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BAcTKROLOGICAL REVIEWS, June 1977, p. 373-390 Vol. 41, No.

Copyright ©) 1977 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A.

Fusobacterium necrophorum: Its Characteristics and Role as

an Animal Pathogen
American Cyanamid Company, Princeton, New Jersey 08540
INTRODUCTION.............................................................. 373
CLASSIFICATION ......... 374
Cellular Morphology ................................... 376
Lipopolysaccharide ................................... 376

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Toxins ................................... 377
Biochemical Properties ........ ........................... 378
Serological Properties .................................... 378
Antibiotic Sensitivities ........ ............................ 381
Isolation and Cultivation .................................... 381
ANIMAL DISEASES AND CHEMOTHERAPY .................................. 382
Natural Infections .................................... 382
Calf diphtheria .................................... 382
Liver abscesses .................................... 383
Foot rot .......................................... 383
Other diseases .................................... 384
Experimental Infections ......... ........................... 385
IMMUNITY................................................................... 386
CONCLUDING REMARKS .................................... 387
LITERATURE CITED .................................... 387
INTRODUCTION pendently capable of causing disease. In natu-
Fusobacterium necrophorum is a gram-nega- ral infections with F. necrophorum other orga-
tive, nonsporeforming, nonmotile, strictly an- nisms are frequently isolated, but true syner-
aerobic, pleomorphic bacterium in the family gism has been described in only a few instances
Bacteroidaceae. Recognized as an animal path- (8, 74-76).
ogen since the late 1800s, F. necrophorum was The inability to subculture the organism
mainly described as occurring in liver abscesses hampered early investigators, and descriptions
in cattle, foot rot in many domestic animals, in the literature were mostly based on the fusi-
calf diphtheria (unrelated to the disease in hu- form morphology observed under the micro-
mans), and necrotic lesions in the oral cavity scope (see reference 57).
(see reference 82). F. necrophorum was also The study of anaerobic bacteria has been
known to survive in the soil of pastures, which greatly facilitated by the advent of the cultural
was an enigma, considering that it was a non- techniques of Hungate (47), who first developed
spore-forming anaerobe (35). a method for handling and cultivating anaero-
More recently, F. necrophorum has been iso- bic organisms by placing them under a stream
lated from the normal flora in the oral cavity, of deoxygenated carbon dioxide. His "roll-tube"
gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary tract technique used a carbon dioxide-filled test tube
of humans and animals (85). When involved in coated with agar, the bacteria either being in
disease, it may cause localized necrotic lesions the agar or streaked on the surface. The sealed
and abscesses or be carried by the bloodstream tube was then placed in a standard incubator.
to internal tissues, causing necrosis and ab- This provided a closed anaerobic system under
scess formation (105). which the growth of colonies could be observed
Although the incidence in human disease is without their exposure to air. Holdeman and
not yet well established, F. necrophorum has Moore (45) further refined these techniques.
been isolated and cultivated from abscesses, They recognized the importance of collecting
blood, body fluids, and oral infections (3). specimens in containers devoid of oxygen and
F. necrophorum was originally thought to be processing the specimens as rapidly as possible.
a secondary invader requiring a previous infec- Holdeman and Moore (46) developed procedures
tion, wound, or other predisposing factor to for prereduced, anaerobically sterilized media
gain entry into the host. It has now been shown which, when used under a stream of deoxygen-
that pure cultures of F. necrophorum are inde- ated carbon dioxide, supported the growth of
most anaerobes. These techniques led to the seems appropriate to examine the literature on
reevaluation of the taxonomy of anaerobic bac- the organisms that are now considered F. nec-
teria. rophorum in order to collate the many diversi-
Descriptions of bacteria conforming to the fied data and correlate various observations.
current definition of F. necrophorum have ap-
peared under the following names, of which CLASSIFICATION
Spherophorus necrophorus is perhaps the most In the past, isolation and cultivation of an-
common (the name Spherophorus is now con- aerobic bacteria were hampered because of
sidered invalid since it was initially used to their extreme susceptibility to oxygen. Cul-
define two species of lichen [82]): Actinomyces tures were difficult to preserve, and therefore
necrophorus, A. pseudonecrophorus, Bacillus little exchange of organisms between different
fundibuliforms, B. funduliforms, B. necropho- laboratories occurred. As a result, most descrip-
rus, B. necrosus, Bacterium funduliforms, B. tions of anaerobes were based only on origin of

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necrophorum, Bacteroides fundibuliformis, B. the culture and morphology. Newly isolated
funduliformis, B. necrophorus, Corynebacte- and named fusiforms were frequently the same
rium necrophorum, Fusiformis hemolyticus, F. organisms as described previously, but because
necrophorus, Necrobacterium necrophorus, they were reported by different investigators
Proactinomyces necrophorus, Pseudobacter- who did not have access to similar strains for
ium funduliformis, Sphaerophorus fundulifor- comparison studies, they were mislabeled or
mis, S. necrophorus, S. pseudonecrophorus, given a new name.
Streptothrix necrophorus, and S. necupthora The first published description of F. necro-
(14). phorum was by Loeffler who, in 1884, discussed
The 7th edition of Bergey's Manual ofDeter- the importance of microorganisms in diphthe-
minative Bacteriology (11) separated the family ria of humans, calves, and doves (58). He in-
Bacteriodaceae (gram-negative, anaerobic, jected mice subcutaneously with caseous mate-
nonsporeforming rods) into four genera on the rial from the larynx of a calf with diphtheria.
basis of morphological criteria. Bacteroides From the abscesses that formed he was able to
were simple rod-shaped cells with rounded isolate the organism on a calf serum medium
ends, Fusobacterium had pointed ends, Dialis- but could not further subculture the bacteria.
ter had a diameter of less than 0.15 Mm, and In 1891 Bang isolated a fusiform bacillus from
Spherophorus were pleomorphic rods. The Bac- abscessed livers of cattle, and Flugge, in a de-
teroidaceae have now been divided into three scription of microorganisms in 1886, named the
main genera based on the amount and type of organism Bacillus necrophorus (see reference
volatile fatty acids produced. Fusobacterium 62). In 1905 Mohler and Washburn (see refer-
are defined as producing major amounts of bu- ence 26) thought that foot rot in cattle was also
tyric acid, Leptotrichia as producing major caused by this "necrotic bacillus." Other de-
amounts of lactic acid, and Bacteroides as pro- scriptions of fusiform bacilli reported in the
ducing a mixture of acids. F. necrophorum is early literature include an account of orga-
further differentiated from other species of Fu- nisms isolated from necrotic lesions of the
sobacterium by both the formation of indole throat of humans by Vincent in 1896 and from
and the production of propionic acid from lac- diseased appendixes by Veillon and Zuber in
tate (14). Previously, F. necrophorum strains of 1898. The organisms described were typical of
animal origin and strains ofhuman origin were what is now called F. fusiforme (see reference
thought to be different species (5), but results 14).
based on gas chromatographic analyses have In 1923 Knorr suggested the genus Fusobac-
not substantiated this division (46). terium for all gram-negative, anaerobic fusi-
The 16 species of Fusobacterium listed in the form bacteria.
eighth edition of Bergey's Manual (14) include In 1955 Wilson and Miles (105) did not think
seven species that are encountered in clinical there was sufficient information to subdivide
specimens, F. gonidaformis, F. mortiferum, F. the gram-negative, nonsporeforming, anaero-
naviforme, F. necrophorum, F. nucleatum, F. bic bacteria and lumped them together under
russii, and F. varium, and nine other species the species F. fusiformis (Table 1).
that are infrequently isolated from infectious Morphology was still the main criterion for
material (3, 14, 85). The species may be differ- separation in 1957 in the 7th edition of Bergey's
entiated on the basis of sugar fermentations Manual (11). The family Bacteroidaceae was
and biochemical reactions. divided into three genera: the Bacteroides de-
With contemporary techniques for isolation, fined as rods, Fusobacterium defined as pleo-
cultivation, and identification of anaerobes, it morphic filamentous bacteria with pointed
TABLs 1. Nomenclature of anaerobic, gram-negative, nonsporeforming, rod-shaped bacteria'
Prevot, 1938 (72) Family Ristellaceae Spherophoraceae
Genus Ristella Zuberella Fusiformis Fusocillus
I Sphaerophorus Sphaerocillus
Wilson and Miles, 1955 (106) Fusiform group
Breed, Murray, and Smith, 1957 (11) Family Bacteroidaceae
Genus Bacteroides Sphaerophorus Fusobacterium
Prevot, Turpin, and Kaiser, 1967 (74) Family Ristellaceae Spherophoraceae
Genus Ristella Capsularis Zuberella Sphaerophorus Sphaerocillus
Buchanan and Gibbons, 1974 (14) Family Bacteroidaceae

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Genus Bacteroides Fusobacterium Leptotrichia
0 Modified from Aalbaek.

ends, and Spherophorus defined as pleo- of serological studies, Lahelle and Thjotta de-
morphic filamentous bacteria with rounded termined that the human and animal isolates
ends. were closely related.
Several species of Sphaerophorus were iden- The separation of strains based on a host
tified and separated according to their origin. preference was again examined in 1954 by Be-
S. necrophorus was considered an animal path- erens (5), who supported the distinction based
ogen and S. funduliformis a human pathogen on his results of a hemagglutination study.
(5). Four strains of S. necrophorus (animal iso-
Dack et al. in 1938 published a comparison of lates) were tested and were found to aggluti-
F. necrophorum strains isolated from the ulcer- nate chicken, sheep, and human erythrocytes.
ated colon of humans and monkeys and from None of 14 strains of S. funduliformis (human
liver abscesses in cattle, pigs, and lambs (18). isolates) agglutinated chicken or sheep erythro-
Since no significant biochemical differences cytes, and only two agglutinated human eryth-
among the strains were observed and inocula- rocytes.
tion into rabbits indicated varying degrees of In a later paper Beerens et al. (6) included a
pathogenicity, they suggested that all the iso- study ofS. pseudonecrophorus and ascertained
lates were one species. Prevot and Kirchheimer that each of three putative species was actually
(74) were in disagreement with Dack et al. as a a different phase of one species. The character-
result of serological studies of the two species istics for each were as follows: S. necrophorus
and decided that even though a common anti- produced a hemagglutinin and a hemolysin and
gen was shared, the isolates were indubitably was pathogenic for mice; S. funduliformis did
two distinct species. not produce a hemagglutinin, produced a he-
In 1944 Boe and Thjotta (10) examined the molysin, and was nonpathogenic for mice; and
relationship between Leptotrichia and Fuso- S. pseudonecrophorus did not produce a he-
bacterium, which they thought had been con- magglutinin or hemolysin and was nonpatho-
fused by previous authors due to the similar genic for mice. They considered the three var-
morphological characteristics. They deter- iants as phases A, B, and C, respectively, based
mined that the strong fermentation of carbohy- on observations of changes in these properties
drates and lack of indole production by the during subcultures of strains over several
Leptotrichia compared to weak carbohydrate years, which to them suggested mutation from
fermentation and strong indole production by the A to B to C phase.
the Fusobacterium were valid differentiating The use of gas chromatography for the sepa-
characteristics. Serological studies, however, ration of volatile fatty acids was described in
demonstrated that the Fusobacterium and Lep- 1952 by James and Martin (49) and recom-
totrichia were related. mended for the identification of microorga-
In 1945 Lahelle and Thjotta (57) published a nisms (on Mars) by Oyama in 1963 (67), after
study comparing the Fusobacterium, which which followed many papers analyzing the
was defined as being of human origin, with fatty acid and metabolic products of various
Actinomyces necrophorus (which they sug- bacteria.
gested be renamed Necrobacterium), which Werner et al. (101) examined 27 strains of
was an animal pathogen. Based on the results fusiform bacteria and were able to separate
Fusobacterium from Leptotrichia based on the DESCRIPTION OF F. NECROPHORUM
production of butyric acid. They were of the Cellular Morphology
opinion that fermentations of various sugars
were not adequate to differentiate the species of F. necrophorum is a gram-negative, nonspore-
Fusobacterium. They also determined that forming, pleomorphic bacillus from 0.5 to 1.75
morphologically similar clinical isolates ofBac- gtm in diameter, ranging from small, almost
teroidaceae that produced large amounts of bu- coccoid bodies to filaments greater than 100 pm
tyric acid had more biochemical characteristics long, with parallel sides and blunt or tapering
in common with strains considered Fusobacte- ends. The morphology will be affected by the
rium than with strains labeled Bacteroides or type of media used and the age of the culture.
Leptotrichia. In a subsequent paper, Werner Filamentous forms are usually seen more fre-
(98) noted the butyric acid ratio among F. nec- quently in young cultures and in a broth me-
rophorum, F. varium, and F. mortiferum dium, and bacilli are more common in older
ranged from 1.05 to 1.9, 1.8 to 5.0, and 3.5 to 6.0, cultures and when growth is on agar. Swelling

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respectively. along the filaments or at one end has also been
Comparing morphological and biochemical observed. With standard stains, e.g., carbol
criteria and results of fatty acid analysis, Wer- fuchsin, irregular staining or beading may be
ner and Reichertz (102) determined that the seen (105). Older cultures appear to stain more
separation of Fusobacterium and Bacteroides irregularly, and Beveridge (9) attributed the
could be based solely on the formation of isoval- loss of staining ability to aging and degenera-
eric and isobutyric acids by the Bacteroides tion of the cells.
strains. Fritsche (27) studied strains of Bacte- L-forms ofF. necrophorum were first isolated
roides that produced butyric acid and observed by Klieneberger-Nobel (55) and Dienes (19).
that the amount formed was much less than The former was of the opinion that the forms
that produced by Fusobacterium. Further in- obtained were symbionic or virus-like bodies
vestigations (29, 100) led to the conclusion that since she could propagate them without rever-
production of major amounts of isovaleric and sion to bacilli. Smith et al. (86) carefully stud-
isobutyric acids should take precedence in the ied the filaments under electron microscopy
classification of Bacteroides, and that Fusobac- and observed that, in addition to division by
terium could be distinguished by the production binary fission, the bacteria swelled, forming
of major amounts of butyric acid. round bodies from which delicate filaments
The taxonomic position of species within the arose and segmented to yield L-forms. On sub-
genus Fusobacterium is still dubious. Ameri- culturing, they observed reversion back to the
can authors follow the biochemical distinctions pleomorphic filaments. It was noted that L-
from Bergey's Manual, whereas many Euro- forms could be isolated more easily if penicillin
pean authors favor Prevot's more morphologi- was added to the medium.
cally based nomenclature. Slight discrepancies Ernst reported seeing branched forms of F.
in sugar fermentations as published by differ- necrophorum in 1902 (20). This reference is
ent authors may result, not from strain varia- cited by many investigators who state that
tion, but from insufficient control of the test branching was never observed by them and
media as to pH, etc. For example, Simon (80) that this phenomenon must have been an arte-
discovered the optimal initial pH ofhis medium fact. In 1970 Teresa et al. (91) published a pho-
for maximum acid production of F. necropho- tograph showing a branched filament, al-
rum was 7.7, whereas the initial pH of most though they acknowledged that branching was
media commonly used was much lower. seen too infrequently to be a significant charac-
Deoxyribonucleic acid homology studies have teristic.
been adjunctive in determining the relation-
ships of many organisms and may certainly Lipopolysaccharide
have application here. Even though Prevot et Biochemical studies of cell wall lipopolysac-
al. (73) list guanine-plus-cytosine ratios, the charide (LPS) components by Hofstad et al. (43,
relatedness of similar deoxyribonucleic acids 44) resulted in the identification of heptose and
has not been established. 2-keto-deoxyoctonate (KDO) from water and
Another useful tool for identification is phage phenol extracts. Further investigating the LPS
typing, such as is done with staphylococci. Al- composition, Hofstad (42) was able to determine
though there have been no reports of phage the additional presence of galactose, glucose,
activity with F. necrophorum, a phage specific and glucosamine. In both investigations KDO
for F. varium and two phages specific for B. was not found in Bacteroides strains. On the
fragilis have been isolated (65). other hand Sonnenwirth et al. (87) were able to
detect KDO in the four strains of Bacteroides tion. Diethylaminoethyl-cellulose chromatog-
tested. Possible procedural differences have raphy revealed two fractions. The partially pur-
been suggested to explain this discrepancy. ified LPS fraction was resistant to ribonucle-
(KDO and heptose are also important compo- ase, deoxyribonuclease, and Pronase, which in-
nents of the LPS core of Salmonella and Esche- dicated it was not a protein or nucleic acid. The
richia coli [59].) median lethal dose (LD5,) in mice was found to
Further characterizing the LPS fraction, be 16.8 mg/kg of body weight. It was considered
Garcia et al. (32) determined that it contained to be less active than a comparable Salmonella
23.5% hexose, 6.4% heptose, 8.8% hexosamines, typhimurium LPS fraction.
0.8% KDO, 2.4% protein, and no nucleic acids. Garcia et al. (32) also isolated an LPS frac-
tion from F. necrophorum. They obtained an
Toxins LD5n of 584 jig (29.2 mg/kg) compared to an
Strains of F. necrophorum have been shown LDw of 555 pg for E. coli. Electron microscopic

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to possess a classical cell wall LPS endotoxin. studies of the LPS fraction showed a matrix of
Investigators have also demonstrated the pres- branched, trilaminar ribbons. A lipid A ex-
ence of exotoxins: hemolysin, leucocidin, and a tract, solubilized with bovine serum, was found
cytoplasmic toxin. However, whether each exo- to be highly toxic for 11-day-old chicken em-
toxin is a separate component has yet to be bryos. The investigators suggested that F. nec-
determined. rophorum had a classical gram-negative endo-
Orcutt (66) demonstrated the presence of an toxin in which lipid A was the major toxic
exotoxin in bovine isolates of F. necrophorum. component.
Intraperitoneal or intravenous injection of cul- The location of toxins in cell fractions of bo-
ture filtrates into mice and rabbits produced vine strains of F. necrophorum was studied by
illness and frequently death. Garcia et al. (31). Using sonically treated cells,
Beveridge (9) studied the toxins of F. necro- they determined toxic activity in the cell wall
phorum strains isolated from cattle and walla- and cytoplasmic fractions. The cell wall-associ-
bies. Intradermal inoculation of culture fil- ated toxin was found to be heat stabile and was
trates (prepared by several different methods) considered to be an LPS. The cytoplasmic toxin
into rabbits produced an inflammatory reac- was found to be heat labile, hemolytic, and non-
tion, and an intravenous inoculation in sheep dialyzable. They suggested the cytoplasmic fac-
produced diarrhea and anorexia. No response tor may be either a high-molecular-weight pro-
was observed in guinea pigs by either route of tein itself or bound to a protein.
administration. Endotoxin activity of the Roberts (74) has described a leucocidal exo-
strains was demonstrated in rabbits and guinea toxin that was shown to destroy leukocytes mi-
pigs using a carbolized or formalinized prepara- grating from blood vessels in the dermis of rab-
tion. Intradermal inoculation produced necrosis bits, sheep, and guinea pigs. The exotoxin was
of the superficial and deep layers of the skin. found to consist of non-dialyzable macromole-
Dack et al. (18) also produced abscesses in cules, which were slowly inactivated by heating
rabbits using the supernatant from cultures of at 1000C but not at 570C. Roberts demonstrated
bovine, human, and monkey strains. They that the leucocidin was not the same material
noted that a more severe response resulted as the hemolysin by reacting the leucocidin
from the bovine strain preparations. with antihemolytic antiserum. The antiserum
Hofstad and Kristofferson (43) isolated the inactivated the hemolysin but not the leucoci-
LPS fraction of F. necrophorum from labora- din.
tory strains. When injected intradermally, in- The work of Garcia et al. (33) has shown that
oculation of preparations into rabbits did not a toxoid prepared from the cytoplasmic fraction
result in a pronounced Schwartzman reaction. of F. necrophorum is effective in producing im-
Warner et al. (95), however, using a bovine munity to subsequent challenge with infective
isolate of F. necrophorum, were able to elicit a doses ofthe organism. This would indicate that
Schwar zman reaction in rabbits. They pre- at least one factor responsible for the pathogen-
pared a cell wall fraction and a soluble fraction. icity of F. necrophorum is located, or produced,
Both were toxic for mice. The soluble fraction intracellularly. From Roberts' (74) investiga-
was heat stabile and insensitive to treatment tions there is evidence of two separate exotox-
with formalin, but was not toxic after treat- ins, a leucocidin and a hemolysin.
ment with sodium hydroxide. Such characteris- The leucocidin may be a significant compo-
tics indicated that the material was presum- nent of F. necrophorum as evidenced by Rob-
ably LPS. The toxin was found to have a high erts' (74, 75) experiments. It has been noted
molecular weight as determined by gel filtra- that swine, guinea pigs, and, to a lesser extent,
sheep appear to be more resistant to F. necro- Porschen and 80tntag (69) have demon-
phorum infections than other animals. Roberts strated the production of extracellular deoxyri-
injected rabbits subcutaneously with F. necro- bonuclease in strains of Fusobacterium isolated
phorum and observed the death of polymorpho- from clinical material, Porschen and Spaulding
nuclear leucocytes and growth of the organism (70) were not able to demonstrate phosphatase
in tissue sections taken at intervals over sev- activity in a clinical isolate of F. necrophorum
eral hours. When he examined guinea pigs un- but found a strong positive reaction with F.
der the same conditions, the leukocytes showed mortiferum and weak reactiots with a few
much less damage and there was little prolifer- other species.
ation of the bacteria. He obtained a similar Wahren et al. (93) showed that . ntecropho-
reaction with the filtrate of cells grown in cul- rum possessed proteolytk enzymes, which were
ture, which demonstrated that the effects were bound to the cell wall, They also observed that
not dependent on the proliferation of the bac- the proteolytic activity (inferring production)
terium in the animal tissue. It would certainly was related to the amount of glucose in the

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be of interest to examine the relationship be- medium, decreasinig when high concentrations
tween the leucocidin and the cytoplasmic toxoid were added. The addition of sucrose had no
of Garcia et al. (33) and to examine the appar- such eftect. Tho possibility that more than one
ent resistance of guinea pig leukocytes to both. proteolytic enzyme was being synthesized was
Some investigators recognize two types of F. suggested to explain this observation.
necrophorum, A and B. These two types are Wahren (92) found P, necrophorum capable
differentiated by the ability to hemagglutinate of storing large anounts of polyglucose (most
erythrocytes. Type A will agglutinate chicken, likely as glycogen), which increased as cell
human, and pigeon cells, whereas type B will growth decreased. She also noted that the
not. Type A strains are considered to be more amount of polyglucose was doubled when the
virulent for laboratory animals than type B cells were grown at 37 39XC to compared with
(85). when cells were grown at 33TC. Polyglucose
J. N. Berg (personal communication) has in- could reach as much as 60% of the dry cell
dicated that type A strains belong to two weight.
groups. One group is extremely virulent for Werner (99) determined that strains of F.
mice and produces a potent exotoxin (possibly hecrophorum, PF. mortiferum, Leptotrichia,
the leucocidin) and a potent endotoxin. The and Bacteroides were lacking in lysine decar-
other group of type A is much less virulent for boxylase. F. varium was shown to have lysine
mice. It also produces a potent exotoxin but has decarboxylase activity.
little or no endotoxin activity. Pritsche and J3oehmer (29) analyzed lipids
extracted from whole cells and determined that
Biochemical Properties unlike Bacteroides, Fusobacterium did not pos-
F. necrophorum is indole positive, catalse sess sphingosine bases or branched pentadecan-
negative, methyl red negative, and Voges-Pros- oic acid. It was further demonstrated (28) that
kauer negative, reduces methylene blue, and Fusobacterium did not synthesize 3-hydroxy
forms hydrogen sulfide. Casein Is digest, and fatty acids as did Bacteroides, and it was sug-
a soft clot is formed in litmus milk which may gested that this difference may be useful for
be digested. Nitrates are not reduced, eseulin is separating the two genera.
not hydrolyzed, and gelatin liquification is var-
iable. Threonine and lactate are broken down Serological Properties
with the production of propionic acid and gas. The investigation of serological reactions
In peptone-yeast-glucose broth, major amounts among Fusobacterium was initiated mainly for
of butyric acid and lesser amounts of acetic, the study of taxonomic relationships.
formic, and fumaric acids are produced (14, Orcutt (66) examined the agglutination reac-
105). Sugar fermentation reactions are variable tions of nine strains of F. necrophorum isolated
and often weak. Most authors have reported from cows. She observed at least seven different
the fermentation of glucose and variable fer- cross-agglutination patterns among the
mentation of fructose. Wilson and Miles (105) strains. Antiserum prepared with one of the
also note variable reactions in maltose and le- cultures appeared to possess agglutinins for
vulose, and Werner (97) states that hexoses are each of the other strains. No biochemical differ-
fermented (see Table 2). ences (sugar fermentations, indole production,
F. necrophorum can be differentiated from catalase production, etc.) were observed among
other species of Fusobacterium by both the the strains, and all nine strains were consid-
presence of indole and the production of pro- ered to be one species. Animal pathogens were
pionic acid from lactate. designated Sphaerophorus necrophorus, and
TALz 2. Biochemical reactions of Fusobacterium, B. fragilis, and L. buccalisa
Phopha Shino-Lysine G+C
Orgnis Indoleb Glucose, Maltose" Fructose" Esculin" Lipase" DNasec tased Sphingo
Phsed decar-
lipidse boxylasef (mol%)o
Fgonidaormis + + - - - - + V 0 0 0
. mrtiferurn - + + + + - + + - - 26-28
F. napiforme + - - - - - + W 0 0 0
F. nerophorum + W - V - + + - - - 31-34
F. nueleatum + W - W - - + - 0 0 27-28
F. rusi - - - - - - + W 0 0 30
F. Parium + W - W - - + - - + 29
B.frqgilw - + + + + - + + + _ 43
L. buccalis - + + + + - 0 0 0 - 31-34
vSymbols: M, Most strains positive; -, most strains negative; W, weak reaction; V, variable reactions; 0, not reported.
From Holdenan and Moore (46) and Smith (86).

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From PorPchen and Sonntag (70). DNase, Deoxyribonuclease.
" rom Porschen and Spaulding (71).
From Fritsche and Thelen (30).
'From Werner (100).
'From Buchanan and Gibbons (14) and Prevot et al. (74). DNA, Deoxyribonucleic acid; G+C, guanine plus cytosine.

anwobic fusiforms isolated from humans were electrophoretic techniques, that three strains of
alld S funduliforrzs- Ai 1939 Prevot Ad F. necrophorum have common antigens. Lines
Kichheimer ( w),uing a trichioroacetic acid of precipitation indicated that at least four dis-
egrwoton prqcedure, demonptratd the pres- tinct antigens were present for one of the
onee of a comupon Antigen in isolates of S. strains. Two of these were shared by the second
nerphus and S. funduliformis. The anti- strain and three by the third.
gen was considered to be an LPS since it was Werner (98) conducted a serological study to
eXtractable in trichloroacetic acid, was non-di- justify the separation of three species of Fuso-
yzable, and could be precipitated with abso- bacterium. He observed that F. necrophorum
lute alcohol or acetone. However, they main- strains autoagglutinated in phosphate-buffered
tained that these strains still represented two saline but was able to identify strain-specific
different species. To discover antigenic proper- and common antigens between F. varium and
ties useful for diagnostic procedures, Werner F. mortiferum. Gel diffusion procedures with
and Sebald (103) reviewed the literature con- extracts of F. necrophorum revealed specific
cerning serological studies of gram-negative, antigens that were heat stabile and common
nonsporeforming, anaerobic bacilli since 1927. antigens that were heat labile.
They determined that previous studies were too Garcia et al. (35) prepared antiserum to
varied, and no significant conclusions could be whole cells of F. necrophorum of bovine origin.
made. Using stock cultures from several differ- When tested using a gel diffusion technique,
ent laboratories, they examined many strains the antiserum produced five precipitin bands
ofFusobacterium and Bacteroides for antigenic with a cytoplasmic cell fraction preparation of
reactions as measured by agglutination and antigen, three bands with an intact cell frac-
precipitin tests. Antisera were produced in rab- tion, and one band with a crude cell wall frac-
bits by either subcutaneous or intraveneous in- tion. Immunofluorescent studies with antisera
jection of either bacterial suspensions or super- prepared from these same isolates showed spe-
natant fractions from sonically treated cells. cific reactions with F. necrophorum cells in
They determined that both heat-labile and bovine tissues (liver abscesses, small intestine,
heat-stabile antigens were present and ob- gall bladder, mesentery lymph node, and ru-
served heterologous agglutination reactions men contents of diseased and healthy cattle).
among the strains of Fusobacterium. Their re- The fluorescent antibodies were tested against
sults indicated that most agglutinogens were more than 20 different bacterial species and
type specific. No cross-reactions occurred reacted specifically only with other F. necro-
among any of the Fusobacterium and Bacte- phorum isolates.
roides strains tested. Fales and Teresa (22) also examined the sero-
Caselitz et al. (16) compared 10 strains of F. logical relationship of F. necrophorum strains
necrophorum isolated from human clinical using immunofluorescent procedures. They too
specimens and could not detect a common anti- observed little cross-reactivity with other spe-
gen. Five of the strains showed some cross- cies of bacteria. However, reactions with 17
reactivity. Wattre et al. (96), however, have bovine liver isolates of F. necrophorum showed
demonstrated, using gel diffusion and immuno- a greater degree of serological diversity. Com-
mon antigens were found among 10 of the iso- bovine liver isolates of F. necrophorum. They
lates, and the cross-reaction pattern for each obtained reactions with F. necrophorum
strain was slightly different. None of the strains isolated from bovine foot infections and
strains reacted with other isolates ofFusobacte- a bovine liver abscess. No cross-reactions were
rium spp. from stock culture collections. seen with other Fusobacterium spp. isolates.
Serological studies of F. necrophorum indi- The observation of specific fluorescence in both
cate the presence of a variety of antigens, some healthy and diseased tissue from cattle sug-
of which are common to more than one strain. gests that for a diagnostic procedure refinement
Feldman et al. (25) determined four distinct of this technique is necessary.
antigenic groups among 14 strains of F. necro- Fales and Teresa (22) prepared fluorescent
phorum isolated from bovine liver abscesses. antisera from several bovine on one human
Since neither flagella nor capsules are present, isolate of F. necrophorum. The bovine strains
it appears probable that we are dealing with a did not cross-react with the human strain or
somatic type of antigen. with various Spherophorus species that are

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Since investigators tested few strains in com- now considered to be F. necrophorum. They
mon it is difficult to establish the antigenic suggested the use of polyvalent antiserum
relationships among the many strains of F. when using this technique for determining the
necrophorum from an examination of the liter- presence of F. necrophorum in clinical speci-
ature. However, the observation that no cross- mens. The necessity for polyvalent antiserum
reactivity occurs between Fusobacterium and was appreciated by Stauffer et al. (89), who
either Bacteroides orLeptotrichia appears to be examined human clinical specimens for a reac-
consistent. What may exist is a situation simi- tion to Bacteroides antigens. The antisera were
lar to the many and varied O-antigen determi- specific for the various groups of Bacteroida-
nants of the Salmonella genus. The specificity ceae involved in the study but still lacked activ-
of serotypes in the Salmonella group provides a ity for some ofthe Bacteroides isolated from the
marker useful in etiological studies where the clinical material.
particular strain is to be selectively identified. To differentiate S. necrophorus from S. fun-
It has also been realized that certain serotypes duliformis, Beerens (5) examined 4 animal iso-
are more frequently associated with specific lates and 14 human isolates for their ability to
hosts, e.g., S. choleraesius with swine, S. agglutinate erythrocytes obtained from various
dublin with cattle, etc. animal species. Two of the human strains (S.
One study investigating the presence of dif- fund uliformis) agglutinated human and
ferent antigens in Bacteroides has been re- guinea pig erythrocytes and one strain agglu-
cently published. Beerens et al. (7) have pre- tinated rabbit erythrocytes. All four of the ani-
pared antisera and classified 131 strains ofBac- mal bacterial isolates (S. necrophorus) agglu-
teroides in the Pasteur Institute culture collec- tinated chicken, sheep, and human erythro-
tion. They have determined six major groups cytes; three strains also agglutinated bovine,
and several minor subgroups. In a later study rabbit, and guinea pig cells.
Romond et al. (78) examined 58 strains of Bac- Simon (80) tested 20 strains of F. necropho-
teroides from clinical specimens to determine if rum isolated from bovine liver abscesses. He
a relationship existed between pathogenicity found that all 20 strains agglutinated human,
and serotype. They were not able to make a rabbit, and guinea pig erythrocytes, only two
definitive conclusion. However, they did not strains agglutinated chicken erythrocytes, and
test strains considered to be nonpathogenic. none agglutinated bovine or sheep erythro-
Such a classification may be extremely useful cytes. The agglutination could be completely
in the study ofFusobacterium not only for taxo- inhibited by the addition of F. necrophorum
nomic purposes, but practically for the identifi- antiserum. Many other bacterial species tested
cation of strains isolated from various sources. agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes and a few also
It would be prudent to investigate the serologi- agglutinated guinea pig and human erythro-
cal types characterizing strains ofF. necropho- cytes, but this could be eliminated by F. necro-
rum isolated from normal flora and from clini- phorum antisera, which inhibited hemaggluti-
cal specimens. Strains from different species of nation caused by F. necrophorum strains but
animals should also be compared. not hemagglutination caused by other strains.
Fluorescent antibody techniques have been Warner et al. (94), in attempting to develop a
used in attempting to diagnose F. necrophorum hemagglutination test for antibody determina-
infections. Griffin (37) observed that antibody tion, observed that rabbit erythrocytes were
prepared against S. necrophorus and S. fundu- more active against different strains of F. nec-
liformis (both now considered F. necrophorum) rophorum after being sensitized with polyva-
did not cross-react. Garcia et al. (35) also tested lent antigens.
various fluorescent antibodies prepared from The occurrence of a specific hemagglutinin
for chicken erythrocytes appears to be directly dent. Lincomycin, clindamycin, minocycline,
correlated with pathogenicity of F. necropho- metronidazole, and, to a lesser extent, penicil-
rum (J. N. Berg, personal communication), and lin and carbenicillin have been shown to have
strains have been separated into two types in vivo activity against many gram-negative,
based on this characteristic (85). The virulent nonsporeforming anaerobes in both human and
(for mice) type A is isolated more frequently animal infections (88). Unfortunately, clinda-
from animals, and the less virulent type B is mycin has been shown to cause ulcerative coli-
isolated more frequently from humans. If path- tis in humans (90), and metronidazole is a sus-
ogenicity is related to the cytoplasmic factor pect carcinogen (17).
discussed by Garcia et al. (33), it would be of Chlortetracycline and tylosin appear to be
value to determine if a toxoid prepared from a useful against F. necrophorum infections in
cytoplasmic fraction of a type B strain conferred animals. But since liver abscesses and foot rot
immunity to challenge with a type A strain. remain significant diseases, these antibiotics

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Beerens et al. (6) noted that in vitro the loss are far from satisfactory.
of hemagglutination activity paralleled the loss The atypical in vitro activity of penicillin
of pathogenicity for mice in the several strains againstF. necrophorum is interesting consider-
of F. necrophorum examined. It was not deter- ing that the organism is gram negative.
mined whether the two effects were coinciden- Whether the sensitivity is a result of an in-
tal or whether they were the consequence of a creased permeability of the cell, charge on the
single component. LPS, or other factors has not been investigated.
The precipitin test for antibody determina- Hackman and Wilkins (39, 40) have demon-
tion presents problems in the case of F. necro- strated the in vivo protection of F. necropho-
phorum, since many strains autoagglutinate. rum to the action of penicillin by beta-lacta-
Warner et al. (95) have described a hemaggluti- mase-producing strains of Bacteroides. They
nation test that eliminated the problem of au- have also suggested that the presence of L-
toagglutination, and which they consider more forms ofF. necrophorum may be responsible for
sensitive than a precipitin test. Formalinized persistent infection after penicillin therapy. On
rabbit erythrocytes were sensitized with anti- the other hand, Klieneberger-Nobel (55) and
genic preparations of F. necrophorum, which Dienes (19) were not able to demonstrate patho-
were then reacted with the serum of test ani- genicity for laboratory animals with their L-
mals. If the antibodies were present, the eryth- form isolates.
rocytes clumped.
The crux of these tests is the ability of the Isolation and Cultivation
prepared antigen to react with the antisera. If F. necrophorum will grow only under anaer-
indeed there are several serological types of F. obic conditions. An atmosphere of 5 to 10%
necrophorum, it would be mandatory to use a carbon dioxide enhances growth. The optimal
polyvalent antigenic preparation. Until the ser- temperature is 370C, with a range of 30 to 400C.
ology is resolved, it would be prudent to iden- The addition of yeast, blood, or serum to the
tify F. necrophorum in clinical specimens by medium, plus a reducing agent such as cysteine,
isolation where an infection is suspected and encourages growth. On blood agar, alpha- and
when examination for circulating antibodies is beta-hemolysis may be observed. We normally
negative. see alpha-hemolysis on fresh media, but have
These results support previous observations noticed that on older blood agar plates beta-
that many specific serotypes exist among the hemolysis may occur.
Bacteroidaceae. In addition, these observations Lahelle (see reference 86) first recommended
suggest a need for a re-evaluation ofthe species the addition of 0.01% brilliant green and 0.02%
F. necrophorum. Although the species may be crystal violet to human blood agar for the selec-
biochemically identical, the serological diver- tive isolation of Fusobacterium. Fales and Ter-
sity may warrant further divisions. The pro- esa (21) have developed a highly selective agar
spective value of serological techniques as diag- for the isolation of F. necrophorum from liver
nostic tools will require a more precise identifi- abscesses in cattle. The medium consists of an
cation of the number of serotypes in existence egg yolk agar base supplemented with crystal
and commonly encountered. violet and phenethyl alcohol, the latter to in-
hibit gram-negative facultative anaerobes.
Antibiotic Sensitivities After incubation under carbon dioxide, colonies
are blue, surrounded by an opaque zone and a
Chemotherapy of anaerobic infections is a clear zone. Possible explanations for the occur-
subject of much current research since their rence of these zones were discussed, but the
role in human infections has become more evi- mechanism could not be determined. Others

have suggested (see reference 3) the inclusion of cited even after a subsequent publication by the
antibiotics such as erythromycin, vancomycin, same authors (15) suggested the etiological
kanamycin, and bacitracin in the agar medium agent was a mycoplasma. The primary cause in
to inhibit facultative anaerobes. the United States in now considered to be Bor-
F. necrophorum may be isolated, as most detella bronchiseptica (79). Carter and McKay
other anaerobes, on one of several commercial (15) suggested that the fusiform organisms ob-
agars (Trypticase soy, Schaedler, brucella, served in stained smears were most likely natu-
brain heart infusion) with 5% sheep blood ral inhabitants of the oral and nasal cavities.
added and incubated at 370C in an anaerobic The type of disease associated with animals
atmosphere such as a GasPak (BBL). On sheep is typified by necrosis of the tissues involved,
blood agar, colonies are round and grey, with abscess formation, and usually a characteristic
an entire edge. Size will vary from 1 to 3 mm putrid odor. Bacteremia can be present, the
depending on the base agar used. Once iso- organism may cause lesions, and F. necropho-

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lated, F. necrophorum will grow rapidly in rum has been isolated in pure culture from
fluid thioglycolate or even better in any one of almost all organs including the brain (105).
several prereduced broths (peptone yeast, Calf diphtheria, liver abscesses, and foot rot
chopped meat, brain heart infusion) inoculated are the three manifestations of F. necrophorum
under deoxygenated carbon dioxide. Growth is diseases that have the most severe economic
fluffy, slowly sedimenting to the bottom of the impact. Losses due to calf diphtheria are diffi-
tube, and gas is produced. The fetid odor of cult to estimate, but losses of 17 million dollars
butyric acid is characteristic. a year result from condemned beef livers and
Garcia and McKay (34) have grown large losses due to foot rot are approximately one
batch cultures in a chemostat using a modified million dollars (52).
Casitone broth adjusted to pH 7.3 under carbon Calf diphtheria. The involvement of F. nec-
dioxide and nitrogen. Simon (80) reported that rophorum in this disease was first recognized in
optimal growth occurred in his medium 159 at 1884 by Loeffler (58), who conducted a study to
pH 6.84, but that the optimal pH for acid pro- determine the etiological agent of diphtheria by
duction was at pH 7.7. investigating clinical material from humans,
Cultures may be preserved by lyophilization doves, and calves. Loeffler was able to deter-
in skim milk or freezing and preserving at mine that a different bacterium was responsi-
-60°C in calf serum (21). Viability and high ble in each host, although superficial similari-
virulence for mice has been maintained in our ties were evident in the clinical symptoms. The
laboratory (American Cyanamid Co., Prince- term calf diphtheria is a general description for
ton, N.J.) by subculturing monthly at room a noncontagious necrotizing type of infection
temperature using a commercially prepared, which may involve the oral mucosa, tongue,
prereduced chopped-meat carbohydrate broth pharangeal, and laryngeal areas (79). Invasion
(Scott Labs, Fiskeville, R.I.) inoculated under of F. necrophorum is thought to require some
deoxygenated carbon dioxide. type of damage to the oral cavity before the
organism can proliferate in the mucosa and
ANIMAL DISEASES AND submucosa to the underlying muscle tissue.
CHEMOTHERAPY The disease occurs more frequently in young
Natural Infections calves (up to 2 years old) than in older cattle.
Fatality may be a result of the larynx becoming
F. necrophorum has been reported to be in- occluded with caseous material, inhibiting res-
volved in diseases of cattle, sheep, goats, rab- piration. Pieces of infectious material may be
bits, and wild animals (see references 9, 81). aspirated to the lungs, where abscesses or
Such references must be treated cautiously, pneumonia may result. Except for lung in-
since many of the organisms mentioned are volvement the infection is localized in the oral
now considered Bacteroides, Leptotrichia, or cavity. F. necrophorum can be seen in clinical
other genera; the etiological role of the Fuso- material, but so far efforts to reproduce the
bacterium isolated in relation to the disease disease by introducing F. necrophorum cul-
described was not established, or the descrip- tures or infected tissue onto the larynx have
tion of the organism (especially in older litera- been unsuccessful (52, 79).
ture) is insufficient and the cultures are no Successful therapy with sulfa drugs was re-
longer extant to make a valid identification. ported by Farquharson (23, 24), and the advent
For example, swine atrophic rhinitis was of antibiotics such as the tetracyclines has
thought to be caused by L-forms of F. necropho- greatly reduced fatalities.
rum (60, 61), and these observations were being Gay et al. (36) have reported a severe out-
break of an oral disease in Canada under the Other conditions, such as the presence of metal
name agranulocytopenic syndrome. The dis- objects (nails, wire, etc.) may lead to irritation
ease is described as an oral necrosis typical of and ulceration of the rumen (50). F. necropho-
an F. necrophorum infection, and fusiform bac- rum may then invade the mucosa, and often
teria were profusely evident in the lesions. The the underlying musculature, and thereby gain
reason for a low granulocyte count in these entry to the circulation.
calves is not discussed. No specific antibiotic Jensen et al. (51) tried to produce liver ab-
treatment was mentioned, and mortality scesses with a bovine isolate of F. necrophorum
ranged from 30 to 100%. by giving intraportal inoculations to cattle,
Liver abscesses. The condemnation of ab- sheep, and swine. Liver abscesses resulted in
scessed livers in cattle presents a serious eco- cattle and sheep but not in swine. Attempts by
nomic problem, hence the interest in the dis- Simon and Stovell (83) to isolate F. necropho-
ease and the etiological considerations. Liver rum from liver abscesses in cattle resulted in

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abscesses do not appear to be a problem in other organisms from 97% of the samples, of which
meat animals, but there is a paucity of data on 67% were pure cultures ofF. necrophorum, and
the subject. Hussein and Shigidi (48) recovered F. necro-
Liver abscesses in cattle attributed to a bac- phorum from 84% of bovine liver abscesses, 57%
terial infection were described in the late 1880s. of which were in pure culture. They also ob-
The etiological agent was disputable because served staphylococci and diphtheroids in some
Corynebacterium pyogenes, F. necrophorum, of the abscesses.
streptococci, staphylococci, and E. coli were all The isolation of other organisms from liver
reported to have been isolated from lesions. No abscesses is not consistent, and what role, if
doubt the inability to cultivate many anaerobes any, such organisms may have in the produc-
prevented some investigators from isolating F. tion of liver lesions has not yet been deter-
necrophorum, although several described typi- mined.
cal F. necrophorum morphology in stained Chemotherapy may reduce the incidence of
smears. liver abscesses, but a definitive regimen for
Feldman et al. (25) were able to isolate F. prevention has not been established.
necrophorum from 44 of 50 liver abscesses and Matsushima et al. (64) examined the livers of
found antibodies to F. necrophorum in serum animals fed chlortetracycline for the control of
samples from 29 of 30 cattle in an area with a calf scours. Animals that had received chloro-
history of abscesses. Smith (84) proposed that tetracycline for 12 weeks after birth had normal
there was a relationship between rumen ulcers livers where previous experience had shown
and liver abscesses of cattle raised in feedlots. 75% of livers to be scarred or abscessed. How-
Forty-two percent of the cattle examined had ever, Johnson et al. (54) noted that at slaughter
ruminal lesions and liver abscesses, whereas 20 of 684 livers from cattle fed chlortetracycline
only 9% had liver abscesses without rumen le- contained abscesses, and 23 of 681 control cattle
sions. Gram-negative filamentous bacteria had abscesses. Brown et al. (13) tested tylosin
were seen in both liver abscesses and ruminal in feedlot cattle receiving a high-concentrate
lesions. It was hypothesized that F. necropho- ration and found an 81% reduction in liver ab-
rum entered the liver via the portal circulation. scesses; in another study (12) using chlortetra-
Madin (62) was able to isolate F. necrophorum cycline and tylosin only a 13% reduction was
from 89%o of abscessed livers, but not from nor- observed.
mal livers, and did not consistently find other Foot rot. Foot rot is a disease of ungulates
organisms. He also suggested that the portal characterized by necrotic tissue within and sur-
circulation was the mode of entry. Robinson et rounding the hooves. F. necrophorum is impli-
al. (77) examined range animals and feedlot cated in most forms, although viral infections
animals and concluded that feedlot conditions also may be involved. The disease may be mild
had no relation to the occurrence of liver ab- to severely debilitating, even requiring sur-
scesses. They were not able to reproduce liver gery. Occasionally the infection will spread and
lesions by an oral or intravenous inoculation of involve internal organs (79).
F. necrophorum, although the organism could Damp soil and injury to the foot appear to be
be recovered from the rumen. (The origin of the predisposing factors for the development of foot
F. necrophorum strain was not indicated.) Jen- rot. Garcia et al. (35) used the fluorescent anti-
sen and Mackey (52), on the other hand, noted body technique to examine the survival of F.
that the change from range feeding to a high- necrophorum in the soil. They could still see a
concentrate diet when in feedlots led to an in- reaction after inoculated soil (with an 80% wa-
creased acid production by the rumen flora. ter-holding capacity) was maintained under an-

aerobic conditions for 11 months at 4VC and 8 C. pyogenes. By definition, ovine interdigital
months at 370C. Even under aerobic conditions dermatitis is caused by F. necrophorum and C.
at the higher temperatures, reduction of fluo- pyogenes in association. The presence of ovine
resence did not occur until 18 weeks. interdigital dermatitis is indicated by red and
Even though what appeared to be F. necro- swollen interdigital skin covered by a film of
phorum was isolated from cases of foot rot and necrotic tissue (79).
it was generally accepted as the etiological Berg and Loan (8), in clinically diagnosed
agent, attempts to reproduce the disease were cases of foot rot in cattle, isolated F. necropho-
not too successful. Flint and Jensen (26) in- rum and B. melaninogenicus as well as other
jected F. necrophorum isolated from bovine organisms from all eight cases examined. In
liver abscesses into the left common digital ar- experimental infections with pure and mixed
tery of experimental cattle. The resultant infec- cultures, they obtained the most severe lesions
tions were compared with natural infections of with a dual inoculum of F. necrophorum and B.
diseased feet. The pathology of the experimen- melaninogenicus; both were recovered from the

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tal animals showed infection of bones, joints, lesions. Both organisms were also recovered
skin, and tendons, which was different from the from the animals infected with F. necrophorum
skin and joint inflammation and necrosis of only. Intradermal inoculation of F. necropho-
interdigital tissue observed in the naturally rum plus C. pyogenes into nonscarified interdi-
infected hooves. gital skin produced only superficial dermatitis
Johnson et al. (53) isolated gram-negative and was not typical of foot rot. Neither C. py-
anaerobes including F. necrophorum from only ogenes nor B. melaninogenicus alone produced
12 out of 34 cases of foot rot and also isolated an infection.
various other organisms whose contribution to It may be concluded that the concurrent in-
the disease was not established. Gupta et al. fection by F. necrophorum plus one of several
(38) also isolated many types of bacteria from different types of bacteria produces various
cattle with foot rot. In attempts to reproduce types of foot infections. Foot rot as observed in
the disease, pure cultures and combinations sheep, cattle, goats, and deer may begin as an
were used. Typical foot rot pathology was pro- F. necrophorum infection of the dermis. In cat-
duced with a combination of fusiform-like orga- tle the occurrence of Bacteroides nodosus
nisms plus staphylococci. No infection was pro- (which is sometimes considered an essential
duced with F. necrophorum alone (which was a additional etiological agent) results in an infec-
"stock" culture). tion involving the hoof and underlying connec-
Parsonson et al. (68), working with ovine tive tissues, eventually causing the hoof to be-
interdigital dermatitis, isolated gram-negative come detached. A less severe form of the dis-
rods, filamentous forms, gram-positive cocci, ease is attributed to a less virulent strain of B.
and diphtheroides (including C. pyogenes) from nodosus (79).
about 500 cases of ovine interdigital dermatitis. A foot rot of swine also occurs, especially
They were able to reproduce the disease by when the animals are kept on concrete. Pre-
placing F. necrophorum-soaked pads on scari- sumably this disease is caused by F. necropho-
fied interdigital skin. F. necrophorum could rum and a spirochete, but it requires further
not be isolated from sheep that had no history investigation (79).
of foot rot. Prevention of foot rot is preferable to having
Roberts (74, 75) considered F. necrophorum to treat the disease. Most investigators agree
the primary pathogen in ovine foot abscesses that damage to the foot by stones, sticks, stub-
but also frequently isolated E. coli and C. py- ble, etc., should be avoided and that feet should
ogenes. In an elegant series of experiments, he be cared for, especially in the damp weather.
determined the synergism between F. necro- Chemotherapy is usually confined to a foot dip
phorum and C. pyogenes. F. necrophorum pro- in copper sulfate or chlortetracycline solution.
duced a leucocidal exotoxin which allowed C. Johnson et al. (54), studying the effect of chlor-
pyogenes to become established, and C. py- tetracycline-supplemented feed on the perform-
ogenes produced a filterable, heat-labile, non- ance of feedlot cattle, observed that only 2 of 684
dialyzable macromolecule which stimulated the animals on medicated feed developed foot rot
growth and invasiveness of F. necrophorum. compared with 172 out of 681 cattle not receiv-
Parsonson et al. (68) had suggested that the ing medicated feed.
production of catalase by diphtheroides lowered Other diseases. Pathological conditions
the oxygen tension of the tissues, permitting F. where F. necrophorum may be a serious sec-
necrophorum to grow. Roberts (74, 75), how- ondary invader include: necrotic rhinitis of
ever, used typically catalase-negative strains of swine, which usually occurs in young animals
and requires traumatic damage to the nose; disease processes in the host animal, it is not
neonatal bacteremias, usually contracted always practical. Several investigators have re-
through the umbilical cord in calves and lambs; cently developed laboratory animal models that
and oral infections in many animals (84). None appear to be extremely useful for studying F.
of these conditions have been extensively stud- necrophorum. Wilkins and Smith (104) used an
ied. isolate from sheep foot rot to establish an infec-
The pathogenesis ofF. necrophorum may in- tion in mice. They determined the LD50 of
volve the following series of events. Initially, either a subcutaneous or intraperitoneal route
there is an interruption in the surface epithe- of infection to be 106 cells. Mortality after 14
lium by which F. necrophorum gains entry. As days was 97%, with a mean survival time of
the bacteria proliferate an exotoxin is produced 10.2 days for the subcutaneous route and 88%
which arrests and destroys the invading leuco- mortality and a mean survival time of 5.5 days
cytes, thus inhibiting phagocytosis and permit- for the intraperitoneal route. Abscesses were

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ting the bacteria to grow. Necrosis of the local seen in liver, mesentery, pancreas, gonads, gut
tissue ensues as toxins are produced and deoxy- wall, and peritoneal membrane with the intra-
ribonuclease may also be involved. Pus sur- peritoneal infection, and a local abscess in the
rounds the area of necrotic tissue, and fibro- thigh was observed with the subcutaneous in-
blasts form a layer of connective tissue around fection.
the abscess. It has been observed in liver tissue In our laboratory the same strain has consist-
that the lesion may heal spontaneously as evi- ently produced 90 to 100% mortality when inoc-
dence by scar formation. Although the infection ulated intraperitoneally in mice. Necropsy re-
tends to remain localized, F. necrophorum may vealed purulent abscesses mainly in the perito-
enter the blood stream and be carried to other neal cavity, liver, and kidney. Splenomegaly
areas of the body, where it may lead to other was also observed. The LD50 was 2.4 x 107 cells,
foci of infection if predisposing factors are evi- and the mean survival time was 7.3 + 1.2 days.
dent. There has been no mention of invasion of Hill et al. (41) were able to produce liver
the lymphatics in natural F. necrophorum in- abscesses in 70% of mice using a human isolate
fections. ofF. necrophorum, but no deaths occurred. The
percentage of lesions produced was enhanced
Experimental Infections by a mixed infection combining F. necropho-
rum withB. melaninogenicus, B. fragilis, orF.
To study and understand the role of a patho- nucleatum strains. Deaths were occasionally
gen in disease and to develop methods whereby observed in mixtures using the latter strains.
the pathogen may be controlled, it is desirable Kuck (56) also infected mice with human
to reproduce the disease in the primary host or strains of F. necrophorum. Infrequent mortal-
other suitable animal. One also must prove ity was observed, but reproducible abscesses
that the suspected pathogen is, indeed, the etio- were obtained with a subcutaneous inoculation
logical agent of a particular disease. at the base of the tail.
Orcutt (66) was able to produce a lethal infec- Maestrone et al. (63) were able to produce
tion in rabbits and mice with a subcutaneous infections similar to those seen in cattle by
infection of F. necrophorum strains isolated infecting mice intrahepatically, intrathoraci-
from cows, and in 1940 Prevot (see reference cally, intraperitoneally, subcutaneously, or in
104) used an infection in rabbits to test the the plantar area of the footpad with several
efficacy of sulfa drugs. Different early investi- field strains of F. necrophorum from sheep or
gators had various success in producing lesions cattle.
in laboratory animals with isolates ofF. necro- Thoracic infection resulted in lung abscesses
phorum (see reference 9). with involvement of the pleural and pericardial
Flint and Jensen (26) inoculated a bovine cavities. Liver abscesses were observed with
liver abscess isolate ofF. necrophorum into the the intrahepatic inoculation, and death oc-
left common digital artery of cattle in an effort curred in 2 to 3 days after either route of inoc-
to reproduce foot rot, but the resultant lesions ulation. Intraperitoneal inoculation caused
were not typical of the disease. death within 7 days, and autopsy revealed a
Jensen et al. (51) were able to produce liver large amount of purulent exudate. Injection of
abscesses in cattle and sheep by intraportal F. necrophorum into the footpad of mice re-
inoculation of F. necrophorum, but not in sulted in a local necrotizing infection where the
swine. No hypothesis for the recalcitrance of soft tissues of the foot sloughed off. A reaction
swine was suggested. in the popliteal lymph nodes was also observed.
Although it may be preferable to investigate These models have provided excellent in vivo
systems for testing the effects of chemothera- necrophorum infections in various animals, but
peutic agents. Wilkins and Smith (104), with results were ineffectual (see reference 82).
their model tested penicillin, tetracycline, clin- The possibility that antibodies formed
damycin, and lincomycin as typical antibiotics against natural exposure to F. necrophorum
used against human clinical anaerobic infec- offered little protection against infection was
tions and found clindamycin to be the most suggested by Feldman et al. (25). They exam-
effective and penicillin the least effective. ined the serum of laboratory and domestic ani-
Kuck (56), in her system, found minocycline mals, both healthy and diseased of differing
the most active in preventing abscesses. Clin- ages, for the presence of antibodies to F. necro-
damycin was also found to be very active, but phorum. In adult cattle with and without liver
ampicillin, cephalexin, and penicillin were not abscesses, agglutinins were found, but serum
quite as effective. from calves usually had no agglutinins. Higher
Maestrone et al. (63) found sulfadimethoxine agglutination titers were also observed in se-
plus ormetoprin administered in the diet to be rum from adult swine and sheep when these

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most effective against each of their model F. were compared with younger animals. There
necrophorum infections. AUREO S P 250 did not appear to be a relationship between the
(chlortetracycline, sulfamethazine, and penicil- presence of disease and the level of agglutina-
lin, American Cyanamid Co.) and NEO- tion achieved. Laboratory animals including
TERRA (oxytetracycline and neomycin, Pfizer, rats, dogs, and rabbits did not possess signifi-
Inc.) were found to be more effective than TY- cant antibodies to F. necrophorum in serum
LAN-10 (tylosin and sulfamethazine, Elanco samples. These results suggest that exposure to
Products Co.) against hepatic and thoracic in- F. necrophorum may lead to the formation of
fections. All four preparations were similarly antibodies, but these antibodies have little or
effective when administered intraperitoneally no immunological significance.
against the footpad infection. Since tylosin is Garcia et al. (33) have been able to protect
known to be poorly absorbed from the gut, oral cattle from developing liver abscesses by using
tylosin treatment would not be indicated. a toxoid prepared from the cytoplasmic fraction
In the model developed in our laboratory, of sonically treated F. necrophorum cells. A
various chemotherapeutic agents were admin- toxoid prepared from sonically treated whole
istered either in the diet or intraperitoneally. cells did not significantly reduce the incidence
Antibiotics effective in significantly reducing of liver abscesses. The amount of cytoplasmic
mortality were chlortetracycline, minocycline, toxoid administered appeared to be critical. Us-
clindamycin, penicillin, and lincomycin. Chlor- ing 5 to 10 cattle per group, they observed that
amphenicol was not found to be of therapeutic control animals had an incidence of 35% liver
value. Other drugs, used in animal husbandry, abscesses or scars. A total dose of 10.5 mg of
that were able to suppress or eliminate lesions cytoplasmic protein resulted in 30% ofthe cattle
and prevent mortality included carbadox, roni- having liver damage, whereas 10% of the cattle
dazole, dimetridazole, and ipronidazole. Tylo- receiving a dose of 15.5 mg of protein showed
sin and virginiamycin were only effective if evidence of liver damage. F. necrophorum was
administered intraperitoneally. Metronidazole isolated from the liver abscesses examined.
was found to be active by both routes of admin- Serum samples from animals taken during
istration. the 6-month trial were examined by gel diffu-
sion techniques for the presence of agglutinins.
IMMUNITY Thirty-five percent of the control animals dem-
onstrated positive reactions compared with 74%
Beveridge (9) attempted to protect rabbits of sera from animals receiving sonically treated
from an F. necrophorum infection by using a toxoid, 70% of animals receiving the lower dose
formalinized preparation of cells and was not of cytoplasmic toxoid, and 95% of cattle receiv-
successful in establishing immunity. He sug- ing the higher level of cytoplasmic toxoid.
gested that the pathogenicity of F. necro- These observations may lead to the develop-
phorum was attributable to the action of an ment of a vaccine useful in controlling F. necro-
endotoxin. At that time methods of protection phorum infections.
against endotoxins had not been developed. It is apparent from the study of Dack et al.
Jensen et al. (51) were not successful in pro- (18) that circulating antibodies to F. necropho-
tecting sheep from developing liver abscesses rum occur in adult animals, including humans,
by inoculation with culture filtrates ofF. necro- who have probably been exposed to this bacte-
phorum. Other investigators also tried to de- rium but have no overt signs of disease. Experi-
velop immunological protection against F. mental evidence indicates that these antibodies
offer little or no protection against infection. thella). Ann. Inst. Pasteur Paris 121:187-
Calf diphtheria has been the only type of dis- 198.
ease involving F. necrophorum that appears to 8. Berg, J. N., and R. W. Loan. 1975. Fusobacte-
occur more frequently in younger animals; rium necrophorum and Bacteroides melanin-
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tle. Am. J. Vet. Res. 36:1115-1122.
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phorum infections and observed an increase as vations on the oxygen intolerance of the or-
the disease progressed, whereas Feldman et al. ganism. J. Pathol. Bacteriol. 38:467-491.
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CONCLUDING REMARKS 12. Brown, H., R. F. Bing, H. P. Grueter, J. W.
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Means are now available for the isolation and macher. 1974. Tylosin and CTC for the pre-
identification of certain strains of F. necropho- vention of liver abscesses and improved per-
rum. With the study of additional strains, fur- formance of feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci.
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cific antigenic types, the identification of this duct (TUA) for the prevention of liver ab-
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ciency in feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci.
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