Spring 2009

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Newsletter of the 210th Marine Expeditionary Unit, STARFLEET Marine Corps

Region 12 Summit, Stand Down

With regret, I must announce that the 2009 Region 12 Summit has been cancelled.
SPRING 2009 ISSUE A substitute event, a Region picnic, will take place in Topeka, Kansas on May 23, 2009.
CONTENTS Region business for 2009 will be conducted at the picnic. A Brigade Muster is also an-
ticipated. Contact Wade Hoover at email: r12picnic@cox.net for more information
Region 12 Summit, Stand Down about this event.
The OIC has designated uniform of the day for this event to be: civilian clothes.
Region Coordinator Election

From the Officer in Charge

Region Coordinator Election
The results of the Region 12 Coordinator election have been announced. The winning
First Aid: Medic Alert Bracelets slate follows:
When Things Go Very Wrong Region Coordinator – VADM Jeffery Higdon
Senior Vice Region Coordinator – COMM Bea Hart
Not Entirely Successful, Part II Junior Vice Region Coordinator – CAPT Jay Hurd
By MCPT Mark Webb Finance Director – CMDR Jeff Gallus
Publications Director – CMDR Amy Hurd
Calendar Honorary Vice Region Coordinator – ADM Helen Pawlowski

210th MEU Officers From the Officer in Charge

Officer in Charge:
J.D. Clancy, 1LT The weather is improving here in Kansas! By the
jdclancy@multinatl.org time of the R12 picnic, it should be sunny and warm for out-
door pursuits. While many Marines look forward to traveling
Deputy Officer in Charge: out of town for the weekend to visit with old friends, a full
Mark Webb, MCPT Region summit was not practical this year. For local members:
webbmaw@cox.net it would be a shame to miss an event so close to home.
On the subject of visiting with old friends in the Re-
210th MEU WEB SITE gion, one friend we all will be missing this year is Carolyn
Zimdahl of the USS Bortas. Carolyn passed away suddenly. I remember Carolyn as a
delightful person to chat with at Region 12 events. She will be greatly missed.
Reminder– the new Star Trek film will be released in theaters in May! This

film takes place in the time before that portrayed in The Original Series. For more information, the Starfleet Communiqué has sev-
eral articles anticipating this film. With the amount of information on the internet, we will refrain from extensive speculative cover-
age. Go out and see the film!
With summer coming, paintball season will be in full swing. The 210th will not be fielding a team at the first event of the
year– Gears of War at Dropzone Paintball. Expect other large scenario events to be scheduled in the local area. While many people
are watching their money more closely these days, these local events can be affordable for people who plan ahead! Anyone who has
been out can comment on the amount of entertainment in a day out at the field!
Remember to download and check out Attention on Deck– Extra from the SFMC web site! This e-newsletter is a monthly
publication from Headquarters. For those of you who like Marine content, AOD-E has it! But it will only continue with: 1) mem-
bers downloading it from the web site and reading it; and, 2) quality submissions for publication. The email address for submissions
is: aode@sfi-sfmc.org .

DISCLAIMERS: Paramount Pictures and its licensees have the sole authority to generate profit from Star Trek trademarks, and this publication in no
way intends to infringe upon copyrights held by Paramount Pictures, Viacom, or any other Star Trek copyholders. The opinions expressed in this
publication are not necessarily those of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. or the STARFLEET Marine Corps.
First Aid: Medic Alert Jewelry
By J.D. Clancy
Something you may encounter when providing first aid to a stranger is a ‘medic
alert bracelet.’ Medic alert jewelry has become popular for people suffering from serious
illness who may become unconscious in public and not be able to communicate their
medical history. People with medical conditions that could become critical or fatal if not
treated in a timely manner should wear medic alert jewelry. Bracelets, necklaces, and
dog tags are all common styles of medic alert jewelry. Medic alert items with have a ‘star
of life’ or ‘caduceus’ symbol to indicate it is for medical purposes.
For some common medical conditions, local drug stores carry pre-printed jew-
elry. Custom medic alert items can be ordered with more detailed information or person-
alized with the patient’s name. Probably the least helpful medic alert jewelry is that
which can be purchased blank and engraved at a later time. Frequently, the person does
not have their medical information printed on it.
Report to emergency personnel
‘Dog Tag’ style medic alert
that the person has medic alert jewelry, and
jewelry. Note Star of Life de-
what it is for. If there is someone with the
sign on front and detailed in-
victim, ask them what they know about the
formation on the reverse.
person’s medical problems, and specifically
what’s printed on the medic alert jewelry. Do not take off the patient’s medic
alert jewelry.
Medic alert jewelry is not always a good clue to what is happening
with the victim. For example, a person wearing a diabetic bracelet can still
have a heart attack or allergic reaction that has nothing to do with their diabe-
tes. As a first aid trained person, you should always assess the patient’s
ABC’s and act accordingly.
Bracelet style medic alert jewelry. Note Be aware that medic alert jewelry is
this bracelet alerts emergency responders not a restricted item or only available with a
to a critical food allergy. doctor’s prescription. Healthy people may have
medic alert jewelry for a variety of reasons:

 The wearer thinks it ‘looks cool’ or wears it for attention.

 The person has mental problems and believes in their mind they have the medical con-
dition on the jewelry.
 The jewelry has a sentimental connection for the person wearing it (belonged to a de-
ceased relative, etc.).
 Nurses, firefighters, and paramedics may wear non-medic alert jewelry with similar This necklace pendant has a
designs. caduceus design on one side.
The reverse should have text
Look for medic alert jewelry on either wrist, or around the neck. A patient may about the patient’s condition.
wear their jewelry in a more unusual location, such as using it as a key ring. While it can be
helpful to find medic alert information on the patient, if it cannot be found quickly, it is a secondary concern. Excessive
time spent looking for medic alert jewelry may be better used to do CPR or provide essential emergency care.
Also, medic alert jewelry isn’t a substitute for asking a conscious patient questions about how they feel and their
past medical history. A good interview with the patient should give you more information than a few sentences printed on
a bracelet!

Region 12 Picnic; May 23, 2009; Topeka, Kansas; Point of Contact– Wade Hoover r12picnic@cox.net
2009 STARFLEET International Conference; August 6-9, 2009; Greensboro, North Carolina; website: www.ic2009.org
2010 STARFLEET International Conference; July 29-August 1, 2010; Wagoner, Oklahoma; website: ic2010.org

The Black List—Spring 2009—Page 2

Not Entirely Successful, Part II
By MCPT Mark Webb

4. the other officers hadn’t met before, walked into the room.
They were quickly followed by a pair of lieutenants in flag offi-
The senior staff of Deep Space Nine stirred restlessly cer support staff colors, and the sense of expectation in the
as they waited in the briefing room for something to happen. room rose considerably. Everyone already in the room rose in
They had been rousted out of their beds and from the night deference to the admiral but he gestured them down quickly.
watch, a thing that was not unknown to them, but usually when
such a thing happened, they knew why it happened and they had “Everyone,” Sisko said, capturing their attention.
things to do right away. This time, however, they had been “Thank you for coming at this hour. This is Admiral William
ordered to report to the briefing room for a special meeting and Robinson, director of Star Fleet security for this part of the Al-
had been kept waiting for almost half an hour. This waiting was pha quadrant.”
especially hard on Lieutenant Commander Worf, whose Klin-
gon nature made it difficult for him to wait for anything. He He went on to introduce all the staff members present
frequently rose from his place next to Commander Dax to pace to the admiral, who looked at each one steadily as they were
around the room like a caged animal. introduced and gave the impression that he was sizing them up
and storing their faces in his memory for later recall and scru-
Finally, the door opened and Ben Sisko and an admiral
(Continued on page 4)

When Things Go Very Wrong

By J.D. Clancy

When people purchase food for a disaster, it is normally in large quantities. Some camp food comes packaged for individual meals.
Lifeboat rations are shrink wrapped for a single serving. Military MRE’s are sealed as an individual meal.

Conventional wisdom is to buy the largest packages available. This will generally give you the best price per unit for your emer-
gency supplies. Especially if you are in a small house or apartment, storage will quickly become a problem with large packages.
Your mega-size barrel of Quaker oats may not fit in that unused top cabinet shelf you were going to use.

Even if you do have the facilities to store large items, there can be problems. Large packages discourage you from rotating your
emergency food. By rotating, I mean eating your emergency food before it goes bad, and replacing it with fresh food. If you eat one
regular size can of baked beans at a meal, why would you open the gallon can of baked beans you’ve bought and stored for disaster

There are many reasons to avoid the largest containers of food for emergency storage.

 When you open a large container of dry goods such as oatmeal or rice, it is no longer an airtight container. It may take you
weeks to eat a 50 pound bag of rice. Once the bag is open, it will attract bugs, mice, and be subject to spoiling.
 Especially canned vegetables and meat, you will need to eat the entire contents almost immediately to avoid spoiling. If
you’re in a disaster, the refrigerator may or may not be available to store leftovers.
 Trade material. You want to trade some rice to your neighbor in return for firewood, etc. It is much easier to trade pack-
aged items than measure out from a large container. Your neighbor may dispute your measuring. Your neighbor now
knows you have more.
 Let’s say you have an emergency where you may need to dip into your emergency food for two days or less. If you have
only large containers, you’re now faced with the problem of what to do with the leftovers after the emergency. You have to
eat 46 pounds of rice or the rest of a 5 pound box of oatmeal.

If you have extensive storage, you may mix large containers with some smaller packages. What if you need to leave your home or
camp area for the day? You could find a container and dispense something from your bulk storage. Or you could take some indi-
vidually packaged items.

DISCLAIMER: The author is not responsible for misuse of this information. Over time, techniques change. Be familiar with safe
use of all equipment and the latest technical information.

The Black List—Spring 2009—Page 3

(Continued from page 3) at large. “You should find your curiosity satisfied very
soon now, people.”
“Good,” Worf rumbled, trying his best to be quiet
When Sisko finished speaking, the admiral faced about it, and not succeeding.
the room at large and spoke for the first time. “I’ll have to
ask your patience for just a while longer,” he said. “We Most of the people in the room settled back in their
have something to show you, but there is someone else on chairs, contented to wait now that they knew the wait would
his way here who will, I believe, have something useful to be a short one. The captain and the admiral remained on
contribute. What we’ll be discussing, is of a very sensitive their feet and tried to hide their impatience as they waited
nature and I’ll rely on your discretion not to discuss it for the newest arrival to the meeting.
openly on the station.”
Finally, the door opened, and a tall hooded figure
The station officers shifted in their seats. They was shown in by two security officers, one Star Fleet, and
were all now eager to hear what this was all about. They one Bajoran. The guards stepped back through the doorway
knew it must be something serious to have the commander and the being under the hood reached up and drew it back
of sector security come out from his rear area Starbase to away from his face.
talk to them. The two flag lieutenants were busily trying to
connect a portable computer to the room’s large wall dis- Robinson and Sisko stepped forward with their
play screen but were having difficulty with the Cardassian hands up in the Vulcan greeting. “Peace and long life, Am-
technology. bassador Spock,” Robinson said.

“Chief?” Sisko said, his word framed partly as a The others in the room stirred. Everyone had
request, and partly as an order. Miles O’Brien rose stiffly heard of Spock of course but never expected to actually
from his seat and moved to a cabinet on the opposite side of meet him. Worf and O’Brien, being the only people in the
the room. He returned with a bundle of what looked like room to have ever even seen Spock before, exchanged
hand-made cables and connectors which he offered to the glances.
two officers.
Spock gravely returned their greeting. Robinson
“These are what you want, sirs,” he said quietly. then introduced him to Sisko, who then introduced him to
“Interfacing Federation and Cardassian technology can be a the rest of the people in the room. Spock inclined his head
bit tricky, especially if you’ve never tried it before.” slightly toward them all, the tiniest hint of a smile flashed
across his face.
They murmured their thanks and quickly had the
agglomeration connected. They had just brought up an im- He turned to Sisko, “Captain, may I offer my con-
age on the wall display when the com panel beeped with a gratulations on the numerous and extraordinary accomplish-
signal from Ops. ments that have taken place here? You and your crew are to
be commended for the work you have done with the Bajo-
“Ops to Admiral Robinson,” the voice spoke rans as well as your current service in this conflict.”
through the room’s speakers.
“Thank you, Mr. Ambassador,” Sisko said proudly.
“This is Robinson,” the admiral spoke up crisply. “There have been challenges and difficulties, but I do have
a fine crew and we’re pleased with what we’ve achieved,
“Sir, the currier ship you are expecting is ap- here.”
proaching the station.”
“AS well you should be,” Spock said. “Now, gen-
Sisko cut in on the admiral, “Have it land on one of tlemen, you surely did not expend the effort and take the
the pads, ensign. Then have the passenger escorted directly risks that were needed to extract me from where I was, for
to this room.” no minor reason. I understand that you have something you

“Aye, sir,” the Ops officer responded. (Continued on page 5)

The com panel cut off and Sisko spoke to the room

The Black List—Spring 2009—Page 4

(Continued from page 4) “What you are seeing,” Robinson cut in, not want-
ing the meeting to degenerate into a round-table discussion,
wish me to see? So, then, to the business at hand.” at least not yet, “is the 4th in a series of 5 experimental pro-
totypes which were built by Dr. Daystrom and installed in
Spock quickly took a vacant chair and attentively
starships to test some revolutionary new theories the scien-
waited for what was to come. He was not disappointed.
tist had come up with. Each of the prototypes shoed poten-
The admiral spoke up and gestured toward the wall screen.
tial and succeeded in some part of its objectives, but overall,
“I call your attention to this starship.”
the project turned out to be a failure and was eventually
After a few seconds, Spock murmured, “It some- canceled by Star Fleet Command. The collapse of Dr. Day-
what resembles a Dauntless class starship.” strom’s mental health happened at about the same time, so
there was no chance of continuing with the project even if
“Just so,” the admiral responded quickly. “What they had wanted to.”
you’re looking at is what used to be the USS Alliance. As
you can see, she’s gone through some changes.” “Yes,” Spock spoke up again. “As the admiral is
well aware, for I have no doubt that it is the reason I am
“It doesn’t even look like it could support a crew, here, I was involved in the last of those experiments on the
now.” O’Brien cut in. Is this a recent image?” Constitution class Enterprise.”

“I’m afraid so,” Robinson answered grimly. “What was so special about them,” O’Brien asked.

“Wasn’t this type of vessel decommissioned dec- Spock continued, “Dr. Daystrom succeeded in
ades ago,” Worf asked. integrating positronics into the computer’s circuitry for the
first time. They were not fully positronic systems, but
“Yes it was,” Robinson said. “This one would rather, were multi-tronic units. They embodied elements of
have been, too, if it had been available for decommission- both the positronic and duo-tronic components that already
ing, but it was believed to be out of reach or destroyed..” existed. The other significant difference was that the Dr.
developed a method for impressing human en-grams on the
“Yes,” Spock interrupted thoughtfully. “I seem to
computer’s circuitry. In effect, this gave the computer, the
recall a secure document I read at one time, shortly after I
ability to think in a somewhat chaotic, but instantaneous
became an ambassador. As I recall, I was dismayed to learn
fashion, like a living brain with the speed of a machine.
that a starship had been abandoned with one of Dr. Day-
Naturally, with that much thinking ability and that much
strom’s experimental units onboard. I’m certain that Cap-
power, the computers inevitably developed psychotic ten-
tain Kirk would have acted upon that knowledge had he
dencies and had to be destroyed.”
been made aware of it at the time. Since you have brought
me here to discuss this, it seems logical to assume that the “Why,” Worf asked. “Why should they become
device has resurfaced, even after all this time.” insane?”

“You’re quite right,” Mr. Ambassador,” Robinson “What’s the old saying,” Sisko asked thoughtfully?
said. “in hindsight, it might well have been better if Captain “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Kirk had heard about this one. It surely would have pre-
vented what we are dealing with now.” “Indeed,” Spock said. “And since Daystrom used
his own en-grams, those from a mind that was already
“Wait a moment, sirs,” O’Brien interjected. showing signs of being unbalanced, the result was predict-
“What’s this about Daystrom? I read a lot about him in able.”
engineering school.”
“I think we’re missing a couple of steps here, sirs,”
“Dax spoke up to answer the chief’s question. O’Brien said. “Could we please step back a bit and fill in
“Richard Daystrom was the leading Federation mind in some blanks?”
computer science at the time this ship was operational. His
duo-tronic designs were used in starship computers and (Continued on page 6)
other systems for 50 years.”

The Black List—Spring 2009—Page 5

(Continued from page 5) “Excuse me, sir,” Worf burst out. “Is it your in-
“I apologize,” Robinson said quickly. “You’re tention to call upon the Defiant to destroy this thing?”
right, of course. Let’s restate the situation just a bit. These
computers we are speaking of were sent out on starships “Eventually that may be possible,” the admiral
with minimal crews to perform several tasks. They were to replied. “For now, though I wanted to bring you up to
see to the day-to-day operation of the ship, handle naviga- speed on this and to show you what it’s been up to thus far.
tion problems, perform planetary surveys, and then handle What you’re about to see, is a compilation of recorder-
tactical combat assignments. They were given a compre- marker data, probe readings, and subspace messages that
hensive catalog of data about all past Star Fleet and allied have been picked up by various ships, bases, and stations.”
worlds’ missions, as well as information about the crew and
He turned to his flag lieutenants and gestured with
all the tactical databases. As I stated before, they each per-
his hand toward the portable computer. One of them bent
formed various combinations of these tasks flawlessly but
over it briefly and the wall screen and speakers came to life.
when confronted with other aspects of them, they com-
There were gasps and exclamations from the people in the
pletely broke down. The unit onboard the Alliance was the
room as starships wheeled and dove around each other.
4th in the series, also known as M-4. It apparently devel-
Phaser beams and torpedoes flashed between the hulls and
oped paranoid mania during its test, thinking that the crew
the speakers sprayed out a continuous barrage of radio com-
wanted to destroy it so as to save their own jobs. It shut
bat chatter.
down the ship’s life support systems and got up to other
mischief that the crew didn’t all survive, and the survivors “Falcon, this is Exeter,” came one sharp voice.
did what they could to deactivate the unit. They abandoned “Close up astern of me and cover. I’ve lost aft weapons
the ship and it drifted into a non-descript nebula in sector and shields!”
210. Star Fleet commanders at the time decided to leave it
there rather than try to tow it out or dismantle the ship. “Thunder Child to Resolute,” he’s coming around
This is the result.” too fast,” came another a moment later. “See if you can
swing over me and catch him as he brings his tubes to
“So somehow the ship has been reactivated and is bare!”
now out looking for trouble?” Sisko asked.
As the recording continued, there were more and
“Correct,” the admiral responded. “It’s managed more screams and cut off transmissions over the speakers,
to repair itself somehow and is now out testing its upgrades and more and more starships turning into white-hot fireballs
to see if it can hold a viable position in the reality it now and floating wrecks on the screen. When the recording
finds itself in.: finished, the people in the conference room sat stunned by
what they saw.
“It seeks to survive.” Worf stated matter-of-factly.
“It resembles the way the Borg fought,” Worf said
“Exactly,” Robinson answered. “survival is one of
its primary program elements.”
“It sure does,” O’Brien remarked, not bothering
“Indeed,” Spock cut in. “In our interactions with
with the “sir” his lower rank would have called for.
this unit’s successor, the M-5, we saw that Dr. Daystrom
had programmed a strong sense of self-preservation into the “The Borg function under the consensus of a col-
machine. I believe it was a strong part of his own makeup.” lective consciousness,” Sisko interjected. “This thing does-
n’t need to do that. Once it’s made up its mind as to a
“Yes,” the admiral put in, “and it’s means to sur-
course of action, it can implement that course of action in-
vive is to be the toughest kid on the block. It’s already
completely disabled or destroyed 15 starships as it tests out
its weapons and tactics.” “So wouldn’t it make more sense to use the Defi-
ant against it now,” Security Chief Odo finally entered the
There were shocked mutterings around the room.
The loss of so many ships and the thousands of crew mem-
bers that represented was a blow to everyone there.
(Continued on page 7)

The Black List—Spring 2009—Page 6

(Continued from page 6) All this had been put forth with all of Damar’s typical stiff-
Perhaps,” the admiral responded. “But we’ve de- lipped Cardassian arrogance and bravado behind it. After a
cided not to do that at this time.” moment he could contain himself no longer. “How can you
say that!” he burst out exasperatedly. “How many times
“Why?” Worf demanded truculently. “The Defiant have we underestimated the Federation because of their poor
has the best chance of any Federation vessel of defeating performance against us in the Gamma Quadrant, and how
this vessel,” Worf stated fiercely. many of our ships and facilities have been destroyed be-
cause of it?”
“At the present time,” the admiral answered, sow-
ing surprising patience for the big Klingon. “the Alliance is Damar smirked. “Just remember, it was the Do-
heading directly for Cardassian territory. If it maintains its minion who made those mistakes, not the Cardassian mili-
present heading, it will be The Dominion’s problem in just tary.”
under 26 hours.”
Weyoun went rigid with anger, but once again, he
5. exerted a lifetime of control and said quietly, “What are we
doing about this threat, Damar?”
“It appears that the Federation has a new weapon.”
Weyoun announced as he burst into Damar’s office in the “One of the advantages to pulling our perimeter
Cardassian Central Command Headquarters. back to Cardassian space,” Damar answered in a lecturing
tone, “is that we can send dozens or even hundreds of ships
The haggard Cardassian put down his glass of
against this thing if need be. I seriously doubt if any com-
kanar and stared at the Vorta who was puffed up with
puter could defeat the finest Cardassian and Dominion
excitement. “What are you talking about?” he
forces there are.”
growled, annoyed that he’d only been in his office for a few
minutes without even having enough time for his first drink Weyoun wanted to remind Damar that Cardassian
of the day. forces were Dominion, but it was too easy to get off the
point with this irritating man. He simply said, “If we have
Weyoun looked annoyed now as well. “If you
to put too many ships on this, won’t we have to leave too
spent as much time staring at the tactical reports as you do
much territory vulnerable?”
staring at that bottle, you might know what I’m talking
about.” Damar began to pace around the room now, a full
glass of kanar in his hand. “Relax, Weyoun,” he said expan-
“That doesn’t answer my question,” Damar shot
sively. “You’re much too tense. Like I told you, our forces
back. “What weapon are you talking about?”
can handle it.”
Weyoun took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
“Damar,” Weyoun said insistently, “The Founder is
Then he said more calmly, “I’m talking about the warship
concerned about this. This had better work.”
the Federation is sending against us. It appears to be some
kind of old starship that has been upgraded and equipped Damar sighed, “Then you can assure The Founder
with an advanced type of artificial intelligence. It is headed that she can rely on her forces as always. We will prevail.”
toward our lines and we...”
Weyoun nodded slowly and turned away from the
“Yes,” Damar said. “I know all about that. It’s not Cardassian leader. He walked out of the office. Damar
a serious threat to us. It’s an old starship like you said and it drank deeply from the glass of kanar. He smacked his lips
has inherent weaknesses because of that. We’ll be able to and stepped to his desk. He pulled up a tactical display on
deal with it without much trouble at all, I should think.” his main display screen and began to transmit ship assign-
ments. This was a new and interesting diversion for him.
Weyoun was almost speechless with astonishment.

The Black List—Spring 2009—Page 7

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