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Progress Test

6 Units 11 & 12

Mark: / 80 marks

A Read the article about different types of

A different way to learn

Until the middle of the 1800s, education was not available
to everyone, even in many developed countries. The sort
of education children received depended on how wealthy allow instant communication between teacher
their parents were and some very poor families didn’t even and students.
send their children to school. Things are very different
today; in most countries around the world, children have to A satellite network has been set up which covers most
go to school up to a certain age. But this is impossible for of the remote areas in Australia. There are teaching
some children who live in remote areas. studios from which teachers give lessons by satellite
to students on the network. All a student needs is a
In places like the Australian outback, where some people satellite dish and a computer and he or she can be
live hundreds of kilometres away from any town, children part of this exciting way to learn. The teachers use a
are not able to go to a regular school. They learn at home video camera and an electronic whiteboard to present
with ‘School of the Air’. The School of the Air (SOA) was
lessons and the students are able to watch and respond
developed in the mid 1900s and by the beginning of the
in real-time using a web camera which is attached to
21st century, there were sixteen SOAs around Australia.
their computer. As well as this two-way audio and video
Before SOA, the children who lived in remote areas either
communication, students can send emails to teachers
had to go to a boarding school or complete their lessons
and other students. They are also able to interact with
by mail.
the whiteboard and take part in group discussions.
SOA teachers use a special type of radio called a
Who knows, maybe virtual classrooms will be the next
‘transceiver’ to provide lessons to their students. The
development. In the future, a student may be able to ‘see’
transceiver also allows messages to be sent and received.
himself or herself in a classroom with his classmates and
In this way, students can talk to each other as well as the
his teacher writing on the board! One thing is for sure,
teacher during the lesson. Before the Internet, the postal
people will continue to try to make education available for
system was used to send and receive homework and
all children, despite where they live.
assignments. However, technological developments now
B Complete the Exam Task.
Exam Task
Read the text and the questions below. For each question, choose the correct letter a, b, c or d.

1 Before the mid 1800s, 3 What do SOAs use nowadays to function more
a all children had to go to school. efficiently?
b education was free for poor families. a a fast postal service
c not all children could go to school. b more homework and assignments
d all children received the same education. c signal from satellites
2 What did SOAs help make possible in Australia? d a more modern transceiver
a Improve the technology used in regular schools. 4 With the new satellite network, students can
b Provide children with an education despite a have their own interactive whiteboard.
their location. b see their teacher but not other students.
c Increase the number of regular schools in c communicate with their teachers and peers.
remote places. d use the teacher’s presentation offline.
d Educate children who couldn’t afford
boarding school.
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5 Which sentence summarizes this article?
a A child’s education depends on how rich his/ her parents are.
b Technology plays an important role in regular schools.
c Students in remote areas are not offered quality education.
d There are means today for all children to receive an education.
( / 10 marks)

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Vocabulary and Use your English
A Circle the correct words.
1 You can use a stapler / lecturer to attach those two pieces of paper together.
2 Teenagers go to primary / secondary school.
3 It is sometimes difficult to understand a person with a heavy accent / enrolment.
4 If Phillip’s marks don’t improve, he may miss / fail the class.
5 Can you help me to fill out the curriculum / application form, please?
6 If you don’t understand something in class, you can ask a tutor / folder to help you.
7 When I forget my lunch, I buy a sandwich from the school team / canteen.
8 Headteachers sometimes edit / expel students who misbehave. ( / 8 marks)

B Match the first parts of the sentences 1–8 to the second parts a–h.
1 Ms Jones told Billy that he had to make a with your explanation.
2 After living in Hawaii, I got a taste b hang of it.
3 I had a headache and I couldn’t concentrate c rules again.
4 Don’t decide now. Think it d For tropical fruit.
5 It was difficult but I managed to get the e an effort in class.
6 I hope you haven’t broken the f on my homework.
7 Mary is obedient and hard-working so she’s in her g teacher’s good books.
8 I’m not satisfied h over carefully. ( / 8 marks)

C Complete the sentences with the correct phrase.

hand over handed out head off make progress run out of stand out stands in for think up

1 That red coat really makes her .

2 Jessica the tests.
3 If you try harder, you will definitely .
4 Mr Jones told me I had time.
5 How long did it take you to that idea?
6 He always me in the football team when I can’t play a match.
7 that MP3 player. It’s mine.
8 We are going to early tomorrow morning. ( / 8 marks)

D Circle the odd one out.

1 beard eyebrow muscle
2 confident personality shy
3 chest sneeze cough
4 thumb calf thigh
5 blood sweat tongue
6 yawn blink sigh ( / 6 marks)

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up B1 Second Edition

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A Complete the sentences using the causative.
1 Susan’s brother washed her car.
Susan by her brother.
2 Is the hairdresser going to cut your hair soon?
by the hairdresser soon?
3 The optometrist hasn’t tested David’s eyes this year.
David by the optometrist this year.
4 My mum cooks dinner for me every evening.
I by my mum every evening.
5 Is the dentist cleaning Cathy’s teeth at the moment?
Is by the dentist at the moment?
6 Will the painter have painted your kitchen by Friday?
by Friday? ( / 6 marks)

B Match the first parts of the sentences 1–10 to the second parts a–j.
1 Now that he’s 18, he’s allowed a staying out late.
2 I don’t want to stay any longer. I’m ready b to like it.
3 Dick loves the water. He is really good at c to go home.
4 If you want Jim to go to the cinema with you, you should d ask him.
5 He’s eating a chocolate and he seems e to swim.
6 Clara is going to the beach today. She is hoping f to stay out late.
7 He won’t go with you. It’s no use g going home.
8 She has been on a six-week journey. She fancies h asking him.
9 I know chocolate is bad for our teeth but I can’t help i liking it.
10 I like going to parties. I enjoy j swimming. ( / 10 marks)

C Put the words in order to make sentences.

1 big / a / oval / beautiful / that / table / is

2 tiring / PE lesson / we / tired / after / were / our

3 a / gift / Mrs Ball / nice / received / such

4 bought / new / nice / bookcase / I / a / white

5 I / heard / so / bad / I / upset / news / was / when / the

6 is / essays / Wendy / good / at / very / writing

( / 6 marks)
D Circle the correct words.
1 Is New York the larger / largest city in the USA?
2 The weather this week is the better / better than it was last week.
3 I feel worst / worse today than I did yesterday.
4 An interactive whiteboard is more expensive as / than a traditional blackboard.
5 Bicycles are not more dangerous / as dangerous as motorcycles.
6 My brother is as tall as / taller I am.
7 My uncle drives more careful / more carefully than my father.
( / 8 marks)
8 Room 15 is less spacious / the least spacious classroom in the school.

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Complete the Exam Task.
Exam Task
Write a report giving your opinion about the most important things you can do to keep your
body healthy.
(100 words) ( / 10 marks)

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up B1 Second Edition

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