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Newsletter of the 210th Marine Expeditionary Unit, STARFLEET Marine Corps

Just Keep Puttin’ on the Hits

By MCPT Mark Webb

Those busy, busy folks who brought us Star Trek Hidden Frontier and its sub-
FALL 2008 ISSUE sequent series are at it yet again. First, they created the series Odyssey, and then He-
lena Chronicles, and now they’ve created yet a third series. This series, called Federa-
CONTENTS tion One is a spin-off of the Odyssey and Helena Chronicles companion series, featur-
ing not only some of the crew from the Starship Excelsior, but also from the Intrepid,
From the Officer in Charge with whom they recently done a vignette and a webisode that compliments the Intrepid
own series. Clearly, the two groups are working together now to continue the Star Trek
When Things Go Very Wrong saga and also to share between their actor base and production staffs.
By J.D. Clancy In Federation One’s first episode, Operation Beta Shield, the Federation’s
president and the Romulan Proconsul meet to try to work out difficulties in the new
Just Keep Puttin’ on the Hits Federation, Klingon, and Romulan alliance. Section 31 is blamed for problems being
By Mark Webb encountered in the region of space shared by all three groups and there are concerns
about a new Arkain invasion as depicted in Odyssey. There are many sub-plots and
From Headquarters intrigues. This show is much darker than those that have come before. Anyone who is
(Continued on page 2)
Starfleet News

Starship Troopers III– Marauder

By J.D. Clancy From the Officer in Charge
210th MEU Officers Emmett Plant and the USS Blackheart have agreed to archive
past PDF issues of The Black list on their site. Thanks for this
Officer in Charge: valuable service! Past issues are available at:
J.D. Clancy, 1LT

Deputy Officer in Charge:

In other interesting side activities, USS Blackheart is looking for reviews of any and all
Mark Webb, MCPT
Star Trek books. They are building a library of paperback novels, and may loan out as
requested. For older novels, used bookstores normally have a supply of Star Trek mate-
rial at a reasonable cost. When you’re done, maybe you could pass them on or donate
to the Blackheart’s library.

2009 Region 12 Summit. The summit that had been organized is on hold for now. I
210th MEU WEB SITE expect to hear from Starbase 12 soon concerning the location and dates for Summit and
Marine Muster. A 12th Brigade social activity during the Summit has been proposed, but will probably not move forward until the dates and location are finalized.

Issue Date Submissions Date Published To the left is the 2009 publishing schedule for The
Due Black List. As a reminder, we accept content from
Winter January 15 January 31 any Starfleet member. If your chapter or unit does
Spring April 15 April 30 not have a newsletter or web site, feel free to con-
Summer July 15 July 31 tact the 210th with your articles or other relevant
Fall October 15 October 31 m a ter ia l. Em ail su b m is s io n s to :
2009 Black List Publishing Schedule

DISCLAIMERS: Paramount Pictures and its licensees have the sole authority to generate profit from Star Trek trademarks, and this publication in no
way intends to infringe upon copyrights held by Paramount Pictures, Viacom, or any other Star Trek copyholders. The opinions expressed in this
publication are not necessarily those of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. or the STARFLEET Marine Corps.
When Things Go Very Wrong
By J.D. Clancy

When Things Go Very Wrong is our new column about family preparedness in a disaster
or other survival situation. We will focus mainly on practical techniques with materials that would
be readily available to you.
So, for some reason, there’s no water coming from the faucets in your house and the local
store has no bottled water. You find some puddles, streams and ditches that have standing water.
The more you become thirsty, the more that drinking from this unknown water source seems like a
good idea. One of the last things you want to add to your survival situation is an illness from
drinking bad water. Taking a few simple precautions will greatly reduce your risk of become sick.
First, evaluate this water source. Some water you may want to disregard completely:
 Downstream from a sewer plant or chemical manufacturing facility
 People have been using the water source as a toilet
 Downstream from a feedlot or other heavy animal use
 Dead fish, animals, or people in the water
 Water which has made other people sick Un scent ed hou seho ld
Even in a pristine wilderness, the water may not be safe to drink straight from a river or bleach may be used to pu-
stream. If you have a bowl or pot, collect your water and let it sit at least 30 minutes. This will rify water
let any dirt and solids settle to the bottom. Skim the water you intend to drink from the top of the
container. If you are keeping a camp fire or have a source of cooking heat, boil your water for at least 1 minute. This will kill
much of the bacteria and other organisms that may be contaminating the water.
Many professionals keep water purifying tablets. As the average citizen, you
1 Quart 2 Drops will probably not. The best chemical for purifying water is common household bleach
(see Table 1 for dosing instructions). Household bleach comes in a 6% solution. If you
1 Gallon 8 Drops
have another concentration of bleach, adjust your calculations accordingly. Scented
5 Gallons 1/2 teaspoon bleaches are not acceptable for purifying water because of the additional chemicals
that give them their pleasant odor.
Cloudy Water = Double Dosages SAFETY WARNING: overdosing with bleach can make you as sick as contaminated
water. More is not better when treating water with bleach.
Table 1—Bleaching Dosages DISCLAIMER: The author is not responsible for misuse of this information. Over time,
techniques change. Be familiar with safe use of all equipment and the latest technical

Just Keep Puttin’ on the Hits (Continued from page 1)

Familiar with Dark Side Productions’ The Section 31 Files, will appreciate the intrigues and dark and devious plots that are
taking place.
At one point, the Federation President is assassinated. In order that the government not be disrupted until elections
can be held among all the Federation member worlds, an interim president is inaugurated. Unfortunately, this is done by
advancing the president of a member world who has been in office for the longest time, to the Federation Presidency. In
this case, that individual is a woman who is the despotic ruler of a world near the Romulan Star Empire It is surprising that
such a government would be tolerated within the Federation, but apparently, they wanted a strong local government near
the Romulans as a buffer against them in the days before the end of the Rromulan Neutral Zone. Now, this despotic person
controls all the mite of the Federation and this could be the precursor of dark times ahead for everyone who didn’t die dur-
ing the Federation-Dominion War.
Now, she will travel the galaxy in a special starship, designated Federation One in which she will visit other Fed-
eration worlds, supposedly to reinforce the ideals of the Federation and to promote good inter-species relations, but no
doubt, to further her own dark and devious agendas. All the other dramas we have become familiar with in the previous
series will play out along with this and this promises to bring even more diversity to what has become the most diverse and
wide-ranging effort at Star Trek fan fiction.
This series is not intended to last as long as the other series, but is to play out an integral role in their completion.
It will be necessary to keep up on all these series in order to understand what is happening in any of them individually. The
fact that all this is being brought to us without charge, and that it is such a powerful contribution to the Star Trek franchise
is both encouraging and appreciated because it means that a lot of people, especially young people, are committed to keep-
ing the reality of Trek alive.

The Black List—Fall 2008—Page 2

Starship Troopers III– Marauder
By J.D. Clancy

Casper Van Dien is back as Johnny Rico in this direct-to-DVD sequel in the Starship Troopers series. The Federa-
tion is still at war with the arachnids– and sometimes its own citizens! Star Trek: Enterprise fans take notice of the female
lead– Jolene Blaylock as Captain Lola Beck.
One of the best special effects sequences in the original film was the mass starship scenes. There is not a significant
amount of starship combat in Marauder. On the up side, there is a walk-through of the interior of a Federation warship. Ma-
rines interested in power armor will get a tantalizing few minutes enjoyment.
A variety of special effects (bug fights, starships, futuristic scenes) are sprinkled throughout the movie. The effects
are generally well-done, but used sparingly throughout the movie. For those who enjoyed the news briefs between acts in the
original, you should be satisfied with the amount of ‘Do You Want to Know More?’ in Marauder. The reviewer does not rec-
ommend Marauder as a family film viewing choice (graphic killing, obligatory Trooper nudity).
Ed Neumeier’s script mixes entertainment value with socio-political commentary. The machinations of the Federa-
tion’s high command are delved into. The Federation first represses, then co-opts, religion for political purposes. Where the
first movie portrayed the entire society as backing the war effort, Marauder shows a definite anti-war sentiment creeping into
the society. We see the interesting mixing of entertainment celebrity and being a public official. Plus, there’s a bar fight that
would have made John Wayne shake his head.
The commentary reveals that this movie was mainly shot in South Africa and produced by a German company. The
supporting cast is multi-national as well, including: Stephen Hogan
(Ireland), Boris Kodjoe (Germany), Cecile Breccia (France), and Amanda
Donohoe (England).
In short, Marauder is not the original Starship Troopers film. It
is several notches above the quality of ST: 2. It is probably worth the dis-
count store price, or even try to buy it used.

Extra features include two commentary tracks and featurettes.

 The Bugs of Starship Troopers 3
 Marauders Mobile Infantry
 Music Video
Commentary Tracks-
 Filmmakers
 Cast (Casper Van Dien, Jolene Blalock)
‘Making of’ DVD
 24 minute ‘Making of Starship Troopers 3’ Feature
Director/Writer– Ed Neumeier
Rated: R
Run Time: 105 minutes

Starfleet news
Staffing changes in key positions have been announced by
Web Links Starfleet Headquarters.

Vice Commander, Starfleet

We’re keeping web links in the Region this time- and that VADM Dave Blaser
Region is Region 12.
Chief of Operations
STARFLEET Region 12 VADM Kim Donohoe
Interim Inspector General
Twelfth Brigade, SFMC GEN Wade Hoover
Chief of Communications
COMM Jon Lane
The Black List—Fall 2008—Page 3

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