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Hello, may I speak with Mr/Mrs (patient’s name)

My name is (agent’s name),

I am calling on behalf of Medical Help USA and I am an authorized physician’s assistant

We are a patient provider network, the reason for my call today is to inform you about the new benefits that you may be eligible for,
covered by your current private insurance company

*(Point one)* Recently you made mention that you were dealing some acute pain, do you still have this pain? Where is located? (If
patient ask where u received this info or how the agent has access to it-Agent must rebuttal; perhaps a recent survey you filled
out. We have this information to help you with your overall health and to inform you about the benefits that you may be eligible for!)

I see, before we move forward Mr/Mrs (patient’s name), I would just like to confirm your private insurance information.
Who is your current insurance company? (Patient should give the agent the name of the insurance company-Agent cannot say the
insurance name.)
What is the member ID on your card? (Patient should give the agent the member ID-Agent cannot say the member ID)
What is the Bin, group and or PCN number on your card? (Patient should give the agent the bin, group and or PCN number-Agent
cannot say the bin, group and or PCN number.)
Do you have a supplementary insurance company?
If yes: Who is your current insurance company? (Patient should give the agent the name of the insurance company-Agent cannot
say the insurance name.)
What is the member ID on your card? (Patient should give the agent the member ID-Agent cannot say the member ID)
What is the Bin, group and or PCN number on your card? (Patient should give the agent the bin, group and or PCN number-Agent
cannot say the bin, group and or PCN number.)

I will ask a few questions to ensure your eligibility.

What is your current cholesterol level? (Must give number or patient may say high/low)
What is your blood pressure level? (Must give number or patient may say high/low)
What is your height? (Inches or Cm)
What is your weight? (Lbs or Kg)

Have you seen your primary caretaker in the last year?

May I have your Doctors information so you can start to receive these benefits?
Doctor’s name:
Clinic name:
Phone number:

If your Doctor is not available, will it be ok to use one of our doctors to assess your file? (Patient must say yes)
Agent should say: If you are eligible the pharmacy will contact you to explain how to use the products, this could take up to 4
business days-should u have any questions, contact 18882175999

Refer to *(Point one)*

What other areas of your body is also experiencing pain?
What caused this pain?
What is the pain level you experience? (Agent must get the patient to say 7+)
How long have you been experiencing pain? (Agent must get the patient to say 1 year +)
What other medical condition do you have?
Are you currently taking any medication?
Which ones? (The name of the medications)
Have you had any surgeries? (If yes, agent must ask what kind of surgery and when)
Are you allergic to any medication? (Take down the name of each products mentioned)
Do you have Neuropathy?
Do you have Acid reflux?
Are you Diabetic? (If yes, agent must ask what medication are they taking for diabetes and how many times a day?)
Do you have any Scars? (If yes, agent must ask where and how; surgery, accident...)
Do you have eczema/ rash? (If yes, agent must ask where)
Do you experience Migraines? (If yes, how often)


(PATIENT NAME) it is (TODAY’S DATE AND TIME) do I have your permission to record a brief summary of the information we
have just discussed to share with the Doctor who will be reviewing your medical information? (CLEAR YES TO CONTINUE)

Please state your full name and Date of Birth? What address would you like your (PRESCRIPTION/DME) shipped to?

Representative/Agent needs to confirm with Patient the following information gathered during the intake assessment. Patient MUST
CONFIRM with a YES or NO to continue.
1. You stated your Major Medical Conditions, now or in the past (including cancer)
are_____________________________________________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
2. You stated All your Previous Surgeries included_________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
3. You stated your Medical Allergies are___________________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
4. You stated your Current Medications are________________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
5. You stated your Average Cholesterol Level is____________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
6. The following must be repeated only if applicable to what they qualify for:
7. You stated your Diabetic status is______________________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
8. You stated your Arthritic status and area of body is_____________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
9. You stated your Migraine History is_____________________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
10. You stated your Neuropathy status and area of the body is______ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
11. You stated your Psoriasis status is_____________________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
12. You stated your Scarring status and location is_________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
14. I see you are requesting a Topical Pain Cream for_____________________- (IS THIS CORRECT?)
15. I see you are requesting Metabolic Support for_______________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
16. I see you are requesting a Scarring Cream for_______________________- (IS THIS CORRECT?)
17. I see you are requesting a Skin Management Cream for_______________________- (IS THIS CORRECT?)
18. I see you are requesting a Neuropathy Cream for_______________________- (IS THIS CORRECT?)
19. I see you are requesting Migraine medication for_______________________- (IS THIS CORRECT?)
20. I see you are requesting Acid Reflux medication for_______________________- (IS THIS CORRECT?)
21. I see you are requesting a Back Brace for_______________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
22. I show your Waist Size is_________________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
23. I see you are requesting an Ankle Brace for_______________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
24. I show your Shoe Size is__________________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
25. I see you are requesting a Knee Brace for____________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
26. I see you are requesting an Elbow Brace for____________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
27. I see you are requesting a Shoulder Brace for____________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
28. I see you are requesting a Wrist Brace for____________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)
29. I see you are requesting the best Day and Time to call is____________________ - (IS THIS CORRECT?)

Great Mr/Mrs (patient’s name),

we will be sending your request to a physician
if your Doctor is not available, will it be ok to use one of our doctor to assess your file? (Patient must say yes)
To ensure that you never are without your prescriptions, we will enrol you in the auto refill program for all your Rx scripts,
this way you never have to wait. Ok? (Agent must get a clear YES from the patient)
If you are eligible the pharmacy will contact you to assure you understand how to use the products, this could take up to
4 business days-should u have any questions regarding your request or the status of your request please contact 1-888-

I appreciate you answering all of my questions Mr/Mrs (patient’s name),

Thank you for helping us help you!
Have a good day/night

- Agent must be polite throughout the entire call

- Agent must stay professional throughout the entire call
- Agent must be enthusiastic throughout the entire call
- Agent must ask all information (not confirm it)

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