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Proba orală de verificare a cunoştinţelor de limbă modernă

pentru admiterea în clasa a IX- a cu program bilingv – limba engleză

mai 2012

Ticket 14

The Wax Museum

One of the most interesting and original museum in the world is

Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum located in London. A visit here gives you
the chance to get closer to the celebrities you love: singers, actors,
sportsmen, politicians. The museum is divided into two sections: statues of
the most recent times and historical people and events. The guide tells you
about Madame Tussaud and about her successful profession.
The story of how the figures are made is fascinating. The most
difficult job of the people working there is to find hair that matches closely
the hair of the celebrities. Believe this or not, it is real hair, donated and
bought by the museum. The clothes of the statues are amazing. They were
worn and donated by the actual celebrities. Some of them are created my
famous fashion designers. If you want to examine the wax figures or to take
a photo you can even touch them. After a while you don’t know who is real
and who if frozen in time.

Answer the following questions:

1) What chance do people have when visiting the Madame Tussaud’s
Wax Museum?
2) How is the museum organised?
3) What is the most difficult part of the job of the people working here?
4) What did some of the celebrities do for the museum ?

Preşedinte , Profesori evaluatori,

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