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27th - 28th May


ALL ABOUT? At registration we will ask you if your army is fully painted and
based. If it isn’t don’t panic! We will do our best to give you the
The Warhammer Fest Grand Tournament is the first Warhammer time and space you need to get your models finished before your
40,000 grand tournament for many a year. first game. As we don’t allow anyone to play with unpainted or
Do you fancy testing yourself against all comers? It’s time for you to unbased models, but we understand that life gets in the way some-
create a list and then test it against the best of the best. times, we will do our best to help you get them up to standard. If
Only one of you will best all others and be names the Warhammer you have a model which is unfinished, then we politely ask you to
Fest Grand Tournament Champion—will it be you? remove it from the table, as we are obliged to protect the experi-
ence of every attendant - we all want to play against fully painted
armies, and this event is designed to give everyone the opportunity
to do just that!

Date: 27th- 28th May At this event you will be allowed to use the most recent F.A.Q
Times: Saturday 10:00am – 8:00pm, Sunday 10:00am – which can be found at https://www.warhammer-
Team Size: Singles (Ticket cost does allow access to the faq/ or any publication of FW / WD and Citadel currently in publi-
rest of Warhammer Fest for both days) cation.
Army Size: 1500 points per player.
Number of games: 5
Army Selection : Battle Forged Armies only
Scenarios in use: Eternal War
Publications in use: All Warhammer 40,000
publications from Games Workshop, including Forge
World (excluding Horus Heresy publications) and White

Additional: All miniatures in your collection must be

Games Workshop Miniatures and be fully assembled,
painted and based. Each model must fully represent, in
full, what you have presented on your army list. All
miniatures in your collection must be produced by
Games Workshop and be fully assembled, painted and
based. Each model must fully represent what you have
presented on your army lists.
Planning something outlandish? WEEKEND GAMES
The weekend will consist of five games of Warhammer
Many hobbyists take it upon themselves to cre- 40,000, each of which, you will have two hours to play
ate truly incredible models, through kit bashing, that round.
green stuff, and straight up weapon swaps.
While most of these are awesome, there are Games will be played on a 6’x4’ board and you will be
some which are not suitable for use at our matched against a random team to play against (in the
events. unlikely event of a repeat match up please let a member
of staff know as quickly as possible so that we can sort
For example, any model that could be confused out a replacement team for you where possible).
as another, or one which doesn’t accurately
represent the original model produced by The first game will be randomly assigned but from
Games Workshop. Examples of this would be Game 2 we will be using a Swiss system to try and
Fire Raptors being used as “counts as” Storm match you with an opponent of similar skill level.
Eagles, or Space Marine Terminators being
used as Tartaros Terminators. Though these Each game will be played using the Eternal War sce-
might even seem commonplace in your local narios (Warhammer 40,000 The Rules, pg 142-147).
gaming club, at The Horus Heresy GT part of
your ticket is being provided opponent’s
who are using not only fully painted and based
models, but the correct models as well. Using
the right models adds massively to overall feel SCHEDULE
and quality of the event, and Horus Heresy SATURDAY 27th May
events at Warhammer World have always had 10:00am Warhammer Fest Opens.
an exceptional quality which we are determined 11:00am Registration Starts
to maintain. 11.55am Event briefing
12:00am–2pm Game 1—Crusade
Take a look at our handy chart on the next page 2pm–3pm Lunch
for our rules on proxies and conversions. 3pm–5pm Game 2—Purge the Alien
5pm–5;30pm Break
If you aren’t sure what you need to do, give us a 5:30pm–7:30pm Game 3—The Scouring
call on 0115 900 4994 and we will happily talk 8:00pm Warhammer Fest closes
you through what we look for.
SUNDAY 28th May
A polite but very friendly warning; we will 10:00am Warhammer Fest opens.
have no choice but to disallow models which 10:15am–12:15pm Game 4—Big Guns Never Tire
aren’t suitable for the event, either by way of 12:15pm–1pm Lunch
conversion/proxy or by being unpainted or un- 1pm–3pm Game 5—The Emperor’s Will
based. We will do everything in our power to 3pm–3;30pm Break
get your army battle ready, but we can’t allow 3;30pm Award Ceremony and Event closes
your potential opponents to feel hard done by 4:00pm Warhammer Fest closes
after going to the effort of getting everything
ready and having gone to the time and expense
to get a full army ready for play, only to find
the “Grey Legions” arrayed against them.
You’ve been warned – don’t risk it! If you want to ask us questions, discuss the models you
wish to bring, or want to find out more about our Event
Weekends, please feel free to get in touch with us: Phone:
0115 900 4994
Post: Warhammer World Events Team Games Workshop
Willow Road Lenton Nottingham England NG7 2WS
Favourite Game votes Note that if you are nominated for the Best Army
Favourite Game Votes are simple - just pick the award, you will automatically have a Best Painted
game you enjoyed the most that weekend. It’s a great (10 Tournament Points) added to your tally for
way to acknowledge a really fun game, an opponent the weekend.
with whom you had a great rapport, or maybe it was
just that their army looked fantastic. Votes are taken Each victory will be allocated certain value of
at the end of the weekend with the results of your Tournament Points. Your total Tournament Points
final game, so please show your appreciation of your will decide who wins the event overall.
favourite opponent.
Major Win: 20 Tournament Points
How to win the Grand Tournament
Minor Win: 13 Tournament Points
At the end of the weekend, we will call the player (or
players, if there is a tie) who has earned the most Draw: 10 Tournament Points
Tournament Points to the stage. That person will be
awarded the title of Grand Champion 2017. The Minor Loss: 7 Tournament Points
method to determine how many Tournament Points
you have is listed below. Major Loss: 0 Tournament Points

Scoring Tournament Points and handing in Best Painted: 10 Tournament Points

Whoever has the highest amount of Tournament
After each game you will have 5 minutes to record Points at the end of the event will win the
your result and hand it in to the Events Team. At tournament, as described below under the “Awards”
this event, we will be recording Major and Minor section.
Victories, and this will be the largest factor in decid-
Other activities during the event
ing who is crowned the Grand Champion and winner
of the event.
The Best Army competition
Every Legion had the utmost pride in its heraldry and
To determine if you have scored a Major or Minor
history and would go to great lengths to ensure that
Victory, simply total up the Victory Points you have
their weapons and armour were worthy of their
scored during the game
Primarch’s honour. Players are no different and
many armies at our events are truly spectacular.
If one player has scored more than 10 Victory Points
than the other, the player with the most Victory
To celebrate this, the Events Team will nominate
Points scores a Major Victory and the other scores a
exceptionally well painted and/or converted armies
Major Defeat.
from the event, these players will receive a Best
Army Nomination Certificate. The events team will
If one player has scored more Victory Points than the
choose the overall favourite entry and award it the
other player, the player with the most Victory Points
coveted Best Army award.
wins a Minor Victory and the other player suffers a
Minor Defeat.

If both players are tied for Victory Points, record this

a Draw.

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