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Name : Jumia Hasanah

NIM : F1022141066
Class B / Reguler B
Literary Work
(An article about the story “The Origin of Lake Lipan” the legend story from East Kalimantan)


This story is from Muara Kaman. Muara Kaman is a district in East Kalimantan, located
side streams of Mahakam river or located around 120km from Tenggarong capital city of Kutai
Kertanegara. In this area, there is an area called the Lake Lipan. Although named Lake Lipan,
that is not the lake in generally shaped like a large basin that to retains water from river,
underground springs, and rainwater. Lake Lipan is the wide field overgrown by shrubs and
herbaceous plants such as flowers peacock and nusa indah.

Long time ago, Muara Kaman was surrounding by water. At that time, in one area on the
seafront, stood a prosperous kingdom and its port is visited by traders from the various countries.
Kingdom was located in Brubus, Muara Kaman village, or continent known as legacy. The
kingdom was ruled by a beautiful princess named Princess Aji Bedarah Putih. Because the
princess’s beauty, the nobilities of the various countries come to the kingdom to propose the
princess. But none the proposal is accepted. At one time a Chinese’s king who was accompanied
by his troops also came to the kingdom to propose the princess and made a phenomenon.

This story from era Kutai Kertanegara kingdom, the people believe this story was really
happen in real life because people found the treasure of China in that lake such as necklace,
porcelains and etc. Name of the princess is not the real name that princess, she has a real name
and she is the princess of that Kingdom. The real name of the princess is Princess Mayang
Mulawarni, the 18th princess of Kutai Kingdom in 1117-1166. The story as follows:
The Origin of Lake Lipan

Once upon a time, in Muara Kaman, East Kalimantan, existed a kingdom led by a
beautiful princess named Princess Aji Bedarah Putih. She was known as a smart and wise leader.
One day, the king of China was interested and want propose the princess. The China’s king
visited from China with his troops by some big jung jungs (boats) were welcomed by the
princess nicely. The princess would like to know how good the king’s attitude and manner at the
banquet were. In the middle of the event, the princess started to note the way the king ate. Seeing
it took her by surprise. The king did not use his hands to eat, but swooped down directly with his
mouth like an animal did. She was disgusted at seeing that and rejected the king’s proposal. The
princess made the king angry. He decided to go back to his jung-jung and mobilized his troops to
invade the kingdom of Princess Aji Bedarah Putih. She tried to find a way to defeat the king and
his troops. In her hopelessness, she prayed and asked God to protect her kingdom from the king
and his troops’ wickedness. After praying, the princess chewed betel then the princess squirted
the betel cud from her mouth toward the battle. Amazingly, the betel changed into giant
centipedes and attacked them. The King eventually ordered the troops to retreat to jung jung to
survive. After the battle, Princess Aji Bedarah Putih disappeared mysteriously. The sea where the
jung jung was then got shallow and changed into a land with a wide plain. The plain now is
known as Danau Lipan or Lake Lipan.



Story Analysis

A. Plot
 Exposition
Princess Aji Bedarah Putih is described as a beautiful princess, wise, smart leader
and single.
 Rising Action
The prince of China came to Aji Bedarah Putih to propose her, but the princess
declined the proposal because the table manner of the China’s prince.

 Climax
The prince of China got angry because the princess refused and insulted him, then
the prince asked his troops to invade the kingdom of Princess Aji Bedarah Putih.

 Falling Action
The princess’ troops couldn’t keep their strength equal to that of the China’s
troops, the princess prayed to God and chewed the betel cud and amazingly the
betel changed into giant centipedes and attacked China’s troops.

 Denouement
The sea where the jung jung (boats) was then got shallow and changed into a land
with a wide plain. The plain now is known as Danau Lipan or Lake Lipan.

B. Setting
Setting, includes the time and geographic location in which a story takes place, and helps
initiate the main backdrop and mood for a story. Setting has been referred to as story
world [1] or milieu to include a context (especially society) beyond the immediate
surroundings of the story. Elements of setting may include culture, historical
period, geography, and hour. The setting can I get from this story as follows:

1. Place
 Muara Kaman, East Kalimantan.
 In a palace.
 In the sea, in the big boat.
2. Time – Once upon a time
3. Weather Condition – fine at first, in the battle the weather be miserable.
4. Social Condition – In princess’s kingdom is good, live in peace and harmony.
5. Mood or atmosphere –The princess didn’t like the table manner of the China’s
prince and it make China’s prince got angry.

C. Point of View
Point of view is the perspective from which a story is told. The point of view used in
the story is the Omniscient. Omniscient can also called third person. Third person POV is
used when your narrator is not a character in the story. Third person uses the "he/she/it"
narrator and it is the most commonly used POV in writing.

D. Theme
A theme is the controlling idea or the driving concept in a story. An author uses a
theme as he develops the plot, the setting, the characters, and the dialogue. Everything
that characters do and say is usually determined by a theme. Conflicts and events are also
controlled by the theme. The theme of this story is the story of kingdom era that makes a
history in origin of place (Lake Lipan).

E. Message
The message and moral are often used to mean what a reader or audience member
learns from a story. The moral can usually be expressed in a sentence or proverb that
teaches a lesson. There are many ways to interpret a story, and sometimes, different
readers may come away with different lessons. The message can I get from this story as

 The leader must wise, kind, smart, and always ready to protect the people. Like
Princess Aji Bedarah Putih that has all of the characteristics makes her people live
in harmony and peace. Also, she ready to protect her people from the other and
take the consequence to save the people.

 We must give the best service to the new people or guest. Like China’s prince with
his troops were welcomed by the princess nicely. Then a banquet with assorted
delicious dishes was presented.
 We must have good attitude and polite to other. In this story the China’s prince
didn’t have good manner when eating and he has bad table manner. Because of
that, he gave the bad impression to the princess and makes princess refused his

 We must control our emotion and be calm when face a problem. In this story, the
prince of China felt the princess insulted him because said he has a bad table
manner and refused the proposal. The prince spontaneous angry and asked his
troops to attacks the kingdom of the princess without consider it before. Because
of that, he lost and sunk with his troops and boats in the sea.

This story is a legend story from Muara Kaman, East Kalimantan. This story has
background in kingdom era and in that era lived a princess name Aji Bedarah Putih. She is the
beautiful, wise and smart leader. One day, she rejected the proposal of a prince came from China
and made a war between them. In that war the China lost and the princess disappeared.
From this story we can take many moral values such as we must be calm, polite, kinder,
and wise in any situation and everywhere. In conclusion, this story is a good story, we can learn
the history of the old kingdom and get more knowledge of something that never heard before.
The people of Muara Kaman remember this story by make the name Lake Lipan be named of
street and football club.


Arsitha, A. Indonesian Folktales The Origin of Lake Lipan [web page]. Retrieved from Last accessed January 16
2017 5.00 PM
Cerita Rakyat Nusantara Asal Mula Danau Lipan. (2009,January 20) Retrieved from Last accessed January 14 2017 7PM

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