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Third stage/fourth stage :‫االسم الثالثي‬

Pharmaceutical training

Part 1: Theoretical question:

Q1: Give the advantage of using sublingual route

Q2/Give the disadvantages of using intravenous route

Q3/Give the mechanism of dissolving of effervescent tablets

Q4/what is the advantage of using dexamethasone vial (8mg/2ml) over dexamethasone ampoule(8mg/2ml)?

Q5/ Patient has sever peptic ulcer and also he severed from joint pain what type of dosage form you should give to
him? and why?

1-voltaren tablet 50 mg.

2- voltaren ampoule 75mg/3ml I.M injection.

3- voltaren suppositories.

4-No one

Q6/ enteric coated tablet is formulated to the drug that……………………………..

Q7/ give an example for the following (10 Mark)




4-chewable tablet




8-eye drop for allergy

Q8/-Give the principle of chemotherapy treatment?

Q9-What is the difference between microbe and parasite?

Q10-Define the empiric therapy and in which case we choose this type of treatment?

Q11-What is the difference between bacteriostatic and bactericidal agent and which one should be
used if the patient has low immunity?

Q12/Give three mechanism of action of penicillin and explain one

Q13/Patient requires certain antibiotic treatment and you have only cefatoxime vial 1gram what
you should ask him about if he severe from sensitivity to cephalosporin?

Part 11:practical question

Q1\Define the following:



Hal life:

Expire date:


Q2/give the dosage form and potency of amoxicillin in the pharmacy:

Q3/Patient have allergy to penillin and sever from tonsillitis what should you give him?

Q4/What advice you should give to the patient if you give him doxycycline?

Q5/If children sever from tonsillitis and diarrhea, what antibiotic you should give him to treat tonsillitis and why?

Q6/give the scientific name of eye drop used to treat open angle glaucoma?

Q7/give three uses of salbutamol:

Q8/what advice given to the patient if he use ventolin inhaler?

Q9/how can you deal with trouble maker patient?

‫ ماهو تقييمك للدورة التدريبية في صيدلية المعرفة الدوائية؟‬:‫السؤال العاشر‬

‫تمنياتنا لكم بالنجاح‬

‫الصيدالني حسين كامل حامد‬

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