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A sequence of three adjacent nucleotides in tRNA designating a specificamino acid that binds to
a corresponding codon in mRNA during protein synthesis.
2. Histones are the major structural proteins of chromosomes

10. In plant cells, Vacuoles help control the turgor pressure.Turgor pressure manages the rigidity of
the cell.When a plant receives water, the central vacuole swells which creates a high turgor pressure
and helps the plant stay upright. When the plant does not get enough water, the vacuoles shrivel
and the plant wilts. The turgor pressure has decreased.

18. A population is the smallest unit of life that can evolve. This is because evolution is a process that
takes place over extended periods of time through adaptations that are passed through the
reproduction of individuals who contribute to the population.

19. Abiotic Factors

a nonliving condition or thing, as climate or habitat, that influences oraffects an ecosystem and the orga
nisms in it:

Abiotic factors can determine which species of organisms will survive ina given

20. Producers synthesize their food through photosynthesis using energy from sunlight
and carbon dioxide from the air. Their respiration returns carbon dioxide to
the atmosphere. Consumers use the food produced by producers for energy. Their respiration also
returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.


22. Many factors such as the foods eaten and the processing of foods by fire and tools have effected this
evolution course. The evolution of the masticatory complex is related to other anatomical features such
as brain size and bipedal posture, and leads to important proceedings like the formation of speech and
25. Causes of speciation

Geographic isolation
In the fruit fly example, some fruit fly larvae were washed up on an island, and speciation started
because populations were prevented from interbreeding by geographic isolation. Scientists think that
geographic isolation is a common way for the process of speciation to begin: rivers change course,
mountains rise, continents drift, organisms migrate, and what was once a continuous population is
divided into two or more smaller populations.

It doesn't even need to be a physical barrier like a river that separates two or more groups of organisms
— it might just be unfavorable habitat between the two populations that keeps them from mating with
one another.

Reduction of gene flow

However, speciation might also happen in a population with no specific extrinsic barrier to gene flow.
Imagine a situation in which a population extends over a broad geographic range, and mating
throughout the population is not random. Individuals in the far west would have zero chance of mating
with individuals in the far eastern end of the range. So we have reduced gene flow, but not total
isolation. This may or may not be sufficient to cause speciation. Speciation would probably also require
different selective pressures at opposite ends of the range, which would alter gene frequencies in
groups at different ends of the range so much that they would not be able to mate if they were
33. In the Calvin cycle, carbon atoms from co2, are fixed (incorporated into organic molecules) and
used to build three-carbon sugars. light-independent

44. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) refers to the amount of oxygen that would be consumed if
all the organics in one liter of water were oxidized by bacteria and protozoa

Generally, when BOD levels are high, there is a decline in DO levels. This is because the demand for
oxygen by the bacteria is high and they are taking that oxygen from the oxygen dissolved in the
water. If there is no organic waste present in the water, there won't be as many bacteria present to
decompose it and thus the BOD will tend to be lower and the DO level will tend to be higher. At high
BOD levels, organisms such as macro invertebrates that are more tolerant of lower dissolved oxygen
(i.e. leeches and sludge worms) may appear and become numerous. Organisms that need higher
oxygen levels (i.e. caddisfly larvae and mayfly nymphs) will NOT survive


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