Sap Fi AP Configuration U0026 End User Guide

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1 uploaded by http:/ — DOE Nanagement Wecmoiny Connie | 8 Madhusudan go SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable INTRODUCTION It is a sub ledger. This module is implemented when material management module is not implemented. This is used for material Purchases & sal When MM Module is used > Use for services where TDS is to be deducted We will create the Complete Vendor/Customer Account at 3 segments. Every Customer/Vendor account has three segments. A) General Data Segment 8) Company Code Segment Complete Vendor Account ~ XKO1 ©) Purchasing Organization Segment ey] Coaddress CControt CiPaymenttransactions (contact Persons DAccounting into CiPayment transactions CO Correspondence Ciwithhotaing tax Purchasing data CPartner functions 2 uploaded by http:/ —~ DOE Nanagement Lieemoiogy \ aad — SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable General Data Segment + FI View of Vendor Account ~ FKO1 Company Code Segment General Data Segment + MMI View of Vendor Account - MKO1. Purchase Organization Segment 3 uploaded by http://www.sapdoesinfo/ — DOE Nanagement Lieemoiogy \ aad | BMadkusudhan Rgo SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable Basic settings for Accounts Payable: a. Creation of Vendor Accounts groups: I~ (Fimenial Vendors (Serie Ven) MM (atrial Mangement Vendors) Matra Sipe Pata) For above both cases we have to specify reconciliation account field requirement 6 Define No, ranges for Vendors Accounts: Assign No. ranges to Vendor accounts groups & Define Tolerance Group for Vendors € Creation of 2 G/L Accounts i Inventory Row Material > Under Assets Account Group fi, Sundry Creditors > Under Liabilities Account Group Ff Creation of Vendor master 4g. Document types and'No. ranges RR Wonder Tucoees RB Under Pager Rot leader document for ransfrslmversals i Posting Keys-> 31 Vendor Crest 25 odor debit 4 uploaded by http:/ — DOE Nanagement eco. \ aad — SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable 1. Creation of Vendor Account Groups T.code: OBD3 SPROD Financial Accounting > Accounts receivable and Accounts payable > Customer Accounts > Master data > Preparation for reaing customer maser daaa> Define accounts groups with seen lay out (Vendors) When creating a customer account, you must specify an account group. We use the account group to determin > the interval for the account numbers > Whether the number is assigned internally by the system or externally by the user (type of number assignment) > Whether it isa one-time account > Which fields are ready for input or must be filled when creating and changing master records (field status) Select New Entries button FiVendors for 1000 One-time account QO Purchasing data Double click on company code data; it will take you to next screen § uploaded by —~ DOE Nanagement Connie | 8 Madhusudan go SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable Here we have to select as Reconciliation Account is required entry. Save. 6 uploaded by http://www.sapdoesinfo/ => Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable 2. Create No Ranges for Vendor Account Groups XKN1 SPRO-> Financial Accounting ~> Accounts receivable and Accounts payable > Customer Accounts > Master data > Preparation for creating customer master data “> Create Number Ranges fr Vendor Accounts In this activity you create the number ranges for the customer accounts. To do this, specify the following under a two-character key: > Anumber interval from which the account number for the customer accounts is to be selected > The type of number assignment (intemal or external number assignment) In this screen you will notice that there is no company code selection. The customer number is created at a client level. This means that the same customer number can be ‘extended by more than one company code. Step 1- Double click Change Intervals Button Customer Number Ranges (ge intervate ) G@@tatvs [=e J Then it goes to next screen Step 2 - Double click Insert Interval = Fil Save. i uploaded by => DENTE tnagement Atecnoy Gcovatons | 8. Madkusudhan Roo SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable 3. Assign No Ranges to Vendor Account Groups OBAS SPROD Financial Accounting > Accounts receivable and Accounts payable > Customer Accounts > Master data > Aas No ges to Veron Seco Grouse In this step we assign Number Range to Account Group. [/Toreue [Wame narmberrange [i888 Fivendorsfortooo BE) CA ["1sie0—Donestecusomersioroy 4. Define Tolerance Group for Vendors OBA3 IMG Finsnctal Accounting > Accounts wceivable/Psyable> Business Transactions > Open Item Clearing > (hearing Differences > Define Tolerances for Customers/Verbors Step 1 - Click New Entries [PG ew Enis ] a eae) st [ ( Step 2 - Enter the Require Parameters Gees) e _aylteierance srouprorveos | Save 8 uploaded by http://www.sapdoesinfo/ — DOE Nanagement Lieemoiogy Constants B_Madkusudhan Roo SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable 5. Creation of GL Accounts FSOO G/L Account No: 200120 - Inventory Raw Material Step 1 ea occa ee eyes 2D were) (as) ‘contol bata, crestemaniuinorest_, Keyworatanctaton ine is, irl Git Ace? Long Fee Inwetony Fesa 1003] BearingPoint india GDC D With Template _ Se Kev woratransietion int nn compa | Fiets status group ‘BOOL General (with tex, assignment) east autarnancait supplement auto Direton, acctread 9 uploaded by http:/ — DASA vanagerent Atecnoy Connie | 8 Madhusudan go SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable Save. 2) G/L Account No: 100501 - Sundry Creditors Account coe A (BY (C3) (CT wwanreenstae Ts) Ce npn crestowmanianterest Key woramanciatan wt uF) 75 “rating nino i JCompeny code [T5557 Beamorotminais coc (ad (BY (Ca) (CVnTemnio =) (a) [a] aa EY A A ERTT TTI «I cca fe} fonvccout henson [> company Cede (1000) GeatingPointindiwcos (Bi) (C3) [Cwanremea) ( Oe) 10 uploaded by http:/ Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable SPRO > Financia Accouning > Finacial Acco Step 1 Number Ranges For Accounting Documents (2) a) (einer |cnanae intorvae| Double Click Change Intervals Tab, it will take us to next screen Step 2 Maintain Number Range Intervals} nd enter the number ranges Maintain Number Range Intervals, [Accounting document) [From number 6 number [eurrent number 19 2009 | 100001 200000 KR, 15 72009 | 200001 300000 Kz. 7 200 300001 ‘400000 KA, ul uploaded by = DOE Nanagement eco. Gcovatons | 8. Madkusudhan Roo SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable Save 7. Creation of Vendor Master T.code: XKO1 ‘PRO > Financia Accounting > Accounts Payable Maree Reconds-> Maincin Cena > Crest Step 1 follows. Press Enter 4 times 12 uploaded by http://www.sapdoesinfo/ ~~ CASTLE vanasement eco. Connie | 8 Madhusudan go SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable vendor TNTERNAL|__JKGyninelico Lig Electronic OW Accounting information Recon account 168501 Sortkey Head omeo ‘Subsidy inate ‘Authorization T ‘Cash mgmnt group Release group Minonty indie Centieatn cate Interest calculation Interest indic Last key date Interest eq Last interest run vyithnorina tax W. Tax Code Exemption number Recipient ype Expt authority Press Enter Teanaaa ie Synthetics Lid Electron City Individual pment Grouping key Pmtaev. by ED) CI ta Permitiea Paye Tnvoiee veriiention Prepayment Press Enter twice and sa’ ig andor CUD COOC D0 was retin company code {000 Vendor Master 100000 has been created. 13 uploaded by http:/ = PEIN Nanoerent Sowiony Connie | 8 Madhusudan go SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable 8. Purchase Invoice Posting T.code: F-43 SPRO > Finacial Accnting > Acownts Paysle > Docume Bay > Invoice Gener In this step, we are purchasing the goods Posting Keys 31~ GIL Account Crecit 40-GIL Account Debit Accounting entry: Inventory Raw Material A/c Dr_—_—10,000)- ToVendor AjcAlc Cr 10,000)- Enter Vendor Invoice: 14 uploaded by http://www.sapdoesinfo/ — DOE Nanagement eco. Constants B_Madkusudhan Roo SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable Enter Vendor Invoice: Correct G/L account item Jon Account [200128 inventory Raw Matoriat Jcompany code 1868 BearingPoint india GOS om 2/ Debit enty/ 40. Amount ho-080,00 | wr Cicatcutate tax Business Pisce Roalcetate on) [3] Purchasing Doe Text Being Purchases made [@ tons texas | Next Line lism Petty ‘Account | Newcocode 9. How to View Party T.code: FBLIN SPRO > Financial Accounting > Accounts Payable > Account > Diy | 15 uploaded by http:/ —~ Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable 24 Synthetics tte rectrone city | sx[aseroraere———_[docuaentne|tvoe | we aleceroooce ——_[roaoar [er owing Parchacs mace | 7 ecm 90000 a | We see the Outstanding amount of 10000.00 is showing in red mark. 10. Manual Outgoing Payment T.code: F-53 Accomsting > Finca Acmustng'> Accounts Pantie > Dooment Eni > Guageig Payrmst Using this transaction code you can post a vendor payment manually and clear the open items. Sometimes you want to make an immediate payment to a single vendor, in such aa case this is faster method of making payment rather than executing payment program Post ougomg Payments: Header Dats eee wusiness cee Sere + Senurein te) f oS begecaeaest 3 Reatanirt 16 uploaded by —~ Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable Se SI 11. View Party Details T.code: FBLIN SPRO ~ Financia Accounting > Accounts Payale > Account-> Dirplay/Change lie fems fey 7 uploaded by http:/ Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable 24 greets ta iretrame tity 18 uploaded by —~ DASA vanagerent Wecmoiny Connie | 8 Madhusudan go SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable Advance Payments to Vendors In SAP it is called as down payments to vendors. Creation of G/L Account: 200150 Advance to vendors under Assets Account Group b. Link between Sundry Creditors and advance to vendors Advance payment posting - Advance - Advance to vendor - Purchase 4d, Purchase invoice postings fe, Master of advance from special G/L To normal by clearing special G/L items f. Clearing of normal items. 1. Creation of GL Account FSOO G/L Account No: 200150 ~ Advance to Vendors Step 1 [2A 2) (Oo (rem) [asl (a) D (2a (21 ( (warren) (wl swovesenoien gEITEEEER crvsomaniemorest ty woramanstaton im It 19 uploaded by http:/ => DOE Nanagement Lieemoiogy \ aad — SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable (2) (Co) (wets reempiaee (a) CE) 2. Link between Sundry Creditors and Advance Payment to Vendors OBYR SPROD Financial Accounting > Accounts receivable Accounts payable > Business transactions > Down payment made > Define alemative reconciliation Account for down payments Double Click on SGL Ind: A. Maintain Accounting Configuration : Special G/L - List =SS5 S555 [= Chart of Accounts Entr Bs Chart of Accounts (rest) w||x] Enter 20 uploaded by http://www.sapdoesinfo/ —~ DOE Nanagement SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable Vendor Down Payments, Current Assets: 3. Advance Payment Posting F-48 SPRO > Financial Accounting > Accounts Payable Document Entry > Down payment > ‘Down Payment [S8.0% 2005) tye [kz Company cose [58 a4 3009, Period [4 CurrencymRate Document Number | 1 Transiatn Date reterence i J ctoss-ce no. Doe Header Text Frrasing pana [ —] Press Enter 21 uploaded by http://www.sapdoesinfo/ — DOE Nanagement SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable Post Vendor Down Payment Correct Verndor fem ae mers [eo] Electronic City tem 2/ Down payment miade/20.8 amount 5.000.00, | mr Discount % Dise amount Contract Assignment Vo ‘avance Payment Posting Save (@ Document 200002 was posted in company code 1000 4. View the Vendor Account FBLIN SPRO> Financial Accounting > Accounts Payable > Account > Display/Change fine items Vendor Line hem Display Conan i) 22 uploaded by http:/ —~ Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable eee od Eceany ose ie oo netrone tity 5. Purchase Invoice Posting T.code: F-43 SPRO- Financial Accounting > Accounts Payahle> Document Entry > Invoice General a | ——— J aereaoae dm pes —_[—] Press Enter 23 uploaded by —~ Pett BMadhusudhan Roo SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable Vendor 908080 | JK Syntetics Led onace [100501 [Company Code 1008) Bangalore BearingPointingia GDC Electronic City tem 1 Finvoiee /31 ‘Amount 0688 INR Ccatoulate tax Busplacetsecm [ |! pusmes | PayTems 00 Daysinercent | | |’ [| [| Bline Date 90.08.2009 Fed Dis. base Dise amount Ini ro. Prnnt Black Frnt ethod Assianment Tot Being Purchases made Nestline tem eateuiste tax RealEstate ov) [2] ‘]s0tma [|Ttwe [| Neweocode Save Document 100002 was pasted in company code 1000 m4 uploaded by — Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable 6. View the Vendor Account FBLiN > Financial Accounting > Accounts Payable > Account > Displa 7. Transfer of Advance from Special GL to Normal by clearing Special GL Items F-54 SPRO Financial Accounting > Accounts Payable > Document Entry Down Payment > Clearing 25 uploaded by http://www.sapdoesinfo/ => DASA vanagerent Connie | 8 Madhusudan go SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable Clear Vendor Down Payment: Header Data Document Hate (30.64.2009 Company Code [Posting Date 3004-2009) Period 4 ‘CurrencyRate THR | [Document Number Transtain Dato Reference Doc Header Text Trading para Click Process Down Payment [Clear Vendor Down Payment Choose down payments {00000 cureney (EAR) lore suet Foo Oe Say Enter 5000 in Transfer posting Tab Save } Document 300001 was posted in company code 1000, 8. View Vendor Balances T.code: FBL1N SPRO 3 Fissnel Accounting > Accounts Pavale Account > Disley/Chsngeline tems 26 uploaded by http://www.sapdoesinfo/ Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable Click Back a uploaded by http://www.sapdoesinfo/ Pett Management Wecmoiny \ aad — SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable Click Execute bss ee | [snot [oscar | = [sm [| 28 uploaded by http://www.sapdoesinfo/ => DOE Nanagement Lieemoiogy \ aad | BMadkusudhan Rgo SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable 9. Manual Outgoing Payment T.code: F-53 Accontting > Finicl Accu > Aeciunts Pale > Document Eni > Ong Paine Using this transaction code you can post a vendor payment manually and clear the open items. Sometimes you want to make an immediate payment to a single vendor, in such a case this is faster method of making payment rather than executing payment program Gusinssanoe Click Process Open Items Save [[G Document 700003 was post com 000 29 uploaded by Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable 10. View Vendor Balances T.code: FBL1N SPRO 9 Financia Accounting Accounts Payal Account Dislay/Change he tems 30 uploaded by http://www.sapdoesinfo/ — DOE Nanagement Lieemoiogy Connie | 8 Madhusudan go SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable AUTOMATIC PAYMENT PROGRAM ui) 31 uploaded by => DOE Nanagement Lieemoiogy Constants eee SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable ‘Automatic Payment Program is used for processing of outgoing payment as well as incoming payments (for both vendors and customers) based on accepted Terms of Payment for the purpose of obtaining Cash Discount benefit. APP automatically issues cheques, prints covering letters for mailing along with the cheques & posts entries in the books of accounts. APP is useful when you have a large number of vendors or customers with whom your organization conducts large volumes of business. APP can also be used for processing salaries for employees. (This is Optional) We can have the option of paying Special G/L Transactions (Ex: Advances to Vendors) using APP. 1) Automatic Outgoing Payments T.code: FBZP SPRO > Financial Accounting > Accounts recesvable and accounts payable > Business transactions > out going payments > Auton > set up all company codes for payment transactions ie outgoing payenents > Payment method/ bank sletion for payment program 4) Set up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions Here we make specifications for all company codes involved in payment transactions. For each company code, you make the following specifications: “Paying company code You assign a paying company code to each company code. This means that you canhave one company code process payment transactions centrally for several company codes. Cash discount and tolerance ‘The payment program uses these entries to determine the cash discount strategy for the company code. + Special G/t transactions Specify which special G/L transactions are to be settled for customers and vendors. F = Down payment request P= Payment request ‘A= Down payment on current assets 32 uploaded by http:/ — DOE Nanagement Lieemoiogy Constants B_Madkusudhan Roo SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable Glick on New Entries LNEHERHES ang update the following things. [eeparate pavment a os SP vtmem super paces Cimarcash discount savelld, ®) Set up Paying Company Codes for Payment Transactions Here we make the following specifications for the paying company codes: + Data for controlling the payment program Here we specify the minimum amount for which an incoming (100 INR) or outgoing payment (1000 INR) is created. If you do not want exchange rate difference to be generated when the payment is foreign currency you need to select the parameter. If you want to make separate payment for each reference you need to select the parameter. ‘Specifications for paying with bills of exchange You can show or hide the settings for paying with bills of exchange + Forms and sender details for advice notes and EDI accompanying sheets If you wish to print payment advice notes or an EDI accompanying sheet, specify the form name. Specify also the SAP script text modules that contain details about the sender that are to be printed on the payment advice note. You can go directly from this transaction to the transaction for editing forms and text modules. Click on New Entries! and update the following things. 33 uploaded by http:/ — DOE Nanagement eco. Gcovatons | 8. Madkusudhan Roo SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable (>| [Ea [a] [) [1988] Geannarointinaia coe Ra es SIRI fe) 34 uploaded by http://www.sapdoesinfo/ —~ Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable Payment Medium Workbench BB & Accompanying sheet for OME EB & eviaccompanyng sheet Payment Advice Note (international Chack (Without Check Management IOTIIIRITIO | Form forthe Payment Advice [sae scrist EDI accompanying sheet form ‘SAPscript nd update the following things. 35 uploaded by — DOE Nanagement Connie | 8 Madhusudan go SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable st_] F_BO01_HENDER ©) Set up Payment Methods per country for Payment Transactions Here you specify which payment methods are to be used in each country. The following parameters are entere 1) Whether it is an outgoing payment or incoming payment 2) Payment classification — check, bank transfer 3) What master data specification required - address required, bank details required etc. 4) Document type is attached 5) The payment program name is attached. 6) Which currencies are to be permitted? Ensure that the payment methods to be used for paying the open items of a business partner have been entered in the appropriate customer or vendor master record. To geta list of payment media programs, use transaction code SA38 and enter RFFO*. Click on Utilities 3 Find program> Execute. cick on [Another ent a Country Pymt Method Press Enter 36 uploaded by http:/ SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable ‘Change View "Payment Method/Country”: Overview Breurensosalowes cen Pament Bark Taner Glick E to Scrott down and update the following. Payment medium (Use payment medium workbench Format Format supplement ] @se classic payment medium programs (RFFO") Payment medium program [RFFOUS_C | Keyin code ine LISTt5) Print dataset for ies, Click on [Picurencies Allowed 3 uploaded by — DOE Nanagement Connie | 8 Madhusudan go SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable Change View “Currencies Allowed] me) = Cirayment Metnodoounial pe erneinad |e ‘eurrenciss alowos Save ©) Set up Payment Methods per Company code for Payment Transactions Here we specify which payment methods can be used per company code and determine the conditions under which a payment method should be used. ¥ Specifications for grouping items for payment (such as single payment for marked items) ¥ Specifications for foreigr’foreign currency payments It you specify that the payment method can also be used for foreign currencies, all currencies are permitted. ¥ Specifications for optimizing bank selection You can optimize either by bank groups or by postal codes. If you optimize by bank groups, money is transferred from the house bank to the business partner's bank in the shortest possible time. For this to be possible, you assign all banks in the master Data to a bank group defined by you. It you optimize by postal codes, the house bank selection is determined by the business partner's domicile. If you select the "Optimization by postal codes” field, you can go directly to the activity for assigning house banks to an interval of postal codes. ¥ Specifications for the form to be used for the payment medium ¥ Specifications for issuing payment advice notes Depending on the space available on the payment medium form for information about the note to payee. you have the following options: + IF unlimited space is available, you do not need to print payment advice notes (for checks, for example), but can do so if desired. + If there is no space available, a payment advice note containing all the information about the purpose of payment is always printed (for bills of exchange, for example). 38 uploaded by http:/ — CASTLE vanasement eco. Connie | 8 Madhusudan go SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable «If only limited space is available and there is therefore a risk that the space will not be sufficient, you can choose from the following options: You can have the system create a payment advice note containing the information about the note to payee. It a payment advice note is to be created every time, select "Always payment advice". The note to payee is then printed on both the form (so far as the number of lines selected on the form allow) and the payment advice note. If insufficient space is available, a payment advice note indicator is printed on the payment medium. A payment advice note can only be created if the note to payee information does not fit into the available space. Select Payment advice after X lines. You can have the system distribute the items between several forms. To do 0, select No payment advice and Distribute items, XX lines per payment. We are configuring payment method check for company code 1000, the minimum amount for which a check should be raised is 1000 INR and the maximum amount is 999,999,999 INR. We have selected SAP standard check layout form Fi10_PRENUM_CHECK. This need to be modified as per the customer requirement and Z form needs to be attached here. Since the check will contain all the information of payment details we have selected the parameter under Note to payee lines on the form -as many as required and Parameter - no Payment advice. In case you get error while entering the maximum amount enter a lower figure such as 19999999 and press enter. System will automatically set the format. 39 uploaded by http:/ — Pett Management Lieemoiogy Gcovatons | 8. Madkusudhan Roo SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable Click on New Entries LNEZERIES] ang update the following things. New Entries: Details of Added Entries _|1888] BearingPoint India GOC JFvmt method Choque Click on EEL LEODaE OT] and update the following things [sAPoert_—110_PaeM x ses Bram —] [BearingPoint Inala GOS [Embassy Golf Link Business Park 40 uploaded by http://www.sapdoesinfo/ Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable n for Payment Transactions Before you can configure this step you need a house bank to be configured. You can refer the SAP Bank configuration manual. Here you define the following: v Ranking order of banks You specify which house banks are permitted and rank them in a list. ¥ Bank accounts For each house bank and payment method and currency, you specify which bank account is to be used for payments. ¥ Available amounts For each account at a house bank, you enter the amounts that are available for the payment run. You enter separate amounts for incoming and outgoing payments. Specifying available amounts enables you to control which bank account is to be used for payments. You can specify the amounts depending on the value date at the bank. y Value date You specify how many days elapse between the posting date of the payment run and the value date at the bank, dependent on the payment method, bank account, payment amount and currency. You can have the system determine the value date, taking into account the bank calendar and any individual arrangements made with the bank. To do so, choose the activity Define value date rules Select Double Click on “JRanking Order Al uploaded by http:/ De Management Wecmoiny oa | BMadkusudhan Rgo SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable New Entries: Overview of Added Entries Paving co. code _{1808) 'T EBank Selection CaBank Accounts Available Amounts Value Date Gewensesicharges INR ‘ser a House banks are ranked for payment based on payment method and currency. if there are more than one house bank, the second bank will be ranked based on payment method and currency. Whenever you want to make payment from the desired bank you need to check the ranking of the house bank here and change the ranking to 1, which is possible through transaction code S_ALR_87001487 - Bank selection for payment program (which is available on the SAP Easy access menu). Gickon Save, Double Click on CUBsnk Accounts Folder Click on New Entries! ind update the following things. New Entries: Overview of Added Entries | Seaigrortnate coe Capvaiabie mounts Divave om im str ze o Capsensesscnarges & & g ee [ss Clckon savelll, Double Click on CPvailable Amounts Folder a2 uploaded by BMadhusudhan Roo Glick on New Entries LNEZENIES] and update the following things. New Entries: Overview of Added Entries SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable avg comsany coos 1088) bearngPowt nia Can et ~ CaRaning ore Growwacceuns Gaalaie Aout Gavave vow Grewensescnages ickon savelll, 2. Purchase Invoice Posting T.code: F-43 SPRO Financial Accounting > Accounts Payable > Document Entry > Invice General ‘Currency a Teensiata Date —T 1 Tl 4B uploaded by Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable Enter Vendor invoice: Add Vendor item (3 [GB [More sata | [Acct moder | |S Fast Date Enny| (EW Faxes) Vendor 1800000) J KSymeties Ls on. acc [180504 Company Code |1000) Bangalore ‘BearingPoint india OOS Electronic City [een fiwolee rat ‘Amount [10008 ine Ceaicuiate tax Busplacessecn | | fus Area | PayTerms (0061 Daysinereent oT fine Date 65.85.2009 Feed Die. b a Dice. amount voleorot mnt Block Pmt method _| New co.cod Press Enter Enter Vendor invoice: Correct G/L account item (S [Gs) [w Wore cota | [Acetmoder (5% FastOate Enty] [EN Taxes | a. Account [288120 inventory Rave Material Company Code _|1888) BeanngPointinaia GDC [Rem 27 Debit entryraa ‘Amount 16 .600,.00 INR Cleateutate tax Business Place Purenasing Doe Assignment Test TAccount 0L ind | | Type New e0.code click on [[G Document 100003 was posted n company code 1000 Another Transaction 44 uploaded by —~ Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable Enter Vendor Invoice: Header Data 45 uploaded by http://www.sapdoesinfo/ — DOE Nanagement BMadhusudhan Roo SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable Enter Vendor invoice: Correct G/L account item a [iB Move dain [Acct moder [Sa Fast Onin Entry] [EM Tews] Gf. Account {200720} Inventory Rave Material ‘Compariy Code 1000] BeanngPaint india abc em 27 Debit enivs40 ‘amount 28 00,60 (Deateutate tax Real Estate 0) Purchasing Dee. ‘Account [Fat na || TTyp0 Now co.code a lick on =. [le Document 130016 was postedin company code 1600 3. View the Party Open items T.code: FBL1N SPRO Financial Accounting > Accounts Payahle> Account > Display/Change fine items IEE] 46 uploaded by http:/ => Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable se 2K Symes tt a erect ity [_st]rsstonment ——[tocanentne] ype [0c Sate []00]anount om aoc. curr [curr [etrng wee let 4. Automatic Payment program Run T.code: F110 Accounting P Financial Accounting Banks > Ourgoings > Awomatic Payment > Open Itoms(Customers and. "Vendérs) Step 1 Automatic Payment Transactions: Status Step 2 cick: on LPS] ra and update the require feds a routines os 9g sana, mean ip uploaded by => DOE Nanagement Lieemoiogy Constants eee SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable Click on Save Then Click Back Tab | Step 3 Click on Proposal Tab [2 P!90983l | to create Payment Proposal. ‘The system will now look for all the outstanding vendor documents that fulfill your previously entered criteri [Di siarimmeadiately “Target computer The process of creation a payment proposal usually takes a while (the system has to process many documents). To refresh the screen click on Status Button /& until you'll see a system message “Payment proposal has been created”. 48 uploaded by — Pett SAP FICO TRAINING —Alccounts Payable Step 4 Click Pmnt run Button Eee Pill] +o begin processing. [i= Schedule Payment sar date (B510512000[3) stantimmesiately Start tim: 08:00: 80) Target computer | ¥||%] Mark radio button Start immediately and clck Enter Button Ml the system wl perform postings. ‘Automatic Payment Transactions: Status ‘Parameters have been entered Payment proposal has been created Click Status Button &&) S185 | to refresh the screen 4 Sometimes you need to press Status button several times, if there are lots of transactions to be processed. 49 uploaded by Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable Step 5 The first phase (posting documents) is done. To display / print the list of payment document select from Menu path: Edit +Payments»Payment list. ‘eepton et, cura Dieplavtog shinee Delete ouput RFZALI20 Click Enter Button. Payment list (> ewapre ee ee Paar, settee 1 Yr payment ra 8.052006 Bm a at nan too 968 to een [PRN her aet S tas Asean an we nan ere) ak Soret 8 The system has displayed a list of documents included in the payment proposal. The list can be printed or stores as local file. cick Back SI, 50 uploaded by —~ DOE Nanagement Lieemoiogy \ aad — SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable Step 6 For check printings update the details Now you can pa the checks. First, click Printout/data medium ‘Automatic Paym Scroll down SI uploaded by http://www.sapdoesinfo/ Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable eters primes (Pit papa ce tes Pret tnmediaey 2 reimmeaiey Fiero apt m words Numoe' ot samt parous notte m ements PeymertCocumetVaiaton (Tess rents ang Cleanerey nso case ‘Ne andes om payer aay pies Senasenrm, Sowategnacratne ae (Demet varant Dionyosstmiacatiog at ‘bcs schon ren Foo | Pog a Po | oO be o 1000 Pression” PO 5 100 Penge? = 8 | o 010 serangcoreamreste 8} o 1 00-Pament menos Bo oto o is 1000 Primed suse’ 8 OO 5 C. g fb —— save lick Back rab, 52 uploaded by Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable a [05-05 7009) (=}start immediately ‘00°00 00) etcomputer | J SE Fj. | [BearinoPoint APA “eb name Mark Start immediately radio button and update the following fields: FieldName Description Values Job name Job name forthe print job BearingPoint APP Click Enter Button. 4) ® The print job was created and saved in the spool. The system created three print jobs: a) payment summary b) payment advices, c) checks To print the checks, select from the menu path: System>Services..Output control. (Transaction SPo1) 53 uploaded by — DOE Nanagement \ aad | BMadkusudhan Rgo SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable fos ns. 20ne| A) Mark the required print job, e.g. click 8051 checkboxl? 8051 Then You can display your print job before printing it. Click Display Button A, Payment Summary 54 uploaded by SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable Sapte fssuisisoaa cB Som ta = ein BrancnQirpart fon) tgnore mal ew me [anes nena name racacity transection an tm | ‘ipo soomn JK Sette Uta SHO CTetrone cr secingai Ine O46 Pore samy chen ne 22:55.30 ate 06 8 2000 Soar enue gate 0608 09 an OS 05 0081 ssrounemcoicios Poe 2 lnsuisisace Ga Go La = un ravenna Roh ee wa cw me [or prt weste a ark at etal aes sertngrai inte Hc une 22s. ate on 8 20m Sere sromevmcoasnan Foe 3 tran erie tat noni tn seen 800) B) Mark the required print job, e.g. click 8050 checkbox 8850 Then You can display your print job before printing it. Click Display Button Output Controller: List of Spool Requests | Spool no. | ate [Tine |Status|Pages|titie | [0 ee8t| 105.05 2009]22:55] | 3 [Payment suanary| ~ 8058 195.085.2008] 22:55] | 2 [Payment advices| 8049) J05.05 2009|22:55] | 2 [cheque Payment Advice 55 uploaded by Pett SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable C) Mark the required print job, e.g. click 8049 checkbox? | 8048 Then You can display your print job before printing it. Click Display Button BA, Output Controller: List of Spool Requests Type | 05.05. 2009/22-55 | 3 |Paynent sunnary| }e5.05.2009|22-65 | 2 |Payment advices| }05.05.2009|22:55| | 2 |cheq 56 uploaded by SAP FICO TRAINING Accounts Payable 3K synthetics itd Deowram ome PO Box 40962540, j20000¢ /" 08.08.2009 560090 Electronic city Dear Sir/Madam, We have settled the items listed below with the enclosed check for payment 200004, subject to the goods and services supplied and the Invoice therefore being in order. ‘Your document Date Deauetone ‘Gross amount je are sending you a separate paynent advice for document 200004 from 05.05.2009 to explain the invoice items. Sum total 0,00 30.000, 00 yank number check number 200002 BI Bank Ltd ~ Main Branch (Airport Road) jangalore INR 0° THIRTY THOUSAND INR™** seeeees30..000, 00" JK synthetics itd BearingPoint India coc JK synthetics itd Enbasgy Golf Link Business Park PO Box 40962540 Bangalore 560090 Electronic city 05.05.2009 57 uploaded by http://www.sapdocs.infof = CORE Nanaperent eco. Connie | 8 Madhusudan go SAP FICO TRAINING —Accounts Payable lick ack Now you can print the checks. Make sure that the 8049 checkboxl 8049 js, selected and press Print Directly Bil icon. 58 uploaded by http:/

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