Section Marks: Jangan Buka Kertas Soalan Ini Sehingga Diberitahu Instructions

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Name: ________________________________ Class : _______________________________


A /15

B /10

C /25

D /20






MEI 2017

2 JAM 15 MINIT Two hours and fifteen minutes


Instructions :

1. This question paper consists of FOUR sections : Section A, B, C and D

2. Answer ALL sections.
3. Your answer must be written in the spaces provided. If spaces in the
booklet are insufficient, please request for additional answer sheets from
the invigilator.

Prepared by, Checked by,

______________________________________ _____________________________
Question 9 to 15 are based on the following passage. Choose the best answer to fill in
each blank.

The best thing about Malaysia’s open-air night markets, or pasar malam as they are
famously ______9______, is the vibrant and enticing atmosphere. Stalls line entire roads
as some night markets stretch as long as one kilometre while others are just the length of
a ______10______ of shops. Night markets are usually located near housing estates but
evidently people come from far and near to shop at the night market as there is usually a
long line of cars parked along the roadside, as far as the eye can see. From a bird’s eye
view, the night market resembles a long, living, breathing, brightly-lit creature of the

The sounds of people bustling along laughing and talking, as ______11______ call out
their wares and customers haggle for a ______12______ bargain, combine to create a
melody that is unique to our night markets. The muted roar of electric generators and
hand-cranked ice-crushing ______13______ add percussion to the melody. The naked
orange bulbs exude a sunset glow to make everything appear rosy and appetizing.

_______14_______ rain can douse the vibrancy of a night market. Customers will not be
able to enjoy walking around looking at things without getting _______15_______
drenched. Yet, there are still those who will brave the tropical downpours just to get their
favourite food or drinks from the night markets, for it would be another week before the
night market appears again.
Section B
[10 marks]
[Time suggested: 25 minutes]

Question 16 to 25
Read the following poster and complete the table.


Batik Village, a famous Malaysian producer of world-class batik material, is located in

Kampung Ibol in the coastal area of Kuala Terengganu. It was founded by the late
Datin Merida, Malaysia’s most fervent promoter of this traditional art of fabric
printing to the fashion world of Paris and London.

Batik Village has since expended into a five-star resort, aptly named Batik Haven,
where people from all over the world can come and enjoy the local cuisine and water
sports activities. The resort also offers batik-centred activities such as
hands-on-lessons in batik drawing, fabric printing and tie-dye techniques. A seminar
on the history of batik is also held daily in the main conference hall.

At Batik Village, patrons are able to purchase pieces of batik that are exclusively
produced there. These one-of-a-kind pieces can even be tailored on the premises itself
with a money-back guarantee of completion within two days. Attractive accessories,
hand-made by local villagers, are also available for purchase. All purchases can be
delivered to your home for a small fee.
Question 16 to 25
Using the information from the poster given, complete the table below.














(10 marks)
Section C
[25 marks]
[Time suggested: 50 minutes]
Question 26 to 31 are based on the following passage.

Dearest Sara,

I would like to tell you about the most unbelievable thing that happened to me just a month ago.
I was taking part in a cheerleading competition in my school. I was the top person of the human
pyramid that was the finale of our cheerleading routine. I climbed up three tiers of my friends in
what I thought was an agile and graceful manner. Then, disaster struck!

The human pyramid began to crumble as I took my position right at the very top. All of us came
crashing down onto the gym floor. Everyone landed in a heap as we had been trained to do to
minimise the risk of injury. Except for me! I was thrown about three metres to the rear of the gym
mat because I had been too engrossed in my climb and had not been expecting the collapse of the

As a result, I suffered a broken arm as I had automatically reached out with my hand to break
my fall. The broken bone was protruding through my flesh and I was bleeding badly. Luckily for me,
I lost consciousness and was immediately rushed to the hospital. Due to the loss of blood, I required
multiple blood transfusions. When I came round, I was already out of surgery and in the hospital
room. Well, this is not the most shocking part as there were more surprises in store for me.

The next day, my parents came to the hospital to visit me and began talking to head nurse. I had
just regained consciousness and so they did not know I could hear them. My head felt heavy and
everything seemed foggy. During the course of the conversation, the head nurse, who also happened
to be our next-door neighbour, suddenly asked my parents if they had adopted me as a baby or a

I could hear my mother vehemently denying that I was adopted! The head nurse did not seem to
understand and repeated her question. She told my parents that it was extremely important to be
truthful because I needed more blood transfusions and they did not have enough of my blood type.

I became more awake as the blood continued to pound in my head. I tried to keep still and
strained to hear more. The head nurse patiently explained that it was impossible for a father and a
mother with type A blood to have a child with type B blood. My parents kept silent and I waited
impatiently. Then, the nurse apologized and went to say that it was not her intention to expose my
parents’ secret.

My mother raised her voice but quickly stopped speaking when she saw me moving. They both
quickly came over to check on me and nothing more was said. I drifted in and out of sleep for what
seemed to be days although it was actually only for a day and a night. I began to feel better and more
alert; the memory of that conversation haunted me but I was afraid to ask my parents about it.

Well, there was no need to ask. The next day, they told me the most horrible news of my life. I
was not their biological daughter! I was not adopted either. There had been a mix-up at the hospital
delivery room and I was given to my parents by mistake. Can you believe that?! I did not know how
to react because I could not believe what I was hearing. It was like being in a movie.

My parents hired a private investigator to find out who my real parents were. It was not difficult
and the hospital authorities were most helpful as they wanted to avoid any negative press. That’s
what my parents told me anyway. They also told me that they loved me like they always have and
would not love me any less, no matter what happened.

Your best friend,

26. From paragraph 1,
(a) List two adjectives used to describe a cheerleader.
i. ______________________________________________________________________
ii. ______________________________________________________________________

(b) What was Aina doing when she broke her arm?

27. From paragraph 6,

(a) What scientific fact indicated that Aina could have been adopted?

(b) Why did the nurse apologize to Aina’s parents?


28. (a) Which word from paragraph 3 has the same meaning as ‘many’?

(b) In the final paragraph (line 41), who does the word ‘they’ refer to?

29. From paragraph 9, which phrase showed that the hospital wanted to protect its reputation?

30. Describe how you would feel if you were Aina. Give your reason.

31. Based on the passage given, write a summary on:

 How Aina discovered she was not her parents’ biological daughter.

Credit will be given for the use of own words but care must be taken not to change the
original meaning.
Your summary must:
 Be in continuous writing (not in note form)
 Use materials from line 2-37
 Not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below.
(15 marks)

Begin your summary as follows:

Aina was taking part in a cheerleading competition when she……………………………………

Section D
[20 marks]
[Time suggested: 35 minutes]

32 Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

The Living Photograph by Jackie Kay

My small grandmother is tall there,

Straight-back, white broderie anglaise shirt,

Pleated skirt, flat shoes, grey bun,

A kind, old smile round her eyes.

Her big hand holds mine,

White hand in black hand.

Her sharp blue eyes look her own death in the eye.

It was true after all, that look.

My tall grandmother became small.

Her back round and hunched

Her soup forgot to boil.

She went to the awful place grandmothers go

Somewhere unknown, unthinkable.

But there she is still,

In the photo with me at three,

The crinkled smile is still living, breathing.

(a) What did the grandmother wear in the photograph?

(1 mark)
(b) In the first stanza, to whom does the ‘white’ hand belong?
(1 mark
(c) Which lines tell you that the grandmother passed away?
(1 mark)
(c) What do you think is the moral value of the poem? Give a reason.
(2 marks)
33 The questions below are based on the short story that you have studied.

Tanjong Rhu - Minfong Ho

Based on the short story that you have studied, describe the moral values that you have learnt
from the story.

Give reasons to support your answer, with close reference to the text.

(15 marks)

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