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ffi+=i# Lesson Lz

*"'ftt t|+ tiril+"

,('?? )
l-ill-) iii+ LdT:t"
-. :st[4F5J Substitution Drills
6 (--rr666 >
*.lrr el + i*-lvx"
/ /\/\/>+)i-
&E ft+ feA
a(*rFFZ) z. i*wax*rtT#rz E+, +)+
*"t|axi*aT "
Z, *t
nn B-, ?

s. A^ *ilt|d-t|z +&, i,li

it+ LisJlklq "
ia^Atiltr-*,$" x.+, trh
&8, +t+
t. '*tfet k,
A: iL1* rE T *-?
i4, #, trh Hinyi ndn bu n6n?
nF+E+,\. " ffie, t,?, w *.#, ,l: fi Eh"
trk /L-a +-

*t, #T, lB ^,f,i ,li

gri tll nin, bir
dinshi fd yin r6ngyi.

+L, frrt, iTtl Ni ^
m6ng bu m6ng?

lk ,li o 4k 'li "42

4khIJ at tuir fr iqqst, *.*- H6n mdng. Ni mang ma?

r4Z ,f ? ++, IA t\ *. ,li " 4tr,6 t{-A ie-1+ #Jr4t

bri thi m6rng. Ni you m6iyou Hinyrl cidiin?
W6 ^,
amAATf-: ww, 4L
hlf , f tr/'- 6 yi 4-.
Y6u b6n.
4erf "
6, ttn ivafrh ,G , J\ ,J', t-+ Ni de cidiin xin bu xin?
#fT, F.-A ts i;l*.
ix;rAA tu -v
,J\ rt>' o
lE , tE, {[ shi Yi b€n jii
+t+, h ^ xin,
Bir cidid'n.

ffit Text
ii € *\'ftt kI "+k-8. t\'fll6t &E lY'-
( -) Zhb shi iv6men de jiiroshi. W6men de jidoshi h6n

A: tts+4ftA? ii,
l1,..+ +
hdn gdnjing.
Ni xu6xi sh6me?
B: *"+ a i*i+" fiFk4&,4t1fr1&8" 'fe'fil #ttken *..
Ni shi timen de jiiroslti- Tdmen de jiiroshi bf dd.
Wd xu6xi HlnY[.
t. '*tfet k,
A: iL1* rE T *-?
i4, #, trh Hinyi ndn bu n6n?
nF+E+,\. " ffie, t,?, w *.#, ,l: fi Eh"
trk /L-a +-

*t, #T, lB ^,f,i ,li

gri tll nin, bir
dinshi fd yin r6ngyi.

+L, frrt, iTtl Ni ^
m6ng bu m6ng?

lk ,li o 4k 'li "42

4khIJ at tuir fr iqqst, *.*- H6n mdng. Ni mang ma?

r4Z ,f ? ++, IA t\ *. ,li " 4tr,6 t{-A ie-1+ #Jr4t

bri thi m6rng. Ni you m6iyou Hinyrl cidiin?
W6 ^,
amAATf-: ww, 4L
hlf , f tr/'- 6 yi 4-.
Y6u b6n.
4erf "
6, ttn ivafrh ,G , J\ ,J', t-+ Ni de cidiin xin bu xin?
#fT, F.-A ts i;l*.
ix;rAA tu -v
,J\ rt>' o
lE , tE, {[ shi Yi b€n jii
+t+, h ^ xin,
Bir cidid'n.

ffit Text
ii € *\'ftt kI "+k-8. t\'fll6t &E lY'-
( -) Zhb shi iv6men de jiiroshi. W6men de jidoshi h6n

A: tts+4ftA? ii,
l1,..+ +
hdn gdnjing.
Ni xu6xi sh6me?
B: *"+ a i*i+" fiFk4&,4t1fr1&8" 'fe'fil #ttken *..
Ni shi timen de jiiroslti- Tdmen de jiiroshi bf dd.
Wd xu6xi HlnY[.
a € *\{rt *ct1n +" *.,lil I'n n +@ lo. lE GV> Jlu old
Zhe shi wdmen bdn de r6ngxu6. W6men bd.n nAn t6ngxu6 n.* rt (M) nili hard

?, -Jr n+

)-o tz. E&- (€) dlnshi but

du0, nfr t6ngxu6 shdo.
13. K+ (a> fdyin pronunciation
A. !)L (&> bin class

15. Fl + (tr>t6ngxu6 classmate, schoolmate

16. n (a) n6n male

17. (&) nil female
[8.'Y (M) sh6o alittle,afew
Ci"'ftt 4 a iLl,+,
W6men xu6xi Hdnyri,
4 lkt lJ .
d6u h€n nili. ihtgifl Additional Words

l. ff.. (a) xl department, faculty

=. tfil
New l4,ords

r.t (M> big,

2. Fn- (z) nidnji grade (year group)

3. i.++
de large
(&) w6nkd liberal arts
z. fe-t (A)
4- J-+
wDzi room
(tr) gdngkE
t.'#i engineering
s. t94+
<M> xin n€w

4f+ (ft) gdnjing clean

(a> likE science

).7 (M) du6 many, numerous Sg, ;F l.{otes

o. Ji (E|J) Ai too O "#J" #JEW Omission of fi!

?.'Eh (M> r6ngyi easy
tfi f\itfl fFEiE' lErR +,t'iEE#6Str. +e4* tr+ fiq
8. ,J. (M) xi6o small, little &
g.W (M) zang dirty The structural particle H! may be omitted if the central word

100 101
a € *\{rt *ct1n +" *.,lil I'n n +@ lo. lE GV> Jlu old
Zhe shi wdmen bdn de r6ngxu6. W6men bd.n nAn t6ngxu6 n.* rt (M) nili hard

?, -Jr n+

)-o tz. E&- (€) dlnshi but

du0, nfr t6ngxu6 shdo.
13. K+ (a> fdyin pronunciation
A. !)L (&> bin class

15. Fl + (tr>t6ngxu6 classmate, schoolmate

16. n (a) n6n male

17. (&) nil female
[8.'Y (M) sh6o alittle,afew
Ci"'ftt 4 a iLl,+,
W6men xu6xi Hdnyri,
4 lkt lJ .
d6u h€n nili. ihtgifl Additional Words

l. ff.. (a) xl department, faculty

=. tfil
New l4,ords

r.t (M> big,

2. Fn- (z) nidnji grade (year group)

3. i.++
de large
(&) w6nkd liberal arts
z. fe-t (A)
4- J-+
wDzi room
(tr) gdngkE
t.'#i engineering
s. t94+
<M> xin n€w

4f+ (ft) gdnjing clean

(a> likE science

).7 (M) du6 many, numerous Sg, ;F l.{otes

o. Ji (E|J) Ai too O "#J" #JEW Omission of fi!

?.'Eh (M> r6ngyi easy
tfi f\itfl fFEiE' lErR +,t'iEE#6Str. +e4* tr+ fiq
8. ,J. (M) xi6o small, little &
g.W (M) zang dirty The structural particle H! may be omitted if the central word

100 101

modified by a personal pronbun stands for one's institution,

workplace or relatives, etq., e.g. &{fl#, {&trS.
n+Lr, Jr+Ly"
2. MA.AiHiE€H!FE Negation of a sentence with an
@ on, nk, fi and k adjective as its predicate
nH' "k" *w.aaEs-raH, rc#^EiaEEEiE, Hxrl
"k+& 6fr^)<' ok**'
M E 1f,14 EA E! 6 Efr ft&:iF EM* i"1 Bttu 6 E *
&E[fi!'ffH' fu' "H+&" " ffi19n,
E-rl iFt
and f cannot usually stand alone. They are used to
S The negative form of'this kind of sentence is constructed by
rnodify nouns related to persons, to show genders, e.g. H+ placing the adverb T before the adjective, e.g.
*./k+8, H*.*.,/q^*.
E- f;i}8 Gramrntr
1. ftE1AiEffiEJ Sentence with an adjective as its pre-
3. frF.ftlrl€ Affirmative-negative question
tEiE i* + t FFqtt ElH Efirr\ fi 6 FcMr\)+y\E X, ffi +AFI
IV E'A iH lE 6J ft UM d i"1 fF iH i€ * 4 Ft h' Vl dS + " iXrt M d lEF-ffiFJE, ffiin-
iiliEig6+4Fffidri{ otu' o
This kind of interrogative sentence is formed by putting to-
ffilE' gether the affirmative and negative forms of the verb (or adjee-
This kind of sentence takes an adjective as its predicate"
tive), e.g.
The verb ft is no longer used before the adjective, e.g.

iiA.#l *.fi,P.*T "

4e'ft7ift_r-t3rf ?
*.,frt t|+k"E "
lk+ 7+
MEF1+\*JFiEiE, &,M*iAJffiH'HEIFJ (fflu t "+8" &. Ifi6 r'q_A*x.447
zr&trHrJHX8,4HXff, IFRR HMaiflfFiEiF, ilffiE tb&fi! "6" +Hffi "ft" +frffi8tr_FflE€&lnl, frEu+*uT
H,B, Hffi AXJffiF!{U+8, BIIE, KJfr,A,
If an adjective stands alone as the predicate in a sentence, The affirmative-negative question of a sentence with
fi- or
the adverb ffi adjective. In this case, ffi
is often used before the ft can also be formed in the following way:
loses its force as an adverb of degree. If an adjective is used
as a predicate without any modification, comparison is implied,
e.g. fh6 4x.#14 i\-6 ?

L02 103

modified by a personal pronbun stands for one's institution,

workplace or relatives, etq., e.g. &{fl#, {&trS.
n+Lr, Jr+Ly"
2. MA.AiHiE€H!FE Negation of a sentence with an
@ on, nk, fi and k adjective as its predicate
nH' "k" *w.aaEs-raH, rc#^EiaEEEiE, Hxrl
"k+& 6fr^)<' ok**'
M E 1f,14 EA E! 6 Efr ft&:iF EM* i"1 Bttu 6 E *
&E[fi!'ffH' fu' "H+&" " ffi19n,
E-rl iFt
and f cannot usually stand alone. They are used to
S The negative form of'this kind of sentence is constructed by
rnodify nouns related to persons, to show genders, e.g. H+ placing the adverb T before the adjective, e.g.
*./k+8, H*.*.,/q^*.
E- f;i}8 Gramrntr
1. ftE1AiEffiEJ Sentence with an adjective as its pre-
3. frF.ftlrl€ Affirmative-negative question
tEiE i* + t FFqtt ElH Efirr\ fi 6 FcMr\)+y\E X, ffi +AFI
IV E'A iH lE 6J ft UM d i"1 fF iH i€ * 4 Ft h' Vl dS + " iXrt M d lEF-ffiFJE, ffiin-
iiliEig6+4Fffidri{ otu' o
This kind of interrogative sentence is formed by putting to-
ffilE' gether the affirmative and negative forms of the verb (or adjee-
This kind of sentence takes an adjective as its predicate"
tive), e.g.
The verb ft is no longer used before the adjective, e.g.

iiA.#l *.fi,P.*T "

4e'ft7ift_r-t3rf ?
*.,frt t|+k"E "
lk+ 7+
MEF1+\*JFiEiE, &,M*iAJffiH'HEIFJ (fflu t "+8" &. Ifi6 r'q_A*x.447
zr&trHrJHX8,4HXff, IFRR HMaiflfFiEiF, ilffiE tb&fi! "6" +Hffi "ft" +frffi8tr_FflE€&lnl, frEu+*uT
H,B, Hffi AXJffiF!{U+8, BIIE, KJfr,A,
If an adjective stands alone as the predicate in a sentence, The affirmative-negative question of a sentence with
fi- or
the adverb ffi adjective. In this case, ffi
is often used before the ft can also be formed in the following way:
loses its force as an adverb of degree. If an adjective is used
as a predicate without any modification, comparison is implied,
e.g. fh6 4x.#14 i\-6 ?

L02 103
4. ffifrfti"1fF€iF A demonstrative pronoun as an at-
(?) fief4+*'|fi n +.
*Ffrftia "8" oflF' +fFEiE, EiE €+,i'iEz' H*&& (s ) ii.&-*\.6i 1,;l *.
FffiGtE. &JlF'
When the demonstrative pronoun E or XF, etc. is used as
(e) l{I€Ti6i+,s"
an attributive, a measure word is generally used between t"he ( 10 ) 4u'fllr!if.-6 Jr Fl + "
pronoun and the central word, e.g. &#'Rt (: ) Et#tEtffi,
Answer the questions according to the Text (2):
'i.Aiq A.&*F.
rF+4.4#fi#z (r) E€,f,i({t]r*!&_E"At
(2) th4t1t1&.8 *.6 jrr f )+Tf )+?
*. #n Exercises
(3) nrsF-&t1&_Ez
1 . tETttJffii8 H&FnF'B,ffi lol6J'
Change the following statements into affirrnative-negative ( r ) 'ft,'fll fr41&8. Jifi *.t
(5) ttrlt1/r*n+ 9Tg,t

ii+ltelR *." (6) t#It1gLnn49"qz

(7) {,fi,fn 4 E It Az
(r) '*t fe-t tr1rl-+ )+
(8 ) ,f,fi,fl]4,/ik?f,. )t "42
" e#*h,tFEEl#iEttr,
(2) iv-i*^iiE" Give your own answers to the questionst

(3) fllrlTK*tlkw" (r) tk+>JttAt

(t) -L t*-lK'li" ( z ) I,kfit1llr#J &E*.fi *.r
(s) nF1#.WWfP.#To (3) Itrfitlrltti I"l+ 9fr?z
( 6 ) frr,+haf lF i. (4) t&4t1r!6 /L^ fl H+r
4. ffifrfti"1fF€iF A demonstrative pronoun as an at-
(?) fief4+*'|fi n +.
*Ffrftia "8" oflF' +fFEiE, EiE €+,i'iEz' H*&& (s ) ii.&-*\.6i 1,;l *.
FffiGtE. &JlF'
When the demonstrative pronoun E or XF, etc. is used as
(e) l{I€Ti6i+,s"
an attributive, a measure word is generally used between t"he ( 10 ) 4u'fllr!if.-6 Jr Fl + "
pronoun and the central word, e.g. &#'Rt (: ) Et#tEtffi,
Answer the questions according to the Text (2):
'i.Aiq A.&*F.
rF+4.4#fi#z (r) E€,f,i({t]r*!&_E"At
(2) th4t1t1&.8 *.6 jrr f )+Tf )+?
*. #n Exercises
(3) nrsF-&t1&_Ez
1 . tETttJffii8 H&FnF'B,ffi lol6J'
Change the following statements into affirrnative-negative ( r ) 'ft,'fll fr41&8. Jifi *.t
(5) ttrlt1/r*n+ 9Tg,t

ii+ltelR *." (6) t#It1gLnn49"qz

(7) {,fi,fn 4 E It Az
(r) '*t fe-t tr1rl-+ )+
(8 ) ,f,fi,fl]4,/ik?f,. )t "42
" e#*h,tFEEl#iEttr,
(2) iv-i*^iiE" Give your own answers to the questionst

(3) fllrlTK*tlkw" (r) tk+>JttAt

(t) -L t*-lK'li" ( z ) I,kfit1llr#J &E*.fi *.r
(s) nF1#.WWfP.#To (3) Itrfitlrltti I"l+ 9fr?z
( 6 ) frr,+haf lF i. (4) t&4t1r!6 /L^ fl H+r
(b) t,k4t1r'YAlt6*Fl =f t 6 tu+? tl
J. ltJ-
4. Hiqf trf'€TEffiI#f.i-Lffi€, ry tF I -:-
Read and then copy the following passage, giving a proper
tone-graph for each ofthe characters: 6( ', ','?\ ,\6)
A#T t'eUAr+€ + fn+ tJ ;* i#" +VItl 8
8r ln
tEtl+ LT, , 4w+Jc 4 *-6"a4-n + ,J('77hJ)
L" ,'hu*^*-F..h, ,f&,ftl 4 fl.t tl A#l " ,J. I J 'l ,J.
ilt**-fil1'-r, ie f-i}{#l *T, "
r0 i Iri ln lw
A( E)
A+* Table of Chinese Characters
irlrnlt le
T6 12 :id

tfr 13

14 trt4
-q (
pg )
.r 414+> 15

t)L lt
(b) t,k4t1r'YAlt6*Fl =f t 6 tu+? tl
J. ltJ-
4. Hiqf trf'€TEffiI#f.i-Lffi€, ry tF I -:-
Read and then copy the following passage, giving a proper
tone-graph for each ofthe characters: 6( ', ','?\ ,\6)
A#T t'eUAr+€ + fn+ tJ ;* i#" +VItl 8
8r ln
tEtl+ LT, , 4w+Jc 4 *-6"a4-n + ,J('77hJ)
L" ,'hu*^*-F..h, ,f&,ftl 4 fl.t tl A#l " ,J. I J 'l ,J.
ilt**-fil1'-r, ie f-i}{#l *T, "
r0 i Iri ln lw
A( E)
A+* Table of Chinese Characters
irlrnlt le
T6 12 :id

tfr 13

14 trt4
-q (
pg )
.r 414+> 15

t)L lt

) ()t) ) i

Ht =iR Lesson 13
*\trt7" f i&"
-. 6&!$q Substitution Drills

r. *I.,lrt*4"

+r +,t ,q iF-
}t, B

4. i*qnggSr +, ft+
*\.5 ia+., fr, q.iL
:., ;
x*'qr tFu' *'ff

4&-T5 ix4 in, *+



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