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The internal organization of hotels as well as the names of jobs and departments vary from hotel to
hotel. The main departments, however, are similar in most hotels. They are:
 Front Office or Reception Department
 Housekeeping Department
 Food and Beverage Department
Hotel Staff

Hotel Management
The Hotel Manager (or General Manager) has the responsibility of establishing the running poìicy
of the hotel and seeing that his instructions are carried out. In a small hotel - where he may be the
owner - his background is based on experience and relationships he normally has with tourist bodies
operating in a limited environment.
In a large hotel he is a professional provided with a university degree in hotel administration. He is
a business executive whose main qualifications include knowledge of accounting, sales promotion,
business law, public relations, a command of two or three foreign languages. He also co-ordinates
the work of the department heads seeing that all hotel activities run smoothly and efficiently. In
chain-operated hotels the manager moves along the guidelines set up by the owner company
although he may exercise his initiative to promote business.
The management refers to the people who collectively establish or carry out the hotel policies. They
operate as a board of directors presided by the managing director who is the hotel manager. They
include the Front Desk Manager, the Food and Beverage Manager, the Housekeeper, the Sales and
Public Relations Manager, the Purchasing Manager, the Security Manager, the Chief Engineer, the
Personnel and Training Manager.

New trends in hotel management

Until recently the management organization of large hotels was represented by the
hotel manager who was more closely concerned with guests and more personally
involved in the running of hotel operations (reception, housekeeping, catering facilities,
etc.). His management approach was based on his knowledge and technical skills
necessary in the accommodation and catering industry. Areas such as financial control,
personnel management, sales and marketing, health and safety, a better employment of
hotel interiors, staff training, rentals and concessions were either trusted to individuals
who handled them as any other clerical duties or neglected at all.
Nowadays this profile has changed. A hotel is considered as being a business with its own
products, services, markets, running policy and technology. It is a complex business
which combines production and sale under the same roof. It provides products and
services to a range of markets in a number of points of sale. It is a labour intensive
business with a lot of facilities to staff and a wide variety of different careers. It is an
establishment operating within the guidelines of budgets prepared by the senior
management in consultation with the departmental heads.
The days of the general manager acting as the grand host are long gone. The new hotel
manager performs the five management functions of planning, organizing, motivating
co-ordinating and controlling. His ability to work out strategic plans involves setting
objectives, making decisions, formulating policies, checking performance against
budgets or forecasts, locating and rectifying any problem areas. A general manager must
have abilities in many areas apart from the skills associated with the hospitality
industry, such as management, budgeting and finance. The new management profile of
large-sized hotels is based on the active collaboration of more specialists with specific
competencies and responsibilities in their areas. Thus you can see a front office
manager, a staff recruitment and training manager, a public relations officer, a food and
beverage manager, a sales and marketing manager, a congress manager, a maintenance
engineer, an IT manager. They are key members of the core facilities management
team. The roles hold responsibility and demand a high level of intellect, interpersonal
skills, literacy, organising skills and extensive hospitality retailing backgrounds. Several
Hotel Staff

units are closely related to each other. Reception, uniformed services and housekeeping
are considered as components of the hotel accommodation function and are no longer
regarded as separate departments. They fall under the responsibility of the front office
manager. Likewise hotel catering facilities such as restaurants, bars, room service,
functions, kitchens, kitchen stores and cellar are the responsibility of the Food &
Beverage Manager. Banquets, conferences, exhibitions, wedding receptions, dinner
dances and other social occasions are an important source of revenue for most hotels.
They are grouped under the heading of Functions. Hotels handling a large volume of
functions have a separate functions department directed by a banqueting or congress
There is no sharp dividing line between the heads of individual departments and the
hotel manager. They all form the management team. All important issues are discussed
and decided upon by the team. Although making arrangements for a banquet is the
specific task of the banqueting manager, this function calls for the effective co-
ordination and responsibility of reception, housekeeping, F&B department and other
support services. Similarly a new arriving large group of guests who are going to stay a
few days on full-board basis poses issues regarding the availability and type of rooms
requested, the allocation and preparation of rooms, the necessary arrangements
regarding restaurant and bar service, the menu to be served, the commodities necessary
to the preparation of the menu dishes, the purchase of any raw food necessary to meet
special requirements, etc. It goes without saying that all the above aspects are
considered and solved prior to the group's arrival.
Hotel Staff

Profiles of Management Staff

Hotel General Manager

Hotels are rampant nowadays. The bigger they get, the more people they need to work for
them. Thus, the more they need people who can take in charge of everything. This is what
general managers do.
Your main job is to create and sustain a guest-driven hotel which goes beyond guest expectations
for the criteria important to your guests. You should also provide an atmosphere which inspires your
hotel team members to offer their best efforts. It’s your job to watch over the quality process in
order to ensure your guest’s satisfaction through consistent delivery of service and quality product
in conformance with your hotel's profitability goals whilst fulfilling the important requirements of
your guest.
First priority is to perform and supervise the daily routines of the hotel. You check guests in and out,
and inspect their suites for engineering and housekeeping quality. You also participate in the Food
and Beverage outlet where you would greet and serve guests as needed.
You also have some responsibility for staffing. You will interview, and hire people. Once accepted,
you would also be the one to supervise and counsel them. This would include the different
department managers in the hotel. Although the pay is high, this job places many responsibilities on
your shoulders and you should be up for that.

The Front Office Manager

The Front Office Manager is generally in charge of everything that goes on in the front
desk. He is responsible for all duties of the front desk operation which includes: staff
training, inter-department communications, and staff scheduling. He usually works a
regularly scheduled front desk shift and must be available to work any shift as needed. He
holds department meetings regularly, cover all shifts that are open and tries to understand
any problems which desk clerks may have.
The biggest responsibility is to supervise over the front desk clerks. The Front Office
Manager should possess strong communication skills and demonstrate leadership
abilities. There are many responsibilities and duties that come with this job title. He hires
and trains new people for the front desk and will make sure that everything runs properly
and that everything is organized. This position requires such services as answering
questions, taking difficult telephone calls, analyzing the front desk budget, setting
schedules, welcoming guests, dealing with guests’ complaints and solving a variety of
problems that may come up for example when it comes to deal with groups of foreign
This position requires plenty of patience with people and understanding. Smiling when
dealing with guests helps to create a friendly atmosphere. A smile says, “We’re glad you’re
here!” Whenever an employee speaks with a guest, the employee should end the
conversation with the statement, “ Please call on me if I can be of any further assistance.”
The Front Office Manager is also required to posses language skills, as well as a very
good command of at least two or three foreign languages. He should also monitor finances
at the front desk and is responsible for communicating with all other departments in regard
to the front desk department.

Food And Beverage Director

This position is not only applicable for hotels. You can also work in hospitals, schools and
other places where food directors are needed. The general job description would be having the
Hotel Staff

responsibility to oversee the lounge/restaurant operations. You also get to recruit and train
employees. You would also be the one who would create their schedules.
Managing budgets and achieving sales targets are also part of your job, along with maintaining
close control of product orders and stock. You should also be able to control and analyze food
costs. Of course, as the director, you should ensure that food safety and customer service are
provided. Lastly, you should communicate well with your team and be able to motivate them.

Executive Chef
This career would generally involve managing the flow and direction of a kitchen. You
would be responsible for arranging menus and tables on hotels, cruise ships, and other hot
spots that tourists go to. You also keep track of inventory and try to keep costs down. You
decide which supplies and food items are necessary to purchase. As time passes by, you
will establish and modify the menus so that there is an increase in profits and decrease in
monetary loss. You are also the one who is in charge of overseeing the overall satisfaction
of your customers.

The Sales Manager

This key role carries responsibility for marketing hotel products, facilities and services. He
designs such hotel products as accommodation special offers, bargain breaks, leisure and
activity breaks. He also advertises meeting and recreational facilities for groups and
conventions by sending circulars to companies, cultural and political associations,
professional bodies. He attends regional and national conferences on tourism issues
hoping to catch new glimpses of forth coming events which may increase hotel business.

The Purchasing Manager

He is responsible for the search, selection, purchase, receipt, storage of commodities in
accordance with the catering policy of the hotel. Commodities cover the following
categories: food, beverages, tabletop products, maintenance products, catering 1 food
service equipment, furnishings and fixtures, operations equipment and systems,
telecommunications systems, management services. His duties include:
providing all items to user departments
evaluating new products
researching into new markets and price trends
reporting to the hotel management

The Personnel and Training Manager

He is responsible for defining the structure and scope of the personnel function. As a
pragmatic, articulate and influential person, he shows a committed and commercially
relevant approach to Human Resources. His duties include:
recruitment of staff members
planning educational courses for hotel employees
finding out HR policies to support hotel services efficiency

The Chief Engineer

Traditionally associated with maintenance engineering has evolved as a separate
department in very large hotels. The chief engineer is responsible for all the mechanical
and electronic equipment conditioning systems, escalators, lifts, electrical implements,
television sets, computers, audio visual aids, lightening, etc.. He supervises a team of
Hotel Staff

technicians assigned to the control and maintenance of such equipment as heating and
air-conditioning systems, escalators, lifts, electrical implements, television sets, computers,
audio visual aids, lightening, etc.

The Housekeeper
Her primary concern is the overall cleanliness of the premises. Her duties would involve
bed making, replenishing of linens, cleaning and vacuuming halls and rooms. She also
gets to carry linens, toilet items, towels, and cleaning supplies by the use of wheeled carts.
Cleaning rooms, lobbies, hallways, restrooms, lounges, corridors, elevators, locker rooms,
stairways, and other working areas are tasks related to her job. As a supervisor she is the
head of a team whose main job is perform the above mentioned duties. She checks if
requirements regarding cleanliness are met and should also interview, hire and train
people who want to be part of her team.

The Supervisor
The supervisor is the basic managerial element in the hotel organization. He forms the
essential link between the general manager and the workers. His main functions are
motivating and controlling, but, actually, he operates within all of the management
procedures. He is responsible for the training needed within his department. The workers
must have good and effective supervision to perform to the best of their ability

CEO = Chief Executive Officer. Officer of a firm principally responsible for the activities of a
Front office: the reception area that is visible to the public
Back office: the part of a reception area that is not visible to the public.

1. Answer these questions:

1. What are the main duties of a hotel manager?

2. What skills must a hotel manager have to run a large hotel?
3. What is a small hotel manager required to have?
4. What about the manager's role in a chain-owned hotel?
5. What is the management?
6. Who is the management formed by?
7. What are the main departments of a hotel?
8. Who operate in the Reception department?
9. What are the main facilities of the food and beverage department?
10. Mention the staff of the housekeeping department

2. Put the following items in the appropriate column:

recruiting staff / following price trends / storing products / checking lifts / training staff / supplying
items to hotel depts. / advertising bargain breaks / selecting commodities / defining personnel tasks /
supervising technicians.

Purchasing Manager Sales Manager Personnel Manager Chief Engineer

Hotel Staff

A Staff Meeting

'One is up early in this business' explains Harvey Pascoe, managing director of the Dormy House
Hotel on the Cotswolds near Broadway. 'I like a gentle start to the day before the racing begins', he
10.00 Harvey assembles all available staff into the Conference Room for their weekly (Friday)
briefing. Today's session has a sentimental note; Louise Weston, a chambermaid who's
been at Dormy for the last five years, is retiring and Harvey presents her with a Russell
Hobbs coffee maker.
10.15 Harvey is going through a pile of mail in his office. '1 see every single letter. They all get
a reply from me and then they'll be categorised. And look. It's only September 19th and
here is our first booking for our New Year's Eve party. After making a phone call with
stock and another with accounts, a travel agent in Philadelphia calls to make a booking for four
The meeting with the various Heads of Department - the housekeeper, head bar-lady,
banqueting manager, head receptionist, maintenance man and others. Everyone brings
Harvey their own set of seemingly major catastrophes but nothing seems to faze him, not
even the news brought by the maintenance man that all the outside lights have 'gone on the blink'.
Hotel Staff

Harvey agrees with his diagnosis - that the underground cable is old, worn and must have shorted
the circuit. 'It will cost a lot of money but we have no choice,' Harvey concludes. 'We need new
cabling a.s.a.p.' Maurice Howman, the gardener, worries about 'the early chills we've been having'.
Housekeeper Sally Hodgkinson reports on how the new carpets are settling down.
They then talk about which rooms are to be 'released for refurbishment' and the design for curtains,
fabrics, bathroom fittings and the like.
Harvey adds that Friday mornings are always more crucial than the rest because it's the best time to
go through the following week's function lists.
'I try to spend as much time as I can before lunch just talking to the staff. I make a point of saying
good morning to everyone, and by name. I work with people, a team, not just numbers, and that
applies to employees as much as guests. It is a vital ingredient in the successful running of a hotel.’


1. Read 'A Staff Meeting' and complete these sentences:

1. Mr Harvey Pascoe gets up early in the morning because.

2. The staff meeting always takes place on ..................... in……………….
3. Louise Weston is ................................................................
4. Every morning Harvey goes through the incoming mail and.
5. Harvey ha made two phone calls, namely ...... ……………………………………
6. He has also got two bookings: one for ................................. the other from ..............................................
7. Among the staff attending the meeting were ...
8. The maintainance man reported that ....
9. The housekeeper reported that ......................................and went on talking to the manager
about ..........................
10. The reason why Mr Harvey Pascoe is a successful hotelier is …………………………………………

2. Write sentences of your own using the following verbs:

to present s. o. with / to go through / to make a call / to make a booking / to hold a meeting / to

report / to worry about / to run a hotel

3. Write a short description of the picture following these guidelines:

what it is about
who the persons are
what they are talking about

You can start like this: The picture shows the staff meeting hold at the Dormy House Hotel on
September 191h ......

4. Write a conversation between the manager and the receptionist on a topic of your choice.
Hotel Staff
Hotel Staff


It is the department where guests make reservations, check in and check out. The Front Office Manager is in
charge of the reception area. The Receptionist welcomes and registers the guests. He hands out the keys and gives
them information about hotel services. The Reservations Clerk deals with reservation inquiries, booking and
allocation of accommodation. The Hall Porter or Concierge (USA: bell captain) is the person who does services for
guests. He can help guests with any of these: car hire, theatre tickets, sightseeing, postcards and maps, airline
reservations, timetables, luggage storage, mail dispatch, valetting. The Cashier is concerned with the guests' accounts
and prepares bills. He may also exchange travelers’ cheques or foreign currency. The Switchboard Operator
connects outgoing and incoming calls. The Night Clerk attends to the reception area during the night shift. The
Doorman receives guests, opens the door, orders taxis, etc. The Porter is the person who handles the guests' baggage.
When a guest completes his check-in procedure, he normally gets the room key from the room clerk who shows the
guest to his room. He also collects baggage from the guest's room when the guest
A Dorchester doorman

Collecting guests’

Answer these questions:

1. What does the Front Office Manager supervise?

2. Who work under his supervision?
3. Who looks after the guests when they arrive?
4. What does the Receptionist do?
5. Who hands out the room key?
6. Who carries the luggage to the guests' rooms?
7. What services does the Hall Porter provide?
8. Who deals with reservation inquiries?
9. What are the doorman's duties?
Hotel Staff

10. Who exchanges foreign currency?

This department is in charge of the general cleanliness of the hotel. It
provides cleaning materials, bed linens, paper products, stationary,
etc. It is also responsible for laundry, dry cleaning and ironing
services and handles storage supplies. The staff members in charge
of this department are: the Executive or Head Housekeeper
who is responsible for the smooth running of the department. She
supervises the work of chambermaids and housemen.
The Chambermaids whose job is cleaning and caring for the
guest rooms. Housemen and Assistants help in performing
various chores such as collecting dirty linen, hoovering carpets,
A room maid is making the
polishing mirrors, etc.

A housekeeping supervisor Sorting out linen arrived from the laundry

checks for dust on the
shower curtain rail

1. Write the Italian equivalents of the following cleaning and equipment supplies:

1. air freshener ____________________ 14. linen trolley ____________________

2. broom ____________________ 15. mop bucket ____________________
3. brush ____________________ 16. paper towel ____________________
4. bucket ____________________ 17. rug cleaner ____________________
5. carpet sweeper ____________________ 18. scouring pad ____________________
6. cart ____________________ 19. silver polish ____________________
7. chemicals ____________________ 20. soap ____________________
8. deodorant ____________________ 21. stripper ____________________
9. detergent ____________________ 22. trolley ____________________
10. disinfectant ____________________ 23. upholstery cleaner ____________________
11. dust cloth ____________________ 24. vacuum cleaner ____________________
12. dust pan ____________________ 25. window cleaner ____________________
13. furniture polish ____________________ 26. wringer ____________________
Hotel Staff

2. Put the items below in the appropriate box

advertising material, aprons, blanket covers, blankets, booking forms, brochures, business cards,
cots, educational materials, greeting cards, mailers, mattress pads, mattresses, menu order forms,
menus, napkins, newsletters, pillowcases, pillows, presentations & proposals, printer paper, quilts,
registration forms, sheets, single use napkins, tablecloths, towels



_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
Hotel Staff

Reading Passage

A department of primary importance

Hotels sell service rather than a product, or, to housekeeper, with several assistants and many
put it another way, service is their product. chambermaids and housemen. In either case,
Nevertheless, each has a large physical the housekeeping effort demands a
"plant" with complex considerable variety of
equipment and machinery materials, such as cleaning
that must be maintained materials, bed linens,
in good working order. pillows, towels, paper
From the point of view of products, matchbooks,
the customer, the most ashtrays, stationary and so
important part of the forth. The list could go on
plant is the guest room. In to include all the items
a sense, it is possible to that are found in a normal
say that a clean and hotel room or are used to
attractive room is the keep it clean and
product that the attractive. For example,
accommodation industry each hotel bed is
offers. This makes the considered to require five
housekeeping department changes of linens, in other
of primary importance in words, sheets and pillow
the operation of any cases. Since these are
hotel, from the smallest laundered with great
motel to the most deluxe frequency, they wear out
luxury establishment A much more quickly than
small hotel may employ bed linens in normal
Maria Neascu
only a few chambermaids Executive Housekeeper domestic use. It is necessary,
to work under the At the Chelsea Hotel, London therefore, to order new
supervision of the manager linens regularly so that the
or his wife. A large hotel is likely to have a supply does not fall below the minimum
large department headed by an executive amount that has been established. Some items
- washcloths and ashtrays - wear out or
disappear (many guests take them as
souvenirs) even more quickly.
Again, in discussing housekeeping, we will
take the large commercial or resort hotel as
the standard, with the understanding that a
small establishment would have a similar but
simpler operation. Perhaps the major
difference is that many of the functions that
are handled in-house in a large hotel are
carried out on a contract basis in a smaller
place. It is a matter for the hotel management,
based on an analysis of the hotel's accounts, to
decide at what point it becomes less
expensive to hire the necessary staff on a
Hotel Staff

permanent basis to perform all or most of the making or changing beds, dusting furniture,
housekeeping chores. The head or executive sweeping or cleaning floors and carpets,
housekeeper is in charge of this complex washing bathrooms, replacing towels and
work area. Under her, since it is most often a washcloths, and supplying the rooms with the
woman, several assistants may be in charge of items that are specified by management or
work assignments, uniforms for the staff, custom. In addition, they are expected to
linen supplies, cleaning supplies, and the report any signs of damage or wear and tear
laundry and sewing rooms. In addition, that may make repairs necessary. Depending
inspectors or supervisors often check on the on the type of operation, a chambermaid
work being done by the chambermaids and should be able to clean between ten and
housemen. twenty rooms a day. (Adapted from The
The actual work of cleaning and caring for the Language of hotels in English by Eugene
guest rooms is performed by the J.Hall - Prantice Hall)
chambermaids. Again, in most hotels these
employees are women. Their duties include

Maid Cart Cleaning Trolley

Hotel Staff

1. Refer to Housekeeping and answer the following questions:

What's the main product offered by the accommodation industry?

Which staff members belong to the housekeeping department?
What are the main tasks of a chambermaid?
What do linen supplies comprise?
Who's responsible for keeping the hotel clean and supplying linen?

2. Give definitions to the following words. Make use of a monolingual dictionary if you need
Product ..........................................................................................
service ..........................................................................................
executive ..........................................................................................
stationary ..........................................................................................
linens ..........................................................................................

3. Write individual items concerning the following categories of products:

Stationary & Paper Products

Bed & Bedding
Linen Supplies
Cleaning Materials
Hotel Staff

Food & Beverage Department

In large hotels this department may be organized according to the chart below:

Food & Beverage Manager

Head Head Head Chef de Banqueting Restaurant Head floor

cellarman storeman barman cuisine Manager Manager waiter

cellarman storeman Lounge Waiters Waiters Floor
waiters Waiters



It is the facility where the guests have their meals. Breakfast,
lunch and dinner are generally served by waiters under the
supervision of a Headwaiter or Maître d'hôtel. A Maître d'hôtel
is the man in charge of all personnel who serve or clear tables in
the restaurant. Waiter or waitress is the individual who takes
orders and serves the meal. Bussers or busboys is the American
name for Assistant Waiters. They are restaurant employees who
pour water, empty ashtrays, clean and set tables, and so forth.
Hotel Staff


This is the area where guests can sit, drink, and talk in a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere. The bar
is also attended by those guests who like to have a light and fast meal, generally made up of snacks,
sandwiches, salads and cakes. The staff members operating in the bar are the Barman, his
Assistants and the Waiters. The Barman (Bartender in USA) is the employee who mixes and
serves drinks at a bar. He takes orders for drinks from customers and the waiting staff (waiters and
assistants). Waiters go to the customers' tables, take their orders and then bring drinks or snacks to
the tables.


The kitchen is a very important hotel department considering that food and beverage service may
prove to be the highest source of income, especially when providing service for banquets and
conventions. The staff of this department may include:
Hotel Staff

The Head Chef (Chef de Cuisine) who is responsible for planning the menus and for supervising
the correct preparation, presentation and qualities of all dishes which are being prepared by other
chefs. He is normally collaborated by an Assistant Head Chef (Sous Chef) who relieves the Head
Chef in his absence and arranges duty shifts and days off for the kitchen staff. The other kitchen
staff members are the Chefs each of whom is responsible for the preparation of individual items.
They include the sauce chef, salad chef, vegetable chef, fish chef, soup chef, pastry chef, etc. and are
assisted by Assistant Cooks (commis de cuisine) who receive orders by the chefs they work for.
Under the cooks' supervision are the Kitchen Helpers (who peel potatoes, cut up vegetables, etc.)
and Dishwashers. In large establishments, the Head Cook plans and co-ordinates the operation of
several restaurants.

1. Answer these questions:

1. Why is the kitchen a high source of income?

2. Whom does the Head Chef supervise?
3. Who arranges duty shifts for the kitchen staff7
4. What are the assistant cooks' duties?
5. What are the duties of the kitchen helpers?
6. What do you see in the picture above?

2. Complete the following diagram: Head Chef

Fish Chef
Hotel Staff

A hotel regularly purchases food,
supplies and equipment. There is a
constant need for cleaning supplies,
kitchenware, dishes, glasses, etc. There
are two kinds of storage areas for food:
dry storage and refrigerator. The dry
storeroom is for foods that are boxed,
tinned, or in sacks and do not have to be
refrigerated. Perishable goods which
include meat, poultry, fish, fresh
vegetables and fresh fruit are placed in
the refrigerator. The Storekeeper or
Steward has the responsibility of
maintaining the storerooms clean and
making regular inventories of food,
beverages, restaurant and kitchen
supplies and equipment in order to
prevent shortages.

1. Answer the following questions:

What does a hotel need to purchase?

What do you mean for dry goods?
What are perishable goods?
What are the duties of a Steward?

2. Fill in the missing words.

He is a ____________________ and peels potatoes.

The __________________ cleans the guests' rooms.
The guests pay their accounts at _________________________
The ____________________ is responsible for registration.
The Room Clerk ___________________the keys to the guests.
The ___________________ changes foreign currency.
The Head Housekceper _________________chambermaids and cleaners.
Receptionists are _________________ by the Head Receptionist.
The __________________ is the department where guests check in.
Guests like to have drink at the _________________

3. Write sentences regarding the lob of the following people

(Hotel Manager) ______________________________________________________________

Hotel Staff

(Housekeeper) ________________________________________________________________

(Receptionist) _________________________________________________________________

(Accountant) _________________________________________________________________

(Cashier) ____________________________________________________________________

(Porter) ______________________________________________________________________

(Chambermaid) _______________________________________________________________

(Barman) _____________________________________________________________________

(Maître d’hôtel) _______________________________________________________________

(Waiter) _____________________________________________________________________

(Kitchen helpers) ______________________________________________________________

(Dishwashers) ________________________________________________________________

4. Underline the right action each cook is doing and the tool he is using

cook1: peel cut shred cutter knife Peeler

cook2: beat blend whisk blender beater

cook3 cut slice chop chopper cutter Knife

cook4 bake put into the warm baking pan hove baking tin
cook5 cook fry stew frying pan casserole Cooker

cook6 pour fill flow jug bottle cruet

Hotel Staff

5. Write examples describing what the above cooks are doing.

(Example: The sauce chef is pouring some oil into a bowl. He’s preparing a sauce.)

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________________________________

6. Translate into Italian:

1. Breakfast is served in your room from 8 until 10. 2. I hand a shirt in for dry cleaning. 3. My TV
set is out of order. 4. The window of my room cannot shut. S. A water pipe is leaking in the
bathroom. 6. There is no toilet paper in my room. 7. Where is the telephone directory? 8. The
wastepaper basket is still full. Will you empty it, please? 9. Two coat hangers are missing. 10.
Would you mind replacing my sheets? 11. The stationary is stained. 12. Will you come up to change
a bulb? 13. The window pane is broken. It needs replacing. 14. We are going to replace it now. 15.
The tooth grass has broken. Will you be so kind as to replace it?

7. Complete the statements below with these words:

making, dusting, a day, cleaning (x3), check, out, bags, working,

work under, executive, headed.

1. Machines must be maintained in good…………….order.

2. Guests leave their clothes in the laundry…………… .
3. Chambermaids ……………….. the supervision of the …………….. housekeeper
4. The housekeeping dept. Is ……………. By the executive housekeeper
5. The maid is ………………….. the room.
6. A lot of ……………… materials are necessary for ………………. A hotel.
7. Bed linens wear …………….. quickly.
8. Supervisors ……………………. the work being done by the chambermaids.
9. My duties include ……………. beds and ………………. Furniture.
10. A chambermaid cleans up to twenty rooms ………………….. .
Hotel Staff

8.Using the verbs and words below, write examples of what a chambermaid may be doing.


Clean, dust, polish, make, replace, change, Sheets, towels, soap, carpet, washbasin, mirror,
empty, wipe, sweep, report, wash. writing desk, ashtray, toilet paper, wastepaper
basket, bath, floor.

9. On checking some guest rooms, the items wrong and has made this written to overcome each
problem head housekeeper has noticed several report. Give the necessary instructions

Example: room 101: washbasin dirty

Instruction: The washbasin of room 101 needs cleaning, Miss Mary or Will you clean the washbasin
in room 101? or You left the washbasin dirty in room 101. Please clean it.

1. room 101: washbasin dirty

2. room 103: towel torn / desk top stained / soap missing
3. room 104: no toilet paper / blanket dirty
4. room 105: wastepaper basket full / dirtiness on the floor 1 laundry bag forgotten in the room
5. room 107: hairdryer out of order / bulb burt out
6. room 108: bath mirror broken / room key faulty / mini bar empty / furniture dusty
7. room 1 10: TV set out of order / radio faulty / no coat-hangers
8. left corridor 2nd floor: show case dusty / carpet torn
9. lift no. 1: mirror dirty / bulb missing
10. bar lounge: counter stools dusty / floor dirty and wet / armchairs and sofa dusty

10. Translate into English:

1. Devo fare delle telefonate ma manca l'elenco telefonico in camera mia.

2. Mandi qualcuno in camera mia a sostituire la lampadina del bagno.
3. Le lenzuola non sono state cambiate
4. Il tappeto è molto sporco
5. Non c'è carta igienica nel mio bagno.
6. La doccia non funziona e non vi sono attaccapanni nell'armadio.
7. La camera della signora Sheridan è stata pulita.
8. Avete svuotato il cestino della carta?
9. Che cosa manca nella Sua camera?
10. Che cosa non va nella Sua camera?
11. La radio fa rumore quando l'accendo.
12. Alcune pagine dell'elenco telefonico sono strappate. 13. Lo sgabello dei bagno è rotto.
13. La tenda della doccia si è sganciata.
14. Qualcuno ha rubato il mio orologio: l'avevo lasciato sulla scrivania.

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