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Bowdoin College

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The Nation’s Oldest Continuously Published College Weekly Friday, February 2, 2018 Volume 147, Number 14

College to hire Dean’s office formalizes emergency aid

two new Arabic
composed of donations from the process more equitable. “We had been talking about
by Mollie Eisner Bowdoin community. “Some people might know how, in the spirit of equity and
Orient Staff
While the funds for emer- about the existence of the funds, access to resources, the best way

The College has created an gency financial aid are not new, but not everybody,” said Dean of to do this would be to give access
online form for students to ap- information about it was not Student Affairs Tim Foster. “We directly to students,” she said.
ply for emergency financial aid, previously publicly available to decided that we wanted to be The fund is made posssible by
Dean of Students Janet Lohmann students. Instead, staff and facul- really transparent. Instead of just donations to the college.
announced in an email to the stu- ty members were notified of the notifying faculty, advisors and “[Due to] the generosity of
full-time lecturer in Arabic lan- dent body last Friday. fund and could inform students deans, we decided to let the whole alumni and parents, we have
by Eliana Miller guage as well as a one-year An- The fund—which will cover who they perceived to be in need. community know.” funds that are made available
Orient Staff
drew W. Mellon postdoctoral the costs of “emergencies, special The standardized application, Lohmann emphasized that almost exclusively to support stu-
After years of requests from fellow. Together these two fac- programs, test prep, supplies, available on the website for the this transparency is designed to dents who are on aid,” Foster said.
both students and faculty, the ulty members will teach a total travel and unanticipated events,” Office of the Dean of Student make the resources more readily
College is hiring two new Ar- of seven official Arabic courses according to the website—is Affairs, is designed to make the available to students seeking help. Please see AID, page 4
abic language instructors for during the 2018-2019 academic
the upcoming academic year. year. Depending on the can-
However, a potential Arabic didates, there is potential for a
or Middle Eastern and North future MENA studies course
African (MENA) studies major taught in English.
or minor seems unlikely in the Students hope that the Arabic
near future. program continues to expand to
Currently, Bowdoin offers ultimately allow students to de-
beginner and intermediate Ar- clare a major or minor.
abic language courses taught “I would absolutely love a
exclusively by Lecturer in Ara- minor or major in Arabic,” said
bic Russell Hopley, who will be Julia Amstutz ’19 who has tak-
leaving the College at the end of en Arabic every semester since
the spring semester. Hopley also her first year at Bowdoin and
leads two independent study studied abroad in Morocco last
courses per semester for upper semester. “I think there really is
level Arabic language students. value in having an official dec-
This semester, eight students are laration from the College … I
enrolled in each independent also think it’s one of Bowdoin’s
study. greatest academic weakness-
“[Teaching four classes a se- es that it doesn’t really have
mester] puts a faculty member anything official—an official
into a difficult situation,” said Middle Eastern studies depart-
James Higginbotham, associate ment or an official collection
dean for academic affairs. “You of courses—because it’s such a
want to have faculty members complicated part of the world.”
who can come here and teach “The fact that there are Ar-
but can also have time to do re- abic language courses, the fact
search that informs their teach- that I can go abroad and the fact
ing, and that’s hard [for Hopley] that I can take Middle Eastern
to do.” studies courses across different COURTESY OF TREV MOZINGA
The College is in the process
of reviewing applications for a Please see ARABIC, page 3 Bowdoin alumna to participate in 2018 Winter Olympics. SEE PAGE 9.

Bowdoin website to see first Students share mixed reactions

major overhaul since 2005 to reusable College House cups
Hood. “[That project] was an stantly trying to do was think wanted it, [residents] were like, Bukowski-Thall said.
by Nell Fitzgerald opportunity for us to figure out about what our fans wanted and by Kate Lusignan ‘Whatever he feels passionately However, the cups are dish-
Orient Staff Orient Staff
how to do that kind of work, and [what we] were doing from our about, I’ll just vote for it.’ Very washer safe, and each College
The Office of Communica- realize that it’s time to create a website … so I will definitely In an effort to reduce plastic few people were very excited House is responsible for wash-
tions and Public Affairs has em- website.” bring that perspective to the web-
waste, all eight College Houses about it,” said Grace Bukows- ing them. Four of the eight
barked on an initiative to rede- Executive Director of Com- site design,” said Baumgartner. will begin using reusable cups ki-Thall ’20, a resident of Bur- Houses have dishwashers, while
sign the College’s website, which munications and Public Affairs “Understanding the different in place of traditional single-use nett House. Houses without dishwashers
has not undergone significant Mary Baumgartner added that in constituencies that want to use cups this semester. Last year, Whereas some Houses, will be responsible for coor-
changes since 2005. The project addition to strategic and aesthetic our site, whether that is prospec-
the College Houses used over such as Ladd, passed the ini- dinating times to use another
is expected to be completed in reasons for the redesign, the cur- tive students and families, current
25,000 plastic cups, according tiative when it was first pro- House’s dishwasher.
October of this year. rent website is practically flawed: students, staff.” to the College’s Sustainability posed, others voted multiple “We’re getting constantly
“That’s a long time in this there are many dead-ends on Hood highlighted that this Office. The initiative, proposed times before the measure nagged by our housekeeper
world. It’s due,” said Senior Vice the site, it lacks accessibility and wide range of users will present a
by College House eco reps last passed. Burnett held several that we have dirty dishes in
President for Communications doesn’t have a mobile version. challenge for the team as it starts
semester, has been met with unofficial votes before a ma- the sink, so from most people’s
and Public Affairs Scott Hood. Baumgartner, who began designing a new site completely mixed reactions from students. jority of House members were perspective we were not going
The impetus for the new site working at Bowdoin in Septem- from scratch. Each House voted on the convinced to vote in favor. to wash those cups at all,” Bu-
began in fall of 2015, when the of- ber 2017 and is a leading figure in “It is a priority that this site be
proposal before purchasing the Despite the environmental kowski-Thall said. “The idea of
fice ran a comprehensive research developing the new site, has ex- useful to people who don’t know cups with money from their benefits of saving plastic cups, having 400 plastic cups when
project focused on how to attract tensive experience in digital com- about Bowdoin. But at the same yearly budgets, allocated from some students expressed con- we have one tiny dishwasher
students from outside of the New munications through her work as time we also have to preserve thethe Office of Residential Life cerns about hygiene, cup size seemed ridiculous.”
England region, where Bowdoin vice president for digital initia- functionality internally. That’s a
(ResLife). Howell House, the and stealing. The eco-reps understand that
might be less familiar, Hood said. tives at HBO, where she worked tricky balance,” said Hood. “It’schem-free College House, pur- “I think it’s a little unsani- this added chore may worry
One conclusion that the team for 17 years. Baumgartner was really a project about real estate
chased 100 cups, while the oth- tary especially if it is sitting in some residents, but they believe
took from the project was that key to transforming in some ways. You have to make er seven College Houses, which cupboards for a while and not that a systematic schedule for
digital outreach is crucial in order into one of the most prominent choices.” typically serve alcohol at par- washed right away. I think we washing the cups will alleviate
to attract those demographics. websites in the TV industry, as In addition to Hood and ties, purchased 400 cups each. maybe had two or three cam- the stress.
“Clearly, in this day and age, well as launching “HBO On-De- Baumgartner, the team managing Many House residents ex- pus-wides the whole semester, “It is definitely a lot of
you can do some of that in print, mand.” pressed apathy about the plan. so that is a couple week spans
but it’s a digital world now,” said “At HBO, what we were con- Please see WEBSITE, page 3 “Since our eco rep really and the cups are just sitting,” Please see CUPS, page 4

Bowdoin’s Board of Trustees will meet in Ashley Gavin will perform stand-up in Béa Blakemore brings energy and Women’s basketball loses its 19-game win Anu Asaolu ’19 considers the uniformity of
Silicon Valley next week. Page 4. Kresge tonight. Page 5. inspiration to Zumba class. Page 7. streak. Page 10. fashion at Bowdoin. Page 11.
2 Friday, February 2, 2018

1/25 to 2/1
Which building on campus do you feel you look the
Thursday, January 25
• A concerned parent who had been unable to reach
match at the Lubin Squash Courts. Brunswick Rescue
transported the student to Mid Coast Hospital. most like?
her daughter asked security to check on her wellbeing.
The student was located.
• A smoke alarm at Brunswick Apartment M was
Sunday, January 28
• An intoxicated Coleman Hall student was trans-
Thomas Freund ’20
caused by a student burning fish.
• An officer checked on a student with flu symp-
ported to Mid Coast Hospital.
• An intoxicated Moore Hall student was trans- "Druck. It looks official on the
outside but who knows what really,
toms, and the student was referred to the ported to Mid Coast Hospital.
health center. • Loud music was
reported coming from
Friday, January 26
• Complaints were re-
the 15th floor of Coles
Tower. Students were
really goes on in there."
ceived of excessively asked to lower the

Nora Cullen ’18

loud music on the volume.
fourth floor of Coles • A support pole
Tower. Students in the Helmreich
complied by turn-
ing off the music.
House common room
was dislodged, causing
"Hubbard, it’s warm and cozy but
• Officers
investigated a
ceiling damage.
• A student with
also has an academic vibe ... and it
report of a wom-
an yelling and in
a wrist injury was given an
escort to Mid Coast Hospital. reminds me of Harry Potter."
possible distress.
After a thorough Monday, January 29
check of the area,
nothing unusual was
• A parking sign
at the 85 Union Street lot Sofia Trogu ’19
"Mass Hall because it fits to scale."
found. was struck and broken by a
• An unoccupied Col- vehicle.
lege van was found idling in a • A female student reported
parking lot at 2:00 a.m. Investiga- being whistled at by two con-
tion determined that an employee forgot tractors working at a campus
to turn off the engine several hours earlier. construction site. Per the Col-
• A staff member discovered damage to lege’s harassment policy, the contrac-
the top floor east wall at Smith Union. tors are no longer permitted on site.
• A broken exterior window pane was • A student in Hyde Hall who was smoking a
discovered on the south end of Searles
Hall. The damage was caused by a rock
vaporizer activated a smoke alarm. Note: Smoking of
any kind is not permitted in campus buildings.
Justin Weathers ’18
or other projectile.
• A student was escorted to Mid
• A visitor’s vehicle that was illegally operating on
a walkway backed into and destroyed a granite pillar "I’d like to think Hubbard. I don’t
Coast Hospital at the request of coun-
seling services.
near Hawthorne-Longfellow Library.
even really know why, but if I had to
Tuesday, January 30
be a building you might as well be
• A student receiving a scam email in
response to a classified ad. • A student steaming clothes in Coleman Hall acti-
• Students using a vaporizer accidentally activated vated a smoke alarm.
smoke alarm in Maine Hall. • A concern parent requested a wellness check on a
student. The student was fine.
one of the regal ones, right?"
Saturday, January 27
• Loud noise was reported at Brunswick Apart- Thursday, February 1 Aida Muratoglu ’21
ment U. Students were asked to lower the volume. • An employee at the Media Commons at Haw-
• A student gathering was dispersed in the Baxter
House basement after noise complaints were received.
thorne-Longfellow Library reported the theft of a lap-
top. The employee later found that she left the laptop
"Dudley Coe."
• A student in West Hall took responsibility for at home.
possessing several bottles of hard alcohol.
• A student using an electric tea kettle accidentally
activated a fire alarm at Baxter House. COMPILED BY THE OFFICE OF SAFETY AND SECURITY
• A visiting athlete suffered a seizure during a COMPILED BY HAVANA CASO-DOSEMBET

A guide to Bowdoin meme accounts by Samuel Rosario

Orient Staff

@Treesatbowdoin @OverheardBowdoin
What To Expect: Have you and endearing commentary, Platform: Instagram What To Expect: Eavesdrop- to expose you and all your Platform: Instagram
ever thought when you passed @treesatbowdoin makes you Followers: 338 ping taken to the next lev- dark secrets that have no busi- Followers: 1282
one of the many trees on want to hug every tree you Following: 576 el, @overheardbowdoin is a ness being said over a nice Following: 1646
Bowdoin’s campus: ‘Hey … come across. We need to Posts: 52 living record of failed booty meal of curly fries. Posts: 67
that tree is really photogenic!’ remember that these trees calls and details you wished “Can I get mono from wip-
The admin of @treesatbowdoin are our elders and own this you never revealed to your ing away your tear?” (Oct 17,
definitely had that thought place; we are only guests. So friends. All Bowdoin students 2017).
51 times a day. But that isn’t next time you walk past a tree, have the opportunity to DM
to say that this admin doesn’t go take a family picture and their receipts they have on
make you feel like family with submit it to @treesatbowdoin. their “close friends.” Anyone
Bowdoin’s trees. With witty around you could be the one PHOTO COURTESY OF

@Bowdoinmemes @BowdoinBootyCalls
What To Expect: @bowdo- ter your booty call leaves you Platform: Instagram What To Expect: Do the lyrics peaches and cringe at the fails Platform: Instagram
inmemes, as evident by the on read? @bowdoinmemes Followers: 1622 “You actin’ kinda shady, ain’t of all students at getting some Followers: 656
“fire for eyes” logo, is lit. The has you covered. Don’t know Following: 1527 callin me baby, why the sud- booty. Every night can’t be Following: 640
anonymous admin really hits who your spirit celebrity is? Posts: 37 den change?” (“Say my name” booty night. Posts: 27
the mark encompassing what From “#stripsearchmerandy” by Destiny’s Child) constantly
makes up Bowdoin. Look no to “Bowdoin Social Houses run through your head? Do
further. There is a pop cul- As People,” Bowdoin students you stay up at night ponder-
ture reference for every one can find what they are looking ing on how someone who is
of the multitude of awkward for to model their unique ex- supposedly sleeping can then
situations waiting for you periences. text you “I’m asleep?” Wor-
around campus. Don’t know ry no more! Come check out PHOTO COURTESY OF
what sort of face to make af- PHOTO COURTESY OF @BOWDOINMEMES the plethora of eggplants and @BOWDOINBOOTYCALLS
Friday, February 2, 2018 NEWS 3

NEWS IN BRIEF New schedule expands transition

periods, keeps Common Hour


EXPAND BEYOND BRUNSWICK Because of the longer transi- seemed like a reasonable com- uled until the other schedules
This week, the student-designed mobile food ordering app Po- by Emily Cohen tion periods, the last daytime promise,” Duncan wrote in an were finalized, citing incon-
Orient Staff
larEats announced a new collaboration with Jack Magee’s Pub and classes will end at 4:15 p.m., email to the Orient. sistent understanding and
Grill, which will allow students to place orders for pickup through In an email to the Bowdo- rather than 3:55 p.m. In the new time block use of Common Hour across
the app. App developer Sawyer Billings ’18 said that while delivery in community on Wednesday, In the initial plan, there schedule, departments are campus. Common Hour has
service from the Pub is not yet available, discussions are taking Dean for Academic Affairs were four 175-minute evening also required to use a certain been restored, but will occur
place. Elizabeth McCormack and blocks during the week, one number of “Underutilized Fridays from 3 to 4 p.m., ac-
“It’s certainly the goal,” he said. Registrar Martina Duncan ’97 for every evening Monday Time Slots,” which are mainly cording to Duncan.
Billings, a member of the baseball team, realized the market for officially shared changes to through Thursday. Addition- in the early morning and the Duncan explained that the
a pub mobile ordering system when he and his teammates would the daily time block schedule ally, there were 85-minute evening. community wanted to retain
frequently try to place orders over the phone at the same time. and final exam period that will blocks on both Monday/ Another change announced Common Hour.
He believes the addition of a mobile ordering option to the Pub take effect in the fall 2018 se- Wednesday and Tuesday/ in the Wednesday email con- “It seemed best to restore it
will allow customers to circumvent the frequently busy phone lines. mester. Several aspects of the Thursday evenings. The cur- cerns the “bunching” policy of for now so we could, as a com-
“When we come back from away baseball games, we’ll get in late original plan, announced and rent plan retains two 175-min- final exams, which, according munity, consider how best to
and our coach will meet us outside the Pub and give us our meal debated at the faculty meeting ute blocks per week, on Mon- to the Student Handbook, al- move forward,” she wrote.
stipend … 45 of us will try and call in so our food is ready, and it on December 4, have since day and Wednesday, and adds lows students to reschedule a Once these changes are im-
ends up being this big pass-the-phone game for everybody to talk been modified after receiving 85-minute evening blocks final exam if they have three plemented, the Office of the
on the phone—it’s this clunky, unintuitive experience,” he said. faculty pushback. only on Monday/Wednesday. exams over the course of two Registrar and the Office of Ac-
PolarEats is currently hoping to expand its services to other The new schedules consti- Due to concerns about in- days. The new exam schedule ademic Affairs will gauge the
campuses. tute phase one of a two-phase fringing on students’ co-cur- includes an evening exam slot, community’s reception and
plan introduced by a working ricular opportunities and a and the revised policy reflects use feedback to make more
group formed two years ago healthy work-life balance, this change: if students have modifications in phase two of
SENIOR APPLICATION DEADLINE to address scheduling issues. faculty pushed back against three exams in three consecu- the schedule reevaluation.
FOR LADD HOUSE EXTENDED Most notably, these schedules
include 10-minute transition
the additional evening blocks
at the December meeting. The
tive time slots, or four exams
in two days, they are allowed
“We don’t have a fully
fleshed out plan, yet, but it
UNTIL WEDNESDAY periods in between classes, a new plan takes these concerns reschedule. will involve students,” wrote
shortened exam period with into consideration, according The working group that Duncan. “We are committed
Citing student concerns about the short timeline for applying to live the addition of an evening to Duncan. produced the December to making this a campus-wide
in Ladd House, the Office of Residential Life (ResLife) extended the exam slot and new time blocks “Eliminating a few of the proposal also suggested that process, involving all stake-
deadline for the senior-only College House to next Wednesday. during the day and evening. originally proposed blocks Common Hour not be sched- holders.”
ResLife initially notified the junior class that living in Ladd for the

Campus braces for influenza season

2018-2019 academic year was an option on January 18. The initial dead-
line for the applications was midnight on January 28, and students were
required to submit a letter of recommendation by January 31.
Director of ResLife Meadow Davis announced the extended deadline
in an email to the junior class on January 29. She said that the change
arose because students, particularly those who are currently studying virus, the College administers who are concerned about their esting and so hard to convince
abroad, found the initial timeline to be challenging. by Mitchel Jurasek flu shots to students for free. academics as a result of an people to get the flu shot. It
Orient Staff
Applications to live in the other seven college houses—open to ris- This year, the Health Center illness can consult with their does change due to the shuf-
ing sophomores, juniors and seniors—are due at midnight on Sunday, Bowdoin has already seen bought 600 flu shots and has dean. fling. We have to make a new
February 11. some effects of the influenza administered 560 so far. Sixty “We work with the dean’s shot every year. This year’s
epidemic, characterized by students have received shots office to try and help the stu- shot is active against the four
the Centers for Disease Con- since the start of the new se- dent,” Maher said. most common types of flu.
ARABIC tution the size of Bowdoin and trol (CDC) as moderately
with the resources that we have severe this year. According to
“We get great support from
To prevent the spread of the
virus, Dining Services offers
This year’s is not one of those,
so it will only be partially ef-
right now, how do we build this Director of Health Services the College to buy flu vaccines boxed meals for sick students. fective towards the flu.”
departments and they’re not in a thoughtful way?” Dr. Jeffrey Maher, the bulk and administer them without In an email to the Orient, As- Still, Maher said that any
all bundled together—I think The steering committee is of the cases will present in charge,” Maher said. sociate Director of Operations protection against the flu is
it’s well overdue,” said Beleicia considering an area-studies the coming months. Health With only 40 left, Maher Michele Gaillard explained better than no protection, so
Bullock ’19. format similar to the Asian Services, Dining Services and noted a potential shortage. that once Dining receives no- he recommends all students
Bullock, like Amstutz, has and Latin American studies the Office of Student Affairs “We will probably order tification of a student with in- get vaccinated.
studied Arabic since her first departments. While students are hoping to prevent cases more but they don’t come fluenza, a friend may pick up In addition to the vaccine,
semester at Bowdoin and spent are not formally involved, their when possible and support ill overnight,” he said. a boxed lunch for that student Maher advises good habits
last semester in Jordan on an input has been considered and students. Maher recommends that from any dining hall. In the to help prevent the onset of
Arabic program. She also de- will eventually be necessary for “The flu sort of blossoms students who express common event that a friend cannot take influenza. Students should
scribed the difficulty she ex- an official MENA studies pro- after the holidays,” Maher said. flu symptoms—such as a fever, the sick student their meal, avoid contact with those af-
periences trying to fit MENA gram proposal. Higginbotham “We have campus-wide flu ev- chills, nausea and coughing— Dining Services will deliver. fected, cover their mouths
classes, without a designated estimates that a major or mi- ery winter and so we have to be should isolate themselves and The influenza outbreak is and noses when coughing or
department, into her schedule. nor won’t be offered until the prepared. Colleges like Bow- not attend class or extracur- worse than in past years due sneezing, wash their hands
“Because I can’t major or mi- 2019-2020 academic year at the doin that draw from national ricular activities. Although to the virus’s ability to change frequently with soap and wa-
nor in it, I have to ask myself, earliest. and international crowds are students may not want to miss composition. ter and disinfect surfaces and
‘Why am I going through the “You have to do it right and difficult. Students who have class, Maher said that most “Every year the flu shuffles objects that may be contami-
hassle to try to find programs that may take time,” said Hig- different immunities show people affected by influenza its parts. This year it shuffled nated with germs.
that may or may not fit in my ginbotham. up and live in close quarters, only experience symptoms for in a way that the usual innate Given the prevalence of in-
schedule?’” she said. He added that budgetary which creates an interesting five to seven days, so students ability to fight the flu isn’t fluenza this year, there is little
Informally, faculty have issues are also a factor for the landscape for influenza.” should only miss one or two of around,” Maher said. “That’s doubt that Bowdoin will con-
discussed the possibility of an MENA program. To combat the spread of the sessions of each class. Students what makes the flu so inter- tinue to be affected.
Arabic or MENA Studies ma- “There are always conversa-
jor for the past four years. In tions of how best to allocate re-
the summer of 2016, a work- sources on campus and careful WEBSITE
ing group was established and consideration by faculty and ad- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
happening,” Hood said.
Communications ran focus
really there.”
In order to continue consider-
graphics and provide a stronger
platform to represent both stu-
has now become a steering ministration about how best to groups on campus to gauge ing student input, Baumgartner dent and faculty work.
committee for the potential use the resources that we have,” the overhaul includes Associate student interest with regards to said that the office will be holding “‘Show, don’t tell,’ is driving a
program. The committee is he said. Vice President for Communica- the site. bi-weekly drop in hours during lot of the design conversations
composed of several professors For now, the steering com- tions Alison Bennie, Director of “They wanted to get a feel which any member of the cam- we’re having right now, so I think
across disciplines that special- mittee is focusing on the two News and Media Relations Doug about what Bowdoin students pus community can share their it’s going to be a more visual site,”
ize in the Middle East or North recent hires, who will hopefully Cook, Technology Integration think about Bowdoin. They didn’t ideas for the new site. Communi- she said.
Africa: Assistant Professor of help develop the MENA studies Specialist Julie Haugen, Director ask very specific questions,” said cations has also begun a blog that Hood emphasized that the
Romance Languages and Liter- program into a successful de- of Editorial Services Scott Schai- Cirkine Sherry ’18, who was part will follow the progress of the site. October launch should be the
atures Meryem Belkaïd; George partment. berger ’95 and Director of Digital of a focus group. “The goal is that the entire culmination of a long collabora-
Lincoln Skolfield, Jr. Professor “After taking Arabic and and Social Media Holly Sher- Students responded with their campus can participate and real- tion between all parts of campus.
of Religion and Chair of the learning more about the Mid- burne. The management team experiences at Bowdoin and their ly sees reflected what matters to “This is not the kind of thing
Religion Department Robert dle East and North Africa, and has also formed a Steering Com- opinions about the future website. them in the work that we’re do- where you go off in a corner
Morrison; Assistant Professor their cultures and histories in mittee composed of students and “Students said that the website ing,” Baumgartner said. somewhere and you do [the re-
of Government Barbara Elias general, I just can’t imagine my staff in order to represent all as- shouldn’t be too chic or modern, So far, the management team design] and drop [it] in every-
Klenner and Assistant Professor education and current world pects of campus. because that’s not authentic to has gathered information and body’s lap,” he said. “It’s a lot of
of Sociology Oyman Basaran. perspective without knowing “Those folks [on the commit- Bowdoin,” said Sherry. “But at the has not yet started design, so ownership, a lot of involvement.
“We have to think about how what I know about Arabic and tee] are charged with considering same time, it really needs to be Hood and Baumgartner can’t be- There’s a lot of people who un-
to sustain a program,” said Hig- the MENA region,” said Ams- all of this, helping us move for- updated. It needs to be easier to gin to say what the new site will derstand what’s going on at the
ginbotham. “There’s a strong tutz. “I’m incredibly excited that ward, but also with going back to navigate. It’s so confusing. Values look like. However, Baumgart- College, and we may not, so we
commitment from the Presi- the College is moving in this their area in the college and make and those things are important ner noted that the new site will need that input.”
dent to do this. With an insti- direction.” sure that every knows what is too, but the basic essentials aren’t incorporate more video and
4 NEWS Friday, February 2, 2018

World Matters initiative to Trustee meeting

promote student-led discussion to take place in
by David Zhou
Orient Staff
Beginning today, a new dis-
Silicon Valley
there in our student body. I would
love for our students to come in
to talk about those things,” Pazos
said. “This is a perfect opportuni-
Pazos noted that many students
do not have an academic space to
discuss current events.
“If you’re not taking a global
er in discussion of shared interests
and concerns,” according to Com-
mon Hour’s statement of purpose.
Common Hour lectures typically the Coastal Studies Center in
cussion initiative called World ty to highlight those and to bring affairs class or a sociology class revolve around a specific topic. by Harrison DiPrinzio September.
Orient Staff
Matters, designed to help students those to the attention of our stu- or a class that kind of deals with According to Dean of Student During the weekend of com-
explore and reflect on national dent body and our faculty and our global affairs—you might be tak- Affairs Tim Foster, World Mat- The second meeting of the mittee meetings, the Board will
and international current events staff.” ing a couple English classes and ters is intended to be “something Board of Trustees this aca- consider a number of topics,
outside of an academic setting and The weekly discussions offer a a couple math classes—and then altogether different” and is not demic year will be held in Palo including artificial intelligence
without a planned agenda, will consistent time and place for stu- there’s really no room for you to replacing Common Hour, which Alto, California beginning next and machine learning, online
meet every Friday afternoon at 2 dents, faculty and staff to gather talk about the persecution of the has dwindled in popularity in re- Thursday. It is the first time the education, ‘design thinking,’—a
p.m. in Ladd House. The discus- and share their thoughts without a Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar cent years. meeting will be held outside of bottom-up approach to prob-
sion is facilitated by the Office of planned agenda. While in the past ... [or] the fact that South Africa is Overall, Pazos emphasized the Northeast. lem solving which has been pro-
Religious and Spiritual Life and BSG and other organizations have experiencing a severe drought and the opportunity World Matters “We wanted to engage with moted by Stanford’s ‘’—
sponsored by Bowdoin Student sponsored events or discussions they’re about to run out of water,” provides for learning from one the culture of the ‘new econo- and the use of space as it relates
Government (BSG). in response to major events, the Pazos said. another outside of the classroom my’—not that new anymore— to creativity and collaboration.
Director of Religious and Spir- World Matters discussions are not The agenda-less aspect of and mainstream media coverage. the culture of technology and Rose also said they would
itual Life Eduardo Pazos, who will limited to large and recent events. World Matters also distinguishes “There are so many ... other innovation and entrepreneur- consider Silicon Valley’s culture.
facilitate the discussions, describes “The idea for World Matters the new initiative from Common affairs that simply don’t get the ship,” said President Clayton “The good and the bad out
World Matters as an opportunity is having a consistent space that’s Hour. Common Hour, also sched- attention that you and I [may] Rose. there, and there are both,” he said.
for reflection about topics that open the same time every week at uled on Friday afternoons, is a think that they deserve,” he said. “The idea of taking the Board Bowdoin has leaned on its
may not have a designated space the same place to talk about things weekly one-hour period when no “So this is a great opportunity for out there is not to come back significant network of alumni,
on campus. that are going on in the world that classes or meetings may be sched- us to bring those to the commu- with a list of two or three spe- trustees and parents in Silicon
“I think there are a lot of top- might often get overlooked on uled in order to allow students, nity, to bring those to light and to cific things that we think we’re Valley to set the agenda, ac-
ics out there that are very worthy campus,” said BSG Liaison to the faculty and staff to “engage in the educate one another and to hear going to do immediately, but cording to Rose. In the past two
of our time and our discussion. Office of Religious and Spiritual ideas of speakers and presenta- one another about things that rather to allow the Board to weeks, Kenneth Chenault ’73
There are a lot of passions out Life Carly Berlin ’18. tions of artists, and with each oth- matter to us.” soak in some of what’s going H’96 joined the boards of Face-
on out there to help inform it in book and Airbnb.

Rose seeks funding ideas at BSG meeting

some of the work that it’s going The Board has held offsite
to do in the medium to long meetings with some regularity
term,” said Rose. since 2001, but they have always
The Board will be using Stan- been held in Boston.
ford University’s facilities and Along with the College’s
great problem because our get into them because there is aid package, there is a des- has made arrangements to visit 42 trustees and Rose, who is
by Jill Tian ambitions are big,” said Rose so much demand,” she said. ignated number of hours for Apple thanks to Philip Schiller also president of the Board,
Orient Staff at the meeting. Some members thought work study. We looked at the P’17, Apple’s senior vice presi- Bowdoin Student Government
BSG assembly members that fundraising efforts should work study, and it [assumed] dent of worldwide marketing. President Irfan Alam ’18 and
On Wednesday, President broke into small groups to talk be directed toward bolstering that a student would work Schiller and his wife Kim Gas- Vice President for Student Gov-
Clayton Rose attended the about their priorities. After financial aid instead. eight to 10 hours a week and sett-Schiller announced a $10 ernment Affairs Ben Painter ’19
Bowdoin Student Government the discussion, students pre- “Socioeconomic status some students cannot do that million donation to upgrade will be in attendance.
(BSG) meeting to solicit stu- sented their ideas to Rose. separates people into two easily,” he said.
dent opinions on future use of Some members suggested communities and culture Other suggestions included
the College’s funding.
This funding comes pri-
that Bowdoin should dedicate
its funds to developing its ac-
groups. On campus there is a
divide, maybe circumstantial,
revamping David Saul Smith
Union and increasing funding
AID last semester.
“We worked on the portal in
marily from donors and in- ademic offerings. Amber Rock between students who have for Counseling Services, which the fall, which is now live and
vestments. According to Rose, ’19, Inter-House Council liai- financial aid [and students would support programs like However, he added, “These available. We rolled it out softly
Bowdoin has the second high- son to BSG, urged the College who do not]. Increasing finan- meditation and increased sun funds are limited. It’ll be inter- so we could test it and to make
est alumni donation participa- to address the growing needs cial aid, whether it be all-in lamp distribution for students esting to see what our ability is to sure that it worked, and then
tion rate in the nation. During of the computer science de- or more dispersed, helps ... suffering from Seasonal Affec- meet needs [as they arise]. It’s too we sent out the email last week,”
every president’s tenure, the partment, which has repeated- Bowdoin to be a place where tive Disorder. early to know that yet.” Lohmann said.
College customarily engag- ly experienced overcrowding everyone is [part of one com- Salim said, “From what I In past years, the fund has The form asks identifying
es in multi-year fundraising in its classes. munity],” said BSG Vice Presi- know, sun lamps can be helpful run out of resources even though questions and inquiries whether
campaigns to raise money for “For a lot of us, we realized dent for Student Affairs Salim but are only given to students its existence was not publicly the student recieves financial aid,
future projects. that the College isn’t matching Salim ’19. for two weeks, and I think that known, Lohmann said. has a job on- or off-campus and
“No matter how much we the demand for certain depart- BSG Director of Curricu- could be more helpful.” Although there is a single form has received aid from the Office
raise, in whatever campaign, ments. I’m a computer science lum Ural Mishra ’20 agreed, Rose plans to send out a to apply for the aid, the emergen- before. It also asks for details
we will have to make choices minor and couldn’t get into a saying that certain aspects of survey in the following weeks cy aid fund is actually a group of a about the emergency circum-
about what we’re going to do class that I wanted to take this financial aid policies are un- to gather more student opin- number of smaller funds, each of stance and how much money the
because our eyes will be bigger semester. Students who want realistic. ions on how Bowdoin should which has a specific purpose. student requires.
than our stomach, which is a introductory classes can’t even “If you look at a financial allocate its funds in the future. “Different funds have different Lohmann said it is important
designated specialties,” Lohmann for the Office to know exactly
said. “So we don’t prioritize.” how much aid students need.
CUPS bowl, and then refills with the
same cup. A reusable cup, run
For example, one fund is
specifically for art supplies. Vi-
“This is a really important
piece,” she said. “We want to
through a House dishwasher, is sual arts classes typically require know the exact amount. It’s not, ‘I
washing that needs to be done only a germ carrier when the stu- students to purchase their own kind of need this.’ If students are
but it’s not necessarily time con- dent isn’t smart about their choices supplies, which can cost more going to request, we need to have
suming,” said Baxter House Eco- and the repercussions,” wrote Sus- than the textbook allowance in a clear sense of the amount they
Rep Jessi Friedman ’20. “How tainability Outreach Coordinator students’ financial aid packages. are requesting and what it is for.”
my house might start doing it Bethany Taylor in an email to the “A family set up this wonder- The Office of Student Affairs
is setting up time for people to Orient. ful fund that allows for students will evaluate requests weekly.
come to the kitchen and switch Health worries aside, students on aid to pay for art supplies. It Students who need funds imme-
the cups. We have 400 cups, and had concerns about the size of the might be an art kit, it might be diately are advised to talk with
the dishwasher holds 50, so that’s new cups. The cups look smaller photographic paper—different their dean.
eight people signing up to give five than the Solo cups that College costs that are above and beyond Lohmann stressed that the
minutes on a Sunday.” Houses have used in the past, but the typical cost of books and sup- greater purpose of the fund is to
Students also expressed con- hold the same amount of liquid as plies,” Foster said. provide students with a sense of
cern that the cups would be more a Solo cup. The fund does not cover tu- security in times of need.
likely to spread disease. This “People might drink too much NO SOLO CUPS: An eco-rep initiative has led College Houses to replace ition, trips home or textbooks, “It’s not just about money,”
concern is especially prevalent because they are used to solo cups. Solo cups with reusable cups. Each House has a different design on its cup. because these costs are generally Lohmann said. “There are many
because the Centers for Disease You have this whole new container to your eco-rep, no questions plates in Greek life events. factored into financial aid pack- ways in which we are trying to
Control and Prevention charac- and you’re in a dark room and its asked, and we’ll return them,” Tay- It is also not the first time that ages. give students a sense of belong-
terized a moderately severe flu loud and people are just pouring lor said. College Houses have tried to reuse “If you have a death in your ing, a sense of identity, a sense of
season this winter. However, eco- [drinks] for you,” Bukowski-Thall Bowdoin Sustainability is not cups at parties. family and you need to sudden- the fullest experience here. This
reps said that a thorough washing said. the only college organization to Last year, students tried to ly get home immediately, or you is only a small slice of what that
in the dishwasher and safe practic- Eco-reps believe the biggest grapple with the environmental combat the issue of excess waste come to Bowdoin and you don’t looks like, but it can help. That
es in social settings can prevent the challenge the cups will pose will impact of college party norms. by washing non-reusable cups. have winter attire, or you want to one step can defray something for
spread of germs. be if students take them from the Greek Go Green, a national or- The project ended because the take an LSAT course, we’re able a student—some anxiety, some
“The eco-reps brought up that College Houses. ganization that promotes sustain- cups were not dishwasher safe, to assist students with the cost of sense of, ‘how am I going to do
several folks have been at parties “We’ll end up having amnesty ability amongst fraternities and and students grew nervous after those expenses,” Foster said. this?’ If we can help in that part,
where everyone dips their drink- days where if you have any of these sororities, encourages the promo- an unrelated case of mumps was The College created the maybe the rest of it will also feel a
ing vessels straight into a punch in your dorm room turn them in tion of reusable utensils, cups and reported on campus. confidential electronic form little bit easier.”
Friday, February 2, 2018 5

Ashley Gavin: comedy and social commentary

ing in some way,” said Gavin. ‘Holy Crap, I never thought of the relationship between two sketch. We’re realizing that that the series will get picked
by Elizabeth Fosler-Jones “Like it’ll make me really that, and that’s kinda cool’”. friends—Gavin, a gay girl, people don’t fully understand up mid-season.
Orient Staff
happy or really sad or really Gavin keeps herself busy and Hurst, a straight girl—in that, which makes sense.” “I’m just sort of waiting
New York City-based angry and then I’ll try and and has multiple projects in New York City. Gavin and “We’re always making stuff around. That’s sort of how I
Ashley Gavin has a range of work from there to figure out the works, including a televi- Hurst finished worked on the just knowing that eventually feel in my career. I feel like
talents: she’s primarily a co- why it’s interesting and what sion series based on the pop- show this past summer. one of them is going to stick,” I’m very prepared, so I’m just
median, but is also a writer would make people want to ular television show “Billy on “It was a project we loved, added Gavin. “I’ve already waiting for someone to open
and an actor, delving into listen to it.” the Street,” in which the host and we got lots of positive seen the industry. It doesn’t the door for me, which is just
topics like feminism and ho- She describes her stand up and comic Billy Eichner asks feedback,” Gavin said. “We really even matter how good not who I am as a human,” she
mophobia. She tours at col- as having a “social, psycho- passer-byers on the street definitely want there to be you are. They just need to see said.
leges, hosts open mic nights, logical type bend,” with the random questions.ns. more, but what we realized, a large body of work.” Despite dealin
dealing with rejec-
acts in the web series “Gay ultimate goal of teaching. She also has a writing part- it’s almost like The duo reimagined the tion and restlessness,
restles Gavin
Girl Straight Girl (GGSG)” “I’m sort of viewing the ner, Leeee Hurst, who a hybrid web seriesies as solely a nar- loves what she’s
sshe s doing.
and has starred in television world through h this partic
partic- co -produced
co-produced between rative series, which “I al lways say, ‘I’d
shows and movies. Gavin will ular lens and I want other ““GGSG,”
GGSG,” the narra- they wrote a half rather
ratheer have the
perform tonight in Kresge people to see it through 11-episode tive hou
ur pilot wor
rst stand up
Auditorium at 9:30 p.m. with my lens. So I’m like, web se- and aro
ound and da
dayy every day
friend and fellow comedian ‘Okay, here’s a thing that ries that ar
re pitching
are thhan the best
Sam Morrison. happened’ and d I’m go- chronicles to
o various day at my old
Her path to comedy was ing to explain why it’s st
studios. day job ev-
untraditional. A computer avin.
sexist,’” said Gavin. Thhey
They are eryday,’” said
science major at Bryn Mawr, “A lot of timess I hoping Gavin.
she taught engineering and find that peo--
worked at a lab at MIT be- ple don’t re-
fore beginning her career in ally under-
comedy four years ago. For stand why
two years, she initially prac- it might
ticed improvisation with the be sexist
Upright Citizens Brigade, but or racist
for the past four years she has or ho-
performed stand-up comedy. mopho-
“I very quickly learned that bic or
improv wasn’t serving me whatever.”
professionally, even though it Gavin
was a lot of fun,” said Gavin. aims to uplift
“For some people, it works. I her audience
didn’t see any growth in my- members
self, so I kind of shifted gears.” through
For Gavin, shifting gears honest and
meant focusing more on stand insightful
up and creating her own ma- perfor-
terial. Writing is the crux of mances.
her work, and Gavin tries to “I’m writingg

take cues from life experience a joke right nowow

and the world around her. about how God od
“I tend to write about raped the Vir- r-

things that give me an emo- gin Mary,” said d

tional response that I don’t Gavin. “That’s ’s
necessarily think are funny, a joke wheree
but they strike me as interest- people are likee COURT

Lecture explores sexual violence and visual art

and origin stories that are rooted violence as it happened. Her
by Aisha Rickford in misogyny and sexual violence, photos, which were controversial
Orient Staff
such as the “Rape of Persephone.” at the time of their publication,
As many Americans reassess “Rarely in art history classes contributed to a developing na-
the cultural codes surround- do we talk about subject matter,” tional conversation on the topic
ing sexual assault, students and said Tani at the event. “We talk of domestic violence. Her pho-
faculty turned back in time yes- about how the subject matter is tography was later featured on
terday evening to reflect on the a vehicle for achieving artistic the cover of TIME Magazine.
glamorization of sexual violence accomplishments and mastery, “[We hope to] start dialogue
in foundational European art and new technical experiments about and with students, think-
within its historical context. that move art-making forward, ing really critically about what
Organized by Andrew W. but we sort of take for granted are the roots of violence. How
Mellon Postdoctoral Curatorial that some of the platforms that have ideas in the distant past
Fellow Ellen Tani and Associate are used for this naturalize and informed how we value people,
Director of Gender Violence in fact aestheticize, and perhaps how we think about and glam-
Prevention and Education Lisa glorify, these narratives of sexual orize violence, and how we can
Peterson, “Bearing Witness: violence.” think about our own roles in
Gender Violence and Visual Art” Peterson and Tani led attend- perpetuating that or not,” said
challenged attendees to think be- ees in contrasting male and fe- Peterson.
yond the contemporary moment. male artists’ renditions of a scene Peterson and Tani hope that
“We often think about how from the apocryphal tale “Susan- framing the conversation with EZRA SUNSHINE, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
sexual violence is depicted in the na and the Elders,” in which two imagery will be more productive ART UP CLOSE: Attendees at “Bearing Witness: Gender Violence and Visual Art” view art on display in the Zuckert
media, in films, in magazines or respected judges try to coerce a and engaging. Peterson believes Seminar Room. The curation and lecture addressed depictions of violence from the 16th century through the 1990s.
even in music, but [it] all come[s] bathing woman into having sex that art is just one of the many the topic of gender violence and crucial to opening up this con- a little overwhelming, that it’s all
from somewhere,” Tani said. with them. Artemisia Gentiles- entry points into the conversa- how that’s played a role in our versation. Recognizing the his- these centuries upon centuries of
“One of the central questions of chi’s piece portrays Susanna in tion around gender and sexual history as human beings.” toric pervasiveness of misogyny modes of thought that are, you
our event is why rape is such a the forefront, resisting the elders, violence prevention. “What’s interesting about the in Western art for hundreds of know, impacting [our] current
foundational element of visual who appear to be conspiring. “I feel like, especially with do- role of the work of art is that it years allows viewers to reflect way of thinking. But there is a
culture.” Christoffel Jegher’s woodcut mestic violence, that particular gives you a third party in the con- on how their perceptions and lot of power in us as individuals
The art that was viewed and depicts Susanna as a less promi- [Ferrato] piece, I’m going to be versation,” said Tani. “Being able behavior have been affected by it. to help shape other people’s per-
discussed was from a wide range nent, more resigned figure. thinking about that for the next to have artwork as a mediating “I think part of it is thinking spectives and to change our own
of time periods, from the 16th Attendees also discussed a couple weeks at least,” said Jacob force between individuals helps about the impact our environ- behaviors and how we’re relating
century to the 1990s. Much of series of photographs by Donna Dexter-Meldrum ’20, one of the create a non-confrontational ment has on our attitudes and with others.”
the early 16th and 17th century Ferrato, who was the first pho- attendees. “I think that this is a conversation.” behaviors,” said Peterson. “I Isabelle Hallé contributed to
art depicts mythological tropes tographer to capture domestic really interesting way to look at For Tani and Peterson, art is think on the one hand it can feel this report.
6 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Friday, February 2, 2018

Coyne ’07 takes on the patriarchy with picture book

“Her discussion about a lot of
by Kodie Garza and artists of different genders and
Nicole Tjin A Djie races is enlightening,” Martens
Orient Staff said. “You might usually see the
Bowdoin alumna Susan art of white men but you can
Coyne’s ’07 picture book “The look at these other pictures that
ABCs of Subverting the Patri- are at least as beautiful or have
archy” pays homage to a diverse just as important messages that
range of provocative and inspir- you just wouldn’t otherwise see.”
ing people—among them, Joan Coyne said that even radical
of Arc and Ida B. Wells—who change comes gradually.
challenged deeply entrenched “I think a lot of people think
beliefs about gender, sexuality this is a major sea change and
and race. everything will be better from
Coyne shared her book with now on,” she said. “I am kind
students over hot cocoa and of cynical, but I think social
conversation this past Tuesday change like this takes centuries,
at the Hawthorne-Longfellow not just a couple of years.”
Library, where she spoke on the Currently an illustrator for a
enduring necessity of feminism weekly show at Boston Public
and the role of art as a tool of Radio, Coyne said she began to
subversion, concepts that she think about power structures
said she didn’t learn about until when she entered the workforce.
she came to Bowdoin. “I saw the disparities in the
The book began as a prop way women were treated in
for the Netflix original movie the workforce and in the work-
“The Incredible Jessica James.” place and so that made me start
In the comedy, Jessica gifts the thinking about it critically,” she
book at a friend’s baby shower said. “You have to know your
because, “it’s never too soon to rights … you have to advocate
start questioning the system.” for yourself and make sure your
The book started as the needs known to your employ-
brainchild of the movie’s di- ers.”
rector and writer James C. As a female working in illus-
Strouse. Though initially tasked tration, a still heavily male-dom-
with only a two-page spread, inated field, Coyne speaks from
Coyne used the commission as experience.
a launching point for her col- Although Coyne has held a
lection of 26 illustrations that profound passion for the visual
blend political satire, history arts since she was a child, she
and vibrant artwork in a series did not initially intend to pur-
of vivid watercolors. sue illustration. While attending
Coyne’s book also honors Bowdoin, she said she “put art
contemporary luminaries such on the backburner” and focused
as prominent feminist author on studying religion and East
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Asian studies. After graduation,
“Feminism is definitely still Coyne went on to teach English
needed,” said Coyne. “I think in Japan for several years before
we’re in a really interesting com- deciding she wanted to attend
plex time in the arc of feminism. art school. FROM A TO Z: Students gathered in Hawthorne-Longfellow Library on Monday night to hear Susan Coyne ’07 read from her book “The ABCs of Subverting
I don’t really know what it holds As a late-blooming artist,
the Patriarchy.” Coyne spoke about the role of art as a tool of subversion. Her book challenges entrenched beliefs about gender, sexuality and race.
for us.” Coyne offered some helpful “I think it is important to competitive, but I think if you should at least give it a shot for really see how far you could
Anna Martens ’20 was one of advice to anyone interested in know that it will be difficult. really know you want to do it a couple of years. Save enough push it because you might be
the students at the event. pursuing a career in art. Your income fluctuates a lot. It’s like I did when I was 25 … you money for a few years and then surprised.”

Campus and community unite for Longfellow Days

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow which spans Longfellow’s birth the annual celebration with the at that point, Longfellow didn’t students to attend.
by Isabelle Hallé costume and roam the town re- month and involves members support of the Brunswick Down- really know those languages, so “I’m a Bowdoin grad and so I
Orient Staff
citing poetry to passersby. of both the Brunswick and Bow- town Association, the College, he decided to go to Europe and love both campus and the town,
This month, poet and co-own- This tradition is just one as- doin communities. Amy Water- the Brunswick Inn, Hannaford learn them, and so he spent three and anything that can unite
er of Gulf of Maine Books Gary pect of Longfellow Days, a series man ’76 and Maryli Tiemann and the Nathaniel Davis Fund. years in Europe traveling around them is exciting and rewarding,”
Lawless will once again don his of events now in its 14th year, are responsible for organizing Community members can enjoy and learning the languages. … said Waterman.
a variety of free programming You kind of get a sense of his ge- Professor of Cinema Studies
throughout the month, from nius, in some way.” Tricia Welsch echoed this senti-
poetry readings to movie screen- Longfellow published six ment.
ings, culminating in a party in foreign language books while “It’s very nice for [Bowdoin
honor of the late literary figure’s teaching at Bowdoin. In 1837, students] to integrate themselves
211th birthday. he began as Smith Professor of in with the community, to get
This year’s theme is “The Modern Languages at Harvard a sense of what other people
Heart Hath Its Own Memory,” University. Longfellow retired around here are doing, caring,
inspired by the poem Longfellow from teaching in 1854 and spent and thinking about—how peo-
wrote for his 50th class reunion the rest of his life writing. ple brighten the long winters.”
titled “Morituri Salutamus.” Longfellow is widely known In keeping with this year’s
Lawless will lead a reading and as the author of such poems as theme of nostalgia, Welsch will
discussion of the poem at the “Paul Revere’s Ride.” For Law- give a lecture called “The Charm
Brunswick Inn on February 21. less, the annual celebration is of Reading and Re-Reading”
Henry Wadsworth Longfel- a chance to recognize the full on February 14 about the book
low graduated in the class of extent of Longfellow’s literary she is currently writing, a series
1825, along with Nathaniel Haw- contributions. of essays on reading, which ex-
thorne. He became a professor at “I like celebrating him not just plores the topic of re-reading
the College in 1829. as a poet, but as a translator and formative books from her child-
“His father, who was on the a teacher of modern languages,” hood.
board of overseers at the time, said Lawless. “I think he really Longfellow Days will kick off
actually kind of finagled him a helped bring American litera- at Curtis Memorial Library this
position, and he became the first ture—move it along— by bring- Sunday at 1 p.m. with a poetry
professor of modern languages,” ing in voices from other parts of reading by three local poets—the
said Special Collections Edu- the world.” first in a series of four Coursen
cation and Outreach Librarian According to Waterman, Readings, which allow poets
COURTESY OF CURTIS MEMORIAL LIBRARY Marieke Van Der Steenhoven. bringing together town and who have been featured in the
CELEBRATING LONGFELLOW: Poet Gary Lawless (center), dressed as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, poses with “Prior to that, Bowdoin was just campus is a major goal of Long- past to pass the mantle to new
Manager of Adult Services at Curtis Memorial Library Sarah Brown and poet Patty Sparks during Longfellow Days. teaching Greek and Latin. And fellow Days, and she encourages poets of their choice.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Zumba and the power in taking fun seriously

own. When Blakemore dances,
by Ellice Lueders she is in her own world and in-
Orient Staff
vites her students—regardless
Do not be alarmed if, when of ability—to create their own
passing Room 213 of the in turn.
Buck Fitness Center, you hear “I could be a millionaire
“MEOW” or “WOOP” coming and I would still be teaching,”
from behind a closed, pul- she said. “That’s how I know
sating door. These noises are I’m doing the right thing.” She
always synchronized with the especially loves sharing moves
beat of a new Jennifer Lopez from various cultures, moves
collab or the breakout hit of she picked up working, teach-
yesteryear. They are Zumba in- ing and learning across the
structor Béa Blakemore’s cries world.
for radical equality: for each Confident regulars stand
and every one of her students near the front of the class, of-
to embrace fun. fering templates for those in
Zumba can be scary. The the back. She has no expecta-
paragon of the too-fit PTA tion of perfection and doesn’t
mom or wiry retiree, dance ever turn around to critique
workouts seem—and some- people’s moves. The only eye
times are—outdated or inac- contact comes sly, through
cessible. Blakemore strives to the mirror, when students
subvert this stereotype. Her smile and give in to the dance.
dances are fresh, a little sexy. “WOOP” she cheers, celebrat-
Everyone is welcome in her ing their joy.
studio, as long as they come in “I believe in everybody,”
with an open mind. she said. “That’s my philoso-
“Dance is like life,” said phy.” To her, dance is a tableau,
Blakemore. “It’s about letting “the weaved energy of people.”
go.” The more diverse the group of
Her voice is bright and her dancers, the more colorful the LET’S DANCE: Bowdoin Zumba instructor extraordinaire Béa Blakemore pumps up the class to lead stretching. A Parisian who has found her home and her
laugh doesn’t take itself seri- art. people in Maine, Blakemore lights up her community and leads classes every Monday and Thursday at 5:15 in Buck 213.
ously. Blakemore waxes phil- She teaches toddlers at the childhood in Paris. fort of the all-inclusive resort. troupe. ing, burying.” They danced at
osophical, off-hand, before YMCA, people who are aging “In France, they put you in When her career took her Enthusiasm, the unselfcon- the Women’s March last Satur-
storming into her next dream. and living with Alzheimer’s ballet classes as soon as you to LA, she got stuck. She loved scious kind that claps its hands day and are some of the most
She enters the studio wear- and every age in between. She can walk,” she said. dancing with industry celeb- in the middle of a shimmy and open-minded people Blake-
ing a neon yellow puffy jacket runs a burlesque troupe in Blakemore first left bal- rities and Santa Monica’s long isn’t afraid to admit it’s silly or more has ever met.
and leggings with huge stars Portland and moonlights at let, taking the discipline she beaches that reminded her of serious, or that it cares, radi- “I know I can rely on them,
down the sides, like a jazzy Bowdoin at 5:15 p.m. Mondays learned to the more expressive, the south of France. “Really ated from Blakemore. “I have 100 percent,” she said. “I can
racecar driver. This is her uni- and Thursdays.. “exuberant” modern jazz, sam- inspiring choreographers,” she some awesome friends,” she just be me. I can just be my ex-
form, and she is militant about “Bowdoin is its own ani- ba and flamenco. said. She fell in love with her said. “Women empowering uberant me.”
having a good time. She turns mal,” she said. “I see people Later she left Paris to travel now ex-husband. and supporting each other The last song ends with a
on the music. The jacket comes thinking too much.” Some dis- the world working the Club He brought the family to his through the burlesque dance power chord. The class releas-
off. ciples follow her from venue to Med circuit. From Africa to home state, Maine. Here she troupe.” es from their final stretch, all
Long brown hair trails be- venue. the Alps, all across Europe to has built a home around her “We’ve been through ev- smiles. Flipping her hair like
hind her as her body darts into Zumba is only one rotation Greece, she danced for tourists children and her friends, most erything a family has been a rock star, Blakemore pumps
strange shapes that students in her repertoire. Blakemore looking to enjoy a taste of cul- of whom she gained through through. We’ve been through her arm into the air. “Salute the
attempt to replicate on their has been a dancer since her ture without leaving the com- her close-knit burlesque dance giving birth, marrying, divorc- disco ball!”

A washed-up Reed House alum retraces his steps

bothered by X’s on the back of our sloppy hookups, yet we Reedies es seem to follow a slightly mod- dancing and talking and reproduc- with reverence, and now I moved
by Jonah Watt hands—besides, we weren’t going always claimed that our quirky ified alcohol policy). As people ing the same gendered dynamics throughout the house with the
Features Contributor
to drink their beer anyways. basement possessed a different cycled in and out of the bedroom, and spatial organization that I lived egotistical assumption I was now
Last Friday night, I begrudging- Once my glasses unfogged, I charm. We lived under the illu- I noticed that some of my former and loved two years ago. this mythologized senior.
ly left my couch, bidding farewell beelined to the living room to shed sion that our space was different housemates had already become While I had always felt some- I felt simultaneously at home
to the slice-and-bake cookies and some layers. That first stop in my because we blasted “Stacy’s Mom” well-acquainted with current res- what carefree in this environ- and foreign, re-encountering the
small group of friends amassed at homecoming tour brought back and “Mr. Brightside” while Outing idents, with arms slung around a ment, a comfort granted by my same vignettes, though faces and
my off-campus residence, to make fond memories of late nights read- Club leaders played beer pong in few of them. position as a white male, I felt furniture placement were some-
the trek to Reed House. Under- ing and eating gelato on the couch- their underwear. And I partially I finally made it to the bath- even more carefree this time. what different. I returned to my
classmen are often surprised to es. It also unearthed not-so-fond believed that illusion. room, where I casually eaves- Reentering this space as a senior, quaint off-campus house, leaving
learn that I lived there—after all, memories of the gendered dynam- As we gyrated and flailed, I dropped on a couple of women I felt a certain detachment and behind the stench of beer and
I don’t play Frisbee and I stopped ics of house meetings, where men noticed two women dancing and from my stall. In that bathroom, realized that I held power as an unfamiliar familiarity of the house
paying my Outing Club dues after shouted over female residents in making out—a relatively uncom- one of the few residential spaces upperclassman in this space. As that I had once called home, crit-
my first year. Though my tenure spirited debates over whether or mon sight for a College House not regulated by a gender binary, I sophomores, my housemates and ically reflecting with fresh eyes
as Reed House proctor afforded not an exclusive party email made basement. While there were many recalled towel-clad small talk with I always viewed the older alumni dewy with nostalgia.
me some distance from housecest for an inclusive house. Female more heterosexual pairs through- housemates. I also remembered
and Thursday night beer pong, residents not-so-jokingly referred out the house, I fixated on this cou- extended conversations at the
I still drank from the Skippy pot to the “Reed patriarchy” as my fel- ple. Perhaps my observations only beginning of the semester about
and was a proud Thomas Brackett low male housemates’ voices and served to fetishize this spectacle of making the bathrooms gender
Reed devotee. bodies took up the majority of the queerness. Or perhaps this provid- neutral. Later, this morphed into
Although I’ve been back since house’s space. ed my queer self with a sense of heated discussions as female resi-
living there, this was my first time After reflecting for a hot sec- comfort and happiness, for I never dents chastised men for peeing all
returning as a senior. Embarking ond, I gathered two friends and felt comfortable expressing my over the toilet seats.
on my final semester at Bowdoin, we headed to the basement, care- sexuality in those spaces. I was reminded of the path
I was prepared for a wave of nos- fully descending the steep stairs After grinding on each other that my housemates and I used to
talgia, alienation and reflection slick with spilled PBR and sweat. for several minutes and working follow on a typical party night—a
provided by my upperclassman Through the strobe lights and up a sweat, we headed upstairs to restless waltz in search of friends,
status. mass of bodies, we scouted out pee. En route to the second floor snacks, beer and oftentimes po-
Turning onto a dimly-illumi- an empty corner. Partly protected bathroom, a friend and I poked tential (if unsuccessful) hookups.
nated Boody Street with some by the lighting and not feeling the our heads into her old room. Retracing that circuit two years
former housemates, I felt the en- need to impress anyone, we shed While the layout had changed, we later, I guess I expected something
ergy and anticipation that I expe- our inhibitions and began to dance found some familiar faces, and we different. Reed was still the same—
rienced the first night I stumbled as only three washed-up house made small talk with current and crunchy sophomores in flannels
upon Reed my freshman year. We alumni could dance. past residents while taking pulls and aloof upperclassmen who
passed the self-designated bounc- College House basements are from a communal bottle of liquor rarely showed their faces moving
ers at the front door, too cool to be notorious breeding grounds for (the upper floors of College Hous- throughout the house, flirting and SARA CAPLAN
8 FEATURES Friday, February 2, 2018

Babson brings experience in North Korea to Bowdoin

However, it was only in the of America, on the Executive
by Faria Nasruddin late ’90s, after Senator Sam Nunn Committee of the National
Orient Staff
visited North Korea, that Babson Committee for North Korea.
After a faculty departure left became more intensely involved According to Babson, the ceil-
a gap in the Department of Gov- in North Korea’s policy. After ing of knowledge increased dra-
ernment and Legal Studies’ cur- the reorganization of the Bank, matically between 1998 and 2014,
riculum, Associate Professor of Babson was asked to join the Vice the year he traveled to Pyongyang
Government and Asian Studies President’s office in Asia. for a second time. More recent-
Henry Laurence asked his friend “They said if you got along ly, young people have become
Bradley Babson, a former World with the Vietnamese, why don’t involved in government and
Bank employee to North Korea you find out what’s happening in academics since they are now al-
and current consultant for the the North Korean economy,” Bab- lowed to travel and participate in
World Bank and the United Na- son said. He was given the task of study tours. Additionally, North
tions, to join the Bowdoin faculty “watch-breeding,” where he was Korean citizens have been given
for a single semester. asked to form a relationship with access to the internet.
Babson brings his experience North Korea, even though it was “One young academic that I
to the classroom in his course not a member country. talked to studied in Canada and
“The Two Koreas and Geopol- Babson’s first trip to North said he was on the World Bank
itics of Northeast Asia.” His Korea was in 1998, when he was website every day learning,” said
course will prioritize practical invited to explain the nature of Babson. “They have been trying
world diplomacy. the World Bank. His visit was to educate themselves in ways
“I am emphasizing policy part of a larger trend in North that they can to help them inter-
writing over academic writing,” Korea, which at the time was at- nally improve and get the econo-
said Babson. “Part of the sub- tempting to become more inte- my working better.”
text of the course is the fact that grated within the global market Babson emphasized that
I come not from an academic and strengthen its diplomatic North Korea is a changing so-
background, but a real-world relations. In his observations ciety, and that there is a de facto
background.” for the World Bank, Babson acceptance of the emergence of
After completing his degree at said that ignorance about eco- markets.
the Woodrow Wilson School of nomics was just as much of a “There is a tolerance for inno-
Public and International Affairs challenge as ideological issues vation and exploration, people
at Princeton University, Babson in North Korea. are more open about asking em-
joined the World Bank, where he “I asked [the director of the barrassing questions than they
was assigned to the Korea desk North Korean Central Bank] how used to be,” he said.
in the Operations Department. they came up with the exchange The North Korean government
After a number of years, Babson rate with the North Korean Yuan attempted a currency reform in
moved on to look at the educa- to the US Dollar of 2.16 and the 2009 aimed at cracking down on
tion, health and population sec- answer was ‘Well, February 16 private markets. However, the
tors in relation to eight countries is Kim Jong-Il’s birthday.’ And I measure received pushback and
in the region, ranging from South said, ‘Well, I’m not in Kansas any- was ultimately withdrawn.
Korea to Laos. more,’” he said. “They realized that the cat
During that period, he worked “I did that for a number of was out of the bag; they weren’t
with South Korea as it was pre- years and then decided, because going to be able to restrain the
paring to leave the World Bank they were not a member country role of markets—people were
to the join the Organisation for there were limitations in what I dependent on it,” Babson said.
Economic Co-operation and De- could do and pursue,” said Bab- “It’s like the social contract be-
velopment (OECD). son. He then took advantage of tween the state and the people
“They wanted to upgrade sci- an early retirement to work as a had moved to a point where this
ence and education research to consultant for the Bank. top-down dictate—just do what
OECD level and to deal with is- Since then, Babson has we say and live with it—was not
sues in the health systems – they stayed engaged through his longer realistic.” COURTESY OF BRADLEY BABSON
were transitioning from one type involvement in Track II meet- Thus far, Babson’s motiva- TWO KOREAS, MANY LESSONS: Bradley Babson, who worked for the World Bank in North Korea, is teaching
of a health problem to a more ings—informal discussions tions for pushing knowledge “The Two Koreas and Geopolitics of Northeast Asia” this semester. His course aims to prioritize real-world diplomacy.
advanced country with health is- between non-governmental engagement and finding ways
sues – and had to make systemic actors—as chair of the Demo- to keep peace is to push North Korean culture. After learning side of life. of the history of Buddhism and
adjustments,” said Babson. cratic People’s Republic of Ko- Korea towards a better future. that Babson’s wife is a minister, “What had struck me about Confucianism and it has been
In the 1990s, Babson also ran a rea (DPRK) Economic Forum Through one particular inter- his interpreter opened up to that was to be so personally vul- suppressed in the North, but that
regional office in Bangkok, where at the U.S.-Korea Institute and action with his 29-year-old in- Babson about his experience nerable in a relationship that was doesn’t mean people don’t have
he assisted in integrating Cambo- on the Advisory Council of terpreter, Babson discovered a with depression and his desire very unusual sitting together,” these yearnings and willingness
dia and Vietnam in global markets. the Korea Economic Institute certain openness in the North to engage with a more spiritual said Babson. “[Religion is] part to share.”

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Friday, February 2, 2018 9

Kaitlynn Miller ’14 named to the 2018 HIGHLIGHT
U.S. Olympic Cross-Country Skiing Team PUCKING IT UP: The
women’s hockey team
(9-6-1, NESCAC 3-6-
1) swept the Wesleyan
by Roither Gonzales (5-9-4, 3-6-1) series
Orient Staff this weekend in its first
NESCAC series sweep
Former Bowdoin Nordic ski- of the season. The
er Kaitlynn Miller ’14 has been Polar Bears dominated
named to the 2018 U.S. Olym- the Cardinals 5-2 on
pic Team and is set to partici- Friday after coming
pate in the 2018 PyeongChang out of the first quarter
Winter Olympics in South with a three point lead.
Korea. Upon completion, she On Saturday, Bowdo-
joins only seven other Bowdoin
in returned to the ice
with a 1-0 win. The
alumni who have participated team will play Hamil-
in the Olympics. ton (11-6-1, NESCAC
Miller graduated from Bow- 7-3) this weekend at
doin as one of the finest nordic home starting on Fri-
skiers in the program’s history— day at 7 p.m.
setting most of the nordic skiing
records that stand today.
Miller said in a phone inter- BEAR NECESSITIES:
view with the Orient that the The nordic skiing team
nomination came as a surprise came in second behind
and that she is thrilled to be giv- Colby in the Maine
en the opportunity. State Championship
“I did not expect the call. I held at U-Maine Pr-
had a pretty solid winter, but I esque Isle this week-
end. The women’s race
was not expecting to be named was delayed after dis-
to the team,” Miller said. “They covering a hibernating
basically called me the after- mother bear and cubs
noon before they were officially just off of the trail, but
announcing the team, and they the delay did not stop
had a certain number of spots COURTESY OF BRIAN BEARD the Polar Bears from
left. Through their criteria that SKIING TO VICTORY: Kaitlynn Miller ’14 was named to the 2018 U.S. Olympic Cross Country Skiing Team, which will be held in PyeongChang, South Korea. Miller graduat- earning eight All-State
ed from Bowdoin as one of the finest Nordic skiers in the program’s history and recently finished third overall in the 1.3 km classic at the U.S. National Championships. honors: three from the
they listed earlier this year, I fit women’s team and five
the criteria they named—which apart from other athletes. skiing since 1976. Yet in spite Miller’s achievement is sig- Joan Benoit Samuelson ’79. To from the men’s. The
I was not expecting.” “Kaitlynn is just someone of this, the U.S. team still ranks nificant, not only for her, but Miller, this achievement is es- teams will compete
“I know that Kaitlynn is a who has an incredible feel, and among the top-six nations in also for those close to her. pecially meaningful. in the University of
great skier, and she really has she skis very efficiently. She’s the sport and hopes to break its “Obviously it’s exciting as a “Obviously I feel very fond- Vermont Carnival this
a future in the sport. But then also just a very grounded per- 32-year drought this year. Right personal goal to qualify,” Miller ly about Bowdoin and really weekend.
again you can be a great skier son, just mentally she’s very now, Miller is careful not to said. “But I think I’m actually enjoyed my time there. I think
and have a future in the sport, calm. She takes everything in place any high expectations on more excited for how excited it’s neat to come from a school
and you’re still probably not go- stride. She’s very humble,” Also- her first Olympic appearance. everyone else is to be honest. where there aren’t that many FREESTYLIN’ IT: Both
ing to make it, just statistically,” brook said. “At this point my goal is to get The number of people who Olympians,” said Miller. “But I the men’s and wom-
Nordic Skiing Head Coach and Miller is one of 20 a start, and then I’ll take it from have reached out to me is in- think it’s in some ways more ex- en’s swimming and
Miller’s former coach Nathan cross-country skiers who were there. One thing that’s almost credible. I think it just reminds citing to come from a team that’s diving teams swept
Alsobrook said. “The odds are named to the 2018 U.S. Olympic nice is when it is a new venue you of the community you have not super well known, from Trinity and Wesleyan
stacked against her, even as Team. Her nomination comes and new event and something and how many people care for a college that’s not super well this weekend, with the
good as she was. And yet, she after fantastic showings at the where you’ve worked hard to you and it’s been really touch- known. It makes it that much men beating Trinity
244-124 and Wesleyan
was still able to beat those odds U.S. National Championships just be there, you’re obviously ing and really humbling.” more exciting, and you’re extra 240-129 and the wom-
because she kept working on it last month, where she placed going to go out and race as hard When she participates in proud of your college. I think it’s en scoring 268-106 and
and steadily improved.” third overall in the 1.3 km clas- as you can,” Miller said. “You the games, Miller will join the great to bring that to the world 247-119 respectively.
Despite these odds, Also- sic in Anchorage, Ala. want it to be the best race as pos- ranks of seven other Bowdo- stage, when most people are like The women’s team had
brook always believed that there The United States has not sible, but you’re also just happy in Olympians, including gold ‘wait, Bowdoin? They have a ski a strong performance
was something that set Miller won a medal in cross-country to be there.” medalists Fred Tootell ’23 and team?’... No one knows about it!” in the 500 free, with
Nadia Eguchi ’21 lead-
ing a sweep of the top

Men’s and women’s track and field teams impress

three positions. The
teams travel to Colby
on Saturday for a dual

in Bowdoin Invitational III, BU Classic SEE YOU IN COURT:

The Bowdoin men’s
basketball team (14-5,
Division III rankings released shot put. Another notable meet we really want to prove guy performs well for us,’ it NESCAC 3-3) ended
by Owen Silitch on Tuesday, the men’s and achievement came from Erin ourselves as being the one on is about fostering unity with- its four game winning
Orient Staff streak on Saturday af-
women’s teams were ranked Hollenbaugh ’20, who took top.” in our team … It’s us solidly
The men’s and women’s 20th and 24th in the nation, first place in the 1,000 meter Other contributing factors standing together and saying ter losing to No. 3 Am-
track and field teams have respectively. (3:15.01) and mile (5:22.55) to both teams’ impressive let’s all combine and give all herst (13-6, NESCAC
performed well in the re- “This was a great invita- events. All of this recent suc- early seasons are their col- of our energy for the common 4-2) 75-60 at home.
The team currently is
cent weeks, with both teams tional because some of the cess is particularly exciting laboration and positive group goal.” No. 7 in the confer-
coming in first overall in this teams that were coming out as both teams prepare for the dynamics. In particular, the Kelley echoed this senti- ence. This loss comes
past weekend’s Bowdoin In- were a little bit less compet- state championship which will men’s team this year is em- ment. after a thrilling 72-68
vitational III and bringing an itive than [our earlier meet] be held at Bates this weekend. ploying a rather unique lead- “I’ve gotten so much closer upset against Hamilton
impressive showing at the BU with MIT and Tufts. There “As a team we [are focus- ership strategy where instead to the women in the junior (17-2, NESCAC 4-2),
John Thomas Terrier Classic. was a more relaxed vibe to ing] on the state meet next of the traditional singular class and even the sopho- dropping the Jumbos
Highlights from last week- it, and it allowed some of weekend the most … because captain role, it instead has a mores and first years that I to No. 4 in the confer-
ence. Liam Farley ’18
end include four top-four fin- the underclassmen to really it is our rivalry meet with “council of leaders,” a result don’t know,” she said. “[Track had an outstanding
ishes in the men’s mile event, shine, and I think people had Bates, Colby and USM,” said of the large number of seniors has] definitely pushed me to weekend, leading the
with Sean MacDonald ’19 an opportunity to get a lot of Liam Nicoll ’18. “Especially who have been on the team get to know other people.” Polar Bears in scoring
running an impressive 4:15.6 [personal records]. Overall, for indoor, this is our biggest since the beginning. Both teams are competing both days. The team
time, and a new school record people had a really good day,” meet as a team and we want “We have this group of 10 in the state championship this will look to get back in
set in the women’s distance said Kelley. to outperform the other teams guys, and we’re such good weekend at Bates. The wom- the win column against
medley relay run by Claire First year Belinda Saint by as much as we can. This is friends,” said Nicoll. “What en’s team will compete on Fri- Middlebury on Friday
Traum ’21, Caroline Shipley Louis was a multiple winner, a rivalry that has been ongo- makes us so unique this year day evening at 6 p.m. before
at 7 p.m.
’20, Sara Ory ’19 and Sarah setting a personal record in ing for such a long time ver- is that we have perspectives the men’s team heads to Bates
Kelley ’18. Additionally, in the weight throw (12.89m) sus Bates. Recently it’s been from every person. Leader- for its state meet on Saturday COMPILED BY ANNA FAUVER
the most recent USTFCCCA while also placing first in the very back and forth, so this ship for us isn’t just, ‘Oh that night at 6 p.m.
11 Friday, February 2, 2018

Navigating the Silicon Future Grammys 2018: female voices and the
legacy of black musical aesthetics
As the Board of Trustees prepares to make its pilgrimage to Silicon Valley, we think
that its members and the Bowdoin community should consider the implication of this
As President Rose noted in an interview with the Orient, the culture of Silicon Valley
has given rise to both good and bad. Silicon Valley firms have created new products complaining of “Black men still losing tion of loving her.” SZA’s mother might
that affect our lives every day, connecting the globe and improving access to informa- Polar Views to the [Black] women” in contemporary have deserved an honorable recognition
tion. They grapple with questions ranging from how to improve public transportation by Osa Fasehun R&B. He added, “Beyonce, Cardi B, SZA, for Spoken World Album for her insight-
to how to potentially deal with an uninhabitable future-Earth. all y’all motherfuckers, stop using that ful pieces of wisdom on SZA’s outros.
Yet while they try to change the world, they also seek to turn a profit. They wield As a singer and songwriter, I naturally fucking pain to make it OK to say some “Ctrl” molded me into a more perceptive
immense and often insidious power over our lives, shaping the ways we interact with tuned in to this year’s Grammy Awards bullshit on your record and get nomi- man and better communicator in this
each other, the way we access information and even the norms and well-being of our show on Sunday night in hope of seeing nated for a Grammy.” He suffers from a world of millennials, notoriously known
democracy. Moreover, these companies’ practices have contributed to increased social some wins by my favorite artists. I was classic case of male entitlement. for short romances and “situationships.”
atomization and the related increases in anxiety and depression, the propagation of po-
shocked to see Alessia Cara take the First of all, J. Holiday’s comments are Through all the questionable wins of
litical misinformation and the massive income inequality that results from billionaire
award for Best New Artist, since her lat- quite hypocritical since his own discog- the night, there was an aura that perme-
executives employing workers for less than living wages. est album was released in 2015 and she raphy derives from heartbreak. Addition- ated the Grammys that night: celebration
We believe Rose and the trustees recognize these issues and take them seriously. As
was even nominated for Best New Artist ally, R&B and other genres often channel of Black music. Black music was every-
they seek to learn from these companies, we urge the Board members to keep these in other music award shows in 2016. pain for musical inspiration. Many of where, from Kendrick Lamar’s delivery of
issues in mind and consider how they implicate Bowdoin and its graduates. Ironically, she was the only woman to Sunday night’s male Grammy nominees politically conscious rap bars at the start
While Bowdoin seeks to understand the power of Silicon Valley, the College shouldtake home a solo award this year, a fact had albums that drew directly from un- of the show, to Kesha’s moving delivery of
not blindly adopt its practices. We think Bowdoin should think critically about how that sparked claims that Grammy’s selec- adulterated pain (i.e, Jay’s “4:44”). Still, Grammy-nominated gospel pop ballad
to graduate students with skills to do genuine good within an economy controlled tion of winners was sexist. When asked Holiday’s criticism reminds me of some “Praying” with a backup chorus of female
by these companies. More importantly, we think the trustees and our fellow students about the #GrammySoMale hashtag that of my male peers who didn’t like SZA be- stars, to Donald Glover’s performance of
should consider the weighty questions that cut to the heart of the tech firms and their
followed, Recording Academy President, cause, in their words, “She glorifies being his funk-inflected song “Terrified” with
power. To name a few: how to responsibly and effectively regulate Artificial Intelligence,
Neil Portnow remarked, “women need to a side-chick and then complains about 10-year-old JD McCrary singing breath-
how to engage with new technologies so that we may use them rather than allowing ... step up.” He may have proved that the getting played.” This conclusion misses taking vocal runs. While some debate
them to use us, how to curb the monopolistic power these firms exercise over channelsRecording Academy is sexist, along with the mark and conveniently omits the fact over whether Bruno Mars’s win for Al-
of information and communication. Hollywood. My personal favorite artist that SZA has been cheated on and lied to, bum of the Year was deserved, he made a
The trustees must remember that the purposes and goals of Silicon Valley’s informa-
of 2017, SZA, delivered the iconic debut so sometimes she’s the main girl or the point to do what many non-black artists
tion economy are often in tension with those of the College. The tech industry’s vision
album “Ctrl” and had five Grammy nom- “side chick” who didn’t know her part- fail to do: he paid homage to the Black
of “innovation” relies on a constant pursuit of the new—new technologies, new practic-
inations, yet left the show with no awards. ner already had a girlfriend. Rather than musicians who pioneered his sound.
es, new economic opportunities—to create and satisfy consumer demand. Institutions Sonically, “Ctrl” has the best music wallow in sadness, SZA makes music that In his acceptance speech, Mars re-
of higher education, on the other hand, exist not only to prepare the future generation
production I’ve heard in a long time. empowered many women by unpacking called a childhood performance of his in
of workers and citizens for a changing world but to engage with knowledge and prac- SZA’s vocals come from the soul, with her experiences with the exploitative which all the songs he sang were either
tices from the past, even if those things appear remote from the practical demands ofsounds that are hypnotizing and often actions of men. J. Holiday is probably by “Babyface, Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis
the present day. In imbibing the spirit of the former, members of the Board should not
genre-blurring. She puts her pain and bitter that he hasn’t gotten a Billboard or Teddy Riley,”—all the key producers
neglect the demands of the latter. pleasure on wax, and it is intoxicating. In hit in nearly a decade (I haven’t uttered of new jack swing. Bruno Mars made
The final paragraph of Bowdoin’s mission statement reads: “Bowdoin’s intellectualthe first track of the album, “Supermod- his name since 2007). SZA offers a new “24K Magic” to revive their sound and
mission is informed by the humbling and cautionary lesson of the 20th century: that el,” she begins the chorus with, “Leave me female perspective about the current ro- dedicated his Album of the Year award
intellect and cultivation, unless informed by a basic sense of decency, of tolerance and
lonely for prettier women,” a soul-crush- mantic scene for other “20 somethings.” to them, proclaiming that “they laid the
mercy, are ultimately destructive of both the person and society.” As we move into the
ing line that could hit nerves for women As much as I enjoyed Holiday’s music in foundation … this album wouldn’t exist
21st century, this maxim is truer than ever. across the globe. SZA delves deeper middle school, I had to read him for filth if it wasn’t for these guys.” As someone
when singing: “Why you bother me (meaning: humorously call out some- who grew up listening to ’90s music
This editorial represents the majority view of the Bowdoin Orient’s editorial board, when you know you don’t want me? Why one’s absurd flaws). from the likes of Jodeci and Janet Jack-
which is comprised of Harry DiPrinzio, Dakota Griffin, Calder McHugh and Ian Ward. you bother me when you know you got a Personally, SZA’s music compelled me son, I found it beautiful to see Bruno
woman?” These are captivating questions to reflect on my romantic engagements Mars win for an album that draws so
about infidelity and wasting a woman’s as a man. Last summer, I thought of heavily from a black musical tradition.
time to which SZA emphatically asserts old flames and flings as I hearkened to Despite the drama and unfair snubs,
that most men don’t have a real answer. SZA’s singing “you’ll never love me” over the 60th Grammy Awards Show invited
Of course, not everyone appreciated and over on “Garden (Say it Like That).” artists who showcased America’s rich
SZA’s brutal honesty. J. Holiday, an R&B The song reminded me of Bob Marley’s music history and others who expanded
singer mostly known for his 2007 hit words: “The biggest coward is a man who our horizons, so the country could cele-
“Bed,” went on a tirade on his Instagram, awakens a woman’s love with no inten- brate the beauty of music.

Style at Bowdoin: a reflection of class and race 6200 College Station Brunswick, ME 04011
The Bowdoin Orient is a student-run weekly publication dedicated to providing news and information
relevant to the Bowdoin community. Editorially independent of the College and its administrators,
the Orient pursues such content freely and thoroughly, following professional journalistic standards in socioeconomic status. I think these so white students can actually get our
writing and reporting. The Orient is committed to serving as an open forum for thoughtful and diverse
discussion and debate on issues of interest to the College community. Anu’s Corner students missed the point: there is a names right. But seriously, a confident
direct correlation between style and personal style expresses how unique
by Anu Asaolu
money because of the nature of our fashion can be.
capitalist society. Women of color at Bowdoin are
Sarah Drumm Harry DiPrinzio As spring fashion week draws clos- Nonetheless, it is naive to use style known to have unique styles on cam-
Editor in Chief Editor in Chief er, I have deeply reflected on our own as a sole indicator of wealth. Style can pus. Myself and other women of col-
Brunswick runway. Although there serve as a reflection of class. It also or receive compliments like “you’re
is a fundamental difference between blurs the lines of class. The access to so put together” or “you’re always
Creative Director Managing Editor News Editor fashion and style, Bowdoin’s culture certain (usually high-end) brands dressed up.” Although there are more
Jenny Ibsen Rachael Allen Emily Cohen around both is worth exploring. The communicates some information intentional ways to give compliments,
Sarah Bonanno
Ellice Lueders collective style at Bowdoin is pre- about one’s financial background. there is some truth to it. Before I came
Sports Editor dictable; only a handful of students However, second-hand shopping or to Bowdoin, I had never described my
Photo Editor Calder McHugh Anna Fauver
Surya Milner maintain a creative and authentic extreme bargaining make these brands style as “put together” or particularly
Ann Basu style. The greater student body has accessible to almost everyone and noteworthy. In my Nigerian house-
Ezra Sunshine Jessica Piper
Features Editor adopted a monolithic uniform, which any individual is able to exist outside hold, there is no other option. There
Associate Editor Alyce McFadden is partially due to the weather and their socioeconomic brackets. More is a cultural baseline for presentable
Roither Gonzales partially the cultural and economic interestingly, some students have also clothing that does not fall within
Layout Editor Dakota Griffin A&E Editor background of the majority. But how used their personal style in a way that Bowdoin norms. For me, presenting
Emma Bezilla Nicholas Mitch do you fit into this uniform if you’re doesn’t reflect their socioeconomic myself in a manner that juxtaposes the
Ian Stewart Isabelle Hallé
Louisa Moore not a part of said majority? status or even conceals their wealth. presumed notions of my black femi-
Lucia Ryan The Bowdoin uniform is modi- Style is fluid because it is a physical nine body is necessary. It is inherently
Allison Wei Opinion Editor
Copy Editor Rohini Kurup fi ed across social spaces on campus. representation of intention, creativity, radical to curate a style that accurate-
Nell Fitzgerald To achieve the Bowdoin outfit, the mood or personality. ly conveys what you want perceived
Business Manager most essential accessory is a Canada However, many people of color have about your black body.
Edward Korando Calendar Editor
Goose coat, or any piece of clothing constructed their personal styles inde- The honest truth is our bodies have
Social Media Editor Ned Wang Kate Lusignan piece from a reputable and expensive pendent of this uniform. For many made a statement before we speak.
Gwen Davidson brand. Just like the larger fashion students of color, their personal style Stereotypes and assumptions about
Uriel Lopez-Serrano Data Desk Page Two Editor world, uniform style is heavily influ- is not a reflection of class. Although our skin taint how we are perceived.
Faria Nasruddin Hannah Donovan Samuel Rosario enced by money and brands. In past the clothing pieces worn could be The Bowdoin uniform proposes con-
years, there have been many discus- brand name, the curation of new and formity. As a woman of color, con-
sions about socioeconomic status and unique outfits challenges the Bowdoin formity is not my objective. Personal
The material contained herein is the property of The Bowdoin Orient and appears at the sole discretion of the clothing on campus. These programs uniform. I believe it is necessary to style is the most accessible way to have
editors. The editors reserve the right to edit all material. Other than in regard to the above editorial, the opinions received pushback by students who have a self-curated style as a person agency over the expression of our al-
expressed in the Orient do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors.
felt challenged and criticized for their of color for many reasons—one being ready radical bodies.
10 SPORTS Friday, February 2, 2018

Women’s basketball 19-game win streak comes to an end

to be a huge part of our game Amherst prevented the Polar
by Jason Cahoon plan,” said Head Coach Adri- Bears from netting any heroic
Orient Staff enne Shibles. buckets.
This past weekend, the “Big box outs and post de- Kate Kerrigan ’18 led both
women’s basketball team dis- fense are some of the things teams with 15 points and 9
played another stellar per- that we really focused on this rebounds. Her scoring was
formance, beating Hamilton past week,” said Hannah Gra- complimented by a 12-point
College 87-54 and extending ham ’19. “They came out and performance from Abby Kelly
its undefeated streak to 19 played really well against us. ’19.
games. The streak, however, [Hamilton] shot the ball well, The game was, statistically,
was broken on Saturday in a but at the end we just had more the closest that the team has
nail-biting 49-45 loss against strength.” played this season. The players
Amherst, the top-ranked team The following day, the Polar hope to use their experience in
in the nation. Bears traveled to Amherst to the close matchup as a learn-
Bowdoin set the pace for tip off against the Mammoths. ing experience for both the re-
a dominant victory early on Both teams entered the game mainder of the regular season
in the Hamilton game by get- with 19-0 records. The antic- and the postseason.
ting off to a 23-13 lead in the ipation of this matchup made “They definitely exposed
first quarter and extending its for an exciting atmosphere our weakness, so now we know
lead by beginning the second at the LeFrank Gymnasium, where we need to work on
quarter with a 10-0 run. By which hosted 528 spectators. things, whether it be physical
halftime, the Polar Bears were “Amherst put a lot of energy or mental,” said Graham. “We
winning 53-25, thus deflating into creating an environment haven’t been in a lot of these ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
Hamilton early in the game. that was challenging for us,” situations, so when we are
Bowdoin dominated Ham- said Shibles. down two points in the fourth ON THE REBOUND: (TOP):
ilton down low, scoring a to- Despite facing off against quarter, and we need a bucket, Kate Kerrigan ’18 led both teams
tal of 42 points in the paint. the defending national cham- we now know how to react to
with 15 points and 9 rebounds
during the game against Amherst
Abby Kelly ’19 led Bowdoin’s pions, the Polar Bears entered that. And I guess it is good that
this weekend. (BOTTOM): Sam
offense, netting 14 points and the game with confidence this happened to us during the Roy ’20 dribbles down the court in
gathering four rebounds for given their past success this season and not in the postsea- the game against U-Maine Presque
the Polar Bears. season. son, because in the postseason Isle on Jan. 21.
The team attributes its suc- “We knew they were going you only get one chance. Now
cess against Hamilton to team to be a really good opponent we can learn from it.”
defense and fast pace. Bow- and it was a really intense game The Polar Bears have just
doin forced a total of 17 turn- in a really fun atmosphere,” four remaining regular season
overs and netted 15 points off said captain Lauren Petit ’18. games, including two home
of those turnovers. The score remained close games against Middlebury and
“They have six-foot guards for all four quarters. However, Williams this weekend. These
playing in the post that can Amherst went on a 9-3 run games will have a large impact
rebound, shoot threes and take late in the game. Bowdoin had on the conference standings
you off the dribble, so we knew three chances to tie the game and potentially for the NCAA
that defending them was going with under a minute left, but tournament this March.

Men’s and women’s squash look toward NESCAC Champs

by Conrad Li “We’re very proud of our sport
and grateful to be able to play
Orient Staff

Today, both the men’s and

women’s squash teams will com-
here at Bowdoin.”
pete in the NESCAC Champion- –George Cooley ’18
ship held at Hamilton. The men’s
team is currently seeded eighth in from day one all the way to the then we have others that have
the league and will face off against end of Nationals.” been playing since they were five
No. 9 Tufts, while the women’s Cooley echoed Fortson’s senti- years old, so it brings in a lot of
team is seeded 11th and will meet ments regarding the men’s team’s different perspectives on the
No. 6 Bates in the first round of performance. game and proves to be a very col-
the tournament. “The team has definitely laborative environment.”
The men’s team, seeded eighth worked very well together as a Cooley believes that the team’s
for the first time since 2014, is group. From match to match, small size helps its chemistry.
confident going into the game everyone, as an individual player, “It’s a small team, so it’s a re-
against the Jumbos. encounters their own personal ally tight group of friends,” said
“Recently, we actually had a challenges,” said Cooley. Cooley. “It’s a very fun and in-
very close match against Tufts … “Every week, it seems that the teresting sport that has allowed
and we were able to beat them players are fixing those things and us to compete at the highest
6-3,” said captain George Cooley then encountering new problems, level of college squash, so in that
’18. “That was a great win for the which I think is good because regard, we’re very proud of our
team … but [it will also be] a big it means that we’re not getting sport and grateful to be able to
challenge ahead of us because stuck with old issues, technically play here at Bowdoin.”
they’re going to come out guns speaking,” he added. “So every- Although the NESCAC
blazing as they say.” one’s definitely improving fast and Championship may be the final
Tomas Fortson, who is head moving in the right direction.” big match for other sports, it will
coach of both teams, is proud This year’s teams have players not be the end of the road for the
of how the teams are shaping with many different experience squash teams, as they will go to the
up so far. levels. Some have many years CSA Nationals later this month.
“We have very good team of experience while others have “In squash, we always go to
dynamics and people [are very only started playing in college, but Nationals, so instead of NES-
committed] to getting better and that is not hindering their perfor- CACs being the final official event
working hard,” he said. “When mance. with the hope of them making
you have that, you’re happy ... they “It’s a unique group of players Nationals after that, we know
collectively are doing well in that of all kinds of squash experience,” Nationals is always going to be
GWEN DAVIDSON, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT they have stayed focused on try- Cooley said. “We have some play- there,” Cooley said. “Our game
Hitting the target: (TOP): Going into the NESCAC championships today, the men’s squash team is currently in ing to make those improvements ers that actually started playing plan for the season is to peak
eighth place for the first time since 2014. (BOTTOM): Tully Ross ’18 won 3-0 against Colby this weekend. and that is just an ongoing process two years ago at Bowdoin, and during Nationals.”

We’re looking for columnists who can bring fresh voices to the
Opinion pages. If that sounds like you, reach out to us with your ideas.

Email us at
12 Friday February 2, 2018

Audubon ‘Birds of America’
Margaret and Fritz Buschmann, founders of the Siesta
Sanctuary in Harmony, Maine will join Special Collections &
Archives staff for the monthly page-turning of Audubon’s
Birds of America.
Special Collections, Hawthorne Longfellow Library. 12:30 p.m.

World Matters
Students, faculty and staff will have the opportunity to share
opinions on current world events and listen and learn about
stories capturing their attention outside campus.
Ladd House. 2 p.m.


Murder Mystery Dinner Theater RIGHT UP MY ALLEY: Austin Goldsmith ’18 watches her bowl at Yankee Lanes in Brunswick. Bowdoin Student Government sponsors free bowling
for students on Thursday nights and provides transportation to and from the alley.
Masque and Gown will solve a murder mystery. Dinner will
be included. RSVP to MacKenzie Schaffer ’19.
Howell House. 7:30 p.m

Ashley Gavin Stand Up Comedy
Ashley Gavin, a New York comic, will perform stand up
comedy. Sam Morrison, Gavin’s friend and fellow comic, FILM SCREENING DISCUSSION
will open the show. The performance is sponsored by Purity Technology and Dance Reproductive Justice Beyond
Pact. Ashley Ferro-Murray, curator of dance and theater at the Abortion Rights
Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center. 9:30 p.m. Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center, will discuss Assistant Professor of Government Chyrl Laird, Assistant
how historical trends in the relationship between technology Professor of Government and Legal Studies Maron Sorenson
and dance impact her work. She will discuss her current and Assistant Professor of Sociology Theo Greene will
curatorial projects and her collaboration with different artists. discuss the framework of reproductive justice and why the
Beam Classroom, Visual Arts Center. 4:30 p.m. focus on legal abortion rights may limit the understanding of

access to healthcare.
Quinby House. 7 p.m.


WORKSHOP Books & Brews
Mindfulness Workshop: Exploring The Books and Brews book club’s February meeting will
Intensive Practice focus on “The Homecoming Instinct” by Bernd Heinrich.
Doug Worthen and Jessica Morey will host a workshop to LECTURE Copies of the book are available at the public library. The
explore the art of mindfulness. Attendees are not required event will include a sample tasting of a featured beer from
to attend the mindfulness lecture on Friday. The event is
Constructing the Soviet Industrial Flight Deck Brewing for those 21+.
sponsored by Counseling Services and the Mindfulness Over Revolution: Montage, Modernism, Curtis Memorial Library. 6 p.m.
Matter Club. Modernization
Room 301, Buck Health Center. 10 a.m. Nicholas Kupensky, Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral fellow in
Russian, will discuss a selection of Soviet posters. This lecture
is presented in conjunction with the Art Museum’s exhibit

“Constructing Revolution: Soviet Propaganda Posters from
between the World Wars.”

Bowdoin College Museum of Art. 12 p.m.

MLK For The 21st Century Delirious: Art at the Limits of Reason,
EVENT 1950–1980
Michael Eric Dyson, professor of sociology at Georgetown
Longfellow Days University, will deliver the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Kelly Baum, Cynthia Hazen Polsky and Leon Polsky curator
Three local poets will be reading original poetry. The reading of contemporary art at The Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Lecture. Dyson will discuss issues of race, religion and
is the first of four poetry readings in the Longfellow will discuss disorder, disorientation and repetition in art in
popular culture. He is a regular commentator on CNN and a
days series where poets dress up as Henry Wadsworth response to military conflict and social and political unrest.
contributing writer to many major publications.
Longfellow, Class of 1825, and recite poetry. Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center. 4:30 p.m.
Kresge Gallery, Visual Arts Center. 7 p.m.
Curtis Memorial Library. 6 p.m.

9 10 EVENT 11 12 CONCERT 13 14 15

Winter Weekend Ying Quartet

Winter Concert

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