

Use | and | to change option(s). Use Enter to select an option


2. If a primary HP-UX boot option is available - select it by pressing enter

(c) Copyright 1990-2003, Hewlett Packard Company.
All rights reserved

HP-UX Boot Loader for IPF -- Revision 1.73

Press Any Key to interrupt Autoboot

Seconds left till autoboot - 9
Type 'help' for help

>> Interrupt the auto-boot sequence by pressing the SPACE bar.

This will bring you to the HPUX> prompt.
(Skip ahead to Section 2 of this document.

Note: If the primary boot option is not found, and there are no other boot disk
options available, consult one of the documents listed above for managing boot
options at the EFI shell / menu.
Alternatively To manually boot to the HPUX boot loader :
A) Select the EFI shell from the main boot menu.

EFI Shell [Built-in]

B) At the shell> prompt, any boot devices with recognizable EFI filesystems will
be listed incrementally fs0:, fs1:, fs2:, etc.
BLK#: devices are hardware mappings and not filesystem mappings, thus cannot
be used for booting.

C) Change to a boot disk EFI filesystem change to the filesystem mapping desired:

Example from an output of the following filesystem mappings:

(issuing the map -r command at any time in the EFI shell will remap the
filesystems to hardware)

fs0: Acpi(HWP0002,100)/Pci(1|0)/Scsi(Pun0,Lun0)/HD(Part1,Sig3CD00000)
fs1: Acpi(HWP0002,0)/Pci(2|0)/Ata(Primary,Master)

shell> fs0:

D) Start the HP-UX boot loader:

fs0:> HPUX
fs0:> /efi/hpux/hpux.efi

(c) Copyright 1990-2003, Hewlett Packard Company.
All rights reserved

HP-UX Boot Loader for IPF -- Revision 1.73

Press Any Key to interrupt Autoboot

Seconds left till autoboot - 9
Type 'help' for help

>> Interrupt the auto-boot sequence by pressing the SPACE bar.

This will bring you to the HPUX> prompt.

SECTION 2: - Valid boot switches


HP-UX Mutli-user boot (default):

HPUX> boot vmunix

HP-UX Single user mode:

HPUX> boot vmunix -is

HP-UX LVM Disk Quorum ignore mode:

HPUX> boot vmunix -lq

LVM maintenance mode:

HPUX> boot vmunix -lm

VxVM maintenance mode:

HPUX> boot vmunix -vm

Kernel Tunable maintenance mode:

HPUX> boot vmunix -tm

SECTION 3: - Alternate kernels

To boot an alternate kernel the default previous kernel file can be used.

HPUX> boot vmunix.prev

Alternatively, an alternate kernel configuration can be selected.

HPUX> ls
backup boot.sys bootconf bootfs current
ioconfig kernrel krs last_install lost+found
nextboot rootconf system system.import system.prev
testvmunix vmunix vmunix.prev vmunix.orig


HPUX> ls -l
total 25720
drwxr-xr-x 5 root sys 8192 Aug 29 15:33 backup
dr-xr-xr-x 3 bin bin 96 May 2 15:50 boot.sys
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 21 May 2 15:49 bootconf
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 14 Oct 5 14:38 bootfs -> current/bo
drwxr-xr-x 5 root sys 8192 Aug 26 18:50 current
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 7600 Oct 3 23:04 ioconfig
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 82 May 2 16:08 kernrel
drwxr-xr-x 2 root sys 96 Oct 5 14:38 krs
drwxr-xr-x 5 root sys 8192 May 2 16:08 last_install
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 96 May 2 15:48 lost+found
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 7 Oct 5 14:38 nextboot -> current
-rw------- 1 root root 12 Oct 3 23:04 rootconf
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 15 Oct 5 14:38 system -> nextboot/s
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 2252 May 2 16:04 system.import
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 3152 Aug 26 18:59 system.prev
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 52565521 May 2 15:05 testvmunix
-rwxr-xr-x 3 root sys 53280592 Aug 26 18:47 vmunix
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 51987560 May 2 14:23 vmunix.prev
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 51987560 May 2 17:56 vmunix.orig

On this system we have several configurations available :

backup (backup kernel tuned configuration)

current (same as vmunix)
nextboot (points to current/vmunix)
testvmunix (alternative kernel file)
vmunix (default kernel file)
vmunix.orig (alternative kernel file)
vmunix.prev (alternative kernel file)

Note that backup/alternative configurations can be booted as well as kernel files.

HPUX> boot backup

Booting an alternate kernel file:

HPUX> boot testvmunix

SECTION 4: - Modifying the AUTO file


A) From the EFI shell:

Boot the EFI shell by selecting the EFI shell from the main boot menu.

EFI Shell [Built-in]

Change to a boot disk EFI filesystem:

Example :
fs0: Acpi(HWP0002,100)/Pci(1|0)/Scsi(Pun0,Lun0)/HD(Part1,Sig3CD00000)
fs1: Acpi(HWP0002,0)/Pci(2|0)/Ata(Primary,Master)

shell> fs0:
fs0:> cd /efi/hpux
fs0:> ls


fs0: edit auto


boot vmunix

- change the file as desired, save and exit.

Note - The EFI Editor command keys are:
Command F-key Escape sequence
Open File F1 Esc O
Save File F2 Esc S
Exit F3 Esc Q
Cut F4 Esc D
Paste F5 Esc P
Goto F6 Esc G
Search F7 Esc F
Replace F8 Esc R
File Type F9 Esc T

B) From the HPUX Boot loader:

SETAUTO command to delete or modify the AUTO file.

SETAUTO -d deletes the AUTO file from the current boot device.
You might want to do this if you want to disable automatic booting.

SETAUTO string
Populates the AUTO file with <string>

SETAUTO boot vmunix -lq

C) From HP-UX:
see man efi_cp for more information
Note the user of the 's1' device file.

# echo "boot vmunix -lq" > /tmp/AUTO.lq

# efi_cp -d /dev/rdsk/c3t2d0s1 /tmp/AUTO.lq /EFI/HPUX/AUTO

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ia64 IA64 itanium ITANIUM IPF 11i V1.5 11i V1.6 11i V2 11.20
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