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Accompanying Workbook for

PC Hardware and Assembly Workshop

Computing from Past to Present, PC Hardware Assembly,
Open Source Software, and the Internet

With Free Geek Providence

“ We help the needy get nerdy ”
Free Geek, 2009
Providence, RI

This workbook was written and produced by:

Free Geek Providence and Central Falls High School

Mark Leeuwenburgh
Beth Ayer
David Bizier

Table of Contents

Introduction to Free Geek iii

1 A Brief History of Computing 1

2 Introduction to Geek Speak 7

3 PC Hardware 11

4 Open Source Software and Installation 27

5 PC Security and the Internet 31

Glossary 35

Appendix A : Classroom Activities 39

Activity # 1 : Go Shopping 39

Activity # 2 : Word Puzzles 43

Appendix B : Free and Open Source Software 45

References 49

List of Figures
Figure 1: ENIAC 2

Figure 2: Moore’s Law 5

Figure 3 : PC Components (exploded view) 11

Figure 4 : Chassis 12

Figure 5 : Parts on the Motherboard 13

Figure 6 : Motherboard 14

Figure 7 : Central Processing Unit 15

Figure 8 : CPU Heat Sink with Fan 16

Figure 9 : Passive Heat Sink with Fan 16

Figure 10 : Hard Disk 17

Figure 11 : Hard Disk Cylinders and Sectors 18

Figure 12 : CD-ROM Drive 19

Figure 13 : Random Access Memory 20

Figure 14 : Power Supply 21

Figure 15 : CMOS 22

Figure 16 : Motherboard Slots 23

Figure 17 : BIOS 23

Figure 18 : Keyboard 24

Figure 19: Mouse 24

Figure 20: Open Office Logo 29


List of Tables

Table 1: Examples of File Types and Capacity 8

Table 2: Examples of File Types Across Platforms 9

Table 3: Children’s Applications 45

Table 4: Applications for Creativity 46

Table 5: Applications for Office Productivity 47

Table 6: Financial Applications 48

Introduction to Free Geek
Why did you decide to attend the Free Geek workshop? What do you hope to learn? I’ll bet you’re
probably earning school credit. But school credit is far from the only thing you’ll get from learning
about computers.

Technology is a key point of access to our modern world. Can you think of any industry, task, or
necessity that is not in some way aided or provided by computers? Think of the food in your
refrigerator. How did it end up there? All that organizing, harvesting, and shipping was made
possible, in part, by computers. While we’re at it, think of the manufacturing of your refrigerator
itself. Almost everything we do is aided by computers today, and that of course includes writing
papers for school, managing a bank account, social networking (think Facebook), playing games,
looking up travel directions... Examples such as these are endless. Computers are so thoroughly
incorporated in our daily lives that it is very difficult to imagine life without them. And life without
them, for the average person, existed just about a mere 30 years ago.

Just like bringing food to your kitchen is a detailed process, computers also involve intricate
processes to run and complete tasks. However, they do not have to be as complicated and foreign
as they have always been to a lot of people.

Building a PC used to be thought of as a highly specialized undertaking, attempted (and

understood) only by experienced techies and gamers. Software, too, has been considered a
necessary expense, because its creation is incomprehensible to most. One thing you will learn in
this workbook and corresponding workshop is that software can be cheap or even free; and the
insides of your PC can become a familiar and customized terrain rather than merely the mysterious
inner-workings of an impossibly strong-willed machine.

In our technology-centered world, information and expertise are incredibly powerful tools. You
will not only have the ability to customize your own PC to your preferences (and I don’t just mean
changing that background picture of Miley Cyrus on your desktop), but you will also be able to
bring your unique new knowledge to whatever project, field, or cause you are interested in.

In This Workbook
You will get an overview of the history of computers, as well as an understanding of a computer’s
basic parts. You will become fluent in “geek speak” – the formerly inscrutable jargon tossed around
by techie-types. Maybe you’ll even start using that language yourself! You’ll also learn about Open
Source Software. To start, what is Open Source Software? By the time you’re done, names like Linux,
Xubuntu, and Open Office (Open Source operating systems and word-processing software) will have
found a comfortable home in your PC as well as in your vocabulary, and you’ll know how to “do-it-

From Personal Computers to Personalized Computers

Rising popular demand for building your own computer is obvious: just look at the increased
availability of the components required for building your own personalized computer. You can now
find all the components you need in retail stores, even in large chains. Turns out you don’t have to be
a computer scientist or programmer to get the most out of your machine.

Who is this book for?

Anyone who uses computers. People with a desire to get the most out of their PCs. Curious people.
Those who enjoy challenges. People who play video games, download music, and store documents
and files. Anyone who would like to modify their computer specifically for gaming, retouching
photos, or even just to check email and surf the internet, without having a bunch of extra stuff they
don’t need. People who like to learn. Anyone who thinks it would be neat to install an operating
system or software on a computer for free instead of spending hundreds of dollars. Or someone who
would like to know what an operating system is. Or what a gigabyte is. Did I say curious people?

Getting Ready to Build your own PC

When getting ready to build your own computer, it is important to carefully prepare your work
area and gather together all the things you’ll need. You do not want to get partway through your
assembly or installation and realize a part is missing, and you certainly do not want to destroy your

What you need:

• PC Computer with monitor, keyboard, and mouse
• Phillips screwdriver
• Xubuntu installation CD
Be sure to line up all the software, tools, and hardware you will need before you start. If you have
manuals for your software and components, read them! Any extra information, hints, or tips will help
you create a machine that works best for you. Your goal is not only to create a PC that runs, but also
to optimize the performance of each component.

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook

FREE GEEK  | vii

Work Area Preparation and Safety Precautions

Follow these steps to prepare your work area:

Step 1: Turn off the power and unplug the computer.

Start with the power off. Remove all magnets and any magnetized tools from the work area. A great
rule to follow: Don’t need it around your work area? Remove it! That includes food, drinks, and any
other clutter.

Step 2: Ground yourself and discharge static electricity

All electronic components can be static-charged. Static electricity can damage the parts of your com-
puter even if the voltage is so low that you cannot notice any static shock. To ground yourself before
handling components, you simply need to touch a metal object such as the chassis. You can also use
electro-static discharged (ESD) bags to store and handle computer components.

   Tip: Wear wool or cotton clothing to reduce problems with static. When the
air is dry, especially in winter, static problems become more common.

Step 3: Keep track of all the screws and any other tiny parts
You will notice that building a PC requires a lot of small pieces. Each part potentially has different
screws that accompany it, so it is very important to keep your work area organized. Household items
such as egg cartons and ice cube trays can work as organizers and solve this problem nicely.

Step 4: Watch for sharp edges after removing the cover

When you’re ready to begin, you will need to remove the PC cover. Pay close attention to what you
are doing and watch out for any sharp edges. Place the cover out of the way while you work.

Let’s get started with the workshop!

viii | FREE GEEK

What did you learn from the Introduction?

1. What do you expect to learn from this workshop?

2. What are you most interested in using computers for?

2. Why is it important to “ground” yourself betore working on

assembling computers?

3. What can you do to “ground” yourself?

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook

1 A Brief History of Computing

A basic knowledge of the history of computing is tons – around five or six times the weight of an
crucial to understanding the ever-evolving state elephant!
of modern computers. In this module you’ll be Even today, the majority of people do not fully
introduced to the most influential events from understand the complex workings of computers.
the birth of computers to where we’ve ended up Imagine what people thought about the ENIAC
today – computers are an integral part of every in the 1940’s!
day life.
By the end of the 1940’s, there were still only
about five to seven computers in the world. But a
Computers have come a very long way since significant milestone had been reached: the birth
they first appeared in the 1940’s. In a relatively of the mainframe computer.
short period of time, they have shrunk from 680
square feet (that could be the size of a house!)
and $500,000 to the considerably smaller (and 1950’s
cheaper) versions we see today. Now when you A mainframe computer is a large computer
buy a computer, you can choose from a variety designed to be the central source of operations
of options depending on your needs. If you and to provide data storage for large amounts
are constantly on the go and need only a small of information. The name “mainframe” came
laptop with wireless internet access and word from the earliest computers that were the size
processing capabilities, you may choose a Tablet of rooms (like the ENIAC). The “main frame” was
PC that weighs just around three pounds. Or if the case that held the parts of the computer.
you are more likely to sit at a desk and play video The invention of the mainframe was important
games, you may choose a desktop computer or because it was able to handle such large
larger laptop with a lot of storage space and high amounts of information and simultaneous tasks.
processing speed. You’ll find out more about The hard drive was also invented in the 1950’s.
different types of computers, speed and storage The hard drive holds your pictures, music files,
later. For now, let’s examine how far computers documents, and programs, and everything else
have come. stored on your computer. Your files and folders
are physically located in the hard disc within the
hard drive. You would think a hard drive would
1940’s have to be pretty big to hold all the information
stored on the average computer, but a typical
It took scientists from 1943 – 1947 to build the modern hard drive is just a little bit larger than
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer your hand. You’ll learn more about storage
(known as ENIAC). The ENIAC was the first capacity and devices later on.
general-purpose electronic computer, and
was called the “Giant Brain” when it was first
announced. The ENIAC had more than thirty
separate parts, all together weighing over thirty

Figure 1: The ENIAC

The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (known as ENIAC) was the
first general-purpose electronic computer, and was called the “Giant Brain”
when it was first announced. The ENIAC was financed by the U.S Army during
World War II, and its advanced calculating abilities were first used for military

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


During the ‘60’s, two programmers named Ken 1980’s
Thompson and Dennis Ritchie developed a
computer operating system called Unix. Unix
was unique because it was the first operating IBM
system that could be installed on different With code name “Acorn,” IBM met with Microsoft’s
computers and run a variety of small programs. Bill Gates to develope the first IBM personal
It also enabled multi-tasking and use by more computer. On August 12, 1981, the IBM PC
than one user. Unix enables a large number of was released, and the name PC -- for personal
software and programs to work together and computer – was popularized.
run simultaneously, rather than one enormous
program running all the smaller ones. The IBM PC sold originally for $3,005 and came
with 64 KB RAM, a 5 ¼ inch floppy drive, and a
Unix was also important because it created monitor. Floppy disks were still used commonly
one operating system (OS) that can be run on through the 1990’s, but with each successive
different types of computers. version of the PC, features inluding RAM,
As you can see, a lot of important changes took monitors, and other features improved, and the
place during the 1960’s. Computers began to price went down.
pervade all aspects of modern life, and were even
used for NASA’s mission to the moon in 1969.
The Apple Macintosh was first introduced
1970’s on January 24th, 1984. Known as the “Mac,”
During the 1970’s, the first microprocessor, or Apple’s PC was the first commercially successful
CPU (central processing unit) paved the way for personal computer to include a mouse and
personal computers. While mainframes and other allow interaction through images rather than
large sized computers were only affordable to text commands. This new interaction method
universities and big companies, microprocessors was called a graphical user interface (GUI),
emerged as more affordable and accessible and dramatically improved PC usability. The
hobby kits. The Altair and Apple were the first GUI allowed for greater efficiency, and made
two personal computer hobby kits. The Apple computers much easier to use. The icons we see
I had a video screen, 8k of RAM (a tiny amount today on computer desktops exist as a result of
compared to computers today), and a keyboard. GUI.
In 1977, a PC user group called the Boston
Computer Society (BCS) was founded by Open Source
13 year old Jonathan Rotenberg in Boston,
Massachusetts. The mission of BCS was to Another significant milestone in the 1980’s was
demystify computers and make them more the distribution and founding of a free version
accessible to the public. BCS functioned as of Unix. Richard M. Stallman, a developer at
an information sharing group, a vehicle for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in
announcing major computer product releases, Cambridge, MA, believed that software should be
and an overall way of making the public more free for everyone to use. He created a set of tools
comfortable with computer technology. for the creation of a completely free operating
system. Stallman called the tools GNU, which is a
With over 30,000 members in all 50 U.S. states recursive acronymn for “GNU’s not UNIX. “
and 40 other countries, BCS helped the world
prepare for the technological advancement.

The History of Computing 


Software developers began making applications The 1990’s

available to the public domain, calling it freeware
or shareware. Freeware was completely free of
charge, and shareware meant that a donation Advent of the World Wide Web
was suggested.
During the 1990’s the World Wide Web began
The 1980’s was rich with technological to grow into the internet we know today. The
advancement. During this decade the internet internet and its many uses grew and expanded,
became commercially available, and applications shaping the way we use and think about
including email and chat came into existence. computers.
As you can see, the 80’s drastically impacted the
world as we know it today! In 1990, an engineer named Tim Berners-Lee
wrote the first web client and server, introducing
the first wb browser. The first web browser was
called WorldWideWeb, and in 1990 it was the
Richard Stallman created a software license only way to see the internet. Later the program
called the GNU General Public License, or GPL, was renamed Nexus in order to distinguish
based on four basic principles (Proffitt 2008, 8): between the program itself and the internet
information space, now called World Wide Web.
Introduction of Linux
• You have the freedom to run the program,
for any purpose In 1991, a Finish computer science student
named Linus Torvalds began building an oper-
ating system for his PC. With the help of other
• You have the freedom to change the students, Torvalds publicly released his operating
program to suit your needs. This means system in October of 1991, calling it Linux.
that you can have the source code, which is Despite being completely free to own, Linux has
the actual human instructions used to put become a very lucrative business. That’s right –
the application together.
you can install Linux on your PC without paying
any money at all. So how do they make money?
• You have the freedom to redistribute The Linux kernel (core), combined with Richard
copies of the program, either for free or for Stallman’s GNU tools, became the fully opera-
a fee tional GNU/Linux known today. It is free to own
and install, but many people are willing to pay for
expert assistance, resources, and support, as well
• You have the freedom to redistribute as distribution.
changed copies of the original program
In the case of Linux, “free” does not just mean
free of charge -- it means people are free to use
and distribute Linux as they wish.
Although “Linux” is not a word that most people
hear on a daily basis, the system is now behind
70-80% of the world’s websites.
With all this technological history happening
in such a short amount of time, the possibilities
seem limitless for the future of computers and
Open Source technology.

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


Moore’s Law

Figure 2 : Moore’s Law

Processing speed has been doubled about every two years since
1970, as shown in the above graphic. All computer technology has
been advancing with similar swiftness -- it is nearly impossible to
consistently keep up with technology’s progress.

The History of Computing 


What did you learn in Module 1?

1. When were computers first developed?

2. What were they primarily used for?

3. What does ENIAC stand for?

4. When was the Internet made available to the public?

5. Who invented the Internet?

6. What are two historical events took place in the 1970’s and
changed the computer industry?

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook

2 Introduction to Geek Speak

What are you looking for when you walk into a computer over the CPU to draw the heat away. The piece of metal
store? Maybe it is a new PC, an MP3 player, or something is made up of fins to increase surface area. Often CPUs
to back up all the files on your computer. But which PC even include both active and passive cooling approaches.
should you choose? Which MP3 player? You browse the Naturally, the cooler your CPU the better.
aisles, examining the little tags hanging beneath each item
How much RAM, or temporary memory, will you need?
for some clues on which to purchase. On each card you
Remember, the more RAM the computer has, the faster
find a blur of “specs” (specifications) :
your computer will be. Your programs will be able to run
simultaneously and more efficiently.
…..200GB hard drive, 1GB of RAM, 128MB GeForce FX 5600 How much storage do you need? The Hard Drive stores
graphics card, can also burn CDs and DVDs with the built in all of your files and programs. The more hard drive space,
DVD+-RW drive. The RZ46G also features Microsoft Windows the more can fit on your computer. File sizes are ever
XP Media Center Edition as its operating system. increasing, and the more space you have, the better.
External hard drives (these connect to your computer from
outside) can be used to back up additional information as
What to do with this confusing jumble of information? well.
First, keep in mind what you are specifically looking for. If graphics are important to you, then a high quality
Are you most interested in playing video games? Storing graphics card is necessary. Your games and videos will
files such as videos, downloaded music and movies? Word look and run better. Also, if you need better than average
processing and searching the internet? How many large sound, you can consider a more advanced sound card.
programs will you need? After your introduction to Geek However, most computers have a sufficient sound card.
Speak, you will be able to decode those specs in order to
Look for CD, DVD, and CD/DVD burning drives depending
build or purchase the right PC for your needs.
on your needs. Drives that “burn” (write) data and music
to disks rather than just reading disks. Not all CD drives do
this, so check out those specs! CD-R and DVD-R drives can
have data written to them once; CD-RW and DVD-RW can
What to look for: have information burned to them repeatedly.
Will a laptop or desktop computer be best for you? Many computers now include wireless capability.
Laptops are more portable, but desktops are often Many, but not all – so watch for built-in wireless if this is
more powerful. important to you.
Next consider the processor or CPU. CPU speed is
measured in Ghz (Gigahertz) – the higher the processor
speed, the faster your PC will be. Some CPU manufacturers
include Intel Pentium, Celeron, AMD. Processors can get
very hot, so they require a cooling device. Some have
“active” approaches to cooling, meaning that a fan is
present to blow the heat away from the CPU. A “passive”
approach to cooling means that a piece of metal is fixed

A few things to keep in mind: File Types File Names

• More disk space is better, disks fill up over Text Message (byte) n/a
Text/Web Page (KB/MB) doc, txt, pdf, rtf, html,
• File sizes are constantly increasing rss, odt, swx
• File size is restricted by memory/storage de- Graphics (KB/MB) bmp, gif, jpeg, png
vice capacity
Audio (KB/MB) mp3, wma, ac, wav
• Memory and storage are specific to certain
types of devices and file types Video (MB) avi, mpg, mp4

Table 1 : Examples of File

Standard Increments Types and Capacity
A bit is the smallest increment for data that can
be found on a computer. Because bits are so
small, you rarely work with single bits. Normally
they are assembled into bytes: 8 bits = 1 byte. A
byte is still very small; one byte can store a single
character, like an alphabet letter.
So how many songs can you store with 1 GB of
storage? That answer can very - it depends on
the size and compression of the music file. Still,
one minute of music is often thought to be
about 1 MB of storage. So you can guess that 1
GB will hold somewhere around 300 - 400 songs.

Basic Increments:
8 bits = 1 byte = about 1 alphabet letter
1,024 bytes = 1 kilobyte (KB) = about 1 page of
text Examples of storage devices:
1,000 KB = 1 megabyte (MB) = about a large book • Floppy disk: 1.44 MB
1,000 MB = 1 gigabyte (GB) = about 2 small • Thumb drives: 16 GB (max)
• CD-ROM: 720 MB
1,000 GB = 1 terabyte (TB)
• DVD: 4.7 GB
• Email account: 10 MB (example)
Storage and Measurements
• Hard disk drives (internal/external): 1 TB +
• Disk storage : measured in MB, GB, TB
• MP3 players: 128 MB & GBs / 250 songs (128
• File Size : KB, MB, GB, TB bit rate) = 1 GB
• RAM Memory : MB, GB
• Data Speed : Mbits/second (Example : USB 2.0
up to 480 Mb/s = 60 MB/S

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


Audio Graphics Video Text Programs Compressed

PC wma, mp3, bmp, jpg, gif, avi, wmv, doc, txt, exe zip, cab
wav png mp4, asf, rm pdf, rtf

Linux mp3, ogg, au bmp, jpg, gif, mov, avi, odt, swx, c, sh, php tar, gz, tgz, z
png mp4 pdf, ftr, txt

Mac aac, mp3 bmp, jpg, mp4, mov, avi, doc, txt, dmg zip
rm, qt mp4, rm, qt pdf, rft

Table 2 : Examples of File Types Across Platforms

Personal Computer Components Include:

• Case and power supply

• Motherboard
• Processor
• CPU cooler
• Hard Drive (s)
• CD ROM Drive
• Memory modules
• Cable (s)
• Floppy drive (if applicable)
• External components (keyboard, mouse, monitor)
• Screws, connecting hardware

Continue to Module 3 to learn about the parts of your PC.

Introduction to Geek Speak 


What did you learn in Module 2?

1. How many MB’s go into 1 GB?

2. What is ROM?

3. What are two examples of file types / extensions?

4. What is the first question you should ask yourself before buying or
building a computer?

5. What is one type of audio file?

6. Name two storage devices and explain their use

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook

3 PC Hardware

While styles of personal computers vary, the basic parts that make them up can be found
regardless of brand or model. The components of a personal computer are as follows:

Figure 3 : PC Components (exploded view)

1. Monitor 2. Motherboard 3. Central Processing Unit 4. RAM (Memory) 5. Expansion Cards

6. Power Supply 7. Optical Disc Drive 8. Hard Drive Disc 9. Keyboard 10. Mouse

The Chassis (Case)

Figure 4 : Chassis

Anything with multiple parts and functions needs something holding it

together. The computer case (called the chassis) houses the computer’s internal
components including the motherboard, hard disk, CPU, and everything else
aside from outer “peripherals” like the monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, etc.
Inside the chassis you will see “bays” to hold hard disks, space for the power
supply unit, and a panel for connectors.

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


The Motherboard

Figure 5 : Parts on the Motherboard

PC Hardware 

The motherboard holds the electrical pathways that allow information to

travel between components. When you look at the motherboard, you see
the physical arrangement of your PC and motherboard components.
The motherboard connects other components, and aids in communication
between them.

Figure 6 : Motherboard

The CPU Socket : holds the CPU
Slots for Cards : including video, sound and memory
Cooling Devices : active and /or passive
BIOS : Basic Input / Output System
Connectors for peripherals (keyboard, mouse, etc)

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


The Microprocessor (CPU)

Figure 7 : Central Processing Unit

The Central Processing Unit (CPU), or Microprocessor, is a computer chip

often referred to as the computer’s brain. The CPU directs most of the
tasks that take place inside the computer, along with performing math
calculations, sending and receiving data from memory, and processing
instructions from hardware and software. Information travels on CPU
pathways collectively called the front side bus (FSB). Generally the higher the
bus speed (measured in MHz) the faster the computer.

PC Hardware 

The most significant difference between computers is the CPU and memory.
Because the latest computers have CPUs up to 5 GHz speeds, they get very hot.
Earlier PCs use a heat sink to passively pull away the heat from the CPU. Heat sinks
usually consist of numerous metal fins. The fins create a higher surface area and
distribute the thermal heat away from the CPU. CPUs also often use a fan to actively
draw the heat away.

Figure 8 : Combined CPU Heat Sink / Fan Figure 9 : Passive Heat Sink

Today’s CPU manufacturers, such as INTEL and AMD, combine both

passive and active approaches to cooling. Cooling is very important:
processor speed and memory (RAM) has doubled about every 24
months has doubled since the 1960’s. (see Moore’s Law, pg. 15)

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


Hard Disk and CD-ROM Drives

Figure 10 : The Inside of the Hard Disk

What is a Hard Drive?

The Hard Disk, or Hard Drive, is the primary way the computer stores
information. Even when the computer is off, the hard drive holds your
files. Located inside the computer, most hard drives can now hold
hundreds of gigabytes (GB) of data. To put this figure in perspective: a
100 GB hard drive can hold approximately 25,000 songs.
If you require more storage, you can purchase an external hard drive
or add another internal hard drive. When building your computer, it is
always a good idea to leave extra space for subsequent hard drives.
Also, hard drives tend to create a lot of heat, so leave one or more
bays empty between drives for better cooling whenever possible.
Extra space will allow air to move freely between the drives.

PC Hardware 

How does it work?

The hard drive is an electromagnetic disk divided into sectors. Within the
sectors are tracks that divide each sector horizontally. Picture the disks divided
up like a sliced pie, with each slice then divided by the concentric rings (like
grooves on an LP record) that divide the sector. This creates an address or
coordinates similar to the latitude and longitude of the earth.
When one track is full, the data is written to the next track, and so on until the
sector is full. As the disk fills, it searches for any remaining available space.

Figure 11 : Hard Disk Cylinders and Sectors

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


What is a CD-ROM drive? How is it different from the Hard Drive?

The compact disc read-only memory (CD-ROM) drive is where you insert compact disks
(CDs) containing information, music, or software. The computer will read the contents
only, not make any changes to it. A CD-R drive is used to record data or music to a disc
permanently. CD-RW discs allow you to record data, then later erase and re-record if you
want to.
CD-ROM drives work much the same way as a hard drive, except instead of an
electromagnetic device that reads and writes, the CD-ROM uses a laser to read or write
data to the disk.

Figure 12 : CD-ROM Drive

PC Hardware 

Random Access Memory (RAM)

RAM is used only when the computer is running, and accesses information you are
currently using.

Imagine that you are working at a desk with enough space to spread out your papers
for a project. The desk has enough space for some of your materials, but not for all of
them; you store the papers you wish to save for a long time in a filing cabinet. You can
call the surface of the desk the short-term storage, and the filing cabinet your long-term

To work with your papers, you must retrieve them from the filing cabinet. RAM, our
physical desk, retrieves your document from the hard disk, acting as the computer’s
long-term memory, and stores them there for updates.

The more RAM memory that’s available, the larger the workspace, and consequently
you can work with more materials at one time. Only a fixed amount of papers will fit
practically on your desk’s surface; some papers will remain in the filing cabinet until you
are finished with those you are currently using.

When RAM reaches its capacity (i.e., when the desk is full), the computer will swap files
from RAM back to the hard drive.

Figure 13 : RAM

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


Power Supply

Figure 14 : Power Supply

The power supply is found on the chassis. Cables from the power
supply plug into the motherboard. To power the computer, a cord
from the power supply plugs into your wall or other power source.

PC Hardware 

CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)

Figure 15 : CMOS

The Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) is a chip

located on the motherboard that maintains information about
the computer’s system. Information such as the date and time,
hard disk type, and boot (start-up) order are stored even while the
computer is turned off. The CMOS settings are preserved by the
CMOS battery. When the computer power is turned on, the CMOS
passes information to the BIOS (see page 22).

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


Slots and Cards Basic Input / Output System (BIOS)

The BIOS, or Basic Input / Output System, is a
Network cards, audio cards, and RAM all fit into chip located in the middle of the motherboard,
slots built into the motherboard. and tells the hardware how to make your
operating system run. In fact, the BIOS is sort
of like an operating system for your operating
Things to keep in mind about slots and cards: system. The BIOS is really considered both
hardware and software.
The slots are close together. Arrange the cards
so that all the cards can fit side by side. Unless Picture a layer cake: think of the BIOS as the
the slot is for a specific type of card such as the base layer, followed by the operating system,
graphics card, you can slide the cards into any and lastly the computer programs. While these
of the slots. components are not physically layered on top
Some cards have connectors that are accessible of each other, they support each other in that
from outside the computer chassis. For order. You can use the BIOS for making subtle
example, a network card will have a 10Base-T adjustments to your system, such as changing
connector for a CAT 5 cable that connects the speed of the RAM, changing the time, and
to the internet. Audio cards have external updating or adding passwords.
connectors for attaching different types of
speakers, headphones, and videogame audio.
BIOS configures date/time, language, boot order,
total installed memory (per slot, ex, 128 MB),
information about CPU speed, power saving, and
With newer computers the operating system
(Xubuntu, Windows, Mac OS X, etc) performs
many of the BIOS features.

Figure 16 : Slots on the Motherboard

Figure 17 : The BIOS Utility

PC Hardware 


Figure 18: Keyboard

PC Peripherals are components found connected outside the

computer case. Peripherals include your keyboard, monitor,
mouse, printer, and external hard drive.

Figure 19: Mouse

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


What did you learn in Module 3?

1. What is RAM?

2. Give two examples of “peripherals.”

3. What does CPU stand for?

4. Is a Heat Sink an example of passive or

active ventilation (cooling)?

5. Name five components found inside a PC.

6. Why is the computer able to retain the date

and time when the power is off?

7. Why would a CPU have two cooling


PC Hardware 

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook

About Operating Systems
Software and Installation

Ubuntu was one of them, and he named the

software project after an African concept:
An Operating System (OS) functions as a layer of “humanity towards others” (Proffitt 2008, 13).
software that allows hardware and applications Open Source and Ubuntu are community-
(software) to communicate. focused projects. The community of developers
and designers make it possible for the projects to
extend to the community of computer-users at
No software applications can run without an large. Ubuntu is known for increased efficiency
operating system. The OS distributes memory, and usability when compared to previous Linux-
processes tasks, accesses things like your mouse based operating systems.
and keyboard (peripherals), and serves as the
user interface.
Linux is known as the kernel (core) of an
operating system, rather than the full operating
Operating systems include Windows, Mac OS, system in itself. Xubuntu includes the Linux
and Linux, and allow programmers to work with kernel. A full operating system includes software
a basic standard format when writing software. to communicate with all of the different parts
Think of a restaurant: The restaurant requires the of the computer, like the keyboard, mouse,
kitchen wait staff, dining room, dishwashers, etc. applications, etc, as well as to make things like
But without a basic system of organization and icons and windows (Proffitt 2008, 5). The kernel
communication, the restaurant would not run at is responsible for organizing the computer’s
all. tasks, and all operating systems have kernels.

The Linux kernel is important because, when

compared to other operating systems such as
Windows, it runs much more efficiently. Linux
requires fewer resources to run, because all its
parts are not necessarily inter-connected.

Xubuntu Distribution
What is Xubuntu? What does “free” software mean?
Xubuntu (pronounced X–oo-Boon-too) is the
newest version of the Ubuntu operating system, The GNU/Linux free software license guaranteed
which is a branch of Linux. Ubuntu is known as not only that the operating system is free to use,
one of the most user-friendly versions of Linux. but also that users can use it in any way. That
includes selling, distributing, and changing the
Mark Shuttleworth, an entrepreneur from South operating system itself. In open source terms,
Africa, has funded many open source projects.

the word “free” holds multiple meanings. Brian

Proffitt, author of Introducing Ubuntu, puts it this So what is the benefit of running your operating
way: system directly from the disk?
Here’s the software. Here’s the source 1. You can try it before you commit to
code. Do what you want with it. If you installing it
improve it, make sure you include all of
the source code with your improvements 2. You can take it with you to use on
and pass it along. Don’t ever try to keep multiple computers
other people from getting your
improvements to the source code… Be
excellent to each other (Proffitt 2008, 8) To run Xununtu from the CD, simply insert the
disk into your CD-Rom drive and restart your
computer, and choose the option to “Boot.” You
How is it distributed? can choose the “Install” option if you would
rather install.
Software distributions are always either
commercial or non-commercial, which means
basically for profit or not-for-profit. Shareware vs. Freeware

Some distributions include : What is the difference between Shareware

Commercial: and Freeware?
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux
• SUS Linux Enterprise Server Freeware is, as the word sounds, free software.
The meaning is slightly different than open
• Mandriva Linux
source in that you will not necessarily have the
• Xandros ability to modify the software, and you may not
have as much guaranteed community support.
Shareware is software that can be aquired for
Noncommercial: free, but payment is suggested.
• Debian GNU/Linux
• Slackware Linux
• Fedora
• Freespire

Installing Xubuntu
Xubuntu can be downloaded from the internet
or installed from a CD. You can run Xubuntu from
the CD (LiveCD) or install it permanently on your
machine. Consider how much RAM you have.
If you don’t have much, running the operating
system from the CD will be very slow.

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


Figure 20: Open Office Logo

About Open Office

Most popularly used commercial software has an open source equivalent. For word
processing and other related tools, Open Office provides an ever-improving, free version.
Open Office includes tools for word processing, calculating and spreadsheets, instant
messaging, photo / image editing, and more.

Open Office can be found at:

Open Source Software and Installation 


What did you learn in Module 4?

1. What is the difference between freeware and shareware?

2. Is Open Source software always free?

3. Where can you get Xubuntu?

5 PC Security and the Internet

Unix/Linux is often thought of as more secure usernames and passwords by trying to appear
than other operating systems because of the trustworthy or impersonating another entity (like
way it is built and because most viruses are a bank). Consistently following safe practices
not directed at computers running Linux. – like deleting email you are uncertain of – will
However, it is still very important to take security help to keep you secure from phishing and other
precautions. scams. If an email or other message prompts you
to enter personal information into a website,
simply seek the official website out directly to
Precautions When Using the Internet make sure it is secure. Always question messages
asking for personal information.
Spam and Viruses
Spam is an unsolicited electronic message, and
usually attempts to sell a product or aquire Internet Browsing
personal information. Spam can sometimes “Surfing” the internet requires an application
contain viruses. A computer virus is a program called a browser. Applications such as Internet
that spreads from one machine to others, and Explorer, Apple Safari, and Mozilla Firefox allow
is designed to infect a computer for a variety of us to access the World Wide Web.
purposes, and is usually destructive.
Regardless of the type of browser you have,
security is important.
Tips for keeping your computer safe: You can set your internet preference to be more
or less secure. Setting up a firewall can block all
Never open email when you are not sure of the unauthorized access to your machine. You can
source. A virus can infect your computer simply also set your browser to “private browsing” and
from opening an email or attachment. Your email empty out your internet “history” if you wish to
system can even spread the virus to everyone in keep your internet use more private.
your address book. 5 Important Tips for Internet Security:
• Install Anti-Virus Software
Make sure emails appear to be “authentic” before • Only open known email attachments
opening them. Your email address and those of
people you know can be imitated. Look at the • Vary your passwords for your online accounts
subject line as well as the sender. (do not use the same one every time!)
• Log off of the internet when you are finished
using it
• Install a firewall to block unauthorized access
A phishing email attempts to obtain critical to your computer and personal information
information such as credit card numbers and

About Passwords
A password is important when using the Internet. For example, you will need a password to access
the following activities on the Internet:
• Creating email accounts
• Shopping
• Social networking
• School
If someone gets your password they can access your accounts and use your personal information
without your permission. They may even impersonate you. Keep your password private.

Protect your password - keep it secret.

Don’t let anyone see your password when your typing.

Picking a Password
When you pick a password keep this in mind about the password you select - EASY TO REMEMBER,
HARD TO GUESS - because you will need it on more than one website. Also make it easy to keep in
mind, so you don’t need to write it down.

Here are some guidelines for you to consider when picking a password, use:
• at least eight characters or more
• a mix of letters and numbers
• at least one capitalized letter
• letters or numbers without repeating
• a password that’s easy to remember
The more you do the above: the stronger the password and the harder to guess.

Can you pick a strong password?

Here are some ideas:
• Associate two unrelated words that rhyme. For example, NexiusPerplexius.
• Pick a birthday in your family but not your birthday. For example, 03-25-89 and add letters = Z03-
• A phrase that sticks out. For example, pinkismyfavoritecolor.

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


What did you learn in Module 5?

1. What is one precaution you can take to keep your PC Secure?

2. What is phishing?

3. List two tips for internet security.

4. What is a browser?

PC Security and the Internet 


PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


BIOS: Stands for “Basic Input/Output System.” The BIOS is a program pre-installed on Windows-
based computers (not on Macs) that the computer uses to start up. The CPU accesses the BIOS
even before the operating system is loaded. The BIOS then checks all your hardware connections
and locates all your devices. If everything is OK, the BIOS loads the operating system and finishes
the boot-up process. BIOS is considered both hardware and software, because it is a chip on the
motherboard as well as a system on the computer.

Booting: To “boot” a computer is to start it up and get it running. To do this, press the power
button. After that, the “boot process” begins. The boot process is complete once the operating system
is loaded and the computer is read for use. (see BIOS)

Browser: A Web browser, often just called a “browser,” is the program people use to access the
World Wide Web. Some common browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator,
and Apple Safari.

Burn: When you “burn a disc,” you write data on it. The reason the term “burn” is used is because the
CD-writer, or burner, literally burns the data onto a writable CD.

Chassis: The outer case of the computer. In general terms, the word “chassis” means “the
supporting frame of a structure” (Merriam Webster Dictionary :

CMOS: In a computer, the CMOS, or Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor, holds the
date and time and other basic system settings. The CMOS relies on the CMOS battery to save this

CPU: Stands for Central Processing Unit, and is also called the Microprocessor. The CPU controls
the operation of a computer. It is a chip or circuit found on the motherboard that executes programs
by processing a list of instructions which perform arithmetic and logical operations and decode and
execute instructions.

Firewall: A computer firewall limits the data that can pass through it and protects a networked
server or client machine from damage by unauthorized users. In short, it keeps your computer and
personal information from being accessed by unauthorized people.

Graphical User Interface: Known as GUI, and allows users to click and drag objects with a
mouse instead of entering text at a command line. GUI was first introduced to the public by Apple
with the Macintosh in 1984. However, the idea was actually taken from an earlier user interface
developed by Xerox.

Heat Sink: The heat sink passively dissipates heat in order to cool the processor and keep it from
over-heating. The heat sink is made out of metal, such as a zinc or copper alloy, and is attached to the
processor with a thermal material that draws the heat from away the processor towards the heat sink.
Fans (active cooling) are also used to cool the CPU.

Hard Drive: The hard drive is what stores all your data. It houses the hard disk, where all your files
and folders are physically located. A typical hard drive is only slightly larger than your hand, yet can
hold over 100 GB of data. T he term “hard drive” is actually short for “hard disk drive.” The term “hard
disk” refers to the actual disks inside the drive. However, all three of these terms are usually seen as
referring to the same thing -- the place where your data is stored.

Linux: Pronounced “lihnuks,” this is a Unix-based operating system created by Linus Torvalds. His
reason for developing it was that he wasn’t happy with the currently available options in Unix. Linux
is freely distributed and is used all over the world. It can be changed and customized, and there are
many versions in existence. (see Xubuntu)

Mainframe: A “mainframe” originally meant the cabinet containing the central processor unit of
a very large computer. After minicomputers became available, the word mainframe came to refer to
the large computer itself. Today a desktop computer can have as much power as the large computers
that once filled a whole room.

Motherboard: The main circuit board inside a computer that everything in the computer plugs
into and contains the CPU, memory slots, and other components.

Operating System: Also known as an “OS,” this is the software that communicates with
computer hardware and programs. Without an operating system, no software programs can run. The
OS is what distributes memory, processes tasks, accesses disks and peripherials. The operating system
also serves as the “interface” - this allows people to communicate with the computer.

PC: Stands for “Personal computer.” PCs are are what most people use on a daily basis for work or
personal use. Most PCS today include a monitor, mouse, keyboard as well as connecting ports for
printers, speakers, and other peripherals.

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


Phishing: Phishing is similar to fishing in a lake, but instead of trying to capture fish, phishers
attempt to steal your personal information. They send out e-mails that appear to come from
legitimate websites such as eBay, PayPal, or other banking institutions. Phishing emails make
fraudulent claims and try to get you to enter passwords, credit card numbers, social security
numbers, and other personal information.

RAM: Stands for “Random Access Memory.” Cards of RAM fit into slots on your motherboard. The
more RAM (or temporary memory) you have, the more programs you can run at a time and the faster
your computer will run.

SPAM: Refers to junk e-mail or irrelevant postings to a newsgroup or bulletin board. Spam is
unsolicited email selling anything from car loans to weight loss supplements.

USB: Stands for “Universal Serial Bus.” USB is the most common type of computer port used in
today’s computers. It can be used to connect keyboards, mice, game controllers, printers, scanners,
digital cameras, removable media drives, and more. USB is faster than older types of connecting

Virus: Like a biological virus, a computer virus is something you don’t want to get. Computer
viruses are small programs or scripts that can negatively affect the health of your computer. These
malicious little programs can create files, move files, erase files, consume your computer’s memory,
and cause your computer not to function correctly. Anti-virus software can be used to protect your

Xubuntu: (courtesy of : a community developed, Linux-based operating

system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. It contains all the applications you need - a
web browser, document and spreadsheet editing software, instant messaging and much more. (see


PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook

Appendix A: Classroom Activities

Activity # 1: Go Shopping

Activity 1 Instructions: “Go Shopping”

Now that you know all about hardware and software and can understand computer specifications in
newspapers and advertisements, we are giving you $2,000 virtual dollars to spend on a computer.

Actually your assignment is “spend” up to $2,000 virtual dollars. You can spend the whole amount or
just enough to “buy” the computer that fits your needs. However, you must stick to the budget. If you
go 1¢ over budget you’ll need to rethink your purchase.

Use the Internet to shop for your computer. Remember you are selecting either a laptop or desktop,
which can be new or used, and a printer. Select the system that you feel best meets your computing
needs and what you’ll be using the computer for. For example, are you mostly surfing the web,
emailing, and using the computer for school work. Or are you using the computer for gaming and
playing music?

We also want to see how your “money” was spent, whether you made a single purchase or several
purchases to include everything you need. Don’t forget the software; was software bundled with
your system or did you need to buy it?

Use the following two forms provided in the workbook to complete this activity:
• Use the Shopping List form to select the system that’s right for you.
• Use the Invoice form to document the cost of your system.

List the cost of each of your “purchases” on the invoice sheet. We want to know exactly what
your system cost you and what you spent your money on. When you’ve finished, tear the
page out, and turn it in to your teacher.

For example, if you “bought” a display for $300, then write “Display” under the Item’s column
and right next to it in the Cost column write $300. If you “bought” a desktop that includes all
the system componets you researched from your Shopping List, then list those components
under the Item(s) column. Right next to the item put the cost for that item in the Cost
column. Then add every up and write in the total cost.

When you’ve finished shopping, tear the forms out of this workbook, and turn them in to your
PC Shopping List

Store Questions Your Answers

Name of store
Location of store
Website used
New or used
Desktop Questions Your Answers
Brand of desktop computer
Operating system
Speed of CPU (in Hz)
Type of CPU (Pentium4, Power PC, etc.)
Capacity of hard drive
Speed of hard drive (in RPM)
Type of optical drive (CD-ROM, DVD)
Speed of optical drive
Amount of RAM
Make and model of screen display
Size of screen display
Laptop Questions Your Answers
Brand of laptop computer
Operating system
Speed of CPU (in Hz)
Type of CPU (Pentium4, Power PC, etc.)
Capacity of hard drive
Speed of hard drive (in RPM)
Type of optical drive (CD-ROM, DVD)
Speed of optical drive
Amount of RAM
Size of screen display
Weight (in lbs)
Size (in inches)
Printer Questions Your Answers
Make and model of printer
Type of printer (laser or inkjet)
Color or black and white
Speed of printer (pgs per min)

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


Items (s) Cost

Total Cost

Appendix A 

Extra Credit Assignment

Explain Your Purchase. Write a paragraph about your computing needs and your thought process
while shopping on this page. When you’ve finished writing, tear this page out and turn it in to your
Start with what you already use your computer for either at school, the library, or your home. If you
want to improve your computing experience how will a new computer change that? Are there any
software appplications that your new computer will run that the computer you’re currently using

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


Activity # 2 : Word Puzzles

Congratulations! You’re officially a nerd. Find the techie lingo in the puzzles below.

Word Puzzle # 1

Find the following terms :

BIOS, Booting, Browser, Burn, CD-ROM, Chassis, CMOS, CPU, Firewall, GUI,
Hardware, Heatsink, Linux, Mainframe, Memory, Motherboard, Open Source,
Phishing, RAM, Slot, SPAM, System, Ubuntu, Upgrade, USB

Appendix A 

Word Puzzle # 2

Find the following terms :

Anti-virus, BIOS, Card, Components, Data, ENIAC, File, Floppy Drive, Free Geek,
Gigabyte, Hardware, Install, Keyboard, Megabyte, Monitor, Moore’s Law, Mouse,
Operating System, Peripheral, Power Supply, Processor, Software, Storage,

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook

Appendix B: Free and Open Source Software

These are some applications that are free, there are surely many others. Some of these applications
may have come with your computer depending on the operating system. When the source code is
available for programmers to modify, then it’s an open source application. Open source applications
are usually compatible with multiple operating systems (OS) that is, cross-platform compatible.

Do a search on the following program names to locate websites were you can download the
application :
Children’s Applications
Name Description Operating System
Tux Paint Paint and draw pictures Windows, Mac OS, Linux
Tux Typing Learn keyboarding, letter recognition, letter Windows, Mac OS, Linux
recognition and differentiation, small motor skills,
spelling, typing, and more
Tux Math Learn keyboarding, number recognition, number Windows, Mac OS, Linux
differentiation, small motor skills, addition,
subtraction, and more
Childsplay Enhance memory, small motor skills, letter Windows, Mac OS, Linux
recognition/differentiation, sound memory. Includes
puzzles, flashcards, and more.
Seterra Play geography games for school-agers Windows
Sebran’s ABC Learn letter recognition/differentiation, number Windows
recognition, simple math, counting, early reading
Minisebran Learn better recognition, letter differentiation, Windows
number recognition, counting, early reading skills for
younger children
Selingua Learn languages : German, Spanish, French, and Windows

Table 3: Children’s Applications is an Internet repository for open source software for children. Some applications
registered with SchoolForge are unfinished, some are old, but they have a wide-selection of
applications worth browsing. Most applications are cross-platform compatible (Windows, Mac, and
Linux) and is likely the best source of feely available children’s software for the Xubuntu platform.


Name Description Operating System

Audacity Audio production Windows, Mac OS, Linux
CamStudio Streaming video Windows
eDraw Mindmap Draw mind maps, floorplans, Windows
flow charts.
FLV Crunch Convert video files formats for Mac OS
different video players.
FormatFactory Convert video files formats for Windows
different video players.
GIMP Draw and manipulate pictures.
(GNU Image Manipulation Windows, Mac OS, Linux
iMovie Creates movies from pictures Mac OS
and videos.
Inkscape Draw complex diagrams and Windows, Mac OS, Linux
pictures. Similar to Illustrator.
iPhoto Edit and manage photos. Mac OS
Kate’s Video Converter Convert video files formats for Windows
different video players.
MWSnap Capture screen shots. Windows
Paintbrush Draw and manipulate pictures. Mac OS
Photo Story Create digital slideshows for TV, Windows XP
computer, or Windows portable
Seashore Edit images. Mac OS
Songbird Play and manage digital music, Mac OS, cross-platform versions
and listen to Internet radio. coming.
Windows Movie Maker Creates movies from pictures Windows XP, Vista
and videos.
Windows Photo Gallery Edit and manage photos. Windows Vista
Windows Picture Manager Edit and manage photos. Windows XP

Table 4: Applications for Creativity

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


Office Productivity

Name Description Operating System

Apple Mail Email Mac OS
Chrome Browser Windows XP, Vista, cross-
platform versions coming.
Firefox Browser Windows, Mac OS, Linux
iCal Calendar and Task List Mac OS
Internet Explorer Browser Windows
Juice Podcast receiver – listen/learn Windows, Mac OS, Linux
at computer
Mozilla Lightning Calendar and Task List. Windows, Mac OS, Linux
Integrates with Mozilla
Mozilla Sunbird Calendar Windows, Mac OS, Linux
Mozilla Thunderbird Email, RSS feed, Newsgroups Windows, Mac OS, Linux
MWSnap Screen capture Windows Writer (word processor), Windows, Mac OS, Linux
Impress (presentations), Calc
(spreadsheet), Draw, Base
(database). Reads all similar MS
OpenProj Project Management Windows, Mac OS, Linux
Outlook Express Email and Newsgroups Windows XP and earlier
Safari Browser Mac OS, Windows XP, Vista
Scribus Desktop Publisher Windows, Mac OS, Linux
Windows Calendar Calendar and Task List Windows Vista
Windows Mail Email and Newsgroups Windows Vista

Table 5: Applications for Office Productivity

Appendix B 

Financial Applications

Name Description Operating System

GnuCash Accounting (imports Quicken Windows, Mac OS, Linux
QIF files)
Intuit QuickBooks Simple Small business bookkeeping Windows
MS Office Accounting Express Small business bookkeeping Windows
NCH Software Express Ac- Small business bookkeeping Windows, Mac OS
counts and accounting

Figure 6: Financial Applications

PC Hardware and Assembly Workbook


Barbara Fritchman Thompson and Robert Bruce Thompson. Building the Perfect PC. Sebastobol, CA :
O’Reilly Media Inc. , 2007.

McFredries, Paul. Computers Simplified. 7th Edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing, Inc. , 2007.

Proffitt, Brian. Introducing Ubuntu : Desktop Linux. Thomas Course Technology, 2008

Free Geek Providence. Accessed 8/2009.

Open Source. Accessed 8/2009.

XUbuntu. Accessed 8/2009.

Tech Terms Computer Definitions. Accessed 7/

All images Public Domain

Figure 3 and Figure 7 licensed under Creative Commons ShareAlike

Personal Computer Exploded (image). Available from:

computer,_exploded_5.svg (accessed July 2009).

CPU (image). Available from:

(accessed July 2009).

Suggestions for Further Reading


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