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Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Peulich: Tackling Crime in Frankston – taking back our streets

A Liberal Nationals Government will crack down severely on violent re-offending by introducing statutory
minimum jail terms for criminals.

State Member of South Eastern Metropolitan Region, Inga Peulich MLC believes that a mandatory jail policy for
the sentencing of violent repeat offenders will put a halt to the crime tsunami in the City of Frankston.

Aimed at those who are found guilty of a second violent offence, having been found guilty of a prior serious
violence offence, these minimum terms will be hefty and send a very loud message that we will come down
heavily on those who think they can continue to defy the law and subject their fellow citizens to the indignity of
violence, fear and intimidation.

“Our policy for mandatory minimum jail times is the biggest sentencing reform in Victoria’s history,” Ms Peulich

“Two years of the Andrews Labor Government has seen per capita cuts to police numbers right across the City
of Frankston and a weakening of bail and sentencing laws that have exposed the municipality to the daily
trauma of car-jackings, home invasions, armed robberies and gang violence.”

Crime is up 14.3 per cent in the City of Frankston for the year ending 2016. There has been an extraordinary
82.7% jump in nuisance offences, 51.8% jump in stalking, a 44.9% rise in arson, 43.2% hike in drug cultivation
and a 18.8% increase in burglary/break and enter.

“Frankston residents have had enough of the Andrews government going soft on crime, it's time for a new
approach, a tough approach, no more excuses, no more second chances, its two strikes and you’re in,” Ms
Peulich said.

These changes are not only directed at violent gangs. They extend to all areas of our community where violence
is all too prevalent. Domestic violence in Frankston is rising and is a key area where it is absolutely vital to come
down heavily on re-offenders. These laws would see recidivist domestic violence perpetrators go away for a
long time.

“Mandatory jail times will be the most meaningful change to dealing with family violence in the City of
Frankston and cowards who think they can keep getting away with family violence will likely be facing
mandatory jail times of at least ten years,” Ms Peulich said.

This announcement is part of a broader suite of policies that will be needed to make the City of Frankston safe,
and joins earlier announcements by the Liberal Nationals on bail, sentencing, police resourcing and youth
Further Information Contact: Inga Peulich MLC (03) 9772 1366

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