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were there trams in your city?

1. Match the two halves of famous quotes. What are your favorite ones?

a. In the beginning there was nothing. The and often nothing so strange. Daniel Webster
God said,
b. There was never a good war, so it was a bit crowded. Princess Diana

c. There is nothing so powerful as the truth there is no try. Yoda

d. There were three of us in this marriage, "let there be light!" and there was light. book
of genesis
e. There is no "I" or a bad peace. Benjamin Franklin

f. Do or do not. in "team". Unknown

2. read and complete the blog about the picture with these prepositions.

above behind between in (x2) in front of next to on apposite under

encima detrás entre en en frente de cerca de en opuesto debajo

in Australia. Tere’s a big church dowtown. the church has a famous clock above above the
door, it's over 800 years old. There's a large square in front of the church where the tourists
take photos. There's a tall monument next to the square too, the birds like to sit above

his head! apposite the church, there are a lot of restaurants and bars, they're very expensive
because of all the tourists and the food is often bad so I don't eat there. There's also a river in my
town, it runs behind the church. In the summer people go to the park between the church
and the river. There are some big old trees in front of the river, people like to sit under the
trees and have picnic.


Are a - e true (T) or false (F) for your town?

a. There were trams here fifty years ago.

b. There was a lot of pollution, but it's clean now.

c. There were a lot more cinemas a few years ago.

d. There wasn't anywhere for children to play, now there are some play areas.

e. There were some beautiful old buildings, but they aren't there now.

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