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Revue de Paléobiologie, Genève (décembre 2005) 24 (2) : 629-637 ISSN 1661-5468

Tortonian Scleractinian Corals from the island of Gavdos (South Greece)


This paper studies scleractinians collected from the localities Panagia, Korfe, Karave, Aghios Ioannis, Bo and Bardaris on the island
Gavdos within Tortonian sediments. Eleven scleractinians species were determined.
The examined scleractinians species belong to shallow water corals and provide specific information on the ecological conditions such
as the depth, the temperature, the salinity, the climate, etc.

Key words :
Tortonian reef - forming Scleractinian corals, Paleoenvironment, Gavdos island (South Greece, SW part of the island Crete).


The studied localities within the Tortonian sediments on Eleven species of scleractinians were identified coming
the Gavdos island that embed fossil scleractinians are the from the following locations :
following : Bo, Aghios Ioannis, Bardaris, Panagia, Korfe 1. Panagia. This area is located in the central part of
and Karave. the island, towards Kastri, and in the area where
Several researchers were concerned with the islandʼs the church of Panagia is situated. The species that
geology like KOPP (1977), VICENTE (1970), SEIDEL & were found within marly limestone in thickness of
OKRUSCH (1978), BONNEAU (1984), ANASTASAKIS (1987) appearance 3-3,5 m are : Heliastraea oligophylla,
etc. Several researchers have also engaged in the Heliastraea sp., Porites sp., Solenastraea tizerouti-
paleontology and stratigraphy of neogene formations. nensis, Tarbellastraea reussiana, Thegioastraea roa-
We indicatively refer to the most recent papers like : sendai.
ANAPLIOTIS (1967), FREUDENTHAL (1969), MARCOPOULOU- 2. Korfe. This region is located in the south-eastern
DIACANTONI (1970), SISSINGH (1972), ZACHARIASSE (1975), part of the island, on the Korfe bay and towards the
ANAPLIOTIS & SYMEONIDIS (1979), TRIANTAPHYLLOU et al. side where the church of Aghios Georgios is situated.
(1999), TRIANTAPHYLLOU (2000), ANTONARAKOU (2001), The species that were identified within marly lime-
DRINIA et al. (2003), ANTONARAKOU & DRINIA (2003). stones in thickness of 10-15 m and in height of 30-
40 m from the seaʼs surface are : Favites neugeboreni,
Heliastraea oligophylla, Heliastraea sp., Porites col-
II. GEOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGICAL legniana, Porites maigensis, Tarbellastraea eggen-
ELEMENTS burgensis, Tarbellastraea reussiana, Thegioastraea
roasendai. The marly limestones settle on flysch and
The Gavdos island is situated approximately within are over 100 meters in total extent.
20 miles south of the Chora Sfakion on island Crete 3. Karave. This locality is found in the south-eastern
and in the southern extend of the island arc of the South part of the island, on the Korfe bay and towards the
Aegean. It covers length of 10 km, maximum width of side where the church of Ag. Pateres is located. It
5,5 km and extension of 33 square kms. concerns the same sediments, as in position Korfe,
In all Gavdosʼ extension we observe normal faults with where these species were traced : Heliastraea oli-
directions NW-SE and NNE-SSW (VICENTE, 1970 ; gophylla, Heliastraea sp., Tarbellastraea eggenbur-
VIDAKIS, 1988). gensis, Tarbellastraea reussiana, Favites neugebore-
Alpine and postalpine formations appear on island ni, Porites collegniana and Porites maigensis.
Gavdos (VIDAKIS, 1988) (Fig. 1). 4. Ag. Ioannis. This locality is located in the northern

University of Athens, Dept. of Geology and Paleontology, Panepistimioupolis, Zografou, 15784 Athens, Greece. E-
mail :
University of Athens, Dept. of Geology and Paleontology, Panepistimioupolis, Zografou, 15784 Athens, Greece. E-
mail : amarkop@

Fig. 1 : Geological map of the studied area with reef-forming Corals (VIDAKIS, M., sheet Gavdos 1 :50.000, IGME, 1988, simplified).

Table. I : The scleractinians from the tortonian sediments of the island Gavdos.

SCLERACTINIANSʼ SPECIES Bo Bardaris Aghios Panagia Korfe Karave

1. Favites neugeboreni (REUSS) + +
2. Heliastraea oligophylla REUSS + + + + + +
3. Heliastraea sp. + + + + + +
4. Porites collegniana (MICHELOTTI) + + + +
5. Porites maicientensis CHEVALIER + + +
6. Porites maigensis (KÜHN) + +
7. Porites sp. +
8. Solenastraea tizeroutinensis CHEVALIER +
9. Tarbellastraea eggenburgensis (KÜHN) + +
10. Tarbellastraea reussiana (M. EDW. & J. HAIM.) + + +
11. Thegioastraea roasendai MICHELOTTI + + +
Tortonian Scleractinian Corals from the island of Gavdos. (South Greece) 631

part of the island, right above the beach of Aghios Porites maigensis (KÜHN, 1925)
Ioannis. Inside marly limestone and compact marls
in thickness of occurrence of 2-2,5 m the identified It is mentioned by Aquitanian and Burdigalian of
species are the following : Heliastraea oligophylla, Aquitany and generally of France, by Burdigalian of SW
Heliastraea sp. Porites collegniana, Porites Iran, from the Tortonian of island Crete and the meso-
maicientensis, Tarbellastraea reussiana. hellenic furrow (MARCOPOULOU-DIACANTONI, 1988a, b,
5. Bo. This locality is traced in the north-western part of 1989, 1997). This species was also traced in the Tortonian
the island, on the Bo bay. The species identified within in localities Korfe and Karave on the Gavdos island.
interchanges of marly limestone and compact marls
in thickness of 12 m are the following : Heliastraea Porites maicientensis CHEVALIER, 1961
oligophylla, Heliastraea sp., Porites collegniana, Pl. II, fig. 1-4
Porites maicientensis, Thegioastraea roasendai.
6. Bardaris. This locality is situated in the central part It is mentioned by Helvetian of the SW of France and
of the island, where the stream of Bardaris begins. In Tortonian of the meso-hellenic furrow (MARCOPOULOU-
thickness of 6 m marly limestone and compact marls DIACANTONI, 1989). It was also found in the Tortonian in
were identified the species : Heliastraea oligophylla, the localities of Aghios Ioannis, Bo and Bardaris on the
Heliastraea sp., Porites maicientensis. Gavdos island.


Superfamily : Astraeoidae ALLOITEAU, 1952
A. Systematic Classification Family : Heliastraeidae ALLOITEAU, 1952
Subfamily : Heliastraeinae ALLOITEAU, 1952
The systematic classification of the studied scleractinians Genus : Heliastraea MILNE EDWARDS & J. HAIME,
is grounded on the papers of ALLOITEAU (1952, 1957), 1857
WELLS (1956), CHEVALIER (1961).
Heliastraea oligophylla REUSS, 1871
Pl. I, fig. 3, 4
Class : Anthozoa EHRENBERG, 1834
Subclass : Zoantharia DE BLAINVILLE, 1830
It is referred by the Early Miocene of Algeria, the
Order : Scleractinia BOURNE, 1900
Vindobonian of France and Spain and the Hungary and
Suborder : Fungiida DUNCAN, 1884
Bosnia basins. It was also identified in the Tortonian of
Superfamily : Poritioidae ALLOITEAU, 1952
the localities Panagia, Korfe, Karave, Aghios Ioannis, Bo
Family : Poritidae GRAY, 1842
and Bardaris on Gavdos island.
Genus : Porites LINK, 1807
Heliastraea sp.
Porites sp.
It was located on the Tortonian of localities Panagia,
Genus Porites is a fossil of all the warm seas of our Korfe, Karave, Aghios Ioannis, Bo and Bardaris on
planet from Eocene. Nowdays, it is one of the largest Gavdos island.
coral structures (CHEVALLIER, 1961, p. 447). Porites sp.
was identified in the Tortonian of the locality of Panagia
on the Gavdos island. Subgenus : Solenastraea MILNE EDWARDS & J. HAIME,
Porites collegniana (MICHELOTTI, 1847)
Pl. II, fig. 5, 6 Solenastraea tizeroutinensis CHEVALIER, 1961

A species quite spread out in the Mediterranean Basin. It It is mentioned by the Morocco Tortonian (CHEVALIER,
is mentioned by Aquitanian and Burdigalian of Aquitany 1961), the Tortonian of Crete (MARCOPOULOU-DIACANTONI
and Portugal(?), by Burdigalian of Majorca and Algeria, (1979, 1988 a, b, 1997). It was also located in the Panagia
by M. Miocene of Torino, (Italy) and by the Tortonian Tortonian on Gavdos island.
in Crete and the meso-hellenic furrow (MARCOPOULOU-
DIACANTONI 1979, 1988a, 1989, 1997 ; MARCOPOULOU-
DIACANTONI & MIRKOU, 1989). This species was also Genus : Thegioastraea MICHELOTTI, 1871
located in the Tortonian of the localities Korfe, Karave,
Aghios Ioannis and Bo on the Gavdos island. Thegioastraea roasendai MICHELOTTI, 1871
Pl. III, Fig. 1-3

A species well-known by the miocene layers of the Tarbellastraea eggenburgensis KÜHN, 1925
Mediterranean basin (CHEVALIER, 1961, p. 210), by the
SE Crete Tortonian (MARCOPOULOU-DIACANTONI, 1979, It is mentioned by Burdigalian of Vienna and Aquitany
1986), by the Upper Tortonian of Katharo Lasithi of Crete basin, as well as by Vindobonian of Algeria. It was also
(MARCOPOULOU-DIACANTONI & KNITHAKIS, 1978 ; BEZES located in the Tortonian of the localities Korfe and Karave
et al., 1983). Also, it was identified in the Tortonian of of the Gavdos island.
localities Panagia, Korfe and Bo on Gavdos island.

B. Paleoecological data – Observations

Family : Faviidae GREGORY, 1900
Genus : Favites LINK, 1807 The species of the studied corals allow eliciting some
conclusions according to the environmental conditions,
Favites neugeboreni REUSS, 1871 such as the depth, the salinity, the temperature etc.
Pl. I, fig 1, 2 The defined coral species belong to the reef structures
in tropical seas. They live in small depth, which
This species is mentioned by the Aquitanian and depends between 0 to 50 m – which adds to their best
Burdigalian of Aquitany, as well as by the Vindobonian development – as well as in translucent waters with
of Transilvania and Aquitany. The variation Favites average temperature between 22° to 26° C.
neugeboreni burdigalensis CHEV. was found in the As to the salinity and translucence of waters Porites
Miocene sediments of the mesohellenic Trench of Greece species endure longer in various salinities and can even
(MARCOPOULOU-DIACANTONI, 1988b). In addition, it was survive on environments with opacity (mudy waters).
located in the Tortonian of the localities Korfe and Karave The Gavdos island corals present affinities to those of
on the Gavdos island. the Miocene of France, Italy, Morocco, Algeria, Malta,
Sicilian and Crete. They can also be correlated with
similar faunas of the western and eastern Mediterranean.
Genus : Tarbellastraea ALLOITEAU, 1952 The shallow water corals disappearance from the
Mediterranean at the end of the Miocene during the
Tarbellastraea reussiana MILNE EDWARDS & J. HAIME, evaporite, outcrops was due to the change of temperature
1950 and the increase of salinity in the marine environment.
Pl. I, fig. 5, 6 The dominance of Porites species proves this local
increase of salinity.
A species very outspread in the Aquitanian of Aquitany Some Porites species are columnar and tuberous and they
and Portugal, in the Late Burdigalian of Aquitany and donʼt have distinct calicles, a fact which indicates water
Helvetian of Pedemonti and Sicely, in the Tortonian of opacity, and therefore the internal part of a reef. There
central Europe, in the Vindobonian of the Mediterranean were also identified reef Porites with distinct calicles and
basin (CHEVALIER, 1961, p. 206), in the M. and L. diaphragms (septa). In this case, we can accept that these
Vindobonian of France, Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Malta, species lived in clear waters and in the external part of
Sicely, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Bosnia, Romania, the reef.
Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Libya and Greece (Pentalofos The species of Tarbellastraea are disintegrated and
and Bogatsiko [BRUNN et al., 1955], in the Crete Tortonian give the impression that there existed a discoidal reef or
[MARCOPOULOU-DIACANTONI, 1979, 1997 ; MARCOPOULOU- that it had the form of a barrier. The individuals of this
DIACANTONI et al., 1993], and in the L. Tortonian of Crete species lay on the external part of the reef, fact which is
[MARCOPOULOU-DIACANTONI & KNITHAKIS, 1978 ; BEZES confirmed by the good development of the calicles and
et al., 1983]). It was also located in the Tortonian of their disintegration, due to the intense hydrodynamic
localities Panagia, Korfe, Karave and Aghios Ioannis on conditions that dominated on the external part of the
Gavdos island. reef.
The variation Tarbellastraea reussiana echinulata CHEV. Since the studied scleractinians are not big in thickness
was found in the Miocene sediments of the mesohellenic and due to the fact that they have been found in marly
Trench of Greece (MARCOPOULOU-DIACANTONI, 1988b). material, some of the things could have occurred :

Plate I

Fig. 1, 2 : Favites neugeboreni (REUSS).

Fig. 3, 4 : Heliastraea oligophylla REUSS.
Fig. 5, 6 : Tarbellastraea reussiana (MILNE-EDWARDS & J.HAIME).
Plate I




a) there would either be some discoidal or peripheral of itʼs conservation, the morphofunctional analysis of
reef that was disintegrated, the sea penetrated and as the fossils in combination with the sedimental material
such there was this turbation, allow us to accept that as for the studied localities,
b) or a constant intense undulation could extract with the embedded scleractinians fauna that :
segments from the external part of the reef and direct - There would be either a discoidal reef or reef
them towards the internal part, thus creating opacity cluster (micro-atolls - patch reef) or some bigger
and as a result the decrease of the calicles of some reef in the shape of a barrier. Between the continent
scleractinians. The disintegration of the reef must and the reef would be formed lagoons, where
have been continuous during the Middle and Late the environment was calm and the prevailing
Miocene and after that. hydrodynamic conditions were of low energy.
In the existence of the reef advocate the following : This section was the internal part of the reef
i) the presence of organisms that live mainly on the with the proportional fauna and the lithological
external part of the reef, such as big bivalves and characters.
gastropods, bryozoans, porifers, echinozoans, - In front of the reef, towards the large sea (external
annelides, Actinozoa, Globigerinidae, coating forms part of the reef) the prevailing hydrodynamic
of Rodophyta etc., conditions were of high energy proportional fauna
ii) the coexistence of individuals of Porites genus with and lithological characters.
well distinct or not calicles and - During or after Tortonian, the barriers could be
iii) the lithological characters of the sediments (detritions extracted thus had as a result the coexistence of
sediments, breccias etc). faunas from the external and internal part of the

From the detailed study of the fossil scleractinians of the
Gavdos island (Table I) that derive from the 6 localities ALLOITEAU, J. (1952) - Madréporaires post-paléozoiques. In :
Panagia, Aghios Ioannis, Korfe, Karave, Bo and Bardaris PIVETEAU, J. (ed.). Traité de Paléontologie, Paris, 1 : 539-
emerged the following : 648.
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Madréporaires fossiles. Thèse, Centre National de
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• From the stratigraphic distributions of anthozo- ANAPLIOTIS, K. A. (1967) - The Neogene of the island of Gavdos.
ans, we can define the Tortonian age for the sedi- C.R. Akad. Athènes, 42 : 135-143.
ments which include them. To this age are in favor ANAPLIOTIS, K. A. & N. SYMEONIDIS (1979) - Korallen aus dem
the stratigraphic distributions (BIZON et al., 1972 ; Miozän der Insel Gavdos (Griechenland). Ann. Géol. pays
KENNETT & SRINIVASAN, 1975) of the Foraminifers : Hellén., 29(2) : 411-417.
Neogloboquatrina acostaensis, Neogloboquatrina ANASTASAKIS, G. C. (1987) - Upper Cenozoic evolution of
atlantica, Globoquatrina dehiscens, Globoquatrina the Gavdos Rise, Bolletino di Oceanologia Teorica ed
Applicata,. 5(4) : 293-304.
altispira, Paragloborotalia siakensis, Spiroplec-
ANTONARAKOU, A. (2001) - Biostratigraphical and paleoenvi-
tammina carinata, Globigerinoides conglobatus, ronmental interpretation in Miocene sediments of the east
Globigerinoides obliquus, which is Middle to Late Mediterranean (Gavdos Island). Thesis in greek., Athens,
Miocene for the studied localities. pags 176, pls I-XIX.
• The studied fauna of the scleractinians anthozoans ANTONARAKOU, A. & H. DRINIA (2003) - The Occurrence of
belongs to these colonial forms (shallow water corals) Bolboforma in the Upper Miocene Metochia section,
which share in the creation of reefs. These forms allow Gavdos Island, South of Crete (Greece). Mediterranean
us to accept that in the studied localities the climate Science (in press).
was tropical-subtropical (average temperature 22°- BEZES, C., E. KNITHAKIS & A. MARCOPOULOU-DIACANTONI (1983) -
Renseignements stratigraphiques et paléoécologiques du
26° C), depth 0-50 m (shallow waters), totally marine
Tortonien supérieur de la colline Catharo Lassithi, Crète
environment with average salinity 35 ‰. orientale). Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit., 28(4) : 211-214.
• Observations on the fauna, accompanied on the way

Plate II

Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4 : Porites maicientensis CHEVALIER.

Fig. 5, 6 : Porites collegniana (MICHELOTTI).
Plate II

3 4


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Plate III

Fig. 1, 2, 3 : Thegioastraea roasendai MICHELOTTI.

Plate III

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