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Innovative lesson template

Name of the teacher: Arathy B Std IX

Name of the school: Govt. HSS Punalur Time: 40 mts.
Name of the subject: English
Name of the unit: Dawn of Hope
Area or topic: Conjunctions- Either …or and Neither…nor

Content analysis
Neither… nor is the conjunction used to make two negative
sentences at the same time about two people or things.
Either…or deals with the statements of options.
Learning outcomes
The learner-
Learns the rules of using Neither… nor and Either… or in a
Uses the conjunctions properly in a sentence
Pre- requisites
The learner
Can differentiate between positive and negative sentences.
Learning materials
A set of good and effective images.
Classroom interaction procedure Pupil response

Informal talk
Teacher establishes a good rapport with the
learners through an informal interaction and
makes them ready for learning.
Entry activity
Teacher makes two negative sentences and two
negative sentences using examples from the
Eg: Anju didn’t have her breakfast. She didn’t
bring her lunch.
She asks the learners whether they can make it a
single sentence. They may do it using “and”.

Introducing the concept

Teacher mentions the conjunctions Either…or
and Neither…nor and their meanings. When
either…or is used to join two options,
neither…nor stands for joining two negative

Explaining the concept using pictures

Section I

Tr: You can see two girls-Roja and Reena in this

picture. Does Roja wear a black ribbon? No,
Roja doesn’t wear a black ribbon
Does Reena wear a black ribbon? No, Reena
doesn’t wear a black ribbon. Can you join the
two answers and make a single sentence?
We know that neither…nor is used to join two
negative sentences. Leave the part which is
common to the two sentences free and add
neither and nor before the difference. Now we
can make the sentence as – “Neither Roja nor
Reena wears black ribbon.

Picture of a new example

Teacher shows another picture to them for
practicing the usage of neither…nor

Hint: Absence of teacher and students.

The answer can be – Neither the teacher nor the
students are present.
Section II
A new picture is used for the new concept

There are tigers and lions in the picture. They

are coming to catch the deer. Who will catch it
first? Tigers or Lions? The possibility is same.
So, we can say “Either the tigers or the lions
will catch the deer”. Where did we use either
and or? Before the two options.

A new picture for practice

Ram and Raj are running a race. Who will win
the race?

Can you say the sentence using Either…or?

Either Raj or Ram will win the race.

Home assignment

Construct 4 or 5 sentences using Either..or and

Neither...nor from your life situations.

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