IELTS Speaking Test

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Name : Munandar

Class : PKPI A
Date : 22 January 2018

School days
 Tell me something about your secondary school.
I took my secondary school in 1997 in Banda Aceh. It located near to my house just 5 minutes
walking. The building is an old building and it was Dutch heritage. I have a lot of friends in my
schooling and also most teachers have a good approach for learning process.
 Which subject did you find most difficult at school? [Why?]
I think science quite difficult for me because at that time I did not really understand what the topic
told about. Then, many things must to remember making me frustrated.
 Do you ever need that subject now? [Why? /Why not?]
Definitely, I do like this kind of subject now. Furthermore, I took science in my bachelor degree.
And I believe that science is very interesting if we more involved in some activities.
 What did you enjoy about being a school student?
I felt that I have much time for playing with my friends. At that time, I just thinking about how to
waste the time with friends. I did not to focus on my study. Usually I went to school together with
friends, then sometime we did not to reach the school but played football at a field. When I
remember at that moment make me laugh or just sad because I spend my time in not appropriate
 Are there famous buildings in your home town? [What are they?]
There are many famous and interesting buildings in my home town such as tsunami museum,
escape building, the hero’s’ grave, and etc. Tsunami museum is a building that give information
about the disaster that happened in Aceh in 2004. Escape building is the building that used for
society if the tsunami come again to my home town. Then the hero’s’ grave is the building that use
for Aceh Scholars (Ulama) that has been Shaheed.
 In what type of building do most people in your home town live?
Many people in my hometown live in a house. Usually in one village contains more than 300
 Should buildings be attractive to look at? [Why? /Why not?]
In my perspective the quality of buildings need to take into account. The buildings will reflect to
our personality.
 What is the most unusual building you have ever seen? [Why?]
The most unusual building that I even seen was the second tallest building in the world. The
building is called 101 that located in Taiwan. I really impressed when I look at the first time. It
makes me think why Indonesia cannot build some kind like that building. I believe that kind of
building characterize of the country. The highest building that they can make, the highest
prosperity of their citizens.

Describe an interesting story that you heard or read about in the news.
You should say:
When you heard or read about the story
What the story was about
Why the story was in the news
And explain why you thought the story was interesting.

Reading newspapers
 When do people like to read the newspaper?
In my home town many people like to read newspaper at the morning. Usually before they go to
work, they spend a few times to look what the news tells about either yesterday or today event or
just information for the next time.
 How important is it for people to have a choice of newspaper?
Many type of newspapers available in my home town.
 What does a good newspaper contain?
The future of newspapers
 Why do some people choose to read the news on the internet rather than in a newspaper?
 How is internet news different from the news you read in the newspaper?
 Will internet news ever replace newspapers? [Why? /Why not?]

Part 2:
Describe an interesting story that you have heard or read about in the

 When you heard or read about the story

 What the story was about
 Why the story was in the news
 And explain why you thought the story was interesting

A few months ago I read about Ishita Katyal on the internet news while
looking for interesting TED talks.

She is the youngest TED speaker from India who was just 10 years old
back then. What surprised me, even more, is her intellectual speech filled
with witty and captivating sentences spoken in the TED video which I
watched immediately after I read an article about her. She speaks about
the importance of choices left to children and why we as adults shouldn’t
bother children by asking questions about their future. This news was an
eye opener for me and provided me with useful tips.
Her take on the topic was interesting to me as this little girl makes so much
of sense. News about her flashed everywhere on the internet highlighting
the fact that she too is from Pune making me feel proud as I too live in
Pune. Apart from being a speaker, she is also an author of a book
published by Penguins.

This news left me pondering about how careful we should be as adults

when we strike a conversation with a child. It was indeed enlightening and
suggest all to read this news.

Part 3:
When do people like to read the newspapers?

In my country, people generally read newspapers at the beginning of the

day sipping a cup of tea or coffee. They love it that way. Due to busy
schedules, some like to read it while travelling or even in lunch breaks.

How important is it for people to have a choice of a newspaper?

Choices are essential. The freedom to choose a newspaper from a huge

variety empowers the reader in terms of different sources of the truth and to
check if the news delivered is reliable and trustworthy. For example, in a
multilingual country like India, it is essential that people are able to access
news in their mothertongue which is possible with variety of newspapers.

What does a good newspaper contain?

According to me, a good news paper contains truth in an unbiased form

irrespective of the possible consequences the management could face.
Because it is the primary objective of a newspaper to say the truth as it is.
Plus, there should a variety of topics covered.

Why do some people choose to read the news on the internet rather
than in a newspaper?

Internet news is easily accessible, user-friendly and instant. Internet news

is preferred by some people especially the young generation over a

How is internet news different from the news you read in the
Internet news is more interactive, lively and user-friendly than a newspaper.
In addition, it is eco- friendly too. Its also updated every second as opposed
to 24-hour cycle for newspapers. Although newspaper is tangible reading
news on the internet is trending.

Will internet news ever replace newspapers?

Most likely it may replace but will take considerable time for that because
more and more people feel reading on the internet is more comfortable.
Therefore , newspapers may become obsolete in the future.

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