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Pursuant to the authority granted by Section 37, Statutes, Fraternal Order of Eagles, and the purpose of securing a more
efficient organization of, and strengthening the bond of fraternity between the several Local Auxiliaries within the STATE
OF MARYLAND under the Charter granted by the Grand Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, the MARYLAND STATE
AUXILIARY hereby enacts and adopts these by-laws for the government of its affairs, and repeals any and all other
Constitutions and/or by-laws, if any, heretofore adopted.


SECTION 1.1 This STATE AUXILIARY shall meet annually prior to the Grand Aerie, F.O.E., session at such place and
time as may be fixed by its EXECUTIVE BOARD.

SECTION 1.2 Between the annual sessions of this STATE AUXILIARY the Junior Past State President, State Madam
President, State Madam Vice-President, State Madam Secretary and the Board of Trustees shall act as the Executive
Board and shall, subject to the Laws of the Order, have and exercise all of the powers of this STATE AUXILIARY
whenever the necessity of exercising such powers arises, all in accordance with Section 46.1, Rules and Regulations for
the Government of Ladies Auxiliaries, or laws amendatory thereof.

SECTION 1.3 This STATE AUXILIARY shall hold annually a Fall Conference in September, a Winter Conference in
January, and a Spring Conference in April, and two (2) Executive Board meetings as determined by the Madam President

SECTION 1.3(a) The Conferences to include a workshop on Saturday and a meeting on Sunday. A Grand Auxiliary
representative to be invited for each Conference with expenses covered by the Hostess Auxiliary for one night’s lodging
and meals. The second night’s accommodations, if required, to be paid by the State Auxiliary.

SECTION 1.4 This STATE AUXILIARY shall hold annually a Convention in accordance with Section 15 of these By-
Laws. A Grand Auxiliary representative, to be invited for this annual convention, with her registration and
accommodation expenses covered by the Hostess Auxiliary.


SECTION 2.1 This STATE AUXILIARY shall be composed of Delegates from the Local Auxiliaries of the STATE OF
MARYLAND as follows:

(a) The presently serving Officers of this STATE AUXILIARY

(b) All of the Past Madam Presidents of this STATE AUXILIARY
(c) All of the Ten Year Secretaries of this STATE AUXILIARY
(d) Representatives selected by the Local Auxiliaries comprising this STATE AUXILIARY
(e) All of the Past Madam Presidents and Ten Year Secretaries of Local Auxiliaries comprising this STATE

provided, however, that no individual shall be eligible to vote or sit in the deliberations of this STATE AUXILIARY
unless she is in good standing in the Local Auxiliary in which she is a member.

SECTION 2.1(f) Any paid up member of any Auxiliary may attend the State Convention, but only those members
attending as Delegates, in accordance with Section 2.1 inclusive, shall be entitled to vote on any subject coming before
such State meetings, nor shall she have a voice in any deliberations unless she is called upon by the presiding officer.
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SECTION 2.2 Each member Local Auxiliary which has filed its required reports and has paid its per capita tax in full,
and is otherwise qualified by the Laws of the Grand Aerie, Local and this STATE AUXILIARY shall be entitled to one
vote for each twenty-five (25) members, or major fraction thereof, on its rolls in December preceding the annual

SECTION 2.2(a) Any new Auxiliary instituted after the December 1 semi-annual report will be entitled to one delegate
for each twenty-five (25) members, or major fraction thereof, to the State Convention in accordance with the members
initiated before the close of the Charter, or if the Charter has not had the required 60 days before being closed, the
delegates will be based on the number of members initiated on the day of their institution.

SECTION 2.3 Dual Membership among the local Auxiliaries in the State of Maryland will be allowed in accordance with
Rules and Regulations Sections 1.7 and 41.5.


SECTION 3.1 The Officers of this STATE AUXILIARY shall be as follows:

A Junior Past Madam President

Madam President

Madam Vice-President

Madam Chaplain

Madam Secretary

Madam Treasurer

Madam Conductor

Madam Inside Guard

Madam Outside Guard

THREE Madam Trustees

The Board of Trustees shall consist of an uneven number of three (3) Trustees as designated above.

SECTION 3.2 All Officers except the Junior Past Madam President, Madam Secretary and Madam Treasurer shall be
nominated and elected at the annual convention for a term of one year.

SECTION 3.3 The term of Office for the Madam Secretary of this State Auxiliary shall be for three (3) years. The term of
the office of the Madam Treasurer of this State Auxiliary shall be for three (3) years.

SECTION 3.4 All persons in good standing in their local Auxiliary shall be eligible for office in this State Auxiliary
except for the offices of State Madam President, State Madam Vice-President, or State Madam Trustee. To advance to
these offices, you must be a Past Madam President, or Ten-Year Secretary.

SECTION 3.5 The name of no person shall be placed in nomination for office unless she be in good standing and shall be
present at the time of such nomination or, if unable to be present, has given her written consent to have her name placed in
nomination for office. The excuse of the absentee will be left to the discretion of the Nominating Committee.
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SECTION 3.5(a) A letter may be submitted from each member Local Auxiliary, signed by the Madam President and
Secretary, with the Auxiliary Seal affixed, stating their choice for a State Officer(s), accompanied by a brief resume, prior
to the Convention, or a delegation from a Local Auxiliary (not to exceed three members) may approach the Nominating
Committee at the time specified during the State Convention with their recommendation(s) for State Office. Said
delegation must furnish evidence that they are authorized representatives of their Local Auxiliary. Reasonable time
limitations to hear each delegation shall be set by the Committee.

SECTIOM 3.6 The annual election of Officers shall be by secret printed ballot bearing the names of all candidates
nominated for the various offices. There shall be no identifying marks on the ballot, which might disclose the name of the
person casting the ballot. The member shall produce her credentials and official dues receipt indicating that she is in good
standing in her Local Auxiliary before receiving her ballot, and her Official receipt shall be stamped to indicate that the
member has voted. The member shall then proceed at once to the voting booth, mark her ballot, place same in the ballot
box and retire from the voting area. Any member found casting the ballot of another member shall be guilty of conduct
unbecoming a member of the Ladies Auxiliary, F.O.E., and shall have charges filed against her by the Judges of the
Election and, if found guilty, may be expelled from the Order. See Section 10 of these by-laws for time and manner of the
nomination and election.

SECTION 3.7 Vacancies in office shall be filled as provided in Section 44.1 Rules and Regulations for the Government
of Ladies Auxiliaries, F.O.E.


SECTION 4.1 Each Local member Auxiliary shall pay to this STATE AUXILIARY an annual per capita tax in the sum
of eighty cents (80 cents) for each member whose name appears on the membership rolls of the Local Auxiliary on the
date upon which the per capita tax is due, the same to be paid semi-annually.


SECTION 5.1 All serving Officers attending the session of this STATE AUXILIARY may receive her registration fee.

SECTION 5.1.1 All Past STATE Madam Presidents serving as members of any Committees and attending the sessions of
this STATE AUXILIARY may receive an expense allowance not to exceed – NONE.

SECTION 5.2 The STATE Madam President shall receive annually a compensation of one hundred dollars ($100.00),
payable ANNUALLY and in addition thereto an annual allowance may be made for her office expense in such amount as
shall be fixed by the budget adopted by this STATE AUXILIARY.

SECTION 5.3 The STATE Madam Secretary shall receive annually a compensation of two hundred dollars ($200.00)
payable ANNUALLY, and in addition thereto an annual allowance may be made for her office expense in such amount as
shall be fixed by the budget adopted by this STATE AUXILIARY.

SECTION 5.4 The STATE Madam Treasurer shall receive annually a compensation of one hundred dollars ($100.00)
payable annually.

SECTION 5.5 Duly appointed Deputy STATE Madam Presidents and STATE Auxiliary Representatives may receive a
per diem expense allowance as follows: NONE.

SECTION 5.6 This STATE Auxiliary’s Representative to the Grand Auxiliary session may receive as her expense
compensation, a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) per day, plus the approved registration fee and actual
railroad and Pullman fare, plane, or, if traveling by automobile, not in excess of forty cents (.40 cents) per mile (not to
exceed 2,000 miles maximum) while going to, returning from and while in actual attendance at the Grand Auxiliary
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SECTION 5.6(a) The authorized representative shall be the Jr. Past State Madam President at the time of the Grand
Auxiliary Convention. If the Jr. Past State Madam President does not attend, an alternate to be nominated by the
Nominating Committee to represent the State by carrying the Maryland State flag and the State’s votes. The
compensation that would be designated for an alternate to be divided among all Past State Madam Presidents who attend
that receive no compensation from any other source. The only exception will be if their home Auxiliary provided
registration fee and/or banquet tickets to any representative. Compensation provided by the State to include transportation
costs, the cost of one (1) registration fee, three (3) banquet tickets, and per diem of $100.00 per day for seven (7) days.
Any representative(s) receiving said compensation shall be responsible for attending all meetings and activities and
presenting a report at the September Conference meeting.

SECTION 5.6(b) In addition to the expense compensation covered in Section 5.6, this State Auxiliary’s representative to
the Grand Auxiliary session may receive reimbursement for banquet ticket(s) if such expense(s) is not included in the
registration fee.

SECTION 5.7 The compensation of other Officers, Committee members and employees (if any) shall be as follows:

(a) State Madam President – one night’s actual expenses, plus forty cents (.40 cents) per mile, for one (1) official
visitation to each Local Auxiliary comprising this Maryland State Auxiliary (assembly meetings shall
constitute this official visitation for the hostess Auxiliary).

(a)(1) State Madam President to receive actual lodging expenses, plus forty cents (.40 cents) per mile, for
attendance at the State Convention.

(b) State Madam Secretary – actual expenses, plus forty cents (.40 cents) per mile, for attendance at all scheduled
meetings of the Maryland State Auxiliary.

(c) The State Madam President – actual expenses, plus forty cents (.40 cents) per mile and registration fee for
attendance at the annual Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference.

(d) The State Auditor, the Advisor to the State Madam President, State Membership Chairman, and the State
Compliance Officer shall receive their registration for the State Convention.

(e) The Maryland State Historian shall receive her registration fee for the State Convention and a compensation
of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) payable annually. In addition, the duly appointed State Historian shall be
allowed expenses for compiling the State Historian Book(s), not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00)
payable with itemized receipts. Historian book(s) is to be presented to the State Madam President at the State
Convention. Compensation, registration fee and expenses to be given to State Historian upon presentation of
History Book(s) to the State Madam President.

(f) The State Membership Chairman shall receive as her expense compensation actual railroad and Pullman fare,
plane, or if traveling by automobile, not in excess of for forty cents (.40 cents) per mile and actual lodging
expense for attendance at the Incoming State/Provincial Workshop provided compensation is not received
from any other source.

(g) The State Compliance Officer to receive an allowance for performance of duties as provided in the
State budget.

SECTION 5.8 The Tell-All Editor will receive a compensation of one hundred dollars ($100.00) yearly, with a five dollar
($5.00) subtraction for each month the Tell-All is not published. Compensation to be paid at Convention time. If the
State Madam President appoints an Assistant Editor, she shall receive a compensation of seventy-five dollars ($75.00)
yearly to be paid at Convention time.
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SECTION 6.1 The Budget Committee shall report, and this STATE AUXILIARY adopt, a budget of the anticipated per
capita tax and other income, and authorized expenditures and appropriate the money from the STATE AUXILIARY
Treasury to finance the same. Such appropriations shall not be exceeded except by unanimous approval of this STATE
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AUXILIARY’S BOARD OF TRUSTEES. The appropriations shall include expenses of Officers, Bond premiums,
salaries, expenses of the STATE MADAM PRESIDENT and STATE MADAM SECRETARY’S offices, expenses of the
STATE MADAM TREASURER, Deputies, Representatives and all other expenses of this STATE AUXILIARY.

SECTION 6.1(a) All expenses shall be itemized and presented at a State Conference Meeting for approval by the
Executive Board of this State Auxiliary for the purpose of staying within the Budget allowance.

SECTION 6.2 The refund of $4.00 for each member reported by member auxiliaries in the State Auxiliary, paid by the
Grand Aerie Membership Department to the State Auxiliary, shall be deposited in the General Fund Account and ear-
marked for membership promotion. All Auxiliaries to receive membership awards, which shall be based on percentage
gain, shall have a representative present to receive the award or designate an individual to receive, on their behalf, at the
first State Conference meeting of the fiscal year. The State Membership Chairman shall not be held responsible for
distribution of awards after conclusion of the first State Conference Meeting of the fiscal year.


SECTION 7.1 The Secretary of each Local Auxiliary comprising this STATE AUXILIARY shall make a semi-annual
report to the Secretary of this STATE AUXILIARY on such forms and in such manner as may be prescribed by the Grand
Aerie in conformity with Section 33.4 of the Rules and Regulations for the Government of Ladies Auxiliaries or laws
amendatory thereof. Any changes in the office of a Local Madam President and/or Madam Secretary shall be forthwith
reported by such Local Auxiliary to the SECRETARY of this STATE AUXILIARY.


SECTION 9.1 The registration fee for the Delegates and members (as defined in Section 2.1(a) through (f)), at the annual
convention of this STATE AUXILIARY shall be in the sum of forty dollars ($40.00) and shall be mailed to the Secretary
of this STATE AUXILIARY along with the Delegate’s credentials.

SECTION 9.1(a) Thirty-one dollars and fifty cents ($31.50) of the forty ($40.00) registration fee will be paid to the
hostess Auxiliary. The remaining eight dollars and fifty cents ($8.50) to be deposited in the State Auxiliary Treasury. An
agreement shall be made between the hostess Auxiliary and the State Auxiliary as to the division of all other profits made
during the Convention.

SECTION 9.2 In opening and closing this STATE AUXILIARY’S sessions and installing Delegates and Officers, the
approved Ritual as provided by the Grand Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, shall be used.

SECTION 9.3 No amendment, alteration or addition to these by-laws shall take effect unless made in accordance with the
requirements of the Rules and Regulations for the Government of Ladies Auxiliaries or laws amendatory thereto. All
amendments to these by-laws shall be proposed in writing and shall be signed by at least three delegates to this STATE
AUXILIARY Convention and before action shall be taken thereon each such by-law shall be read at two regular sessions
of this STATE AUXILIARY Convention including the session at which such by-law is introduced and the final action
thereon shall be taken at the regular session following the second reading thereof. Proposed by-laws and amendments
shall be adopted by a two-thirds vote of all the delegates of this STATE AUXILIARY Convention present and voting.

SECTION 9.5 The STATE Madam President, Secretary, Treasurer, Trustees and other employees of this STATE
AUXILIARY who handle monies of this STATE AUXILIARY shall each give a surety bond conditioned for the faithful
performance of her duties in the amount of $10,000.00 with a bonding company as determined by the State Madam
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Secretary, in conjunction with the State Executive Board. The premiums for such bonds shall be paid by the STATE
AUXILIARY. No such officers or employees of this STATE AUXILIARY who shall be required to be bonded shall be
permitted to assume or discharge the duties of such office or employment until so bonded and notification thereof
forwarded to the office of the Grand Worthy President.

SECTION 9.6 Where the Constitution and Statutes of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, the Rules and Regulations of the
Fraternity, the Rules and Regulations for the Government of Ladies Auxiliaries, Ritual and these by-laws, or laws

amendatory thereto do not cover or control, then Roberts’ Rules of Order (revised), shall govern the actions and
deliberations of this STATE AUXILIARY.

SECTION 9.7 Immediately following her installation, the State Madam President shall appoint an Auditor.

SECTION 9.8 There shall be a Nominating Committee consisting of all Past State Madam Presidents and ten year
Secretaries, who have attended two (2) State conference meetings during the year or have been excused for a valid reason.


SECTION 10 All Officers whose terms are about to expire, except the office of Jr. Past State Madam President, shall be
nominated and elected at the regular annual Convention of this State Auxiliary, on the first day of such annual convention.
Nominations shall be made by a Nominating Committee in accordance with Section 9.8. But, additional nominations may
be made and shall be accepted from the convention floor. Election shall follow conveniently the same day after
adjournment of such session on printed ballots secured from the Credentials Committee at the Annual State Convention.
If there be any contest for any office or officer, the time and place for balloting shall be designated by the presiding State
Madam President, unless otherwise determined by the delegates. After the close of the election, the election committee
shall put the ballots in a suitable container and sealed. They are then given to the State Madam Secretary to keep for one
year and are to be destroyed at the next succeeding Annual State convention, unless the delegates vote to destroy said
ballots at the close of business on the final day of the convention.

SECTION 10.1 There shall be only four (4) State Officers from any one local Auxiliary serving within one year, except
the home of the Auxiliary State Secretary and State Treasurer.

SECTION 10.1(a) If a serving Officer’s Auxiliary loses its Charter during the year, the Officer shall retain her office until
the end of the term regardless of where she transfers to.

SECTION 10.2 The State Madam President may NOT succeed herself, other than in the event of the death, removal from
office or resignation of the State Madam President. The State Madam Vice-President shall succeed to and assume the
office of State Madam President. Then such State Madam President, serving out the unexpired term shall have the
privilege of deciding whether or not she would choose to seek the office of State Madam President by nomination the
succeeding fiscal year.

SECTION 10.3 There is hereby created an honorary position of Maryland State Auxiliary Mother. Such honorary
position shall be filled by appointment by the State Madam President and shall be for a term of one (1) year. The third
State meeting each year shall be designated as “Honor Our Mother Meeting”. A gift of not less than twenty dollars
($20.00) shall be presented by a representative of each Auxiliary or forwarded to the hostess Auxiliary if no representative
is in attendance. The name, address, and birthday of the “Mother” shall be forwarded to all Auxiliaries in the Maryland
State Auxiliary by the State Madam Secretary as soon as possible after her selection and each Auxiliary is urged to
remember the “Mother” with cards on suitable occasions.

SECTION 10.4 There is hereby created an honorary position of Maryland State Auxiliary Grandmother. Each local
Auxiliary will have the opportunity to nominate an individual to this position. Once a local Auxiliary receives a turn, they
must refrain from submitting a nomination until a full cycle has been completed. This third State meeting each
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year shall be designated as “Honor our Grandmother Meeting”. A gift of not less than twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be
presented by a representative of each Auxiliary or forwarded to the hostess Auxiliary if no representative is in attendance.

The name, address, and birthday of the “Grandmother” shall be forwarded to all Auxiliaries in the Maryland State
Auxiliary by the State Madam Secretary as soon as possible after her selection and each Auxiliary is urged to remember
the “Grandmother” on suitable occasions.

Section 10.5 The State Auxiliary shall present the “Mother” and “Grandmother” a suitable gift at the third State Meeting
which has been designated to honor them. These gifts shall be purchased by the State Madam President and shall not
exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00) each.

SECTION 11 This Maryland State Auxiliary shall send a floral or memorial tribute upon the death of presiding Maryland
State Officer or their immediate family, which includes husband, partner, parents, and children. Tribute is not to exceed
one hundred dollars ($100.00), inclusive of tax and delivery fee.

SECTION 11.1 A floral or memorial tribute not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) is to be sent upon the death of
Maryland Past State Presidents or Ten Year Secretaries or their immediate family, which includes husband, partner,
parents, and children.

SECTION 12 The State Madam Secretary shall purchase, each year, a Past State Madam President Pin for the retiring
State Madam President and a Mother’s and Grandmother’s pin for the incoming State Mother and State Grandmother,

SECTIOM 13 When more than one representative travels in the same car, the transportation allowance shall be allowed
ONLY to the owner or driver of the car, and NOT to the other representatives riding therein, providing the driver and/or
owner of said car is NOT being compensated from another source.

SECTION 14 When an applicant to any member Local Auxiliary has been rejected, the Secretary of this Auxiliary shall
notify all other Auxiliaries in the Maryland State to put them on alert.

SECTION 15 The State Auxiliary Convention will be held each year in conjunction with the State Aerie Convention at
such time and place as designated by the State Aerie. It is assumed that the Auxiliary to the Host Aerie will undertake the
duties of Hostess Auxiliary for these Joint Conventions. In the event the Host Aerie does not have an Auxiliary and/or
their Auxiliary does not wish to participate as Hostess Auxiliary, the Convention will then be open to bids from all
Auxiliaries comprising the Maryland State Auxiliary.

SECTION 16 Each year at convention assembled, the incoming State Madam President shall select a project to be
supported by the State member Auxiliaries at the State Humanitarian Project for the entire year. Each Auxiliary may
suggest to be sponsored, however, selection shall be the sole privilege of the State Madam President. Henceforth, the
project shall be known as the State Madam President’s project.

SECTION 17 Each officer and Past State Madam President will be provided a pin identifying their State office, as well as
the dates they were State President. If this pin is lost, the cost of replacement is to be covered by the individual.

SECTION 17.1 Each State Officer shall adopt a project in her local Auxiliary to raise money for her “State Officers
Project”. Monies raised shall be donated each year to assist the State Auxiliary to maintain their financial wellbeing.

SECTION 18 Grand Auxiliary Representative – The Grand Representative to the Conference meetings, as well as the
representative to the State Convention, shall be presented with a “gift” of fifty dollars ($50.00) as a token of appreciation
from the State Auxiliary.

SECTION 19 Grand Madam President Visitations – If the Grand Madam President’s visitation is for more than two (2)
days, the State Auxiliary will cover the lodging expense for the third night. The State Madam President will be
responsible for purchasing a suitable gift for the Grand Madam President not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00).
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THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Delegates of this MARYLAND STATE AUXILIARY in convention

assembled at Salisbury, Maryland on this 25th day of June 2017, that we hereby adopt the foregoing as the by-laws of the
MARYLAND STATE AUXILIARY and the same shall take effect and be in force immediately upon their approval by
the Grand Secretary, Fraternal Order of Eagles.

) A.M. June 23
Original reading )------------------------------------ 2017
) P.M.

BY-LAWS COMMITTEE ____________________________________ Chairman





_________________________________________ _________________________________________
State Madam Secretary State Madam President

Approved this _______ day of __________________________, 2017

Grand Secretary, F.O.E.

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