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Sanskrit And The Serbian Slavs

The Serbs, which appear to be the original name for the Slavik people, once covered large parts of
Europe, into the British isles and also throughout Russia and beyond. Like the rest of the world before
the appearance of semetic religions, the Serbs worshipped a variety of Gods. As well as a Supreme
source from which everything comes, like the Vedas, the Serbian people recognised a cosmic
administration within this universe, powerful beings, gods with a small g, whose sincere worship could
bestow elevation and earthly benedictions. In the Vedas we have Indra, the God of thunder, the
administrator in charge of the higher planetary system known as heaven. The Serbs worshipped
Yndra, the supreme God of thunder who battles to defend his heavenly realm known as Svarga Log.
These two personalities, Indra and Yndra, are obviously one and the same and the Serbian Svarga Log
is simply the Vedic Svarga Loka, the heavenly abode of Lord Indra.

The Serbians inherited from Vedic culture the concept of a three tiered universe, heaven, earth and
the underworld. The Trimurti of the Vedas is also there in the form of the creator, the maintainer and
the destroyer. In Slovenia the pre-eminent symbol of the nation is Mount Triglav, a mountain
possessing three peaks and named in honour of the Serbian God Triglav. Triglav means three heads
and similar to the Vedic Trimurti it depicts the three Gods of creation, maintenance and destruction.
The names of these Serbian Gods are Visnji, Ziva and Brajanj. Compare this with Visnu, Siva and
Brahma, the Trimurti of the Vedas and we can conclude that both these cultures are intimately
related. We also have Mount Troglav which is the highest peak of the Dinara mountain range and once
again named in honour of the Slavik/Serbian God Triglav. Throughout the rich Slavik/Serbian culture,
the folk songs, ceremonial prayers and the book of Veles, Triglav is frequently mentioned and in one
verse it says the following " May our cattle be healthy, all the cows and sheep. All the kids, the lambs
and the great big horses which carry our heroes. Dear soldiers of the God Triglav, Triglav the holy
trinity, Visnji the creator, strong Ziva the destroyer and Branjanj the protector ".

In Poland, in the capital city of Stettin, which is now named Szczecin, there was once three hills, of
which one was dedicated to the three headed deity of Triglav. Triglav was its chief deity, its three
heads were made of gold, its lips and eyes covered by a golden veil. Triglav, as declared by the
priests, ruled over earth, heaven and hell. Eventually these deities were destroyed, their golden heads
chopped off and sent to Rome as evidence that the Plobabian Serbs had converted to the "peace
loving" Christians. This same Serbian tradition from where these folk songs and culture came, declare
that Triglav lives in India and India was once the home of the Serbs. The following is taken from an
old Serbian folksong called the children of India. "From your tree a branch are we. We are too children
of Hindustan, you do not know of Serbs, we know of you. We think of you, sing of you from Himalaya
to Hindukush, with you is our heart and soul ". As well as a pantheon of deities which very much
resemble the Devas of the Vedas, the Slavik language of the Serbian people are full of Sanskrit words.
Below are a few examples.
Svetovid is the Serbian God of war, his name has two Sanskrit words, Sveta and Vid. Sveta is Sanskrit
for bright, white, and Vid means to see. Svetovid has white hair, white beard, white clothes, white
horse, his image very much reflects this Sanskrit Sveta, meaning white. The Sanskrit Vid, meaning
"one who sees" or "one who knows" is certainly reflective of the all knowing, all seeing four heads of
Svetovid. In Croatia on the island of Brac, the highest peak is called the Vids mountain named in
honour of Svetovid, and among the Dinaric alps is a peak known as Suvid. Su is Sanskrit for great,
just as we have Su-meru meaning great mountain, and Vid is Sanskrit for observing, seeing, knowing.
Suvid is the name for Svetovid, the all knowing, all seeing four headed God of Serbian folklore, whose
name happens to be made up of words from the Sanskrit language.

Dazbog is one of the major Serbian Gods, at one time he was worshipped in all the Slavik nations. His
name has two Sanskrit words, Da which is Sanskrit for giving and Bog which is ultimately from
Sanskrit Bhaga meaning God - the giving God. The father of Dazbog is Svarog, the God of celestial
fire. In Sanskrit Svar means heaven, Sun. Svarog creates the blue Svarga, a heavenly realm similar to
the Svarga Loka of the Vedas. Svarog is very much assosciated with fire, as is Dazbog, which leads
one to consider the ancient Serbs as fire worshippers, espescially when one considers their intimate
relationship with the fire worshipping Zoroastrians of Persia. Mater Sva is a solar Goddess, the mother
of Svarog and the mother of heaven. Mater is from the Sanskrit Matr meaning mother and Sva is from
the Sanskrit Svar meaning Sun or heaven - mother of heaven.

Ognebog is the Serbian God of fire which is simply Agni, the Vedic God of fire. Baba Yoga was a great
Slavik/Serbian personality, known also as Baba Yaga and Mother Yogini. Baba was a mystic yogini who
sheltered homeless children in the forest and taught them the sacred lore. The Christians with their
customary generosity turned Baba Yoga into a witch who eats children. Many of the Serbian/Slavik
Gods have names which are derived from Sanskrit, Devana, Vanapagan, Domovoy, Stribog,
Samodiva, Pater Diy, Svantovich, Dolya, Nedolya, Jiva, Maya, Makosh, Morana, Koliada, Rusalka, all
part of Serbian folklore and all names which are related to Sanskrit/Vedic culture. Below are more
examples of the similarities between Sanskrit and Serbian language.

Throughout Serbia we find many place names which seem to reflect Vedic/Sanskrit culture. One of the
most striking examples are the villages Mala Krsna and Velika Krsna. Mala in Serbian language means
little as in little Krsna and Velika means great as in great Krsna. Both names are appropriate for Krsna
and it comes as no surprise that there is no translation for the name Krsna within the Serbian
language, its simply Krsna, a name for which they have no definition.

Other names are Savamala, Siva Stena, Visnjika, Visnjevac, Kalanic, Rajac, Trnava, Medurec,
Santaravac, Mataruge, Mataruska banja, Ravanica, Desimirovac, Pusta Tusimlja, Rajetice, Rajkovice,
Budisava, Salajka, Rajkovac, Rvati, Pancevacki, Calije, Raka, Lokanj, Pancevo, Margus, Kula,
Mandelos, Varna, Desic, Sevarice, Krsanje, Balinovic, Ravnje, Sitarice, Duga Luka, Rataje, Ecka,
Indija. There are many, many names like this throughout Serbia which are not out of place with the
Sanskrit language. Many of these names can be explained simply within its present culture, for
instance Siva in the Serbian language means grey and Sita means "screeners" for some reason. How
much of this is its authentic meaning or how much has evolved or been manipulated who knows, but
even with Siva its easy to see a connection between the Serbian translation of "grey" and Siva who
covers himself with ashes. On their own these names, apart from Krsna, are probably not worth taking
serious, however, in light of the Serbian deities which are reflections of the Devas, their language
which reflects Sanskrit, and the philosophy which reflects the Vedas, they are most certainly worth
taking seriously, and in the future we may be able to shed more light on them. Below are more
examples of the similarities between both languages and also the numerical sytem.

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