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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to

all teachers and friends.

Today is Sunday and the date for today is _________

As can be seen, today’s weather is sunny/hot/cloudy/foggy/hazy

Before we continue, I will like to call upon all school prefects come to the stage to recite
the “Salawat”

Thank you prefects for the Salawat!

Now, teachers and pupils, please be ready to sing our National Anthem, our State Song
(Selamat Sultan) and our school song.

Before we begin:
*Please stand up properly.
*At antention.
*Hands by your side
We’ll start with:

And last but not least, our

Negaraku…(1,2,3) Selamat Sultan…(1,2,3)
school song…(1,2,3)

(All prefects descend from the stage)

Thank you to all prefects.

Now, ………………….. will lead our

Rukun Negara recitation.

Thank you!

Next, please welcome the teacher on duty last week, to deliver the report.

Thank you Teacher/Sir……………..

For your information, the teachers on duty this week are

……………………………. and ………………………………..

If you have any problem or you need help, don’t hesitate to go and see them.
Now, will the teacher on duty this week to give a few words.
Thank you!

Without wasting our time, I would like to invite our Headmaster or Senior Assistant to
deliver his/her speech.

Thank you Sir/Madam………………..!

1) Sir Md Jauhar bin Taib (Headmaster) 2) Sir Alias bin Othman (Senior Assistant)
3) Sir Mohd Sazali (Senior

Lastly, will ………………come to the stage and recite the du’a

Thank you …………..

Now, please be ready to exit the assembly and return to your classroom
in an orderly fashion..
We will begin with Preschool and Year One.

Thank you for your cooperation!

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