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Radiation Protection Committee

Aim and Objective

In large hospitals or in several cooperating small hospitals there are advantages in establishing a
radiation protection committee, which should basically act as an advisory group for the institution’s
senior management.

A radiation protection committee is strongly recommended for a hospital where more than one
department uses radiation sources under a general or consolidated license. The radiation protection
committee may also deal with other types of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation used in the installation.
The Committee also represents a forum where department heads may become informed of regulations and
requirements concerning the use of radiation in their departments discuss problems and be a part of their

The radiation protection committee should be appointed by the hospital’s senior management and should
be composed of clinical staff representing the hospital departments using radiation sources, medical
physicists and persons who have special knowledge of the hazards of radiation and are experienced in
radiation protection. Also included should be a representative of the hospital’s administrative unit, and a
union or staff representative. The radiation protection officer (medical physicist or health physicist), and
possibly a physician from the occupational health service should also be members.

Duties and responsibilities

The main duty of the radiation protection committee should be to establish a radiation protection policy
according to the national regulations and the specific requirements contained in the installation’s license
to possess and use radiation sources. It also should be the link between the facility and the Regulatory

The specific responsibilities are entrusted to the Committee are:

 Review and oversee compliance with, and implementation of, the radiation protection
 Formulate radiation protection policies to update and improve the radiation protection
 Provide the radiation protection officer with guidance on operational aspects of the radiation
protection programme, and request actions on specific matters;
 Investigate any radiation incidents or accidents and provide a comprehensive report on these to
the employer; and
 Assess potential hazards from foreseeable incidents and prepare contingency plans.

The radiation protection committee should also define the duties and responsibilities of the radiation
protection officer and those of individuals who should be appointed in each department using ionizing
radiation to be responsible for implementing the radiation protection rules. As mentioned, these persons
are usually called radiation protection supervisors.


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