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Tyler Lowder 

Mr. White 

English IV 

1 February 2018 

Dear Mr. White,  

This project was time consuming, but I got to go outside my normal project comfort 

zone. Working on this project was fun. My process work was researching information, coming 

up with creative ways to describe the boston tea party. Though I had some ideas I didn’t really 

know what I wanted to do for this project so coming up with the three pieces was very difficult. I 

chose my topic by going through my literature book, seeing The Boston Tea Party as one of my 

options and realizing I have learned alot about it. If I could change anything in this project would 

be more class time, but I should of used my time more wisely outside of school even though I am 

extremely busy when I leave school. My favorite piece of work that I did in this project would 

probably be my visual piece because I put a lot of effort into this drawing. I know I turned this in 

late, but I am proud of my website that I have created.  

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