Fiscal Health: Facebook Fixation, From One Many

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Edmond Sun - 01/31/2018

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religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the f
press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to p
redress of grievances.


Page : A04

Limit special
influence groups
by limiting size
of government
once watched, "The Best Government Money Can
Buy,” a documentary that details the considerable
influence of lobbyists over the development and
implementation of policy.
It also clearly illustrates some of the constitutional
and practical barriers to the various proposals
designed to limit the power of special influence.
In reality, this documentary (no doubt like many
similar pieces of literature and video designed to
expose the influence of special interests) actually
offers little in the way of a solution.
Upon the conclusion of the movie, the viewer could
easily become depressed and conclude that nothing
can be done. The courts have made it clear: political
contributions should be treated as free speech and will
always be the constitutional right of the donor.
While it is important to bring transparency and

Fiscal He
openness to these contributions, there are important
boundaries that government cannot cross in limiting
who may give to a political campaign and who may
not. This frustrates many who understand the prob-
lem but are unable to provide a solu-

In reality, this leaves two real solu- ome years ago there was a very Administratio
tions to reducing the influence of lob- successful ad campaign for a As the chart
byists and big money in politics while product that used the tag line years the OCC
complying with the important consti- “You can pay a little now, or a lot ent accountin
tutional free speech protections. later.” Admittedly, it’s a slogan that’s boards perfor
The first method is to elect citizen been so overused it’s almost a cliché. nine operatio
legislators who do not accept contri- However, this phrase still provides a
butions from groups that have lobby- great deal of common sense and
Jason ists. This is tough, because there are more than a little truth. Those
only a handful of legislators who have charged with handling public funds
Murphey made this commitment. would do well to follow its intent.
There's a great calling for new candi- At the Corporation Commission
House dates who will step forward on the (OCC), we have seen first-hand the
District 31 platform of refusing lobbyist money. effectiveness of being proactive when
And I believe strongly that voters must it comes to the millions of dollars
support these candidates. that flow through this agency as it
I now believe that the ultimate way works to protect the public interest
to limit the influence of special interests is the all-too- and foster economic development in
often ignored solution of limiting the size of govern- its regulation of the Energy, Murphy
ment. Transportation, and Utility sectors. In
If government had not intruded into every aspect of 2013, we asked the state auditor and Oklahoma
life, the ability of the powerful, rich, special interests inspector to embed auditors within Corporation
groups to influence power would be limited. the agency to not only take an initial Commission
Put simply, the reason so many invest so much into look at our processes, but also to stay Chairman
government is because they seek to leverage the power here and continue to work to help us
of the government to work in their own interests. improve.
I have observed that the same groups who decry the In addition, regular audits (per-
power of the wealthy and their influence over politics formance, financial and operational) can be. Just as
oftentimes suggest that the solution to the problem is as well as grant reviews have been result in ident
to expand the size and scope of government. ongoing and performed by various of relatively sm
Expanding the size of government additionally entities, including independent before they be
empowers those who have the wealth to buy influence accounting firms, the Office of so too do all th
with the politicians who control the government. Management and Enterprise Services, agency busine
Ultimately, the way to empower the average individ- the Department of Commerce, the Our work is
ual is to reduce the power of government over his life. Environmental Protection Agency, the fiscal health is
This puts the individual back in charge of his own des- International Fuel Tax Agreement sary services t
tiny and takes away the ability of others to control Program Compliance Review ing the OCC c
him. Committee, the Federal Highway al and statuto

Copyright (c)2018 Edmond Sun, Edition 01/31/2018

February 2, 2018 9:33 am (GMT +6:00) Powered by TECNAVIA

Facebook fixation, from one

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