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SAMUEL P. HUNTER, President HARRY L. MASHBURN, Senior Vice President

STEVE L. MASSIE, Vice President VICTOR WESTON, Treasurer

STEPHEN E. SANDHERR, Chief Executive Officer DAVID R. LUKENS, Chief Operating Officer

AGC White Paper

Additional Insured Endorsements
February 2006

“Additional insured” endorsements have become one of the hottest topics in construction risk
management. The insurance industry has narrowed the standard form of this endorsement three
times since 1985 and one of the leading writers on the subject now reports that “several state
legislatures are considering limiting coverage for additional insureds even further.”

Following is a quick overview of the reasons why property owners, general contractors and other
upstream parties to the construction process seek additional insured endorsements from
downstream parties. Also following are:

• an equally quick overview of reasons why downstream parties often oppose these
• a summary of the typical responses to the downstream parties’ concerns;
• a few words on the several changes in the standard form of the additional insured
endorsement; and
• a note on the new legislation that some states are apparently considering.

Attached is a table comparing the various versions of the standard form of the endorsement.
Also attached is a detailed article on the new legislation. The author of the article is Randy
Maniloff, a Philadelphia lawyer who frequently represents insurance carriers. AGC of America
has reproduced this article with his express permission.

Why Upstream Parties Seek AI Endorsements

Additional insured endorsements give project owners, general contractors and other upstream
parties, such as first-tier subcontractors, at least some degree of insurance coverage under the
commercial general liability (CGL) policies that downstream parties carry. The upstream parties
use that coverage to finance at least a portion of the liability they risk whenever they construct a
project, including liability:

• for any damages resulting from defects in the downstream parties’ work;
• for any injuries to those parties’ employees while working on or near the jobsite; and
• for any injuries to anyone else (such as a project owner’s guest) while on or near the jobsite.

-1- Building Your Quality of Life

Upstream parties, and particularly general contractors, explain that they bear a great and still
growing risk of liability for defects in their subcontractors’ work. The relatively recent wave of
mold litigation is just one piece of the larger problem that upstream parties have to manage.
Even when given an additional insured endorsement, general contractors cannot normally
recover the costs of correcting defects in their subcontractors’ work from the latters’ insurance
carriers. General contractors normally have to file claims for such costs under their own
insurance policies, or depend on their subcontractors to have the financial strength to bear them.
As additional insureds, general contractors frequently can, however, file claims under their
subcontractors’ policies for the cost of repairing any property damage (as defined by the relevant
policy) resulting from defects in their subcontractors’ work, protecting themselves from the risk
that their subcontractors will either refuse or lack the financial strength to pay for at least those

Upstream parties add that the workers compensation laws generally prevent the men and women
working for their subcontractors only from suing their own employers for any bodily injuries that
those employees may suffer in the course of their employment. In most states, the law permits
such employees to bring “third-party-over actions” against project owners, general contractors
and other parties -- other than their employers -- for such injuries. 1 Upstream parties also seek
additional insured endorsements from downstream parties to protect themselves from the risk of
such “third-party-over actions,” explaining that:

• as upstream parties, they risk tort liability for jobsite injuries to construction workers only if
and to the extent that they subcontract work to the downstream parties, and do not perform
the work with their own employees;
• the downstream parties are primarily responsible for protecting their employees, and should
bear the total cost of injuries that their employees suffer, and not simply the portion that their
workers compensation premiums cover; and
• jobsite safety will improve if the downstream parties have a financial incentive to protect
their employees from all risks of injury, including risks that other parties to the construction
process may either create or tolerate.

According to one insurance lawyer, “general contractors contend that most subcontractor
employee injuries arise from the means and methods of that trade’s jurisdictional work and are
not the result of an overt act by the general contractor.” This lawyer adds that “[a]s a result, the
general contractor does not want its insurance loss record to be tagged with the third-party costs
of the claims.” 2

A general contractor similarly writes that “standard construction agreements” merely “require
each subcontractor to take control of its work and be responsible for claims that arise out of the
performance of that work.” He maintains that “additional insured status avoids the more
For general contractors, the problem is often worse, because they often have a contractual obligation to defend the
project owner against the third-party-over actions, and to indemnify the owner for any liability that may result.
All quotations are taken from short essays that were written for a special workshop that the International Risk
Management Institute sponsored and held in conjunction with its 24th annual Construction Risk Conference in
Orlando, Florida on November 8-11, 2004. The title of that workshop was “Allocating Risks in Construction

cumbersome process of tendering the claim or action to the subcontractor, who, in turn, must
tender it to the insurance carrier and request that coverage be provided to the general contractor.
. . .”

How Downstream Parties View AI Endorsements

Downstream parties often oppose additional insured endorsements on the grounds that such
endorsements are easily abused. They note, for example, that the downstream party’s insurance
carrier has a normally indivisible duty to defend the additional insured, and as a result, that
carrier may find it necessary to defend every count of a broad multi-count complaint filed against
an upstream party even if there is only one count qualifying for coverage under the downstream
party’s policy.

Subcontractors also note that construction defects are often difficult to trace, and that several
different defects may simultaneously contribute to any property damage that a project suffers.
For these reasons, downstream parties maintain that they should have and retain the right to
dispute that their negligence caused all or even part of such damage. They consider it simply
unfair to require them to give upstream parties the right to go directly to their insurance carriers,
without regard to whether, or to what degree, they may be at fault.

These downstream parties add that upstream parties are ultimately liable for any bodily injuries
that may result from the construction of a project only if the upstream parties’ negligently caused
those injuries. Subcontractors take the position that each of the parties to the construction
process should bear the cost of any property damage or bodily injuries that its own negligence
may cause, including the cost of insurance coverage for the risk of such damage or injuries.

As one insurance broker has written, the “contractual risk transfer model” that lies at the heart of
most of today’s construction contracts “forces responsibility and payment for construction
claims to be borne by subcontractors regardless of fault.” He adds that “the primary function of
general contractors . . . is the selection, coordination, and supervision of subcontractors,
including the scheduling, sequencing, inspection and instructive correction of their work,” and
that additional insured endorsements merely “allow[] . . . project leaders to ‘pass the buck’ for
their own mistakes to subcontractors.” Further, he complains that “[o]wners and general
contractors who can successfully shift the financial consequences of accidental injury losses and
defective construction to other parties . . . never face the consequences of their own actions and
decisions affecting workplace safety and construction quality.”

Another broker notes that, “[o]ver the years, . . . the interpretations [of the standard form of
additional insured endorsement] seemed to stray from the original intent, which was to provide
coverage for the additional insured’s vicarious liability for activities or work of the named
insured -- not to cover the sole negligence of the additional insured.” An insurance carrier
echoes that “[m]any courts have found that [the 1985 version of the standard form] confers
additional insured status only for the vicarious liability of the additional insured . . .” but “other
courts have construed [that version of the form] more broadly to confer additional insured status
for the affirmative negligence of the additional insured.” He adds that “courts have found
coverage under [the 1985 version] even though the named insured was not at fault in the

accident.” Further, he notes that additional insured endorsements can dilute the available limits
of the named insured’s policy, and [c]reate a conflict of interest if a lawsuit is brought against
both the named insured and an additional insured,” requiring the insurance carrier to “appoint
separate defense counsel for each party . . . .”

How Upstream Parties Respond to the Downstream Parties’ Concerns

Upstream parties respond that expensive multiparty litigation would be necessary to allocate the
responsibility for every construction defect and jobsite injury with the precision that downstream
parties prefer. Upstream parties add that the cost of such litigation would offset any savings that
downstream parties -- or more precisely, their insurance carriers -- would be likely to realize
from taking a different approach. Upstream parties also note that the necessary litigation would
long delay any settlements.

One general contractor writes that legal restrictions on additional insured endorsements “result in
more cumbersome and expensive litigation, as multiple parties have to participate in the defense
of an action that should clearly be allocated to the primarily responsible party,” adding that,
“[i]nstead of reducing insurance and litigation costs, such restrictions are most likely to increase
those costs . . . .”

In direct response to claims that the insurance industry originally intended additional insured
endorsements intended to provide coverage only for vicarious liability, one insurance lawyer
suggests that limiting the coverage to vicarious liability would make little sense, as “Section 409
of the Restatement (Second) of Torts severely limits vicarious liability exposure in the
construction setting.” He adds that, “[i]f found liable at trial, general contractors are held
directly negligent for their acts under traditional tort allegations.” He also notes that,”[s[ince the
named insured subcontractor is frequently immune from liability due to the . . . state workers
compensation statutes, it is unlikely that prior to trial there would ever be a determination as to
whether the bodily injury or property damage was caused, in whole or in part, by the named

Overview of the Standard Form of Additional Insured Endorsement

The Insurance Services Office (ISO) is a group that the insurance industry founded and
continues to fund for the purpose of developing standard forms of insurance. While many
(particularly regional) insurance carriers do not use all of these forms, many carriers do use
them, and many others are influenced by their terms and conditions.

Presentations on the standard forms the additional insured endorsement inevitably begin with the
version that ISO adopted in 1985. As the attached table reveals, that version is broad, granting
an additional insured coverage for both property damage resulting from construction defects and
third-party-over actions. The later versions of the form are, however, narrower. In an effort to
cut off coverage for completed operations, and in turn, construction defects, ISO revised the
form in 1997 and again in 2001. The 1997 version of the form limits coverage to “ongoing
operations,” and the 2001 version further provides that it “does not apply” to events that occur

after the named insured has completed its work, or the relevant portion of the project has been
put to its intended use.

In 2004, in an effort to limit coverage for third-party-over actions (in not only the construction
but also other industries) ISO went further. It revised the standard form to provide an additional
insured with coverage “only with respect to” property damage or personal injury that the named
insured also causes, at least in part. In other words, the latest version of the form eliminates
coverage for the upstream party’s sole negligence, and it continues to provide coverage only if
the name insured contributed to the damage or injury.

The practical effects of these changes are more difficult to assess. While the revisions to the
form influence the insurance carriers, some continue to offer the older versions of the form, or
several versions of it. Insurance brokers report that owners continue to demand, and on
occasion, some large general contractors can still get the 1985 version of the form. General
contractors are, however, finding it more and more difficult to get that version, and
subcontractors are finding it impossible to do so.

More Recent Developments

In the attached article (published in May of 2005), Randy Maniloff reported that subcontractors
had started urging state legislators to go even further than the insurance industry. Specifically,
he reported that subcontractors were seeking legislation that forbid additional insured
endorsements to provide coverage for the additional insured’s negligence even if and when the
named insured contributed to the property damage or personal injury. He explained that “bills
ha[d] been introduced in Arizona (SB 13230, California (AB 573), Colorado (SB 05-142),
Illinois (HB 0704) and Texas (SB No. 445) that would preclude an insurer from providing
defense and indemnity to an additional insured for its own negligence, even when the additional
insured is not solely negligent.”


With the assistance of the insurance professionals and construction lawyers active in their areas,
chapters and members should be able to assess the potential effects of any legislation that their
particular states are considering. In addition to the legislation that the attached article addresses,
and perhaps as an alternative, some states have also considered, and in some cases, enacted
statutes requiring project owners and subsequent purchasers to give construction contractors an
opportunity to inspect and cure any alleged defects, before resorting to litigation. Some states
have also expanded the definition of an “employer” for workers compensation purposes to
include the project owners, general contractors and other upstream parties for whom
subcontractors typically work.


Evolution of the Standard Form of Additional Insured Endorsement

CG 20 10 11 85 CG 20 10 03 97 CG 20 10 10 01 CG 20 37 10 01 CG 20 10 07 04 CG 20 37 7 04

• 1985 version of the • 1997 version of the • 2001 version of the additional • New standard form of • 2004 version of the additional • 2004 version of the
additional insured additional insured insured endorsement endorsement for completed insured endorsement completed operations
endorsement endorsement
• Provides the “additional”
operations, adopted in 2001
• Provides the “additional”
• Provides the “additional” • Provides the “additional” insured with coverage only • Provides “additional” insured with coverage only • Provides the “additional”
insured with coverage for insured with coverage only for liability arising out of the insured with coverage for the for liability caused in whole insured with coverage for the
liability arising out of the for liability arising out of “named” insured’s ongoing “products-completed or in part by the acts or “products-completed
“named” insured’s work for the “named insured’s” operations operations hazard” arising omissions of either (1) the operations hazard” caused in
the “additional” insured ongoing operations
• Expressly excludes injuries
out of the “named” insured’s “named” insured or (2) whole or in part by the acts or
• Provides coverage not only • Intended to limit the term of or damages suffered after (1)
work someone acting on behalf of omissions of either (1) the
while the “named” insured’s the “additional” insured’s the “named” insured’s work • Only applies to completed
the “named” insured “named” insured or (2)
work is in progress but for insurance coverage to the at the site of the covered operations • Also limits coverage to
someone acting on behalf of
the “named” insured
the “named” insured’s
completed operations.
time period during which
the “named” insured is
operations has been
completed, or (2) the relevant
• No coverage for premises or
ongoing operations for the
“additional” insured • Intended to limit the coverage
• Meets a contractual that
actually performing
portion of “named” insured’s
work has been put to its • When used in conjunction
• Express excludes injuries or
provided to the “additional”
insured to liability caused at
project owners frequently damages suffered after (1)
impose on their general • Intended to deny coverage
intended use with CG 20 10 10 01,
the “named” insured’s work
least in part by the “named”
contractors – namely, that the for completed operations • Intended to limit the term of
provides coverage similar to
CG 20 10 11 85
at the site of the covered
insured’s completed
general contractor provide the “additional” insured’s operations has been
the project owner with insurance coverage to the completed, or (2) the relevant • Not Intended to provide
additional insured coverage time period during which the portion of “named” insured’s coverage for the “additional”
for claims against the project “named” insured is actually work has been put to its insured’s sole negligence
owner arising out of the performing operations intended use
• When used in conjunction
completed work
• Intended to deny coverage for • Intended to limit the with CG 20 10 07 04, meets
• Regularly used until three completed operations coverage provided to the typical contract requirements
years ago
• Adopted in conjunction with
“additional” insured to
liability caused at least in
to provide additional insured
coverage for both ongoing
CG 20 37 10 01, a new
part by the “named” and completed operations.
standard form endorsement
insured’s ongoing
that will, if used in
conjunction with this form,
provide coverage similar to the • Intended to eliminate
CG 20 10 11 85 coverage for the “additional”
insured’s sole negligence

* Note: Where the two parties are the project owner and the general contractor, the owner would be the “additional” insured and the general contractor would be the “named” insured. Where the two parties are
the general contractor and one of its subcontractors, the “additional” insured would be general contractor and the “named” insured would be the subcontractor
May, 2005




Summary: The Insurance Services Office (ISO) has published revised additional insured
endorsements for the purpose of negating coverage for an additional insured for its sole negli-
gence. Now, some states are following up on this effort with legislation. This article notes and
analyzes the attempts by some states to restrict coverage for additional insureds under general
liability policies. The article is written by Mr. Randy J. Maniloff.
Randy J. Maniloff is an attorney at White and Williams, LLP in Philadelphia. He concentrates his
practice in the representation of insurers in coverage disputes over primary and excess policy
obligations for various types of claims, including construction defect, mold, general liability
(products/premises), environmental property damage, asbestos/silica and other toxic torts, direc-
tor’s & officer’s liability, professional liability/medical malpractice, media liability, first-party
property, homeowners, community associations, public official’s liability, school board liability,
police liability and computer technology liability. The author expresses his gratitude to Frank
Keres of Construction Risk Associates, Inc., Brookfield, Wisconsin, for his invaluable assistance
with the preparation of this article. The views expressed herein are solely those of the author
and are not necessarily those of his firm, its clients, Construction Risk Associates or Mr. Keres.
Topics covered:
The additional insured debate: extent of coverage
The Oregon example
The effect of expanded anti-indemnity statutes

The Additional Insured Debate: shaking their heads in disbelief over the circum-
Extent of Coverage stances in which they have been obligated to pro-
vide coverage to additional insureds. See Ohio
Additional insured claims are like fingerprints—no Casualty Insurance Co. v. PetsMart, Inc., 2003 U.S.
two are identical. At least it seems that way when Dist. LEXIS 22782 (N.D. Ill.) (Based on the court’s
you consider the variation in facts, contractual pro- interpretation of the causation element in a ven-
visions creating the additional insured obligations, dor’s endorsement—”bodily injury” arising out of
and language of the coverage grants. But despite “your products”—PetsMart, a retailer of a cat
their unique qualities, many additional insured scratching pole, was entitled to coverage as an
claims still manage to have one thing in common: additional insured under the manufacturer’s policy,
the additional insured frequently secures broader for a claim for bodily injury caused when one of
coverage than was intended by the insurer. the poles fell from a store shelf.)
In a typical claim scenario, without regard for Last year, in an effort to stem the tide of unintend-
potential additional insured rights, coverage is ed additional insured coverage, Insurance Services
afforded if a loss satisfies the policy’s insuring Office introduced changes to its various additional
agreement and conditions and does not come with- insured endorsements (effective July 2004 and con-
in the terms of an exclusion. Additional insured taining a 07 04 form number suffix). At the heart of
claims demand all that, as well as, in most cases, these changes was the preclusion of coverage for
the putative additional insured must also establish an additional insured’s sole negligence—something
that its claim satisfies a certain causation require- that many courts around the country, based on the
ment between the named insured’s actions and the language of certain previous ISO endorsements,
additional insured’s liability. Some courts’ interpre- have not hesitated to provide. ISO set out to elimi-
tations of this causation element have left insurers nate coverage for an additional insured’s sole neg-

© 2005 The National Underwriter Company

May, 2005


ligence by amending its endorsements to specify Judiciary I, Civil Law Committee of the Illinois
that coverage is only available for their vicarious or House amended HB 0704 by deleting the proposed
contributory negligence. (Incidentally, for an in- amendment and re-referred the bill to the Rules
depth discussion of ISO’s 07 04 amendments to its Committee. Given the fluid nature of the legislative
additional insured endorsements, see ”Additional process, it is suggested that the status of this bill
Insured Endorsements: ISO’s Revisions”, Casualty & should be monitored by those with an interest in
Surety, Public Liability section; M.23 pages.) the outcome.)
Despite ISO’s clearly expressed intention to lim- Another example of proposed legislation that
it the extent of coverage available for an addi- would preclude an insurer from providing defense
tional insured, its amendments are not designed and indemnity to an additional insured for its own
to preclude coverage for an additional insured’s negligence is Arizona SB 1323, introduced on
own negligence; unless it rises to the level of sole January 27, 2005. This legislation, for purposes of
negligence. coverage for an additional insured (but not a
named insured), would amend §32-1159 of the
Now comes word that several state legislatures are Arizona Revised Statutes as follows (note that the
considering limiting coverage for additional italicized text is to be deleted and the capitalized
insureds even further than accomplished by ISO’s text is to be added):
recent amendments. Putting aside various nuances
in legislative provisions, bills have recently been A. A covenant, clause, or understanding
introduced in Arizona (SB 1323), California (AB in, collateral to or affecting a construction
573), Colorado (SB 05-142), Illinois (HB 0704) and contract or architect-engineer profession-
Texas (SB No. 445) that would preclude an insurer al service contract that purports to
from providing defense and indemnity to an addi- INSURE, TO indemnify, to hold harmless
tional insured for its own negligence, even when or to defend the promisee from or against
the additional insured is not solely negligent. In liability for loss or damage resulting from
addition, bills have recently been introduced in the sole negligence of the promisee or the
Kentucky (05 RS HB 449/GA), Indiana (House Bill promisee’s agents, employees or indem-
1035), and Hawaii (SB 1853) that would introduce nitee INDEMNITEES is against the public
or expand the scope of anti-indemnity statutes, but policy of this state and is void.
which either expressly exclude their applicability
A succinct explanation of the rationale for this pro-
to insurance or are silent on the issue.
posed legislation comes from American
As an example, consider Illinois HB 0704, intro- Subcontractors Association, Inc. (ASA), which,
duced in the 94th General Assembly on February 1, according to its website, is a membership trade
2005, which provides as follows (the proposed association of 5,500 subcontractors, specialty trade
amendment to 740 ILCS 35/1 is indicated by the contractors and suppliers in the construction indus-
underlined text): try. The following is from an ASA news release
from January 2005.
Sec. 1. With respect to contracts or agree-
ments, either public or private, for the Most states have so-called “anti-indemnity
construction, alteration, repair or mainte- statutes” that regulate the use of hold
nance of a building, structure, highway harmless terms by general contractors in
bridge, viaducts or other work dealing written subcontract agreements, but
with construction, or for any moving, almost no states put similar restrictions on
demolition or excavation connected the use of additional insured contractual
therewith, every covenant, promise or requirements. In other words, anti-indem-
agreement to indemnify or hold harmless nity statutes in most states have a loop-
another person from that person’s own hole, permitting upper-tier contractors to
negligence and any covenant, promise, or use additional insured arrangements to
agreement to procure an insurance policy achieve the very same ends that are for-
to indemnify or hold harmless another bidden in use of hold harmless clauses.
person from that person’s own negli- Courts in most states have permitted the
gence is void as against public policy and loophole even though anti-indemnity leg-
wholly unenforceable. islation is designed to protect the public
from the dangers and consequences of
(Note that on March 10, 2005, as this article was in unsafe, or poor quality, construction.
the final stages of preparation for publication, Anti-indemnity legislation such as

© 2005 The National Underwriter Company

May, 2005


Oregon’s forces project leaders to use anti-indemnity legislation to include additional

their own resources and insurance, rather insured obligations will likely be a win some/lose
than that of their subcontractors’, when some situation.
workers are injured, or building occu-
pants are harmed, as a result of their own The Oregon Example
poor decision-making or poor oversight.
While ASA notes that almost no state anti-indemni-
ASA has much to gain from the passage of Illinois ty statutes apply to additional insured obligations,
HB 0704, and other similar legislation, as its mem- an exception is Oregon, which has had such legis-
bers are the ones frequently obligated to procure lation since 1995. Other exceptions are Montana
additional insured coverage for the benefit of and New Mexico, which, since 2003, have applied
sometimes negligent general contractors. their anti-indemnity statutes to additional insured
Subcontractors no doubt view it as unfair that their requirements in construction contracts; Id. at 9 (see
policies’ experience is negatively affected by the MCA §28-2-2111 and N.M Stat. Ann. §56-7-1).
actions of negligent parties, whose own policies
may sit on the sidelines, unimpaired, when the Not long ago, the Supreme Court of Oregon had
time comes to compensate an insured party. occasion to address, and uphold, the applicabili-
ty of Oregon’s anti-indemnity statute to addition-
According to ASA, the issue goes beyond mere al insured obligations. On January 27, 2005, the
unfairness: it is one of avoiding a moral hazard, the Supreme Court of Oregon issued its opinion in
chance that the existence of insurance will increase Walsh Construction Company v. Mutual of
the likelihood of the insured event; this is from a Enumclaw, supra, addressing the availability of
brief—Amicus Curiae American Subcontractors coverage for an additional insured under the fol-
Association at 12, Walsh Construction Company v. lowing circumstances. Walsh Construction, a gen-
Mutual of Enumclaw, 338 Ore. 1 (2005), quoting eral contractor, entered into a subcontract with
Hall v. Life Insurance Company of North America, Ron Rust Drywall, Inc. to perform work on a
317 F.3d 773, 775 (7th Cir. 2003). ASA goes on to Walsh project. Rust was obligated to name Walsh
argue the following: “In the ordinary insurance Construction as an additional insured on Rust’s
relationship, the insured is also deterred from liability policy. Rust’s policy, issued by Mutual of
engaging in risky activity by the notion that an Enumclaw, contained a blanket additional
accident or occurrence will result in the insurer insured endorsement that automatically afforded
raising its premiums”; however, “the additional the coverage required.
insured is insulated against this prospect by the fact
that it is not responsible for premium payments to A Rust employee was injured on the job and made
the insurer and is unaffected by the raising of pre- a claim against Walsh. Walsh did not contend that
miums”; Id. at 11, citing Mehta, “Additional Insured Rust was in any way responsible for the employ-
Status in Construction Contracts and Moral ee’s injury. Walsh tendered the claim to Enumclaw.
Hazard,” 3 Conn. Ins. L.J. 169, 186-187 (1996), The insurer refused it, on the basis that the addi-
quoted in National Union Fire Ins. Co. v. tional insured provision violated ORS 30.140,
Nationwide Ins. Co., 82 Cal.Rptr.2d 16, 22 (Cal. which provided as follows:
App. 4 Dist. 1999). ASA believes that if additional (1) Except to the extent provided under
insureds do not have a financial motivation to exer- subsection (2) of this section, any provi-
cise a high standard of care, third parties will be sion in a construction agreement that
exposed to an increased likelihood of harm; Id. at requires a person or that person’s surety
13-14, citing Mehta at 187. or insurer to indemnify another against
liability for damage arising out of death
Insurers also stand to benefit from anti-indemnity
or bodily injury to persons or damage
legislation that is expanded to include the procure-
to property caused in whole or in part
ment of insurance for an indemnitee’s own negli-
by the negligence of the indemnitee
gence. Of course, for insurers, the benefit is more
is void.
difficult to measure. After all, when an insurer is
relieved of an obligation to provide coverage for (2) This section does not affect any provi-
an additional insured for its own negligence, the sion in a construction agreement that
additional insured will simply seek coverage under requires a person or that person’s surety or
its own policy, on which it is a named insured. insurer to indemnify another against liabil-
Thus, unless an insurer issues policies to only sub- ity for damage arising out of death or bod-
contractors or general contractors, the expansion of ily injury to persons or damage to proper-

© 2005 The National Underwriter Company

May, 2005


ty to the extent that the death or bodily The hotel owner filed for arbitration against MW
injury to persons or damage to property Builders, who tendered the defense and sought
arises out of the fault of the indemnitor, or indemnity from Portland Plastering and its insur-
the fault of the indemnitor’s agents, repre- er, SAFECO. SAFECO declined to defend or
sentatives, or subcontractors. provide indemnity on behalf of MW Builders.
MW Builders settled the claim with the hotel
Enumclaw argued that, because the additional owner for $2,000,000 and pursued its own arbi-
insured provision violated the statute, Walsh was tration claim against Portland Plastering. An arbi-
not a legally cognizable additional insured, and, trator determined that the fault of Portland
therefore, not entitled to defense or indemnity. Plastering caused 31 percent of the damage sus-
Walsh countered by arguing that its subcontract tained by the hotel.
with Rust did not require either Rust or its insurer
to indemnify Walsh. Instead, in Walsh’s view, the Relying on ORS §30.140 and the Oregon Court of
subcontract required only that Rust procure insur- Appeals’ decision in Walsh, SAFECO argued that
ance for Walsh’s benefit. Walsh further argued that the agreement to procure insurance in Portland
the term indemnity connotes unlimited liability Plastering’s subcontract with MW Builders, and any
exposure, whereas insurance limits the insurer’s insurance issued pursuant to that agreement, were
liability to the amount of coverage purchased. If unenforceable. Conversely, MW Builders argued
you are not convinced by that distinction, get in that Walsh was distinguishable because the sub-
line. Neither were the trial court, Court of Appeals contract did not require Portland Plastering to
or Oregon Supreme Court. obtain insurance for MW Builders’ own fault or
negligence and because MW Builders was not
The Supreme Court adopted a substantial excerpt seeking damages arising from its own fault or neg-
of the Court of Appeals’ decision, including the fol- ligence. The court agreed:
lowing conclusion:
“MW Builders is not precluded, under
“In sum, the text of ORS 30.140, and its Oregon law, from arguing that it was enti-
historic evolution, strongly suggests tled to coverage, as an additional insured,
that the statute prohibits not only direct under Portland Plastering’s policy for cov-
indemnity arrangements between parties ered damages arising from the fault or
to construction agreements but also addi- negligence of Portland Plastering.
tional insurance arrangements by which Conversely, of course, MW Builders may
one party is obligated to procure insur- not recover under the SAFECO CGL poli-
ance for losses arising in whole or in part cies for any damages that resulted from its
from the other’s fault.” own fault or negligence.”
The Oregon Supreme Court held that the textual Notwithstanding the Oregon Supreme Court’s deci-
and contextual analysis of the statutory wording sion in Walsh and the Oregon District Court’s deci-
went even further than strongly suggesting its sion in MW Builders, the jury is still out on who
meaning, but, instead, demonstrated the legisla- will get the last word on Oregon’s anti-indemnity
ture’s intent conclusively. statute. The 73rd Oregon Legislative Assembly has
Another illustration of Oregon’s expanded anti- introduced Senate Bill 154, which, if enacted,
indemnity statute at work, this time in the context would have the effect of overruling the court’s
of an additional insured claim for construction decision in Walsh. Among other amendments relat-
defect, is MW Builders, Inc. v. SAFECO Insurance ed to the same purpose, the Senate Bill would add
Company, 2004 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 18866. In MW the following provision to ORS 30.140:
Builders, the U.S. District Court for the District of (3) This section does not affect any pro-
Oregon addressed the extent of coverage for MW vision in a construction agreement that
Builders as an additional insured under SAFECO requires a party to acquire insurance cov-
policies issued to Portland Plastering. MW Builders erage for liability attributable to death,
subcontracted with Portland Plastering to install an personal injury or property damage aris-
exterior insulation and finishing system (EIFS) on a ing out of the construction and to name
hotel that MW Builders was constructing. After the another party to the contract as an addi-
hotel was completed, its owner became aware of tional insured.
substantial water intrusion and damage to the
building, caused by defects in the EIFS material. One thing’s for certain—the beavers are busy.

© 2005 The National Underwriter Company

May, 2005


The Effect of Expanded in that defense, equal to that indemnitee’s percent-

Anti-Indemnity Statutes age of comparative negligence or comparative will-
ful misconduct.”
Given the unique features of additional insured
claims, where even the slightest nuance can be Expanded anti-indemnity statutes will also likely
outcome-determinative, and paucity of case law create some challenging issues if an additional
addressing anti-indemnity statutes that apply to insured secures a defense, but there are allegations
additional insured obligations (none interpreting that it was partially negligent, and, hence, not enti-
the Montana and New Mexico statutes could be tled to indemnity for its own negligence. This is
located), it is difficult to predict how such statutes likely to raise some complex questions between
may affect additional insured tenders. Nonetheless, the additional insured, the insurer providing the
some general observations can be made. defense, and the additional insured’s principal
insurer over who controls the defense.
First, additional insureds whose claims are gov-
erned by anti-indemnity statutes may be forced to What’s more, while it’s easy for legislation to talk
turn to their own liability policies to seek coverage about parties’ shares of negligence, most cases
(subject to all terms, conditions and exclusions) for seeking damages for bodily injury and property
the proportionate share of a loss that is attributable damage are settled without the benefit of a find-
to their own negligence. No longer will the addi- ing of fact on this issue. Neat and tidy cases like
tional insured’s principal insurer likely be able to MW Builders, which had an arbitrator determine
rely on its other insurance clause to reject any that one party caused 31 percent of the damage at
request for contribution on behalf of the addition- issue, are the exception and not the rule. If an
al insured. This is often-times the case now, given insurer is now prohibited from providing cover-
that, since the July 1998 version of the CGL forms, age to an additional insured for its own negli-
ISO’s CGL forms (form CG 00 01 and form CG 00 gence, it is likely to make it more difficult to set-
02) contain the following provision in its other tle cases, since an agreement among the defen-
insurance clause: dants concerning relative shares of fault will be
This insurance is excess over any other required.
primary insurance available to you cover-
ing liability for damages arising out of the Another impact of the legislation is likely to be
premises or operations for which you choice of law disputes. Given the significant differ-
have been added as an additional insured ence in the amount of coverage that would be
by attachment of an endorsement. available to an additional insured, depending upon
whether its claim is governed by an anti-indemnity
Thus, in a state that expands its anti-indemnity statute, disputes over choice of law seem inevitable
statute to include additional insured obligations, when there are geographic contacts that can poten-
even a defendant that secures a complete defense tially support the application of more than one
as an additional insured, based on a broad duty to state’s law.
defend standard (assuming it was determined not
to be superseded by the statute), may still be Conclusion
required to seek coverage from its own insurer for
the share of indemnity, and reimbursement of ISO took a big step in July 2004 when it set out to
defense costs paid by the additional insurer, that is adopt a fault-based additional insured standard in
attributable to the additional insured’s own negli- an effort to negate coverage for an additional
gence. As an example, California’s proposed legis- insured for its sole negligence. Several state legis-
lation (AB 573) includes the following addition to latures are now considering taking fault-based
Section 2782(b) of the Civil Code: “An indemnitee additional insured coverage an even bigger step
who has been afforded a defense by an indemni- further, by eliminating defense and indemnity for
tor shall reimburse that indemnitor a percentage of an additional insured’s own negligence, even if it
costs and fees actually incurred by the indemnitor does not rise to the level of sole negligence.

© 2005 The National Underwriter Company

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