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Brain and spinal cord of vertebrates have been derived from

Dorsal hollow nerve cord
Ventral solid nerve cord
Lateral nerve cord
Dorsal solid nerve cord
With regards to mitosis, which checkpoint is considered the most important

G1 G0 M G2 S
Peripalneta and other insects exoskeleton undergoes molting (ecdysis) process , which helps in

A) Excretion B) Growth C) Respiration D) Degeneration

Select the incorrect option about periplaneta

A) Alimentary canal is Ecto and endo dermal inning

B) Malpighian tubules present in peripaneta for excretion

C)Cockroach respires through trachea

D) Peripaneta vision is apposition vision

A frog with body temperature of 30 is transferred to an area with 10oC temperature. What will be the
body temperature of frog in the new environment?
a) constant
b) changed
c) Fluctuates between 30-10

d) Not specified

The reptile with four chambered heart belongs to heart

A) Reptilia B) Crocodelia C) Squamata D) Chelonia

The amphibians are processes the following the following feature

A) Hepatic portal system B) Renal portal system

C)Sinus venosus D) All the above

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