Sonnet 18: Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer's Day? By: William Shakespeare ANNABEL LEE By: Edgar Allan Poe

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Sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

By: William Shakespeare

ANNABEL LEE By: Edgar Allan Poe


The speaker begins by asking whether he should or The poem is narrated by a young man who
will compare "thee" to a summer day. He says that describes himself as a 'child.' The man falls in love
his beloved is more lovely and more even- with a young woman named Annabel Lee. They
tempered. He then runs off a list of reasons why live in a kingdom by the sea. The narrator and
summer isn’t all that great: winds shake the buds Annabel Lee are very happy and very in love. Their
that emerged in Spring, summer ends too quickly, love for each other is so intense, in fact, that the
and the sun can get too hot or be obscured by seraphim in Heaven (angels) become jealous and
clouds. He goes on, saying that everything murder Annabel Lee, by sending a wind that chills
beautiful eventually fades by chance or by nature’s her to death. The narrator is devastated but does
inevitable changes. Coming back to the beloved, not give up on their love. He believes that his soul
though, he argues that his or her summer (or is inseparable from Annabel Lee's. Every night he
happy, beautiful years) won’t go away, nor will his dreams of her and sleeps next to her in her tomb.
or her beauty fade away. Moreover, death will
never be able to take the beloved, since the
beloved exists in eternal lines (meaning poetry).
The speaker concludes that as long as humans
exist and can see (so as to read), the poem he’s
writing will live on, allowing the beloved to keep
living as well.


William Shakespeare has become an important landmark in English literature. To see why this is so
crucial for students to study, let us consider an analogy. In much the same way, one must be familiar
with the early days of English literature in order to comprehend the foundation beneath much of more
modern literature's basis. Shakespeare's modern influence is still seen clearly in many ways. For
example, the success of Shakespeare's works helped to set the precedent for the evolution of modern
dramas and plays. He is also credited with being one of the first writers to use any modern prose in his
writings; in fact, the growth of the popularity of prose in Shakespeare's time is clearly shown as he used
prose progressively more throughout his career. Furthermore, there can be no doubt that Shakespeare
was a master of the artistry of the English language. He wrote with such fluidity of thought, word,
rhythm, and sound that the work is presented in a complex manner, but is not unintelligible, even for
the inexperienced reader. Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1589 and 1613. His
early plays were mainly comedies and histories and these works remain regarded as some of the best
work produced in these genres. He then wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608,
including Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth, considered some of the finest works in the English
language. In his last phase, he wrote tragicomedies, also known as romances, and collaborated with
other playwrights. Shakespeare's plays remain highly popular today and are constantly studied,
performed, and reinterpreted in diverse cultural and political contexts throughout the world.


Edgar Allan Poe's 19th century poems and short stories still exert a wide influence on American pop
culture and film, education and literature. Ironically, while he achieved some degree of fame and
fortune upon the publication of his poem "The Raven" in 1845, Poe struggled desperately with his
literary career during his own lifetime. For almost 50 years after his death, Poe's work was largely
disregarded in both the United States and Great Britain. It was only after the French poet Charles
Baudelaire began to recognize the genius in Poe's work that American appreciation for his work soared.
Edgar Allan Poe brought about several changes in the literary style of his time period. Poe, as a writer,
poet, editor and a critical writer influenced not only American literature, but he also had an impact on
international literature. He was one of the first writers to develop the genre of both detective fiction
and horror.

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