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Name: ___________________________________________

Encircle the correct answer.

1. In the finger position, your fingers should be curved and?

a. Upright b. right c. uplift
2. In the finger position, what key will the little finger press?
a. Home keys b. right hand c. left hand
3. On the left hand, what key will the little press?
a. S key b. A key c. D key
4. On the right hand, what key will the forefinger press?
a. S key b. J key c. K key
5. On the left hand, what key will the ring finger press?
a. F key b. L key c. S key
6. On the right hand what key will the middle finger press?
a. F key b. L key c. K key
7. On the left hand, what key will the middle finger press?
a. D key b. L key c. K key
8. On the right hand, what key will the ring finger press?
a. L key b. D key c. K key
9. On the left hand, what key will the forefinger press?
a. L key b. F key c. D key
10. Use the right thumb to tap the?
a. Enter key b. spacebar c. homekeys
11. Use the little finger on your right hand to tap the?
a. Home keys b. spacebar c. enter keys
12. Use your F finger to strike?
a. D b. U C. G
13. Use your J finger to strike?
a. U B. D C. G
14. Use your D finger to strike?
a. E B. D C. G
15. Use your K finger to strike?
a. E B. I C. H
16. It is used to type in the uppercase form of a letter.
a. Tab key b. shift key c. enter key
17. It is used to type to several uppercase letters one after another.
a. Tab key b. shift key c. caps lock key
18. To strike caps lock, what key will you strike?
a. B finger b. C finger c. A finger
19. It lets the cursor jump to a different position.
a. Tab key b. shift key c. caps lock key
20. Use the S finger to strike?
a. X B. L C. O

II. Fill in the blanks.

1. Programs that allow users to manage, maintain, and control computer resource are called -
2. The _________________________ program makes sure the computer runs properly.
3. In a computer, the simultaneous execution of two or more tasks is called -
4. The ___________________________ refers to the amount a computer can perform at a given time.
5. The ___________________________ determines the amount of memory that the computer could use
and checks ofr devices attached to the computer system.
6. A _________________________________________ use the WIMP concept.
7. In the windows operating system, the area where icons, windows, menus, and the pointer are
displayed is called the ___________________________.
8. A _____________________________ is the computer architecture that uses an operating system.
9. The __________________________ is used to type numbers, especially when using the calculator
feature of your computer.
10. To make sure the number pads works, make sure the _______________________________ light is on.
11. The ________________________ make sure there is enough memory for the computer to use.
12. The computer architecture that use a particular operating system is called a
13. The ____________________________ rearrange and clean files, making sure the computer runs
properly and that problems are fixed immediately.
14. It can also perform two or more task at the same time also known as
15. The amount of work a computer can do at a certain time is called

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