I LOV Uwqqw

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• Published 21st Sep 2013

• 8,117 Views, 45 Comments

I Love You? - Kamikakushi

I Love You?
It was a warm early autumn day in Ponyville. The sun was shining high in the sky, basking the
town in a perfectly midday light. There was a soft breeze on the horizon, filling the streets
with the welcoming scent of a changing season. Most ponies were out and about on such a
day, enjoying the last hurrah of summer before the fall chill was brought by the pegasus
ponies, but not Twilight. She sat at her desk in her bedroom, glossing over some old books as
she often did.
Finally she levitated one into the air, and took it into the kitchen. The cover of the old brown
tome read “Love Remedies: 1001 Ways to Spice Up Your Sex Life” Twilight’s face boasted a
ecstatic smile as she triumphantly set the book down on her kitchen counter. Next she rushed
out of the kitchen to the living room to grab her saddle bag. After returning, she flipped the
book to a page labeled “Love Potion”. Twilight had a pleased smile on her face as she emptied
the contents of her saddle bag onto her counter. She looked over the items—with each item
she inspected, she looked back to her recipe.
“Three strands of lemon grass, check. One crushed speckled toadstool, fresh from the
Everfree Forest, check. One red lotus petal, check. Liquid rainbow—” Twilight held up a small
vial of a swirling multicolored liquid. “Check. A dash of manticore spice, check. Extract of great
oak tree bark, check. And finally, a lock of the mane of the pony you wish the target to fall in
love with.” Twilight held up a small lock of blue fur with her magic, her eyes beaming with joy
as she looked at it. Twilight couldn’t help but giggle to herself as she grabbed a small bowl to
mix her ingredients into.
“This will be a perfect day to experiment,” Twilight said, pouring the liquid rainbow into the
bowl. “Next, mix in all ingredients except for the lock of mane.” Twilight read as she mixed
together a bubbly, oddly diabolical looking potion. “After the ingredients are thoroughly
mixed together, charge the potion with magic. After exposing the potion to magical energy
for a few seconds, strain the larger ingredients from the concoction.” There was a bright flash
as Twilight’s horn exploded with magical power. As the magic infused into the liquid, it began
to glow a faint pink. “Finally, add the lock of mane. The fur should dissolve into the mixture,
so no need to worry about a hairy sip.” Twilight laughed a bit at the author’s humor as she
levitated the blue fur just above the mixture.
“Let’s see what it feels like to love somepony,” Twilight said, dropping the fur into the potion.
As the hair hit the bubbling potion, it released a puff of smoke that formed the shape of a
heart. “Is that really all the mushrooms were used for? For showmanship?” Twilight asked as
she looked down at the still swirling liquid. After inspecting it for a moment, she grabbed a
glass from the cupboard and poured enough for the potion to take effect. She gave the slightly
glowing, pink liquid a tentative whiff, finding it tolerable. It smelled much like the lemon grass,
which she had figured was for flavor. Without much ado, she tipped the glass back into her
mouth. Her assumption about the flavor couldn’t have been further from the truth. Once it
hit her tongue, she fought the urge to spit it right back out. The mixture tasted like expired
milk, and bad apples with a hint of lemon.
“How could you trick somepony into drinking that?” Twilight asked rhetorically as she fought
the urge to throw up the vile substance she just ingested. Twilight looked back at the book,
reading in large text towards the bottom of the page. “Do not let the pony drinking the potion
drink anything for the next five minutes.” Twilight whimpered to herself, suddenly very
frustrated that she couldn’t wash down this horrible taste.
“Oh, pony feathers, why does this have to taste so bad?” Twilight grabbed a hold of the book,
reading further to take her mind off the terrible taste still lingering on her tongue.
“Effects take anywhere from five to fifteen minutes to manifest. Side effects may include:
increased libido, and heightened sensitivity. In rare cases lust may consume a pony's
conscious thoughts. If the potion lasts for more than four hours, consult a doctor.” Twilight
read as she walked into the main portion of the library.
“Well, once this potion kicks in, I should be ready for a little “self study” into the effects of
love on a pony's orgasm.” Twilight giggled to herself as she walked up the stairs to her
bedroom. She had been planning this little experiment of hers for a few weeks. It wasn’t that
the ingredients for the potion were hard to come by, nor was it too difficult to research a love
potion. Her time was mostly spent finding the right target for her affection.

Any second now Twilight’s thoughts would be filled with longings for the stallion she
meticulously picked for this—Soarin. She picked him because she had always thought he was
rather handsome, and he was the athletic type that Twilight had found attractive recently,
but mostly because there was less than a 1% chance of him being in Ponyville this week. She
also didn’t know him well enough to feel bad about using him as the subject for her study.
Besides, Twilight was intrigued by the idea of a pegasus mate.
“Twilight?” A voice called out from the empty library down stairs. It was a voice Twilight
instantly recognized as her friend’s—Rainbow Dash. She froze for a second, knowing the
effects of the potion she just took would be kicking in any second. Any moment now she
wouldn’t be able to think about anypony else but Soarin. She had but one option, to convince
Rainbow Dash she was busy, and get the pegasus to leave.
“W-What is it, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight called out as she backtracked down the stairs. She
was met with her rainbow-maned friend browsing the bookshelves while she waited for
Twilight. Her back was turned to Twilight, leaving her rear end facing the librarian, which she
found rather entrancing at that moment. Her multi-colored tail swished back and forth,
almost hypnotically.
“Hey, Twi, you got any new adventure books? I’ve been getting away from Daring Doo since
the author’s on hiatus or whatever.” She turned her head back towards Twilight, revealing a
pair of glasses sitting atop her muzzle. “That Treasure Island book you suggested was pretty
good, you got anymore like that?”
“W-Why are you wearing glasses?” Twilight asked a little shocked to see her jockish friend
wearing something so associated with nerdiness.
“Oh, yeah...These’re prescription. Apparently I needed reading glasses...It’s only when I read
though.” She quickly took off the eyewear, hiding it from her friend. “They look pretty dumb,
don’t they...”
“I think they look pretty good on you.” Twilight gave her a sincere smile.
“T-Thanks. I still don’t want anypony knowing about them yet, so don’t go blabbing, alright?”

“Of course. Anyway, you wanted another adventure book? I think you might like the Mare
who would be Queen, or maybe The Lost World,” Twilight suggested levitating the two books
off their respective shelves.
“Yeah, sure. I’ll give’em a read. Where’s Spike at?” she asked looking around for the dragon.
“He’s helping Rarity dig up gems today, so he isn’t home,” Twilight replied.

”I see. So what’re you up to today?” she asked, giving another glance around the library.
“N-Nothing too important, just...some research.” Twilight couldn’t help but notice how nice
Rainbow Dash’s face was. She had such strong, but undeniably feminine lines. It was really a
wonder how a pony like her was single.

“Research, huh? Mind if I stick around to do some reading? There’s too many ponies out and
about today, it’s hard to read outside.” Rainbow Dash took the books from Twilight’s magic,
tucking them under her wing. She turned to the side, still kind of browsing the shelves around
her for anything that caught her eye.

“T-That wouldn’t be such a good idea, Rainbow Dash. I’ve got a lot of work to do...” Twilight
couldn’t stop herself from staring at Rainbow Dash’s supple haunch as she casually walked
through the library. The sight of her perfectly sculpted muscles shifting, causing her cutie
mark to sway slightly, was so deliciously tempting. Twilight was almost lost in her friend’s lithe
form, completely absorbed in its sporty beauty.
Her sudden fascination with Rainbow Dash finally caught Twilight’s attention. She shook her
head a bit, forcing herself to snap out of her trance, but found herself unable keep her eyes
off Rainbow Dash. That’s when it hit her as to what was happening, but she didn’t know how
exactly. “Oh my sweet Celestia...That potion has made me attracted to Rainbow Dash...” she
“You know Twi, something kind of smells in here—kind of like lemon. Were you cooking
something?” Rainbow asked, causing Twilight to panic a bit.
“U-Umm, yes. I was making a little...snack earlier.” When Rainbow’s eyes met hers she was
instantly lost inside them. Twilight’s heart started pounding harder than it ever had before.
Her friend’s dark rose colored eyes entranced her, drawing her in so much that she found
herself walking towards Rainbow.
“I’m kind of hungry, you got any left?” she asked, walking past the librarian, towards the
“Yeah...” Twilight responded, not really hearing what Rainbow Dash had asked. She only
followed her new crush like a lost puppy, yearning to see into those eyes once more.
“I thought you said you had some left, all I see in here is some...whatever this stuff is...” she
asked pointing at the still bubbling potion resting on the kitchen counter.
“Yeah...” Twilight said again with a little bit of longing in her voice. Her face looked absolutely
smitten, with a dopy smile, and half opened eyes. Rainbow shrugged her shoulders at
Twilight’s weird answer, and grabbed a glass. When she started pouring some of the bubbling
liquid, an alarm went off in Twilight’s head. She shook herself free of her stupor. “W-Wait,
don’t drink that!” Twilight yelled, snatching the glass away from her friend with her magic.
“Why not?” the confused pegasus asked.

Twilight’s face lit up bright red as she was faced with a problem. This was a rather
embarrassing situation, and her mind was too fuddled with her new obsession of the mare in
front of her to think straight. All she could think to do was pounce on Rainbow Dash, and take
her then and there. Instead she forced herself to look away from her pegasus friend, taking a
series of deep breaths to calm herself down. “I-It’s a...love potion...” Twilight muttered.
“Love potion?” Rainbow asked, even more confused than a second go.
“Y-Yeah, I umm...This is kind of embarrassing, but I made that for myself...” Twilight added,
still refusing to look at Rainbow Dash. She found it easier to think straight when she wasn’t
looking at her.
“Why’s that? Is there somepony you...wanted to fall in love with?”
“No—well, yes—well, it’s complicated....It’s not so much somepony as it is anypony...”
Twilight’s face grew redder than a tomato.

“What?” her friend asked, taking a step towards Twilight, who started backing away.
“J-Just stay right there, and I’ll explain everything!” Twilight held out her hoof to block
Rainbow’s advances. Her friend looked at her with a bit of concern, but listened to her
“I-I, umm...I’ve never been in love before...” Twilight said in a low voice.

“Never been in love before? Like ever?”

“Never...I’ve had platonic love before, like with my family, and friends...but never...romantic
love. So I made this potion so I could experience that feeling...”
“So, you...made a love potion so you could know what it’s like to be in love?” Rainbow asked
with a bit of hesitation. Twilight nodded to her, still refusing to look her in the eye. “I guess
that explains why you’re acting so weird...”

“That’s not the whole story though...” Twilight looked up, but fought hard not to look at
Rainbow Dash. She walked past the still confused pegasus, over to her saddle bag that was
still on the counter. She reached inside, and pulled out a tuft of blue fur. She walked over to
Rainbow Dash’s tail and held the fur up to compare. Twilight let out a groan in self
“How could I have confused this blue for the blue in Soarin’s mane?” Twilight asked herself in
a low voice so Rainbow Dash couldn’t hear. Unfortunately, judging by the hisses of barely
contained laughter coming from Rainbow, she had heard.

“S-Soarin? You wanted to fall in love with Soarin?” Rainbow tried to stifle a laugh, but it wasn’t
working to well.
“Yeah, what’s wrong with Soarin?” Twilight asked defensively. “He’s athletic, he’s handsome,
he’s...famous—” Twilight tried to list his positive attributes, but she hardly knew him.
“He’s gay.” Rainbow Dash added.

“He’s gay—” Twilight nodded in agreement, adding what Rainbow Dash said to her list.
Suddenly her eyes popped open when she realized what she had just said. “Wait, he’s gay?”
“Yup, he’s batting for the other team—so to speak. A bonafide coltcuddler.” She said laughing
a bit at Twilight’s expense.

“W-Well that doesn’t matter. It’s not like I like him, I wasn’t actually going to ask him out!”
Twilight protested. “The potion only lasts for about two hours, and is only permanent if you
kiss the pony your in love with on the lips in that time!”
“So what then, were you just going to take it, and go clop in your room?” she asked, still trying
to hold in her laughter. When Twilight’s face lit up even more red than before, her laughter
stopped. “You really were?” she asked in disbelief.
“T-That’s none of your business!” Twilight struggled to turn her back on the teasing pegasus,
still fighting not to be completely absorbed in her supple figure.

“S-So, since it isn’t Soarin, who did the potion make you fall in love with?” Rainbow asked, her
face turning a bit red as she did.
Twilight was a bit astounded at Rainbow Dash’s apparent lack of deduction skills. Twilight
wondered if she was just playing dumb, or did she really not piece this thing together yet.
Twilight had just compared the fur to hers, Rainbow even commented that she was acting a
bit weird—obviously around her, so Twilight thought the answer would be obvious at this
Just as she was about to tell her the truth, her saliva got caught in her throat, making it hard
for her to swallow. Her whole body felt hot, her hooves felt sweaty, and her mouth felt dry.
She suddenly felt really nervous about this whole situation. “Oh my goodness, I feel like I’m
confessing some hidden feelings for Rainbow Dash,” she thought to herself. “Well, I kind of
am. I’m telling her the potion made me fall in love with her, so I am kind of confessing my
feelings, aren’t I?” Twilight looked Rainbow Dash in the eyes once again, and immediately her
heart began to race.
She struggled to swallow the lump in her throat so she could muster up some courage. “I-It’s
you...This is from your mane, right?” She held out the tuft of fur. Twilight silently cursed
herself for not being more observant, the hair wasn’t even close to the shade of Soarin’s
mane. It was a perfect match for the blue in Rainbow Dash’s, meaning Twilight’s earlier fears
were correct. She was utterly infatuated with her friend—at least for the next two hours.
“Wait, so you’re...in love with me right now?” She was a bit taken back by the revelation.

“Y-Yes. Well...the potion builds up gradually over the course of about fifteen minutes after it
takes affect. Right now I’m in the innocent crush stage, I think...Though if there‘s a kiss, the
full affects take place immediately...” Twilight said nervously.
A playful, but cocky half grin spread across Rainbow Dash’s face. “So, I could kiss you on the
lips right now, and you’d actually be in love with me? For—like—the rest of your life?” She
turned so she was face to face with Twilight, almost nose to nose in fact. Her eyes were half
closed, looking like a cat cornering a mouse. A distinct air of control resided deep inside her
gaze, and that sent chills up Twilight’s spine—chills of excitement.
It took every ounce of willpower Twilight had to not just lean forward and kiss those tempting
lips in front of her. The potion’s effects were getting stronger, and her pegasus friend was
looking more and more irresistible by the second. She had never noticed how cute her messy
mane was, or how beautiful she was, everything about the athlete just seemed so wonderful
in that moment.

Twilight snapped out of her amorous trance with a shake of her head. Slowly, she backed
away from her friend’s less than subtle teasing, trying to get some distance between them.
The closer she was to Rainbow the less control she felt she had over herself. “D-Don’t even
joke around about that...” Twilight muttered, trying to hide her embarrassment.

“Who said I’m joking?” Rainbow took another step towards Twilight. The closing gap between
the two sent her heart into overdrive.
“R-Rainbow Dash, this isn’t funny!” Twilight felt the kitchen counter behind her, cutting off
her escape. She looked back at the counter more than a little frightful, wondering what to do.
When she looked back up Rainbow Dash was nose to nose with her again.

“I’m not trying to be funny, Twi.” she said with a soft, flirtatious voice. Twilight had never
heard her friend sound so inviting; she felt like she had to lean back just to keep herself from
tumbling forward, and kissing her.
Twilight closed her eyes, anticipating what was to come. She was utterly terrified that she was
going to spend the rest of her life head-over-heels in love with one of her best friends, simply
because Rainbow Dash took a joke too far. Her body almost tingled as she thought about it.
There was a strange excitement to that idea, and for a brief moment Twilight actually
embraced the thought of loving Rainbow Dash. She quickly pulled herself together, forcing
that potion-induced thinking out of her mind.

Twilight’s whole body tensed, and felt like a spring ready to pop as Rainbow Dash drew near.
Just when she thought this tension couldn’t get any worse, it came. Rainbow Dash’s lips
touched Twilight’s skin. Suddenly her whole body relaxed when she felt Rainbow’s kiss on her
forehead. “Very funny...” Twilight muttered, opening her eyes with a very unenthused look.

“I wouldn’t resort to some silly potion to make you love me. I’d rather win you over with how
awesome I am.” Rainbow Dash turned her back, still boasting that confident smile on her face.
“W-Wait, are you being serious?”
“You shared a little secret with me, so I’ll share one with you. I like you, Twi.” Rainbow Dash
had a little red tint to her cheeks, betraying her confident attitude.
“T-That would mean that you...like mares though...” The librarian was completely shocked by
this revelation.
“Yeah...I thought you knew I was into mares.” She looked at the confused unicorn like she had
just missed the most obvious thing in the entirety of Equestria.

“I-I had no idea you were a...fillyfooler.”

“How did you not know. Rarity, Fluttershy, or Pinkie Pie, neither of them told you?” Twilight
only shook her head, still dumbfounded.
“You never noticed how I’ve never been with a stallion? Or the fact that I’ve hit on, and been
hit on by mares in front of you? Or my obvious crush on Spitfire from The Wonderbolts?”
“N-Never...” Twilight muttered feeling stupid for a moment. Rainbow Dash shrugged her
shoulders. Just as Rainbow Dash was about to leave the kitchen, Twilight’s body suddenly felt
incredibly hot. She was staring, almost uncontrollably, at the pegasus’s rear the entire time
she walked away. The sight of her perfectly sculpted haunches dancing, and swaying
beautifully as she walked away made Twilight’s jaw drop. It had to be purposeful, she had to
be tempting Twilight to take her then and there.
“O-Oh no...” Twilight muttered as her body burned with lust. The heat inside her
concentrated, setting her marehood on fire with unrestrained desire. Her body’s senses
kicked into overdrive, and she could feel the slightest breeze against her fur; every inch of her
skin screamed in agony wanting to be touched. Between her legs, her sex moistened, and her
womb ached for attention. Twilight’s couldn’t think straight anymore as her mind slipped into
a cyan-colored mental fog of lust for a certain pegasus.

“What’s wrong?” Rainbow Dash asked with more than a mild concern.
“S-Side effect of the potion...” she muttered, barely able to keep herself standing.
“What?” Rainbow asked, walking back towards Twilight.
“Increased...libido, and heightened sensitivity...” Twilight gasped for air, trying to calm herself
down, but it wasn‘t working. Sex flooded her mind, permeating every thought she had. All she
wanted was to be rutted, but it wasn’t a stallion she wanted to do the rutting, it was Rainbow
Dash. Her body literally ached for the pegasus, filling her with sexual fantasies of her and her
friend bucking each other‘s brains out.
Twilight looked at Rainbow with glazed eyes, her mouth hanging slightly agape. She was
fighting every single urge she had to just pounce the pegasus and kiss her as deep as she
could. Instead she barely managed to stumble towards the living room. When she almost
tumbled into her friend’s side, she could of sworn she felt electricity jumping between the
two of them her skin tingled so much. Twilight just managed to get out of the kitchen before
she collapsed onto the living room floor. She couldn’t stop her hooves from running all over
her body. The usually well-composed librarian was too absorbed in her sexual fantasies to
even care at this point, she just needed somepony to touch her.
“T-Twilight, are you okay?” Rainbow Dash rushed to her fallen friend’s side. When she kneeled
down, she was immediately snatched by Twilight, and pulled into the unicorn’s chest.
Without any warning, Twilight desperately nuzzled the side of the pegasus’s neck as much as
she could. Inside her was a need to take in everything about the pegasus; she wanted to fill
her mind with Rainbow Dash until there was nothing else inside it. She had never felt such an
intense lust before in her entire life, even during estrous. Her body was on fire, and simply
touching Rainbow Dash drove her insane.

Twilight pulled her face away from the other mare‘s neck. “I-I need you, Rainbow Dash!”
Twilight cried out, squeezing the pegasus tightly to her.
“W-What?” Rainbow asked, more confused than ever. A second ago Twilight was mostly fine,
and now she was begging her to—do what exactly?

“I-I need you right now. I-I can’t even...think...just buck me!” Twilight buried her face deep in
the pegasus’s chest again, still madly rubbing herself into Rainbow.
“You want me to what?” Rainbow Dash pushed Twilight back, trying to break free from the
lust-driven unicorn’s grasp, but it wasn’t working. When she pushed away, Twilight was
forcing her closer with her magic, overpowering her.
“P-Please, my body...it’s so hot...” Twilight begged, still rubbing herself into the pegasus’s
“A-Are you actually saying you want me to have sex with you? Right now?” She continued
struggling against Twilight’s iron like grip around her.

“Yes! I need you so bad! I love you Rainbow Dash!” Twilight cried out, the potion being the
one doing the talking for her at this point.
“I don’t mind, but this is a little sudden...”
“Yeah, but I need you so bad right now...” Twilight loosened her grip just a bit, giving Rainbow
a bit of space to breathe. She looked up, giving her the most pitiful pleading eyes she had ever
given anypony before.

“Do I even have a choice?” Rainbow asked rhetorically, knowing Twilight wouldn’t let her out
of here. When she looked down into the almost puppy dog like eyes of Twilight, begging her.
Those eyes felt like an arrow through her heart, killing any reservations she had. “Alright, I’ll
do it,” she said giving her friend a small smile.

“J-Just don’t kiss me...” Twilight added in a meek voice; her cheeks bright red with
Rainbow Dash stopped dead in her track when she saw that timid nature in Twilight‘s eyes.
All the begging and pleading just stroked her dominate spirit, making her want to pounce the
unicorn and take her. A small smile crept across her face as Twilight cried out in need. “I’ll kiss
you...“ she said teasingly, to which Twilight’s eyes grew large for a moment. “Just not on the
lips,” she added, putting the fearful pony’s worried to rest. Rainbow slid down to Twilight’s
neck, kissing every inch of her exposed fur.
Each little peck from Rainbow Dash felt like an electric shock on her skin, making Twilight gasp
in pleasure. Her head tilted to the side, letting Rainbow Dash have more access to her neck.
Twilight’s body squirmed under her lover, barely able to contain itself from the onslaught. All
she could do to cope was bury her face in Rainbow’s neck. Immediately she started kissing
her back. Her nose was instantly filled with her lover’s scent once more. She focused on it,
taking in her wonderfully sweaty smell.
“I’ve never seen you like this, Twilight,” Rainbow commented to the intoxicated pony. “I didn’t
know you were such a sexually repressed slut,” she added, pulling away from her lover for a
brief moment.

“D-Don’t tease me...” she replied. Her horn lit up, and pulled the pegasus back into her.
Twilight wrapped her hooves around Rainbow Dash, Squeezing her tightly. Her head lolled
back, and her tongue slipped out of her mouth as she simply basked in the wonderful tingle
running through her body. The more of her Rainbow Dash was touching, the more Twilight
felt that delicious tingle.
“I’ll tease you if I want to,” the pegasus said defiantly as she slipped another kiss to Twilight’s
neck. When she kissed Twilight’s lavender fur, the unicorn’s grip loosened. Slowly Rainbow
Dash slid down Twilight‘s body, leaving a trail of kisses in her wake.
She kissed Twilight’s chest, pausing for a moment to take in her partner’s beauty. Her eyes
looked up to the panting librarian—her hoof resting over her eyes as she simply enjoyed
Rainbow’s show of affection. With a pleased smile, she looked down at Twilight’s breasts
sitting just above her marehood. Her eyes shot back to Twilight immediately as she slowly she
lowered her lips down to the librarian’s soft, inviting mounds. Once her tongue touched her
lover’s nipples, she cried out her name.
A wicked smile spread across her face when she heard it. The ecstasy in her voice, and the
squirming of her body was too much for Rainbow Dash. She smiled as she gently placed her
lips onto her lover’s sensitive nub. Her tongue lovingly stroked it in her mouth as she suckled
at Twilight’s teat. The librarian’s voice quivered from the playful teasing. Carefully, she bit
down on Twilight’s nipple, rolling her teeth across it. As soon as her she bit down, her unicorn
lover hissed with a mixture of pleasure and pain.
“You like that?” she asked. Rainbow Dash’s hoof found its way to Twilight’s other breast, and
began rubbing it, lovingly. Twilight moaned out, which Rainbow Dash took as a “yes”. She
laughed a bit as she bit down harder. This time Twilight cried out in pain.
“T-That hurt...” she said, sounding more like Fluttershy than herself.
“You liked it though,” Rainbow replied as she moved from Twilight’s breasts to her waiting
marehood. Twilight whimpered slightly, but didn’t disagree. As Rainbow Dash slid further
down Twilight’s body, the mare’s hind legs spread open.
The air was saturated with Twilight’s arousal, filling Rainbow’s lungs with the sweet scent of
passion. Finally, her eyes fell upon Twilight’s delectable slit, sitting fully exposed and swollen
with lust; completely ready for her to dive in. She watched as Twilight’s lips quivered in front
of her, in anticipation for her to make her move. Slowly she inched closer, letting her breath
hit her lover’s sensitive flesh, knowing full-well that would drive Twilight crazy.
“Do it...” she begged in a small voice, shaking her hips to try to inch closer to Rainbow Dash’s

It didn’t take much coaxing on Twilight’s part for Rainbow Dash to oblige. She placed her lips
on the unicorn’s, delving her tongue deep into the juicy folds. Her lover’s warm walls trembled
in lust around her invading tongue, welcoming it.
Twilight’s back arched from the sudden intruder into her begging marehood. She cried out in
pleasure. “O-Oh, Celestia!”
“I figured you’d like that,” Rainbow said pulling away from Twilight. Before her lover could
beg her for more, she dove back into Twilight’s slit. Meticulously, she licked Twilight’s
sensitive flesh, lapping up her plentiful juices as they flowed onto her tongue .

Twilight cried out as Rainbow skillfully explored her. Her already fuzzy mind now was lost
inside a haze of ecstasy. Nothing could compare to the exhilaration, or pleasure she felt; it
was unlike anything she had experienced before. Her hoof, her magic, her toys, none of them
could bring her as much pleasure as Rainbow Dash was right now. The expert teasing to her
neglected marehood was too much. Before long she could feel her body welling up with a
familiar sensation.
“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight’s body thrashed as her orgasm took her. The librarian’s back
arched, and a gush of juices came from deep within her. Her whole body tingled in that instant
of release, and the mental fog inside her mind slowly receded.
Rainbow chuckled to herself a bit, seeing her lover cum so quickly. “That didn’t take long,”
she said, standing back up.
“More...” Twilight muttered, just barely audible.

“I-I want to do it some more...” she begged, trying to climb to her hooves. Though her mind
was more clear, she still felt that burning, aching need inside her, crying out for more. She
looked at Rainbow Dash, silently pleading with her friend to help her relieve the desire inside.

“You’re kidding me right?” Rainbow Dash asked a bit in disbelief.

“P-Please Rainbow Dash, I-I’ve never felt anything like that before. I-It was so...wonderful.
Would you please continue?” she asked. Though her voice still sounded breathy, and full of
lust, she was sounding much more like her old self, rather than a sex-starved slut she was a
moment ago.
“Well, I haven’t gotten off yet...I guess we could keep going.” She said with a small, teasing
Twilight’s heart thumped hard when she saw that playfulness in her friend’s eyes. Giving a
coy smile, she brushed up against Rainbow‘s side as she walked past her. Once again her body
tingled in delight at the subtle touch to her skin. She paused just before the stairs to her
bedroom, and without so much as a word, she motioned for the pegasus to follow.
Inside the unicorn’s room, Rainbow was a little surprised by Twilight. She walked over to her
bed, and carefully lowered herself onto the pillowy sheets. She glanced back with flirtatious
eyes as she lie on her side, and with a simple bat of the eyes, she beckoned her love to come
That alluring sight of Twilight laying herself out for Rainbow Dash was too much for the
pegasus to resist. Giving that same teasing smile she did down stairs, she slid across the room
slowly. Each step she took, she paused for a brief moment, giving Twilight ample time to look
over her body as she walked—a privilege the librarian took full advantage of. By the time she
placed her hoof on the bed, Twilight was already panting with desire once more.
“I want you so bad...” Twilight murmured to her lover.

Rainbow Dash only gave her a soft nod, with an all-knowing look in her eyes. “I know you do.”
She closed her eyes, and leaned in to kiss Twilight on the lips, but stopped herself before
getting too close.
“D-Don’t...” Twilight whimpered like she was in pain. “You have no idea how hard it is to not
just pounce you and kiss you with all my might.”

“I said I wouldn’t, so I won’t.” Rainbow Dash slid down to Twilight’s neck, kissing her there
“Hold on,” Twilight said, interrupting her lover for a moment. Her horn lit up as she brought
a box over to the bed with them. Twilight opened it, and inside was a plethora of sex toys, but
one in particular levitated out from the box. “I want you to put this on me...” Twilight asked,
showing Rainbow a small metallic ring.
“What is that?” she asked, taking it in her hoof.

“An anti-magic ring. It’s kind of a turn on...for some unicorns—since we can control the world
around us with magic, it’s kind of a fetish to have that taken away.” Twilight’s cheeks flared
as she explained her little kink to Rainbow Dash. Her lover’s smile only grew as Twilight
explained, much to her surprise.

“So, do all unicorns like that?”

“N-No, just some...others like doing the...taking away...” Twilight added, feeling really
“So what do I do?” Rainbow Dash asked, getting closer to Twilight’s face, staring deep into
the librarian’s eyes as she did so. “You’re going to have to tell me where this goes.”
“P-Put it in your mouth...and...slide it...on my horn...” Twilight’s eyes cringed as she tried to
hide from her shame.
Rainbow Dash did as instructed, she placed the ring in her mouth, holding it in her teeth. Next
she carefully slid the ring onto Twilight’s horn, eliciting a few gasps of what was undeniably
pleasure from the unicorn as her lips slid down the librarian’s horn. Once the ring was at the
base of, she put her lips around the magic-manipulating instrument, and gently sucked as she
pulled away. She made sure to lick the hard surface, lovingly running her tongue along it as
she sucked. Twilight let out a sharp gasp at Rainbow’s tongue slowly, and meticulously slid
along her horn’s underside. With a small pop, her lips came off. Then she looked at Twilight
with a dominating smile that told the unicorn she was in charge, to which Twilight lowered
her head.
“I didn’t know unicorns got off on their horns being sucked,” she remarked in an almost
condescending tone.
“I-It only feels good when we’re aroused...” Twilight replied. She tried to look up at the ring
resting against her forehead, but found she couldn’t see it. Cautiously she put her hoof up to
it, checking it out for herself. The ring made her horn feel a bit warm, which sent a small shiver
down her spine. Twilight looked into the box at one of the toys. To test it, she tried to use her
magic to levitate one of the toys, but it didn’t work. “I-I really can’t use magic with this thing
on...” she mused a bit in amazement.
“Haven’t you tried it out before?” Rainbow asked, resting her body against her lover.
“No, because the pony it’s on can’t take it off. So I wouldn’t be able to take it off if I put it
on.... ” she explained. When she finally took her eyes off the box, she was greeted by Rainbow
Dash almost nose to nose with her. Her eyes looking into Twilight’s with a domineering, yet
very sultry look.
“So, you can’t use your magic, hm?” She asked, leaning into Twilight slightly.
Twilight meekly shook her head. “N-No...”
“So you can’t marehandle me again like you did down stairs without it?” she asked, getting
ever close to Twilight. By now the unicorn was forcing herself back into her pillow, trying to
keep a gap between them.
“I-I guess I can’t...S-Sorry I didn’t—”
“Shh,” Rainbow placed a hoof over Twilight’s mouth. “Now, which of these is your favorite?”
“T-The big...black one...” Twilight turned her head in shame.

“And how do you like it?” she asked in a low voice.

“When you picture yourself with a stallion, how’s he taking you?” she whispered in Twilight’s

“F-From behind...” Twilight whispered back.

“Then turn around.” Rainbow ordered. Her voice was just above a whisper.
Twilight’s heart raced upon hearing Rainbow Dash’s command. She never knew her friend
was so take-charge in the bedroom. Her body moved on instinct. Without even so much as a
question, she lowered her front, and raised her rump up for her domineering partner. Her tail
swished back and forth a bit, before shifting to the side, giving Rainbow Dash full access to
her still soaked marehood.
“That’s a good girl, Twi,” Rainbow cooed. She grabbed the long-shafted dildo with her hooves.
Playfully, she slid the tip along Twilight’s slit, eliciting a small moan from the powerless
unicorn. After she swiped the shaft through Twilight’s soaking lips, she pulled it back, looking
at the juices left behind as she did. She gave the trail of love juice a slow, sensual lick, reveling
in the taste of Twilight once more. But that wasn’t her only reason for the pause.
Twilight began to shake her rear, begging Rainbow Dash to put it in. The librarian whimpered
slightly, a sound that rang like a symphony to her ears. This is why she stopped, to make
Twilight beg. Taking the dildo again, she pressed it against Twilight’s slit, making the mare
tense up. She smirked, knowing she had Twilight right where she wanted her. “Beg for it,”

“Beg me to put it in!” she demanded.

Twilight was silent for a moment, only whimpering a bit as her need continued to boil deep
inside her. When Rainbow Dash tried to pull the dildo away from her aching slit, she snapped.
“P-Please Rainbow Dash, buck me! Ram that dildo inside me!” Twilight begged. Without any
warning, the entire length was shoved deep inside Twilight.

The unicorn cried out as the head of the dildo smashed into her womb. In that moment her
whole body shuddered, and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Twilight’s head fell onto the
pillow below her as she let Rainbow thrust her toy inside her. Her mind went blank as the
ache inside her was finally calming down. “Oh Celestia...” she muttered in blind pleasure.
“You like that?” Rainbow asked as she shoved the toy in as far as she could. Twilight’s body
shook slightly from the impact, making the unicorn moan out. “You’re actually getting off on
one of your friends ramming a dildo inside you. You’re such a freak Twilight,” Rainbow said
with a devilish smile.
“I-I’m not...” she protested weakly.

Rainbow slid up next to Twilight as she continued pounding the librarian’s wanting hole. She
looked down at the powerless pony, and brushed some stray strands of her mane out of her
face. “I didn’t say freak was a bad thing,” she added giving her friend a small wink.
As Rainbow continued thrusting the toy into Twilight’s drooling marehood, she placed her
other foreleg around her friend’s back,. drooping herself over Twilight, so she could watch
the librarian’s abused slit getting stuffed. Her eyes filled with a sense of pride as she watched
the toy ravage her friend’s pussy; her ego slowly being stroked by the symphony of moans
and gasps coming from the mare below her. Slowly, she leaned down and kissed Twilight’s
cutie mark, causing the librarian to gasp sharply.

When Rainbow kissed her side, Twilight lost all the strength in her legs. She toppled over, with
Rainbow still resting her supple body on her own. Every inch of her tingled in excitement from
her lover lying on top of her. Her eyes drifted closed, too lost in the pleasure. Twilight could
barely think her whole body felt like it was numb from the constant tingling.

“Rainbow Dash...” she murmured her lover’s name longingly. When she opened her eyes, she
saw the pegasus’s rump resting next to her head, her tail lifted as her own instincts took hold.
Twilight couldn’t resist the urge anymore, Her nose found itself to her friend’s moist slit. The
air was saturated with the smell of horny pegasus. The delightfully sweet odor made Twilight’s
heart race even faster as she breathed it in.
“I’ve never found the smell of a mare that attractive...why does Rainbow Dash smell so good?”
she mentally questioned herself. Too entranced by the fragrance, she found her self sticking
out her tongue. With a small, cautious lick, she heard Rainbow Dash gasp slightly at the
unexpected attention to her marehood.
“Did you want to pay me back?” she asked with a small laugh. A small little moan came from
Twilight, a moan Rainbow Dash took as a “yes”. Rainbow responded by moving her leg over
Twilight’s head, letting her whole body rest on Twilight’s.
When her friend brought her leg over her head, a single drop of love juice landed on Twilight’s
face. She wiped the stray drop off, staring at the moisture on the tip of her hoof for a second.
When she looked back up, she was met with the sight of Rainbow’s quivering lips staring back
at her. Twilight could only look at her lover’s slit in awe for a moment. She had never seen
another mare so close, let alone one of her friends.
But now she was left with a problem. She could lick her friend, and then she would actually
be engaging in fillyfooler sex; or she could do nothing, but that would be rude since she
instigated the matter. She knew she wasn’t into mares, but here she was, with one of her
friends on top of her straddling her face. Though she knew she didn’t like mares, her body
told her to go for it.

“That’s just the potion talking, don’t listen,” she mentally told herself. But she also found
herself questioning why she had to tell herself that. If it was an urge, that means it’s natural—
which means Twilight was a fillyfooler, right?
“You going to do it, or not?” Rainbow Dash questioned, pulling the librarian from her
dilemma. On top of her, the athlete sensually swayed her tail, almost hypnotically. Twilight
couldn’t look away. Her face felt so hot, and Rainbow Dash smelled so good.
Suddenly she plunged her tongue into her friend’s waiting marehood, making the pegasus
gasp sharply. Her tongue ran up Rainbow’s dripping slit, pooling her love juices in Twilight’s
mouth. She was able to actually taste her friend for the first time. The mature flavor was
unlike anything she ever had, even compared to the few times she had tasted her own on a
whim. It was strange, but not unpleasant. She swallowed the small puddle of gathered love
juice, no longer caring if this was wrong or not. All that mattered was that she was enjoying
this. She dug her tongue into Rainbow’s lips, lapping at her insides.

“Not bad, Twi,” Rainbow said with a slight laugh. She looked back down at Twilight’s abused
mare hood, finding Twilight’s stiff clit just begged for Rainbow Dash to tease it, which she
obliged. Her mouth wrapped around the small sensitive flesh, gently sucking on it. Twilight’s
whole body tensed under her from the sudden attack. She cried out into Rainbow’s sex.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight screamed, completely overtaken by pleasure. Suddenly her body
twitched, and her back arched as her orgasm washed over her. Her lover slowly slid the toy
out from her trembling marehood.
“Alright, just finish me off, and we can—”

“More...” Twilight said again, making Rainbow’s jaw drop.

“You’re kidding, right?” she asked, looking back at Twilight.
“This potion’s effects are really strong. I’m still not satisfied,” Twilight said weakly.
Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her leg was getting tired from
continually pushing that toy into Twilight, and she also didn’t want to be considered a one
trick pony—so using that dildo again was out of the question. She glanced over to Twilight’s
box. “This should do,” she said pulling out a long, double sided dildo. “This way we can both
cum.” She climbed off Twilight so she could show her the toy.
“I forgot I had that one,” Twilight remarked.

Rainbow Dash slid one end of the toy inside herself, making her body shudder a bit. She
looked over at Twilight laying helplessly, and gave her a predatory grin. Slowly she slid up to
her lover, carefully aligning the second head against her still wanting marehood. She slowly
pushed the toy inside, making Twilight breathe in sharply. Eventually the two found their slits
pressed together.
“I...I’ve...never felt so close to somepony before...” Twilight looked up at Rainbow Dash with
wide, almost trembling eyes.
The pegasus only flashed a cocky smile as she lowered herself down to Twilight’s neck. She
kissed her unicorn lover’s fur slowly—purposefully. When she felt Rainbow’s lips on her skin
she let out a trembling moan. Rainbow took that as her cue to slam her hips into Twilight’s
making the unicorn yelp.
“R-Rainbow Dash!” Twilight cried out. She wrapped her forelegs around her lover, holding her
tight as Rainbow continued to grind their marehoods together. She nuzzled deep into her
lover’s mane, able to feel her thick, sweaty smell fill her lungs in the most wonderful way.
Inside that multi-colored mess she felt her heart swell. Being so close to Rainbow Dash felt so
good, the tingle she felt earlier now filled her whole body, not just on her skin.

“You like being my mare, don’t you!” Rainbow Dash asked, already knowing the answer.
Twilight was panting like crazy, completely lost in pleasure, and she couldn’t deny she liked
seeing Twilight like this, but what really got her off was that fact she did this to her friend. The
librarian was panting like crazy because she was bucking her. That thought sent her over the

“Twilight, I’m gonna cum!” Rainbow cried out. She placed a hoof on Twilight’s chest, forcing
the unicorn down into the mattress.
“M-Me too!” Twilight replied. Her whole body was going numb. Inside her, her womb felt like
it was on fire from the burning desire she felt. Finally the floodgates broke, and Twilight felt
her third orgasm fill her. She had never felt so good before in her entire life, every inch of her
screamed out in pure ecstasy. What felt like electricity shot through her, making her whole
body tense. As her orgasm ended, she finally felt satisfied. The lust inside her was gone at

Rainbow Dash fell limp on top of Twilight. The athlete panted heavily as she tried to catch her
breath. After a moment, she slowly raised her head, looking Twilight in the eyes. “You were
awesome,” she said before planting a kiss on Twilight’s lips.
Twilight moaned a bit, returning her kiss. Rainbow’s tongue filled her mouth, probing,
exploring it like it was an alien planet. Twilight guided hers to Rainbow’s, and the two began
dancing with one another. Her forelegs squeezed Rainbow tightly, holding her as close as she
could. Deep inside her mind, something told her this was wrong, but she couldn’t remember
why. She didn’t care at this point, she was just happy to kiss her lover. As the two broke their
kiss, fatigue was finally catching up to her. Three orgasms back to back was too much; she
couldn’t stop her eyes from drifting closed.
When she opened her eyes again, Rainbow Dash was laying next to her, watching her sleep.
She looked into the athlete’s eyes, longingly, just happy to see her laying there next to her.
Without so much as a word, Rainbow leaned in and put her lips on Twilight’s once more.
Slowly, her memory was starting to come back—the memory of what exactly was bothering
her right before she fell asleep.
“W-Wait! Y-You kissed me!” Twilight shoved the pegasus back away from her, and pressed
her hoof to her mouth in shock. “N-Now I’m in love with you, Rainbow Dash! What are we
going to do!”
Rainbow laughed a bit at Twilight’s freak out. “Twi, it was like 2:45 when you passed out. You
took that potion at, what—Noon? It’d been more than two hours,” she replied.

Twilight looked over at the clock, seeing Rainbow Dash was right. “I-It can last longer than
two hours though!” Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash with wide eyes.
“Well, do you still feel like you did when you took that potion?” she asked, still smiling from
Twilight‘s little panic attack.

“N-No, I guess I don’t.” Twilight fell back onto the bed with a sigh of relief. Rainbow Dash lay
down next to the unicorn, looking at her with a small smile as she tried to hold back her
laughter. “What?” Twilight asked.
“Come on, Twi, it’s kind of funny. I mean we just bucked each other’s brains out because you
took a potion.”

“Yeah, don’t remind me...” Twilight’s face lit up bright red. “I didn’t know you were such a
control freak in bed...”
“Look who’s talking, Ms. Anti-Magic-Ring. You really like being on bottom don’t you,” she
commented, making Twilight blush even more. Silence fell over the room for a moment.
Rainbow Dash slid her forelegs under her head as she looked up at the ceiling. “So, did you
learn what it’s like to be in love?”
“More than I care to know...” Twilight replied with a small laugh.
“I gotta say though, you were down right love sick. Most ponies don’t fall in love that much,”
Rainbow Dash added, putting Twilight a bit at ease. “But I have to ask, how did you even get
some of my mane hair? And why did you think it was Soarin’s?”
“I made a stupid mistake,” she replied. “I went to Canterlot, and snuck into The Wonderbolt’s
locker-room.” Twilight had assumed the fur had to be from Soarin since she took it from his
uniform while he was in the shower, but apparently it wasn’t. Which brought up another
“Wait, why was your mane hair on Soarin’s uniform?” Twilight asked.
“It was?” Rainbow said mildly confused. “I guess it was from when I saw him in Cloudsdale a
few days back. He had his uniform on because he was on his way to a public appearance or
something. We chatted a bit, and I gave him a hug as a thanks for helping me with a trick I
was working on. Must‘ve gotten on him then.”
“Oh great. That means...he doesn’t wash his uniform regularly...” Twilight said mildly
“Yeah, I still don’t get why you wanted him. I thought you’d like nerdy kind of ponies.” Twilight
looked over at Rainbow Dash to see she had her glasses on again.
“Don’t tell me...” she said with an unenthused look. Rainbow Dash only cracked a small smile.
“Are those even real glasses?” Twilight asked.
“Nope,” Rainbow Dash replied blushing a bit.
Twilight rolled her eyes. “I guess I wanted Soarin because he’s athletic, he has a sense of
humor...he’s a pegasus...” Twilight trailed off a bit at the end.

“A pegasus? You like him because he’s a pegasus?”

“I said earlier, I don’t like him. I just thought he had enough qualities that I liked that he made
a good candidate.” Twilight tried to sound analytical, but she realized something. The traits
she listed all reflected Rainbow Dash. She never had a thing for pegasi until she moved to
Ponyville and actually spent time with some. She never really found an athletic pony attractive
until about that time as well. “Did I actually like Rainbow Dash this whole time, and not even
know it?” she asked herself.
Twilight looked over to see Rainbow Dash smiling at her like she knew what Twilight was
thinking. “Y-You don’t have to say it alright! I-I realize those all hold true for you too...”
Twilight said.
“I-I was just going to say you had a pegasus fetish, but...I guess that’s true too...” Rainbow
Dash scratched the side of her face a little nervously. “Well, I had best get going...” she said
as she slid off the bed.

“Rainbow Dash...” Twilight stopped her friend. When Rainbow looked back, Twilight simply
pointed up at her horn.
“Oh yeah.” Rainbow laughed. “Now, what if I just left with that on you?” she asked with that
predatory grin she had earlier showing itself again.

“Just take it off.” Twilight wasn’t amused by the pegasus’s teasing.

Without much fuss, Rainbow slid her mouth over Twilight’s horn, causing the unicorn to
whimper a bit. Apparently her horn was still a little sensitive. Carefully she bit down on the
ring, and pulled it off. Twilight let out a small sigh of relief once she was free of the ring. Just
before she turned to leave, Rainbow dropped the ring off into Twilight’s box.
“W-Wait Rainbow Dash...” Twilight called out before her friend left the bedroom. She turned
back around, looking at Twilight through her fake glasses. “D-Did you maybe...want to grab
dinner sometime?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” She gave a small smile. “Just don’t go taking any more potions, alright?”

The End

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