Functional Free Muscle Transfer For Upper Extremity Reconstruction Stevanovic2014 +++

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Functional Free Muscle Transfer for Upper

Extremity Reconstruction
Milan Stevanovic, M.D.
Background: Functional losses in the upper extremity that cannot be restored
Frances Sharpe, M.D.
by nerve or tendon transfer present a treatment dilemma to the reconstructive
Los Angeles, Calif. surgeon. Common indications for functional free muscle transfer include late
reconstruction of brachial plexus injuries, traumatic muscle loss, Volkmann
ischemic contracture, loss resulting from oncologic resection, and congenital
absence of motor function as seen in arthrogryposis.
Methods: This article reviews the authors’ experience in upper extremity re-
construction using functional free muscle transfer. The indications and tech-
nique for functional free muscle transfer in the upper extremity are reviewed.
Surgical details for sites of reconstruction and the nuances of harvesting the
main donor muscles are presented.
Results: Specific cases and outcome reviews for several series of functional free
muscle transfers are presented.
Conclusion: Functional free muscle transfer is the best and final option for
restoring function in an otherwise nonreconstructible limb.  (Plast. Reconstr.
Surg. 134: 257e, 2014.)

unctional losses in the upper extremity functional free muscle transfer was first reported
have traditionally been reconstructed with in 1976 at several centers: Harii and colleagues
tendon transfers and functional rotational used a free gracilis muscle for facial reanima-
muscle transfers. More recently, nerve trans- tion3; surgeons at Sixth People’s Hospital in the
fers have expanded the choice of reconstruc- People’s Republic of China used pectoralis major
tive methods available. When presented with muscle to restore finger flexion in a patient with
patients who are not candidates for those pro- Volkmann ischemic contracture4; and Ikuta et al.
cedures, because of late presentation or absence also used the pectoralis major muscle for the same
of local donor muscles or nerves, functional indication. Manktelow5 and Zuker6 popularized
free muscle transfer is the best means of restor-
use of functional free muscle transfer in North
ing function in an otherwise nonreconstructible
America for upper extremity reconstruction.5
limb. Common scenarios where there is a role
for functional free muscle transfer include late Improvements in microsurgical equipment, mag-
reconstruction of brachial plexus injuries, trau- nification, and technique led to the expansion of
matic muscle loss, Volkmann ischemic contrac- indications for functional free muscle transfer.
ture, loss resulting from oncologic resection, and Japanese surgeons have been at the forefront of
congenital absence of motor function as seen in application of these techniques to restore upper
Disclosure: The authors have no financial interest
HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE to declare in relation to the content of this article.
Functional restoration using a transferred
muscle was first investigated in a canine model
by Tamai et al. in 1970.1,2 Clinical application of Supplemental digital content is available for
this article. Direct URL citations appear in the
From the Department of Orthopedics, University of Southern text; simply type the URL address into any Web
California Keck School of Medicine. browser to access this content. Clickable links
Received for publication August 26, 2013; accepted to the material are provided in the HTML text
November 27, 2013. of this article on the Journal’s Web site (www.
Copyright © 2014 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000000405 257e
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • August 2014

Table 1.  Patient Selection

Relative Absolute
Indications Contraindications Contraindications
No other options for reconstruction Age >45 yr Medical comorbidities: diabetes mellitus, vascular
(e.g., tendon or nerve transfer) Obesity (weight of limb to be disease, autoimmune disease, cardiac disease
Motivated patient moved by the transferred
Age <45 yr muscle)

extremity function, including the first applica- are contraindications to this procedure. Another
tion of a single functional free muscle transfer to increasingly common problem is patient obesity.
restore two separate functions, and Doi and col- Even a young healthy patient with available donor
leagues’ use of a double functional free muscle muscles will not gain sufficient power in a trans-
transfer to restore multiple functions.7–13 ferred muscle to overcome the weight of a very
heavy limb, especially for shoulder abduction and
PATIENT SELECTION elbow flexion (Table 1).
One of the most important factors leading to
a successful operation is a motivated patient who PRINCIPLES OF FUNCTIONAL FREE
has appropriate expectations from surgery and MUSCLE TRANSFER
has demonstrated compliance with medical care.
The patient must be committed to a prolonged Muscle Physiology
rehabilitation program that may be complex and Skeletal muscle is a unique biological tissue
time consuming. capable of transforming chemical into mechani-
Age is the next critical component of successful cal energy. When considering a functional free
transfers. Successful recovery of motor function is muscle transfer, properties of muscle physiology,
better in children. However, later results in children including force and excursion, must be consid-
are compromised by ongoing growth. The trans- ered to achieve sufficient functional benefit at
ferred muscle may not grow at the same rate as the the recipient site.
bony skeleton, potentially leading to recurrent con- The principal force-generating components
tracture across joints. This may be counteracted with of skeletal muscle are myosin and actin molecules,
ongoing night-time splinting until the child reaches known as thick and thin filaments, respectively.
skeletal maturity. In the authors’ experience, the Myofilaments are arranged in interdigitating
most successful functional free muscle transfers matrices that slide across each other to produce
have been in patients younger than 45 years. Other a muscle contraction. The force generated by a
authors have reported excellent outcomes in those muscle is in direct relationship to the number of
as old as 65 years and recommend 70 years as their filaments and the overlap of the actin and myosin
cutoff for functional free muscle transfer.14,15 proteins.16
Medical conditions such as diabetes, autoim- Muscle resting length is defined as the length
mune diseases, severe chronic viral infections, of the muscle in its most physiologically elon-
heart or peripheral vascular disease, and smok- gated position. In this position, there is maximal
ing can all compromise microcirculation and overlap of the actin and myosin fibers. This rep-
reinnervation of the transplanted muscle and resents the peak of the muscle length-tension
curve. Overstretching of a transferred muscle
decreases the amount of overlap between the
Table 2.  Skeletal Muscle Architecture* actin and myosin fibers, resulting in a weakened
Pennate Parallel muscle contraction. Similarly, undertensioning of
Muscle types Unipennate, Strap (gracilis),
the transferred muscle also results in decreased
bipennate, fusiform filament overlap and suboptimal muscle force
or ­multipennate (gastrocnemius), production. Intraoperative restoration of muscle
(e.g., rectus fan (latissimus)
femoris) resting length is of critical importance in achiev-
Typical Greater cross- Longer fiber length = ing maximal function of the transplanted muscle.
characteristics sectional area; greater excursion Muscle force can be calculated based on the
higher mass =
greater force physiologic cross-sectional area of the muscle, with
*From Lieber RL, Friden J. Clinical significance of skeletal muscle a larger cross-sectional area representing a greater
architecture. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2001;383:140–151. number of myofilaments. Muscle mass can be used

Volume 134, Number 2 • Upper Extremity Reconstruction

to roughly estimate force generation. That is, mus- Reconstructive Ladder

cles of similar mass can produce similar force. Functional free muscle transfers are often
Muscle excursion affects the amount of used in the setting of brachial plexus injuries.
motion that can be produced across a joint and Functional free muscle transfer in this setting is
is another factor in selecting a donor muscle. limited by the number of available donor nerves.
The amount of muscle excursion or shortening The first reconstructive goal in functional upper
along a muscle is based on both fiber length extremity reconstruction is restoration of elbow
and vector. Longer fiber length and parallel flexion, finger flexion, and finger extension. To
fiber direction result in greater muscle excur- accomplish multiple functions with limited donor
sion (Table 2).17 nerves, Doi et al. first described the use of a single

Table 3.  Technique Summary for Anterior Deltoid, Biceps, and Triceps Reconstruction
Shoulder Flexion Elbow Flexion Elbow Extension
(Anterior Deltoid) (Fig. 1) (Fig. 2; Video 1) (Fig. 3)
Donor muscle options •  Gracilis* •  Gracilis* •  Gracilis*
•  Tensor fasciae latae •  Latissimus dorsi •  Latissimus dorsi
•  Latissimus dorsi •  Tensor fasciae latae •  Tensor fasciae latae
•  Medial gastrocnemius •  Medial gastrocnemius
New origin • Lateral half of the clavicle • Distal half of clavicle • Lateral third of the
to the acromion (gracilis) scapular spine
•  Coracoid (latissimus) •  Posterior acromion
New insertion • Anatomical insertion •  Distal biceps tendon • Remnant of triceps
of the deltoid on the hu- •  Bone at radial tuberosity tendon
merus • Bone at ulna—level of • Directly to
tuberosity olecranon
Recipient vessels (options) Artery: Artery: Artery:
•  Thoracoacromial •  Thoracoacromial •  Profunda brachii
Vein: •  Thoracodorsal •  Thoracodorsal
•  Venae comitantes Vein: Vein:
•  Tributary of cephalic •  Venae comitantes •  Venae comitantes
•  Cephalic vein branch •  Vein graft to cephalic
•  Transposed cephalic vein
Recipient nerve (options) • Spinal accessory nerve • Musculocutaneous • Branches of radial
(terminal branch) nerve nerve
• Spinal accessory nerve •  Nerve graft to intercostals
(terminal branch) • Terminal branch of
•  Intercostal nerves spinal accessory nerve
• Medial pectoral nerve (not with or without graft
preferred because of size)
Position for restoration • Arm in hyperextension at •  Full elbow extension •  Full elbow flexion
of resting length† the shoulder
Postoperatively • Arm immobilized in flexion • Immobilization at 90 • Immobilization in
and abduction for 8 wk degrees of elbow full extension
• Gunslinger or customized flexion for 8 wk for 8 wk
• Alternatively, a thoracic cast
with arm spica and struts can
be used to control arm position
Special considerations • The latissimus muscle
origin does not have
a tendinous portion;
securing the muscle to
the biceps tendon can
be difficult; the muscle
can be wrapped around
the tendon if present;
alternatively, the muscle
can be anchored to the
medial ulna
*Preferred muscles.
†Resting length is established in this position; however, the repair is performed with the muscle not on tension.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • August 2014

Table 4.  Technique Summary for Finger Extension, Finger Flexion, and Thenar Reconstruction
Finger Extension Finger Flexion Thenar Reconstruction
(Fig. 4) (Figs. 5–9; Video 2) (Fig. 10)
Donor muscle options •  Gracilis* •  Gracilis* • Distal two slips of serratus
•  Latissimus dorsi •  Latissimus dorsi anterior*
•  Tensor fasciae latae •  Tensor fasciae latae • Gracilis (portion using a
single neuromuscular terri-
tory only)*
•  Abductor hallucis muscle
New origin • Lateral epicondyle and • Medial epicondyle of hu- • Ulnar side of fifth metacarpal
­common extensor fascia merus and flexor-pronator (superficial to hypothenar
fascia muscles)
New insertion • Tendons of EDC; EPL can • Tendons of flexor • Distal third of first metacar-
also be included digitorum profundus at pal and proximal third of
the distal forearm the proximal phalanx (radial
Recipient vessels (options) Artery: Artery: Artery:
•  Radial artery •  Anterior interosseous •  Radial artery (end-to-side)
•  Branch of radial artery •  Radial artery (end-to-end) Vein:
Vein: •  Ulnar artery (end-to-side) •  Venae comitantes
•  Venae comitantes •  Brachial artery (end-to-side)
•  Venae comitantes
• Local superficial veins to aug-
ment drainage of skin flap
Recipient nerve (options) • Posterior interosseous nerve •  Anterior interosseous •  Median recurrent nerve
• Motor branch to pronator • Median nerve motor
teres ­fascicles†
Position for restoration •  Full elbow extension • Elbow, wrist, and fingers in • Full thumb planar abduction
of resting length‡ • Wrist flexion at 20–30 full extension and MCP joint extension
• Finger metacarpophalangeal
joint flexion at 90 degrees
Postoperatively • Immobilization for 6 wk • Immobilization for 4–5 wk • Immobilization in palmar
with elbow at 90 degrees of • Elbow at 90 degrees of abduction and MCP joint
flexion, wrist at 30 degrees flexion, wrist at 30 degrees flexion
of extension, and full of flexion, MCP joints at 90 for 5–6 wk
MCP extension degrees of flexion
•  IP joints can be left free • Thumb in palmar abduction
and IP joint flexion
Special considerations • EDC tendons are sewn • The gracilis muscle can • Some authors have used the
together using a side-to-side be separated into separate transverse carpal ligament
technique neuromuscular territories to as the neomuscle origin; we
• Pulvertaft weave is used to provide independent thumb find this too short a distance
secure transferred muscle flexion; this requires two to adequately reestablish
to EDC separate donor fascicles muscle resting length and
•  EPL reconstruction • If thumb flexion is restored provide sufficient abduction
• Included in functional as a single unit, the FPL power
transfer tendon must not be as tight • Median motor branch must
• Rerouted to radial side of as the finger flexors, to that be functional for this transfer
first metacarpal finger flexion occurs before
• Pulley reconstruction to the thumb flexes
provide abduction moment
and prevent bowstringing
• Separately secured to
transferred muscle along the
radial side
EDC, extensor digitorum communis; EPL, extensor pollicis longus; FPL, flexor pollicis longus; MCP, metacarpophalangeal; IP, interphalangeal.
*Preferred muscles.
†Separate fascicles should be used for independent FPL reconstruction when necessary.
‡Resting length is established in this position; however, the repair is performed with the muscle not on tension.

Volume 134, Number 2 • Upper Extremity Reconstruction

Fig. 1. Diagrammatic representation of the gracilis muscle used Fig. 3. Diagrammatic representation of the gracilis muscle used
for anterior deltoid reconstruction. (Copyright © Timothy C. for triceps reconstruction for elbow extension. (Copyright ©
Hengst, printed with permission.) Timothy C. Hengst, printed with permission.)

muscle to restore two separate functions.8,9,11,12 Recipient-Site Considerations

Better outcomes are generally achieved when Common requirements that apply to all tendon
a single muscle is used for a single function. transfers also apply to functional free muscle trans-
However, when facing global functional losses, fer. These include (1) full (or nearly full) passive
a single muscle providing two functions may be range of motion of the joint that the transfer will
the best choice. Doi et al. were also the first to act across; (2) suitable soft-tissue bed allowing ten-
describe double free functional muscle transfers, don gliding; and (3) adequate antagonist muscle
with the first muscle used to provide combined function. Requirements specific to functional free
elbow flexion and finger extension and the sec- muscle transfer are the presence of a healthy pure
ond muscle used to provide finger flexion.9 motor donor nerve and healthy recipient vessels.

Fig. 2. (Left) Diagrammatic representation of the gracilis muscle used for biceps reconstruction. This 19-year-
old college student sustained an upper trunk injury to the brachial plexus. He presented 2 years after injury
with minimal shoulder girdle function and absent elbow flexion. Hand function was normal. He under-
went a functional free muscle transfer using the ipsilateral gracilis muscle. (Copyright © Timothy C. Hengst,
printed with permission. Previously published by Slutsky D. The Art of Microsurgical Hand Reconstruction.
New York: Thieme; 2013.) (Right) Elbow flexion 18 months after functional free muscle transfer, rated as
Medical Research Council grade 4 flexion strength. (Authors retain copyright.)

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • August 2014

Video 2. Supplemental Digital Content 2 shows a 22-year-old

man who had prolonged compression to his right forearm
resulting in partial necrosis of volar forearm skin and all of the
Video 1. Supplemental Digital Content 1 shows a 14-year-old flexor compartment muscles. He underwent functional free
boy who had experienced a traumatic global brachial plexus muscle transfer to restore finger flexion and extensor carpi radi-
palsy at age 6. He had undergone previous wrist fusion. At age alis longus tendon transfer to restore independent thumb func-
14, he underwent free functional gracilis transfer to restore tion, The patient is shown here
elbow flexion, The patient is 2 years after functional free muscle transfer.
shown here 14 months after the procedure.
functional free muscle transfer for reconstruction
Before functional free muscle transfer, addi-
in patients with Volkmann contracture. In these
tional procedures may be necessary to prepare the
cases, it is often necessary to obtain intraoperative
recipient site. These include contracture release,
frozen sections to identify healthy fascicles of the
tenolysis (distal to the planned tenorrhaphy site), recipient motor nerve. In addition, the vascular
and soft-tissue coverage to ensure a proper envi- anastomosis should be performed proximal to the
ronment for tendon gliding. ischemic tissue bed. Even though an adequate arte-
At the time of functional free muscle transfer, rial inflow may be found within the reconstruction
surgical incisions are planned to provide the best site, the venous outflow is unreliable. The vascular
soft-tissue coverage over the transferred muscle pedicle and recipient nerve should be mobilized
and tenorrhaphy site. The recipient site should be as much as possible to obtain sufficient length for
prepared before the donor muscle is harvested. A proper positioning of the transplanted muscle.
two-team approach is frequently used, but division The vascular anastomosis is completed first, and
of the tendon insertion should not be completed the muscle is allowed to perfuse for 10 to 15 minutes
until recipient vessels and motor nerve are identi- until the venous outflow does not appear overly dark.
fied. This is particularly important when using a The anastomosis is completed as quickly as possible

Fig. 4. Diagrammatic representation of the gracilis muscle used for recon-

struction of finger extension. (Copyright © Timothy C. Hengst, printed with

Volume 134, Number 2 • Upper Extremity Reconstruction

Fig. 6. Clinical views of patient described in Figure 5. (Above)

Preoperative finger extension. (Below) Preoperative finger flex-
ion. (Authors retain copyright.)

Fig. 5. (Above) Diagrammatic representation of the gracilis mus-

cle used for reconstruction of finger flexion. (Below) Diagram-
matic representation of the latissimus dorsi muscle used for
reconstruction of finger flexion. This 8-year-old boy developed
a Volkmann contracture of the forearm after a supracondylar
humerus fracture at age 6. Before his presentation to our ser-
vice, he had undergone a flexor tendon lengthening in the dis-
tal forearm, with minimal functional improvement. He also had
diminished sensory and motor function in the median nerve
distribution. Two years after injury, he underwent functional
free muscle transfer for finger flexor reconstruction using an
ipsilateral gracilis muscle. The anterior interosseous nerve was
the recipient nerve, which was coapted very close to the gracilis
muscle. The median nerve was markedly constricted in the most
fibrotic portion of the flexor muscle mass. Simultaneous median
nerve reconstruction was performed using a sural nerve donor.
(Copyright © Timothy C. Hengst, printed with permission.)

to minimize permanent ischemic changes to the

muscle. Irreversible muscle loss increases with time
in a nonlinear relationship.18,19 It is our experience
that if the muscle ischemia time exceeds 2 hours,
the muscle will likely survive, but the function will
never be good. If the cause of the prolonged isch-
emia time can be identified (usually, compromised
venous outflow leading to reperfusion problems)
and rectified (e.g., vein grafting to different recipi- Fig. 7. Clinical views of patient described in Figure 5. Intraop-
ent vessels), one can consider harvesting a different erative dissection with excision of the fibrotic muscle. (Authors
donor muscle at the same procedure. retain copyright.)

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • August 2014

Fig. 8. Clinical views of patient described in Figure 5. (Above) Postoperative finger

extension. (Below) Postoperative finger flexion. (Authors retain copyright.)

The muscle is secured to its new origin site a compartment-like syndrome can occur when the
using nonabsorbable suture. The origin may be reperfused muscle swells postoperatively.
secured to periosteum and surrounding fascia, Details of site-specific reconstruction are
bone tunnels, or suture anchors as needed. The listed in Tables 3 and 4 ( Figs. 1 through 10).
new muscle origin should be spread out as much as (See Video, Supplemental Digital Content 1,
possible to match the width of the old origin. The which demonstrates the results of free func-
muscle is stretched to restore its resting length, tional gracilis transfer 14 months after the pro-
and the distal tenorrhaphy is performed. When cedure. This 14-year-old boy had a traumatic
possible, a Pulvertaft weave provides a strong global brachial plexus palsy at age 6. He had
tenorrhaphy site. The neurorrhaphy is completed undergone previous wrist fusion. At age 14, he
last, placing the neurorrhaphy site as close as pos- underwent free functional gracilis transfer to
sible to the transplanted muscle. restore elbow flexion,
Wound closure should be performed with B49. See Video, Supplemental Digital Content
attention to avoiding compression of the vascular 2, which demonstrates the results shown at 2
pedicles. Tight skin closure should be avoided, as years from functional free muscle transfer. The
patient is a 22-year-old man who had prolonged
compression to his right forearm resulting in
partial necrosis of volar forearm skin and all
of the flexor compartment muscles. He under-
went functional free muscle transfer to restore
finger flexion and extensor carpi radialis longus
tendon transfer to restore independent thumb

Donor Muscle Considerations

Desirable characteristics of the donor
muscle include neurovascular anatomy that
allows for transplantation, adequate length
and excursion for its new function, sufficient
Fig. 9. Clinical view of patient described in Figure 5. force to power the recipient-site function, and
Constricted median nerve. (Authors retain copyright.) acceptable donor-site morbidity. The muscle

Volume 134, Number 2 • Upper Extremity Reconstruction

Fig. 10. Diagrammatic representation of the distal two slips of the serratus anterior muscle used for thenar muscle reconstruc-
tion for thumb opposition. (Copyright © Timothy C. Hengst, printed with permission. Previously published by Slutsky D. The Art of
Microsurgical Hand Reconstruction. New York: Thieme; 2013.)

should have adequate fascia and tendon to free muscle transfer in the upper extremity
support secure attachments to the new origin (Table 5).
and insertion sites. Several muscles meet these The donor muscle should have adequate
criteria and are suitable for use as functional power to support the planned function. It is
difficult to determine the exact force of a mus-
free muscles. These include the gracilis, latissi-
cle. Estimates based on cross-sectional area or
mus dorsi, tensor fasciae latae, rectus femoris, weight give a rough estimate of force potential
medial gastrocnemius, serratus anterior, pecto- of a muscle. Excursion can also be difficult to
ralis major, and combined gracilis with adduc- assess. Six to 7 cm of excursion is required to
tor longus. Of these muscles, the gracilis has restore adequate elbow and finger flexion. The
proved to be the workhorse of most functional donor muscle should be innervated by a single

Table 5.   Donor Muscles for Functional Free Muscle Transfer

Mathes and ­Nahai
Muscle Muscle Type (Vascular) Comments
Gracilis Parallel (strap) Type 2 Workhorse of upper extremity reconstruction
Latissimus dorsi Parallel (fan) Type 5 Bulky at recipient site; lacks distal tendinous portion
Tensor fasciae latae Parallel (fan) Type 1 Limited excursion because of short muscle length
Serratus anterior Parallel Type 5 No tendinous portions; indications only for thenar
muscle reconstruction; can use a portion of the
muscle for reconstruction
Medial gastrocnemius Parallel (fusiform) Type 1 Powerful muscle, but short excursion
Rectus femoris Pennate Type 1 Bulky, donor-site morbidity (weakness of knee extension)
Pectoralis major Parallel (fan) Type 5 Powerful muscle, but short excursion; donor-site morbid-
ity high, especially in female patients

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • August 2014

Fig. 11. (Above) Necrosis of the median nerve. Although the nerve was
not constricted in this case of Volkmann contracture, the nerve was not
functioning in the preoperative examination. The whitish area of nerve
was sclerotic and dysvascular over a 7-cm section. (Below) Median nerve
reconstruction using sural nerve autograft. The obturator nerve of the
gracilis muscle was coapted to the anterior interosseous nerve after his-
tologic analysis demonstrated normal fascicles in the area of nerve repair.
(Authors retain copyright.)

Table 6.   Surgical Technique for the Gracilis Muscle

Key Points
Position • Frog lateral
Dissection • Skin paddle is important for muscle tendon gliding
• A long skin paddle extending the length of the muscle can be harvested if the entire medial
fascia is included in the dissection
• Incorporate medial fascia of the thigh from just posterior to the sartorius to the posterior edge
of the gracilis
• Gracilis is harvested within its fascial sleeve; at completion of dissection, the entire muscle
should be ensheathed in fascia (Figs. 12 through 14)
• Length of the distal tendon can be extended by a separate incision at the pes anserine and
releasing the tendon at its insertion
Resting length • Marked with the leg in full hip abduction and knee extension
Obturator nerve • Enters muscle proximal to the vascular pedicle
• Should be checked with a nerve stimulator to ensure function before harvest (0.5–1.0 Hz)
• If muscle does not contract, it cannot be used; especially important in setting of previous pelvic
• Contains two separate fascicles that can be divided to provide independent function based on
separate neurovascular territories of the gracilis (Fig. 15)
• This can be used to restore independent thumb flexion
Vascular pedicle • Origin from the profunda femoris
• Enters the anterior deep surface 5–8 cm proximal to the muscle origin
• Greater pedicle length achieved by dissection back toward the profunda femoris artery and
ligation of branches to the adductor longus

Volume 134, Number 2 • Upper Extremity Reconstruction

Fig. 12. The gracilis muscle is harvested with fascia of the thigh. The subcutaneous
tissue is elevated widely above the level of the fascia both anteriorly and posteriorly.
Anteriorly, the fascia is incised along the posterior border of the sartorius, taking a wide
harvest of fascia anterior to the gracilis muscle. Posteriorly, the fascia is less robust and
can be incised along the posterior border of the gracilis. (Above) Diagrammatic repre-
sentation of harvesting of the gracilis muscle. The vascular pedicle arises from the femo-
ral artery. The obturator nerve enters the muscle just proximal to the vascular pedicle.
(Below) Harvested gracilis muscle ensheathed in fascia. (Copyright © Timothy C. Hengst,
printed with permission. Previously published in Seal A, Stevanovic M. Free functional
muscle transfer for the upper extremity. Clin Plast Surg. 2011;38:561–575.)

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • August 2014

nerve, and only muscles with Mathes and Nahai and insertion sites, and, very importantly, to limit
types I, II, and V vascular supply can be consid- the need for skin grafts directly over the trans-
ered for transplantation.20,21 The location of the ferred muscle belly or tendon.
donor muscle neurovascular pedicle should be Sensory deficits can limit the usefulness of
considered to optimize location relative to the functional reconstruction. Every effort should be
anticipated recipient vessels. made to restore protective sensation to critical
areas of the hand. Patients with brachial plexus
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING palsy without sensation may benefit from sensory
reconstruction of the median nerve using sen-
Preoperative planning is a critical compo-
sory fascicles of the intercostal nerves. Patients
nent of successful functional free muscle trans-
fer. A detailed physical examination should with Volkmann contracture without sensation
assess passive range of motion across the joint should undergo primary grafting of the median
for the planned transfer, functioning motor nerve at the time of functional reconstruction
and sensory nerves proximal and distal to the (Fig. 11).
area of deficit, vascular assessment of the limb
including in-office Doppler examination when DONOR MUSCLE DISSECTION
indicated, and evaluation of the soft-tissue The two most commonly used muscles for
envelope at the reconstructive site. Also impor- upper extremity reconstruction are the gracilis
tant is an evaluation of the entire previous zone muscle and the latissimus dorsi muscle.
of injury, as this may affect areas of planned
vascular anastomosis and neurorrhaphy. The Gracilis
planned donor site should be examined to con-
firm there are no previous injuries or scarring The gracilis muscle is usually harvested with
at the donor site and to confirm function of the the patient supine in a frogleg position. Based on
donor muscle. Selection of the ipsilateral ver- the position of the recipient vessels, the contra-
sus contralateral donor muscle will depend on lateral gracilis is preferred for anterior deltoid,
the location of the donor and recipient nerves biceps, and finger extensor reconstruction. The
and vessels. ipsilateral gracilis is preferred for triceps recon-
Electromyography is not always helpful or struction and thenar reconstruction. Either con-
indicated. Magnetic resonance angiography or tralateral or ipsilateral gracilis can be used for
angiography can be useful to assess upper extrem- finger flexor reconstruction (Table 6 and Figs. 12
ity vascularity and potential recipient vessels. In through 15).
the forearm, an intact anterior interosseous artery
will frequently correlate with an uninjured ante-
rior interosseous nerve.22 Magnetic resonance
imaging can be useful in showing pathologic sig-
nal alterations in denervated muscles, confirming
clinical examination. Higher strength magnets
with appropriate acquisition and software can
be used to demonstrate nerve abnormality and
may have a future role in helping identify donor
Planning for the operating room includes
adequate microsurgical equipment and magnifi-
cation, and an experienced anesthesiologist who
can keep the patient well-hydrated, perfused, and
normothermic. Short-acting paralytic agents may Fig. 13. Surgical dissection of the gracilis. A distal incision was
be used for the anesthetic induction but should made to identify the tendon of gracilis and help outline the sur-
not be used during surgery. A pathologist experi- gical incision for harvesting the gracilis with its overlying skin
enced in neurohistochemical staining should be paddle. A branch of the saphenous vein is seen in the proximal
available if there is a question regarding the suit- portion of the dissection. This can be used to augment venous
ability of the recipient-site donor nerve. Surgical outflow if necessary. The gracilis muscle is being reflected pos-
incisions should be planned to optimize access to teriorly. The neurovascular pedicle lies in the fat seen just distal
(1) recipient vessels and nerve and (2) new origin to the branch of the saphenous vein. (Authors retain copyright.)

Volume 134, Number 2 • Upper Extremity Reconstruction

Fig. 14. (Above) The harvested gracilis muscle. The skin edges have been
secured to the underlying fascia to prevent shear injury to the perforating
branches. (Below) The deep surface of the harvested gracilis muscle, which is
encased in fascia. (Authors retain copyright.)

Fig. 15. The gracilis muscle has two distinct neuromuscular territories,
supplied by separate fascicles of the obturator nerve. These can func-
tion independently by using different donor nerves. In the forearm,
this can allow independent function of the thumb. (Authors retain

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • August 2014

Table 7.   Surgical Technique for the Latissimus Muscle

Key Points
Position • L
 ateral or prone
Dissection • Entire latissimus does not need to be harvested; use length necessary for muscle that is being
• Can be difficult to distinguish fibers of LD and teres major; stimulation of LD can help
­differentiate the boundary
• Fascia overlying the LD is thin, but should be protected and included with the muscle to
­facilitate later muscle-tendon gliding
• Tendon should be divided at the humeral insertion
Resting length • Measured with the arm in full abduction at the shoulder (Fig. 16)
Thoracodorsal nerve • Enters on the deep medial surface
• ~10–15 cm proximal (­ caudad) to humeral insertion
• Has two fascicles supplying independent neurovascular territories and can be used for
­restoration of independent thumb flexion*
• Lateral fascicle supplies the lateral (smaller) area of the latissimus
Vascular pedicle • Can be elongated by ligation of branches to the serratus anterior and other small branches (Fig. 17)
*Theeuwes HP, Gosselink MP, Bruynzeel H, Kleinrensink GJ, Walbeehm ET. An anatomical study of the length of the neural pedicle after the
bifurcation of the thoracodorsal nerve: Implications for innervated free partial latissimus dorsi flaps. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011;127:210–214.

The use of the contralateral or ipsilateral latis-
simus is based on the function to be reconstructed
rather than on the position of the recipient vessels.
Typically, if the ipsilateral latissimus is considered
for elbow flexion or extension reconstruction, a
rotational latissimus is used. If this if not an option,
the contralateral free latissimus can be used for
elbow extension or flexion. For reconstruction
of elbow extension, the patient is placed in the

Fig. 17. Dissected latissimus dorsi muscle on the thoracodorsal

pedicle. The scissors are shown below the thoracodorsal branch
to the serratus anterior. This branch is ligated to provide a longer
vascular pedicle. (Authors retain copyright.)

prone position, and access to both the donor and

recipient sites can be achieved with one position-
ing and preparation. Elbow flexion reconstruction
using the contralateral latissimus requires reposi-
tioning from a lateral decubitus or prone position
to a supine position. This should be planned in
advance and performed expediently to limit flap
ischemia time (Table 7 and Figs. 16 and 17).24

Most vascular complications occur within the
first 8 hours after free tissue transfer. This is the most
critical period of monitoring, when flap evaluation
should be performed every 30 minutes by an expe-
rienced nursing staff. Close inpatient monitoring is
Fig. 16. Diagrammatic representation of the dissection of the continued for 3 to 5 days, with decreasing frequency
latissimus dorsi muscle. The arm is in a position of abduction for of flap evaluation. The flap is monitored for Dop-
marking of the resting length. (Copyright © Timothy C. Hengst, pler signal, color, temperature, and turgor. We have
printed with permission.) noted that any petechial hemorrhage present in the skin

Volume 134, Number 2 • Upper Extremity Reconstruction

Fig. 18. Partial skin necrosis of the gracilis skin flap 12 hours after functional free
muscle transfer for restoration of finger flexion. The patient was returned emer-
gently to the operating room. Both the arterial and venous vascular anastomoses
were patent. The necrotic skin was débrided. The underlying muscle was healthy.
Split-thickness skin graft was used to cover the exposed muscle. The patient did
require a tenolysis at scar revision 8 months after surgery. He achieved good
functional recovery with nearly full active finger flexion and Medical Research
Council grade 4 motor function. (Authors retain copyright.) (Above) Necrosis seen
around the margins of the skin paddle. (Center) Necrotic tissue débrided. (Below)
Finger flexion at 18 months postoperatively.

paddle is a harbinger of impending flap failure and compartment syndrome and later ischemic con-
warrants immediate return to the operating room tracture of the flexor compartment of the forearm,
for exploration. At times, this may represent only a Any vascular com-
compromised skin paddle without problems with promise in the postoperative period may affect final
the underlying muscle25 (Fig. 18). (See Video, Sup- functional recovery of the transferred muscle.
plemental Digital Content 3, which demonstrates During the initial recovery phase, the new
that, despite partial skin flap necrosis described in muscle origin and insertion need to be protected.
Figure 18, the patient had excellent finger flexion This requires 6 to 8 weeks of relative immobiliza-
18 months after functional free muscle transfer tion. Joint mobility and tendon gliding should be
with gracilis for reconstruction of finger flexion. maintained as much as possible with passive range-
This 6-year-old patient sustained a supracondylar of-motion exercises, always with attention to protec-
humerus fracture and subsequently developed a tion of the tenorrhaphy sites. Removable splinting

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • August 2014

(including postoperative vascular compromise),

motor units available in the donor nerve, patient
age and motivation, postoperative therapy, and
other factors. Even in excellent clinical outcomes,
there is incomplete recovery of nerve regenera-
tion within the muscle and mixed healthy and
degenerative muscle fibers. In a histological study
of muscle biopsies in patients who achieved Medi-
cal Research Council grade 4 or greater func-
tional recovery, only 46 percent of muscle fibers
appeared healthy.18
The most functional free muscle transfers in
the upper extremity are performed for brachial
plexus reconstruction. Donor nerves are limited in
Video 3. Supplemental Digital Content 3 demonstrates that, this setting and nerve grafts are often used. These
despite partial skin flap necrosis described in Figure  18, the factors can compromise the clinical outcomes com-
patient had excellent finger flexion 18 months after functional pared with traumatic injuries or Volkmann con-
free muscle transfer with gracilis for reconstruction of fin- tracture, where the donor nerve is frequently the
ger flexion. This 6-year-old patient sustained a supracondylar nerve that previously supplied the same motor func-
humerus fracture and subsequently developed a compartment tion. Several of the functional free muscle trans-
syndrome and later ischemic contracture of the flexor compart- fers in brachial plexus surgery also support more
ment of the forearm, than one function, which also decreases the power
of the recovered motor function at a single level.
is used thereafter to protect the muscle that is not Doi et al. reported on 24 patients who underwent
yet reinnervated from inadvertent overstretching. functional free muscle transfer for dual functional
Passive range of motion is continued after reconstruction. Most patients recovered Medical
immobilization is completed. Although it is some- Research Council muscle function greater than or
what controversial, we begin electrical stimulation equal to 3, with time to electromyographic reinner-
at this time. The time of onset of spontaneous con- vation in uncomplicated cases being approximately
traction depends on the site of neurorrhaphy rela- 3 months. Final elbow motion was better in gracilis
tive to the transferred muscle, but typically begins and latissimus dorsi donor muscles than in rectus
between 3 and 6 months postoperatively. Essential femoris, and the time to reinnervation was shorter
to recovery at this time is the role of the therapist in with the spinal accessory donor recipient nerve than
guiding the patient in muscle contraction, initially with the intercostal nerve.10,11 Chung et al. reported
using the previous muscle function of the recipient on 35 patients who underwent functional free mus-
nerve to initiate the new muscle contraction. For cle transfer for biceps reconstruction. Intercostal
example, when a recipient intercostal nerve is used donor nerves were used in the majority of cases,
to reinnervate a muscle transfer for elbow recon- and 78 percent of patients achieved greater than or
struction, the patient would be encouraged to take equal to Medical Research Council grade 4 motor
a deep breath as he or she is attempting to initiate function.26 Similar results were seen in the Mayo
elbow flexion. Progression of functional recovery Clinic experience. When a functional free muscle
can be seen for up to 2 years after transfer. transfer was used for a single functional reconstruc-
Functional transfers in children present the tion (elbow flexion), 79 percent of patients recov-
problem of ongoing skeletal growth. This can lead ered greater than or equal to Medical Research
to a relative imbalance of the transferred muscle Council grade 4 motor function. When two func-
to the antagonist muscle. For this reason, we rec- tions were reconstructed with a single muscle, only
ommend night splinting across the affected joint 63 percent of patients achieved Medical Research
through skeletal maturity. Council grade 4 function.27 Gousheh and Arasteh
reported similar results, but used a staged nerve
graft to the contralateral medial pectoral nerve, fol-
OUTCOMES lowed by functional free muscle transfer and a third
Outcomes following functional free muscle stage where the functional free muscle transfer was
transfer depend on many factors: cause of the extended to provide more distal function.28
defect, donor muscle strength and excursion rela- Functional reconstruction following Volk-
tive to the desired function, muscle ischemia time mann ischemic contracture was the first clinical

Volume 134, Number 2 • Upper Extremity Reconstruction

application of functional free muscle transfer. First excursion and power of the transferred muscle,
performed at the Sixth People’s Hospital in Shang- inadequate recovery of muscle power for the
hai in 1973, the lateral portion of the pectoralis desired level of function, and fracture at the site
major was used to reconstruct the flexor muscles of new muscle origin. Pediatric patients may expe-
of the forearm for a patient with Volkmann isch- rience bone growth that is more rapid than that
emic contracture.4 Zuker et al. published a series of the transferred muscle. This can lead to joint
of functional free muscle transfers using a gracilis contracture with growth. Acute complications at
donor muscle in 1991, reporting on seven patients. the donor site include hematoma or seroma for-
All patients achieved less than 2-cm pulp to palm mation. The latissimus dorsi donor site frequently
grip. Grip strength was approximately 25 percent forms a seroma. Quilting and use of fibrin sealant
that of the contralateral side. All patients achieved at the donor site may reduce this complication.41
an independent functional nondominant hand.6 Several authors have reported transient peroneal
In 2011, they reported on a modification of their or sciatic nerve palsy related to intraoperative posi-
technique to provide independent thumb flexion tioning.42–44 Long-term donor-site complications
by separating the fascicles of the obturator nerve include painful unsightly scar, donor-site pain
and using two donor nerves, providing separate or dysesthesia, and measurable functional losses
innervation to the neurovascular territories of the at the donor site. Despite measured decrease in
gracilis muscle.29 Krimmer et al. used the gracilis muscle strength (5 to 10 percent shoulder girdle
muscle in 15 patients with a primary indication strength45 and 11 percent decreased adductor
of Volkmann contracture. Thirteen of 15 muscles strength),44 the decreased strength is often not
demonstrated reinnervation. Ten patients achieved noted by the patient.
full active motion.30,31 Liu et al. used the medial gas-
trocnemius muscle in 20 patients, reporting electro-
myographic activity at 6 to 20 months. Functional CONCLUSIONS
outcomes were reported as satisfactory, but the clin- Functional free muscle transfer is a power-
ical photographs suggest incomplete finger flexion, ful tool in upper extremity reconstruction when
likely related to the short excursion of the muscle.32 other options are not available. Appropriate
Reconstruction after tumor resection has been patient selection, a skilled surgical reconstructive
most frequently reported for lower extremities. In team, and a dedicated postoperative rehabilita-
the upper extremity, good functional recovery has tion program are essential for restoration of lost
been reported, with time to reinnervation occur- function and patient satisfaction.
ring at approximately 5.5 months.14,15,33–36
Other indications including reconstruction Milan Stevanovic, M.D.
Department of Orthopedics
after trauma and congenital deficits have also
2025 Zonal Avenue
been reported with similar functional outcomes, GNH Room 3900
typically recovering Medical Research Coun- Los Angeles, Calif. 90033
cil grade 4 motor recovery.7,37–40 Lin et al. noted
a higher rate of failure of functional recovery
when a functional free muscle transfer was used
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