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1. The rate of drug transport across a cell membrane by lipid diffusion

depends on all of the following EXCEPT:
a) Drug size (diffusion constant)
b) Lipid partition coefficient
c) Density of transporters
d) Concentration gradient
2. The major mechanism of drug transport involved in the transport of drug
out of the blood into tissues is:
a) Aqueous diffusion
b) Lipid diffusion
c) Active transport
d) Facilitated transport
3. The distribution of drugs into the central nervous system (brain) usually
depends on:
a) Aqueous diffusion
b) Lipid diffusion
c) Active transport
d) Facilitated transport
4. A characteristic of absorption by lipid diffusion is its saturability at high
drug concentrations.
True or False
5. Drugs with low oil:water partition coefficients undergo lipid diffusion
more rapidly than drugs with high oil:water partition coefficients.
True or False
6. A fundamental characteristic of all first order pharmacokinetic processes
is that the rate of the process is proportional to drug concentration:
True or False
7. Competition between two drugs for binding to plasma protein(s) can
result in a change in the concentration of free drug and potential drug
True or False
8. At pH 9.0, morphine (a weak base containing an ionizable amine group,
pKa of 7.0) would exist predominantly in the charged form.
True or False
9. Following intravenous administration, drugs are distributed fastest to:
a) the skin, kidney, and brain
b) the liver, kidney, and brain
c) the liver, adipose, and brain
d) the liver, kidney, and adipose
10. At pH 5.0, the ratio of the protonated to unprotonated forms of morphine
(a weak base containing an ionizable amine group, pKa = 7.0) would be:
a) 1:100
b) 1:10
c) 1:1
d) 100:1
11. Which of the following characteristics is most likely to be associated with
a high apparent volume of distribution?
a) High hepatic extraction ratio
b) Extensive binding to plasma protein
c) Distribution into total body water
d) Extensive binding to tissue constituents
12. For a normal sized adult, the hepatic clearance of a drug whose
metabolism is limited by the rate of blood flow to the liver would be:
a) 60 milliliters/min
b) 120 milliliters/min
c) I650 milliliters/min
d) 1500 milliliters/min
13. For a drug that is eliminated primarily by renal glomerular filtration, the
theoretical maximum clearance is approximately:
a) 1-2 milliliters/min
b) 12 milliliters/min
c) 120 milliliters/min
d) 1250 milliliters/min
14. Passive diffusion is expressed by
a) Fick’s first law of diffusion
b) Fick’s second law of diffusion
c) First order kinetics
d) Zero order kinetics
15. Noyes and Whitney equation is used to describe
a) Absorption
b) Dissolution
c) Distribution
d) Disintegration
16. ___________is used to study gastric emptying
a) Barium sulphate
b) Aluminium sulphate
c) Calcium sulphate
d) Aluminium hydroxide
17. The rate of drug transport across a cell membrane by lipid diffusion
depends on all of the following except
a) Surface area of absorption
b) Lipid partition coefficient
c) Density of transporters
d) Concentration gradient
18. Which of the following characteristics is most likely to be associated with
a high apparent volume of distribution?
a) Penetration across the blood brain and blood testis barriers
b) Extensive binding to plasma protein
c) Distribution into total body water
d) Extensive binding to tissue constitutions
19. For a drug that is eliminated primarily by renal glomerular filtration, the
theoretical maximum clearance is approximately
a) 1-2 ml/min
b) 12 ml/min
c) 120 ml/min
d) 1200 ml/min
20. The half life of a drug eliminated by first order elimination kinetics will be
longer in individual who have an …
a) Increased volume of distribution or increased clearance
b) Increased volume of distribution or decreased clearance
c) Decreased volume of distribution or increased clearance
d) Decreased volume of distribution or decreased clearance
21. The volume of distribution of drug is …..
a) An expression of total body volume
b) A measure of total fluid volume
c) A relationship between the total amount of drug in the body and
the concentration of the drug in the blood
d) Proportional to bioavailability of the drug
22. The area under the serum concentration time curve of the drug
a) The biological half-life of the drug
b) The amount of drug in the original dosage form
c) The amount of drug absorbed
d) The amount of drug excreted in the urine
23. The loading dose of a drug is based upon the
a) Time taken for complete elimination
b) Percentage of drug excreted unchanged in urine
c) Percentage of drug bound to plasma protein
d) Apparent volume of distribution and the desired drug
concentration in plasma
24. According to pH partition theory, a weakly acidic drug will most likely be
absorbed from the stomach because the drug which exist primarily in the
a) Un ionized, more lipid soluble form
b) Ionised, more water soluble form
c) Form of weak acid and more soluble in acid media
d) Ionic form of the drug, which facilitates diffusion
25. The term bioavailability refers to the
a) Relationship between the physical and chemical properties of a drug
and the systemic absorption of the drug
b) Measurement of the rate and amount of therapeutically active
drug that reaches the systemic circulation
c) Movement of drug into the body tissues over time
d) Dissolution of drug in the gastrointestinal tract
26. Creatinine clearance is used as a measurement for …..
a) Glomerular filtration rate
b) Renal excretion rate
c) Drug metabolism rate
d) Passive renal excretion
27. The rate of drug bioavailability is most rapid when the drug is formulated
as a
a) Controlled release product
b) Hard gelatin capsule
c) Tablet
d) Solution
28. Renal excretion of drug depend on…….
a) Urine flow
b) pH of the urine
c) Physiochemical properties of the drug
d) All of the above
29. The renal clearance of inulin is used as a measurement of
a) Effective renal blood flow
b) Rate of renal drug excretion
c) Active renal secretion
d) Glomerular filtration rate
30. Which tissue has the greatest capacity to biotransform of drugs?
a) Kidney
b) Liver
c) Lungs
d) Skin
31. The initial distribution of a drug into tissue is determined chiefly by the ….
a) Rate of blood flow to tissue
b) Tissue binding
c) Protein binding
d) All the above
32. p-Aminohippurate is used to measure
a) Effective hepatic blood flow
b) Effective renal blood flow
c) Effective lungs blood flow
d) Non of the above
33. Total body clearance is
a) The drug elimination rate divided by the plasma drug
b) The drug elimination rate divided by the Vd
c) The amount of drug in body divided by the plasma drug concentration
d) Non of the above
34. All are characteristics of passive diffusion except
a) Drugs moves down the concentration gradient
b) It is an energy independent process
c) Drugs moves up the concentration gradient
d) It is non saturable process
35. Which form of drug shows rapid dissolution rate?
a) Crystalline
b) Amorphous
c) Hydrate
d) None of the above
36. Protein binding of drugs helps to maintain ______ for absorption of drugs.
a) Nonsink condition
b) Sink condition
c) Biological condition
d) Non of the above
37. The process in which some drugs stimulate their own metabolism is
known as
a) Enzyme inhibition
b) Auto induction
c) Product inhibition
d) None of the above
38. Which of the following is carrier mediated transport system
a) Passive diffusion
b) Active transport
c) Pore transport
d) None of the above
39. As per BCS system, class I drugs comes under
a) High solubility high permeability
b) Low solubility high permeability
c) High solubility low permeability
d) Low solubility low permeability
40. Dissolution test apparatus I as per IP is
a) Paddle
b) Basket
c) Rotating basket
d) Rotating cylinder
41. Absorption of poorly soluble drug is
a) Diffusion rate limited
b) Dissolution rate limited
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
42. Very weak bases having pKa <5
a) Are ionized in the entire pH range of GIT
b) Show absorption, which is pH dependent
c) Are unionized at all pH values
d) None of the above
43. ______ is the concerned with the release of drugs from the dosage form and
its subsequent absorption into systemic circulation
a) clinical pharmacokinetics
b) pharmacodynamics
c) biopharmaceutics
d) all of the above
44. Which one of the following physicochemical property is more important
for passive diffusion of drugs from the GIT?
a) Partition coefficient
b) Lipid solubility
c) pH of GIT fluids
d) Dissolution rate constant
45. Micronized form of drug absorbed fast because
a) Surface area increased
b) Viscosity increased
c) Angle of distribution increased
d) Non of the above
46. Drugs undergoing first pass metabolism are advised not to be
administered through
a) Oral route
b) Rectal route
c) Parenteral route
d) Transdermal route

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