Sizing of Energy Storage For Microgrids: I) Wind Power

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The micro grid concept assumes a cluster of loads and micro sources operating as a single
controllable system that provides both power and heat to its local area. This concept provides
a new paradigm for defining the operation of distributed generation.
It consists of a group of radial feeders, which could be part of a distribution system. There is a
single point of connection to the utility called point of common coupling (PCC). The MG also
has micro sources consisting of a photovoltaic (PV) system, a wind turbine (WT) system, two
micro turbines (MTs), a fuel cell (FC), and an energy storage system (ESS). The fuel input is
needed only for the MT and FC as the energy input for the WT and PV comes from wind and
sun. To serve the load demand, electrical power can be produced directly by MT, FC, PV,
and/or WT. The upstream power system can also support the power in grid-connected MGs.
Furthermore, the central controller (smart energy manager) is the main control interface
between the upstream grid and the MG. The central controller has the main responsibility for
optimizing the MG operation, or alternatively, coordinating the actions of local controllers to
produce the optimal output.

i) Wind Power
Wind power is the electrical power generated by wind turbines, which are installed in locations
with strong and sustained winds. The wind pushes against the fan blades of a wind turbine,
mounted on a tower at an elevation high above and away from ground obstructions and
obstacles. Wind turbines have no control over their energy output and are constrained by their
physical limits in their operation and applications.
ii) Solar Photovoltaic Power
Solar photovoltaic power is a generic term used for electrical power that is generated from
sunlight. A solar photovoltaic system converts sunlight into electricity. The fundamental
building block of solar photovoltaic power is the solar cell or photovoltaic cell. A solar cell is
a self-contained electricity producing device constructed of semiconducting materials.
iii) Micro Turbines and Fuel Cells
Micro turbines are small single staged combustion turbines that generate from few KWs to few
MWs of power, although their size varies. Micro turbines are usually powered by natural gas,
but can also be powered by biogas, hydrogen, propane, or diesel.

iv) Energy Storage System

In recent years, several forms of energy storage are studied in-tensely. These include
electrochemical battery, super capacitor, compressed air energy storage, super conducting
magnetic energy storage, and fly wheel energy storage. Lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries are
chosen in this paper. They are currently one of the most popular types of batteries for portable
electronics, with one of the best energy-to-weight ratios, no memory effect, and a slow loss of
charge when not in use. Mistreatment may cause Li-ion batteries to explode. Li-ion batteries
are growing in popularity for defence, automotive, and aerospace applications due to their high
energy density.
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