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Love Quotes

To live without loving is to not really live. - Moliere

Gather the rose of love whilst yet is time. - Edmund Spenser
Love consists in this, that two solitudes protect and touch and greet each other. - Rainer
Maria Rilke
And think not you can guide the course of love. For love, if it finds you worthy, shall
guide your course. - Kahil Gibran
We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect
person perfectly. - Sam Keen

No love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it
forever. - Francois Mauriac
Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same
direction. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The quarrels of lovers are like summer storms. Everything is more beautiful when they
have passed. - Suzanne Necker
Love is the greatest refreshment in life. - Pablo Picasso
At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet. - Plato
He who love touches walks not in darkness. - Plato
The entire sum of existence is the magic of being needed by just one person. - Vi
Perhaps love is the process of my gently leading you back to yourself. - Antoine de
Love is the only gold. - Alfred Lord Tennyson
Two souls with but a single thought,
Two hearts that beat as one.
Franz Joseph van Munch Bellinghausen
Love is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity. - Helen Hayes
We are shaped and fashioned by what we love. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Take spring when it comes and rejoice. Take happiness when it comes and rejoice. Take
love when it comes and rejoice. - Carl Ewald
One man by himself is nothing. Two people who belong together make a world.
- Hans Margolius
The entire sum of existence is the magic of being needed by just one person. -
Vi Putnam
To love and be loved is the greatest happiness of existence. - Sydney Smith
To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others. - Francois Mauriac
If you press me to say why I loved him, I can say no more than it was because he
was he and I was I. - Michel Montaigne
The last of your kisses was ever the sweetest; the last smile the brightest; the last
movement the gracefullest. - John Keats
I have spread my dreams beneath your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
W.B. Yeats

The Course of True Love never did run smooth ....

William Shakespeare
When Love and Skill Work Together, expect a Masterpiece...
John Ruskin
We dined on oysters and he gave me pearls. we gazed at stars and he gave me diamonds
and then he gave me the most
precious gift of all... his heart.
I Have Found the One Whom My Soul Loves...
Song of Solomon 3:4
Grow Old Along With Me. The best is yet to be, The last of life for which the first
was made....
Robert Browning
Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking
outward together in the same direction...
Antoine DeSaint-Expery
This day I will marry my friend, the one I laugh with, live for, dream with and
forever love.

As our marriage brings new meaning to love, so our love brings new meaning to life.
The trail onward through the hills from here to prairies end; Will our journey ever last?
As long as you're my friend

As our marriage brings new meaning to love, so our love brings new meaning to life.
On our wedding day a new life has its start. We'll share with each other one love, one
dream, one heart.
Our friendship has blossomed to Love and Marriage
As we marry, we face the future secure in our faith in God and in our love for each
One Man One Woman One Life filled with wonder
Love is a smile to share, an ear to listen and a heart to love.
As our love unites us, may my family become your family, my friends your friends.
In the sweetness of love let there be laughter and in all our tomorrows the freshness of
Love isn't a word it's a feeling. I want to share that feeling with you forever...
Andy Moore
How beautiful life can be when touched by love...
Tiffany Anderson
I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine. Song of Solomon 6:3 ...

Love is being touched by an angel from up above. And angel that has been sent to filly
your lonely heart with love.
Love is your best-friend, Love is your worst enemy, Love is what you live for, Love is
what you die for.
"You know when you truly love someone, when you miss them before they even leave."
"Love is not blind, it has the sharpest eyes and because it sees more, it is willing to see
"Married couples who love each other tell each other a thousand things without talking."
-Chinese Proverb
"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person."
"The day we met, the angels look down on us and whispered... ...'perfect'."
Two lives, two hearts joined together in friendship, united forever in love.

special verse
families uniting In God's love, faithful and true
Seasons change to start anew
Coloring memories along life's trail
May faith, hope and patience prevail
Exchanging vows we pledge with care
Precious moments we wish to share.
And now abideth
Faith, Hope, Love , all three
and the greatest of these is Love
I Corinthians 13:13
I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine... Song of Solomon 6:3
Through love serve one another
Galantians 5:13
I hold you in my heart
for we have shared together
God's blessings
Philippians 1:7
For hearing my thoughts, understanding
my dreams, and being my best friend. . .
For filling my life with music
and loving me without end...I do
He is soft spoken, and I am a chatterbox
He loves a love story, and I like to laugh
He whispered 'Will you marry me?"
and I shouted, "Yes!"
Our life together begins this day . . .
The path that leads to happiness is so narrow that two cannot walk on it, unless they
become one
Take my hand and say you will follow me The daisies of the field are as fresh and
perfect as our love ...
This day our hearts are joined as one
A time for love, A time for us And the two shall become one...
A fresh new day, and it is ours, a day of happy beginnings
This day I will marry my friend, the one who shares my dreams
As our marriage brings new meaning to love, so our love brings new meaning to life
With an endless love we'll share our thoughts our dreams, ourselves
The love we share today shines from sunrise to sunrise, growing brighter year to year as
we share our lives
The promise of our life together is as bright as the colors of the rainbow
The miracle of love is that love is given to us to give to one another ...
In the sweetness of love, let there be laughter, and in all our tomorrows, the freshness of
We join Hands and Hearts from this day Forward . .
My love for you is an unchanging love, high and deep, free and faithful, strong as
death. I will love you forever without reserve. Each day and each year I will love you
Your smile brightens my day, your voice soothes my soul. You have brought so much
beauty, joy, sweetness and love into my life that I know you could only have been a gift
from God.
Someone once said that at birth the soul divides into two separate people and we search
most of our lives until we find that other half who will make us complete. I know that
the day I met you was when I became complete.
I will love you and treasure you always, as I will treasure this day when I stood
before God, our friends and our families to marry my best friend, the one I laugh with,
live for, dream with, love.....

Wedding Quotes

Marriage is an Athenic weaving together of families, of two souls with their individual
fates and destinies, of time and eternity--everyday life married to the timeless mysteries of
the soul. - Thomas Moore

In all of the wedding cake, hope is the sweetest of plums. - Douglas Jerrold
Marriage is love personified. - Phoenix Flame
Marriage is the perfection of what love aimed at, ignorant of what it sought. - Emerson
When you make a sacrifice in marriage, you're sacrificing not to each other but to unity
in a relationship. - Joseph Campbell
When you meet someone who can cook and do housework--don't hesitate a minute--marry
him. - Unknown
Marriage--a book of which the first chapter is written in poetry and the remaining
chapters written in prose. - Beverly Nichols
Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words. - Plautus
One should believe in marriage as in the immortality of the soul. - Honore de Balzac
Marriage is not a simple love affair, it's an ordeal, and the ordeal is the sacrifice of ego
to a relationship in which two have become one. - Joseph Campbell
Marriage is a partnership in which each inspire the other, and brings fruition to both of
you. - Millicent Carey McIntosh
Marriage is our last, best chance to grow up. - Joseph Barth
Married couples who love each other tell each other a thousand things without talking. -
Chinese Proverb
To keep your marriage brimming,
With love in the wedding cup,
Whenever you're wrong, admit it;
Whenever you're right, shut up.
Ogden Nash
The sum which two married people owe to one another defies calculation. It is an infinite
debt, which can only be discharged through all eternity.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company that
a good marriage. - Martin Luther
A good marriage is that in which each appoints the other guardian of his solitude. -
Rainer Maria Rilke
Two souls with but a single thought,
Two heart that beat as one.
Franz Joseph von Munch-Bellinghausen

They gave each other a smile with a future in it. - Ring Lardner
Treasure each other in the recognition that we do not know how long we shall have each
other. - Joshua Liebman

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