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General Meeting

Date: January 9th, 2018

Meeting called to order at: 7pm

Chaired by Vice President, Joanne Kirkland in absence of President, Sherry Halls.

Thanks to past executive and introduction of new executive.

House Rules:

 Stand when speaking and give them respect.

 One person speaking at a time.

Adoption of Agenda:

 Motion made to accept by Niels Nielson . Seconded by Christina Marshall . Discussion.

All in favor. Passed.
o Pat asked to add to new business: buying of computer. (Kassy added about data

Members Attending:

 Joanne Kirkland, Val Merritt, Pat Suter, Kassy Merritt, Stephanie Smith, Joyce
Magnussen, Art Kaehn, Tammy Colebank, Niels Nielsen, Linda Bolstad, Paddy Storey,
Christina Marshall, Leslie McConnachie, Brad McEackern, Debbie Schultz, Ruth Burzek,
Chelsea Brownscombe

Adoption of minutes:

 There will be no minutes presented at this time as Sherry Halls is at the coast dealing
with issues with her mother.

Treasurers Report:

 Discussion. Motion to accept. Niels Nielsen . Seconded by Paddy Storey . All in favor.
Old Business:

 Endowment Fund Grant – Picnic Tables

o Sherry Halls contacted EF committee & Lakeland Mills. Made new proposal on
separate form with details. Waiting for approval of change.
 Insurance
o Trying other than horses to be under one blanket price.

Committee/Community Reports:

 Hixon Seniors Society

o Niels said back in at school. Thurs. 1-4pm when school is in session. Age 50+ $10
per person per year.
o Had bus tour to Barkerville. Ruth Burzek spoke on how amazing it was. Bus driver
was fantastic.
o Had a Christmas Lights tour in Prince George. Went to China Cup then onto tour.
o Also Wed. 6:30pm Seniors Fitness at Firehall said Christina Marshall.
 Hixon Hill Riders
o Stephanie Smith reported. Put on a successful bazaar just before Christmas.
Thank you to Linda Bolstad, Kay Broadhead, Kassy Merritt and to all who helped.
 4H Club
o Leslie McConnachie reported registration is open online now.
 Yoga Club
o No report.
o Thursdays 6:30-8pm at school said Tammy Colebank.
 Building Committee
o Motion made that Niels Nielsen to continue to represent building committee by
Stephanie Smith. Seconded Ruth Burzek. All in favor. Passed.
o Niels found trophies in cupboards and feels we should have a cabinet for
trophies to be on display. He has wood and someone who would make it. He
doesn’t know how much it would cost. (Glass front).
o Motion made by Niels Nielsen. Seconded by Linda Bolstad that Niels Nielsen
check into price for trophy cabinet. All in favor. Passed.
o In past we had a Fall Fair Queen said Niels Nielsen.

New Business:

 Water License Extension

o Art Kaehn: Anyone providing water – time extended to March 1,2019.
o Possibly need a presentation for the community, mentioned Joanne Kirkland.
Linda Bolstad said it would be a good PR move and to help dispel a lot of concern
and not to wait too long.
o Art Kaehn said Hall is already registered. He will get the contact info to us. (Allan
 Jay Morrison-Embridge Presentation
o Coming 6pm on February 6th prior to monthly community Association meeting.
o Posters to be put throughout Hixon.
 Need of computer with programs by Pat Suter
o Pat Suter suggested that the community buy a cheap laptop for treasury report
o Niels Nielsen made motion to spend up to $700 for computer and programs to
do with community association business. Seconded by Christina Marshall.
o Discussion: Brad McEackern said we should find 3 best prices. Pat said someone
who knows should check into it. Pat Suter said Gary Blair would put treasurer
program on it. Brad McEackern stated he would look for the 3 best prices and
report back at next meeting.
o Niels Nielsen amended motion: Treasurer and Brad McEackern to bring back
price by next meeting of computer, printer if needed, and all programs
necessary. Seconded by Joyce Magnussen. All in favor. Passed.
o Kassy Merritt mentioned about getting data for example: needing of Skype,
and/or for rentals. Ruth Burzek mentioned about it is a monthly cost. Val Merritt
mentioned that maybe go one step at a time.
 Canada Summer Jobs
o It pays for half the wages in summer. Ages 16 and up.
o Michele Brooke: Community Development & Company officer. North Central
250-561-1040 ext.103 Contact for more information.
 Fall Fair
o Kassy Merritt mentioned about we need to get going on it already. Maybe bring
back some of the old games ie. Dunk tank etc. Might be wise to start planning
o Niels Nielsen suggested Kassy Merritt set up Fall Fair committee.
o Insurance needs to be checked into on what is allowed.
 Goodies at Meetings
o Val Merritt brought up that at each meeting we ask if someone wants to bring
goodies for the next meeting. A favorable response but not needed for next
meeting as already decided who will bring goodies.

 Motion to adjourn: Linda Bolstad.

Next Meeting Date: February 6th, 2018

Adjournment: 8pm.

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