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Kevin Bell & Beth Bell – PREPARING FOR PARTNERSHIP; Business MINDSET [A talk designed to help a

business prospect make the best possible decision for their future, with a clear explanation of the
value of moving to the B-Quadrant]

By know prospect has good idea of what we’re all about.

About building a team, and building an ASSET.
We want them to think and to understand (not convince of anything)
We want them to think through the options and make the best choice for them.
We want person to make best decision for their personal future.
The Coaching & Mentorship is the key.
 Own it. It’s yours
 You’re the only one that can guarantee your success.
 You need to take the opportunity seriously, and not waste your time, or other people’s time.
 Read Business of the 21st century – Robert Kiyosaki
o It’s not about making money. Making money can be made in any of the four
quadrants. It’s ABOUT BUILDING WEALTH. It’s about BUILDING ASSET that will create
o If you trade time for money, you have a temporary solution. ASSET = COW…sell the
cow as steak.

o Vs. If you INVEST YOUR TIME IN BUILDING AN ASSET, then the asset now produces
income. ASSET = COW → sell milk…buy more assets

 If you don’t build the asset, then YOU ARE the asset.
 Fastest way is build a BUSINESS ASSET

 Goal to have a Business mindset, to EVALUATE a business

 Get a good education, get a degree…→ start a good “BUSINESS!” (people used to “JOB”)

 Why work “Hard”…..why not work real “SMART”

 “5% return” MONETARY ASSET

o Annual amount x 20 =
o 60,000 x 20 = 1.2million (financial asset)… earning you a 5% return of $5,000/every
o FOREVER…can pass to spouse/children


o Getting mentoring & coaching is valuable
o Appreciation leads to activation.
o The value you place on it, the more impact it has on you
 If someone is successful, I would feel I could learn from them.
o There has to be respect for success. You can always learn from somebody that’s had a
lot of success
o You have to appreciate there’s effort required for success
 A coach teaches the plays, teaches him how to be successful in the field

 A mentor keeps them out of the trouble off the field, so they can still play in the field (spent
all the money etc.)
 Biggest lessons in life. If you ask people who are somewhere you want to be, and respect them
enough to ask for their opinions, not only will they answer your questions, but they’ll start
looking for other ways for you to improve because they know you want it.
o Your desire opens up that door for coaching and mentorship

 Education and training on personal development, finances, leadership, self-image.

 Look at everything in your life as an investment
 This will be years, not months or weeks.

 Who you decide to listen in your life will determine your outcome
 Successful network, will raise other people up.
 How you use the platform is different.
 You get paid in volume
 Look at it as INVESTING

REAL ESTATE comparison: You’re going to pay for a house one way or another in your life.
 Either you’re paying Mortgage $1000/mo or you’re renting $1000/month
 Either way, you’re going to pay to live somewhere….so only difference is WHO’s going to OWN
what you paid for
 If you’re purchasing the house, then you’re going to own it. If you’re renting a house, then
you’re going to pay it off for the landlord. Regardless, you’re going to pay $1000/mo
 What if we can do we can do same thing with money you’re spending on food, vitamins,
skincare, nutritional products, high tech items, clothing, drinks, food bars (all things we
consume regularly)..
 What if we take that same money and instead of spending it at somebody else’s store, and
building their asset, we can spend it our own store, and build our asset.
 That’s what we’re teaching people to do.


o If you Help one business be successful, (you’re at the 7500 point level)…you make
around $55,000/year at the Q12 level.
o If you Help someone who HELPS 3, their income will be significantly more than that.
o Bottom Line: you’re paid on how much BUSINESS is produced, not when you got started.
o It’s not the person at the top, but the person with the BEST PERFORMANCE

 We can’t guarantee success, we can create a favorable conditions for your success.
o You have to have an opportunity
o You have to be on the Right side to create an ASSET
o You’ve got to give yourself a chance, look for those favorable conditions, ask
coaches/mentors as many questions as you can.

Yousuf & Maka Ahmed, Ali

1. If we can do it, you guys can do it

2. We are chasing Happiness. Happiness is the PROCESS OF ACHIEVING…the PURSUIT of happiness,
(not the capture of happiness)

3. Your team

4. Personal Growth
Action – doing something everyday

5. Immigrants: came to work and build America

a. The UNSEEN controls the seen
b. Difference between rich people and poor people…..the WAY THEIR MIND IS ARRANGED
c. Creation is finished
d. It is excluded from your view

e. The UNSEEN controls the SEEN

7. The law of assumption
a. Point 1: Assume the feeling of your dreams fulfilled. How does it feel? What is it like?
Feel it! Close your eyes, can you feel it? Can you see that? Stay there. Now open your
i. YOU GET WHAT you FEEL when you SPEAK.
1. When you feel

b. Point 2: DENY the SENSES.

i. Speak as if you already have what you got
ii. Legs left….but DENY it…

8. SEE where you want to be.

9. The way you’re thinking and applying Bill’s Law

a. THINKING FROM Platinum (not thinking OF platinum)
i. You behave and think like a Platinum
i. BEHAVE like a diamond

10. Britt used the principles


Life is a journey with problems to solve, lessons to learn, but most of all, experiences to enjoy

 You’re going to have STRUGGLES building this business.
 You’re going to have CRITIZICISMS in this business and in life. You’re going to have to learn
how to handle it
 Critizicism is something that we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being
 As long as you’re doing something worthwhile in life, you’re going to be criticized. If you’re
not being criticized it’s because you’re not doing anything worthwhile in life.
 If you’ve never failed, you’ve never tried anything worthwhile in life.

 You have got to find your mentor, a hero

 You have to have a GREATER CAUSE to push you to diamondship

 If you can’t pay cash, you can’t afford it.

 You will develop friends that are even closer than your relatives

 Abe Maslow….achieve self-actualization

 You will have a positive people in a lot people in the world.

 You have a chance to make a difference, benefit more people with this business

 “Your success should be defined by the number of people who are better off because of your
positive influence in their lives” – Bill BRITT

 You have to find a mentor that will give you the motivation to build your Amway business


RON & Georgia LEE – Puryear THE IDEAL BUSINESS (Good Talk) . Crown Ambassadors
 Your purpose is to be ON PURPOSE, to be here and grow in life
 Go for your future, go for your dreams. Go for what this business has to give you.

 Encourage them to keep going

 Go for your goals, go for your dreams, go for the HOPE for your future

 Start speaking Platinums!

 When you sponsor your first person, you’re level 1. You’re now a leader. You’re responsible
now. You’ve got someone excited about this. You showed them a lot of things. You believe they
could do it. So they’re looking at you. So that’s a big responsibility. When you take someone’s
dream, and give them that dream, and nurture that dream. You take it on.

First thing, it’s an honor when they take your dream and want to make it their dream. That’s a
tremendous honor, and it’s also a tremendous responsibility.

 Those couple initial months, they’re looking at you, not your upline, but you. You inspired them
to get into this business. You don’t know who’s going to stay in, who’s going to do it, who’s not
going to do it.

 You don’t know what you’ve got unless they’ve been in 3 months. After three months, you can
tell pretty well what kind of business you help get started.

 Is it going to be a serious one?

Have I found another me?
Or are they going to let somebody else steal their dream?
Or steal it themselves?
So you’re risking. You’re investing your time and money into somebody, with no guarantees.
NO guarantee of return.

 That takes faith. Faith in yourself, the business, and other people.

 IT’s the most biggest Stumbling blocks for people…is a “NOW SOCIETY”. We want to see the
results now.
Everything’s gotta be right now. Well this business doesn’t work that way. It’s a process

 An STPC stands for a lot of things.

o Start the process
o Show the plan
o Show the product
o Share the product

 The time you first contact somebody, you’re starting the process. And you don’t know how far
you’re going to go with them. And how far they’re willing to go with you in that process. But if
they’re willing to go all the way with you, you’re going to have a tremendous life. And they are
too. And you’re going to keep raising your level of leadership as you go.

 Your DREAM has to be BIGGER than your FEARS

 We only have one life to life. I want it to count for something. I want a full life with no regrets.

 85 countries in the world….= big market!

 You’re only limited by HOW BIG can you dream.

How many people are you willing to SERVE?
How many people are you willing to HELP SUCCEED?
That’s your limit….it’s self imposed.

 Inelastic demands.
The business has a product with INELASTIC demands… Means people need it almost regardless
of price. [we have 450 of them –so far of this recording]
AMWAY guarantees them for 180days.
No questions asked. For 180days. That should let you know if you like it or don’t like it shouldn’t
Nobody can offer that. It’s pretty unbelieveable. When a business has products like that. You got
to be proud of the brands we have. Homecare products that are the best that can be possibly
made. Amway has 750 patents on them, so nobody can get them other than through us. So our
only business customers.

 Man I found the perfect business.

 If you don’t believe it yourself, you can’t tell people about it without any kind of conviction.

 You got to start the process.

Moving up the ladder of leadership.
…Get started on the process and never quit.

 Invest in yourself, Bet on yourself…instead of our jobs or our boss.

 Your job…. what makes you think that things going to last?

 Got to be careful who you listen to.

Some of the ones you love and respect the most, IF THEY’RE NOT LIVING THE WAY YOU WANT
TO LIVE, love them, respect them, but take your advice from them of how you want to live your

 The ideal or perfect business sells a product that is has a continuing need. That means
consuming it up, and they have to buy it again, and again.

 Everybody’s busy. IT’s the matter of what’s a PRIORITY

 You take a little of that NONPRODUCTIVE Time

You know you make a living, from 8 to 5, you build a LIFE from 6 to midnight.

 Understand that if you want to have a life, an adventure, a life of no regrets. It’s what you do
with you “Nonproductive time” from 6 to midnight. In amway, you can fit that in.

 You understand the business right? You want time, the money, the adventure, you want to
leave a legacy to your children, your grandchildren. You want to serve people. You want to make
LIFE in America to be a better place to live and prosper.

 All you have to do is Use the product, show the plan, Sponsor whoever wants to be sponsored.

 Like a movie “man I just saw the greatest movie”
“Man, I just say the greatest business opportunity. I saw the perfect business?”
Why, are you interested?

 The ideal business is portable. Can put it anywhere you want. In florida, California, islands…all
need is a cell phone. Order products, register people.

 Doors have been open. You have to walk through

 A dream. If you think it’s childish and just for kids. All Success starts with a dream. Everything
starts with a dream. It starts up here (Brain). You got to learn how to take control of it, and
Think how successful people think.
Make a life for you and your family

 The perfect business is one That keeps you fascinated. You fall in love with it. It requires your
intellectual, and often your emotional energies.

 It’s something I could do. That I could fit it in somewhere. I can start the process, and never quit.
Just stay consistent, through the good times, the bad times, the frustrating times, the
disappointing times, that’s life. That’s part of this business. But KNOW WHAT THE REWARDS

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