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When checking your Topic Overviews, the Session Board uses this checklist. To make the work for us easier, you can go through the checklist already before handing your Topic Overview to the next check. Format When a word having an official acronym is used for the first time, it has to be fully written followed by the acronym between brackets, and then the acronym can be used on ist own i.e. European Union (eu) British English is the only language used, Content No stance is visible in the Topic Overview, all content is conveyed in an objective and manner. The writing is fluid and easily understandable, with short sentences and simple terms. 2 Allimportant key terms a delegate needs to know to understand the topic should be explained clearly in the Key Terms subsection, You should be able to contextualise the topic and its relevance with the Relevance of the topic subsection In key Actors all key stakeholders, how they relate to one another and what their role is in the topic are presented. In Key Conflicts, You should be able to understand the big questions, conflicts and key challenges delegates will have to resolve during Committee Work; Some possible solutions can be portrayed, with reflective questions for instance. All measures that are already in place and all actions that have been taken are efficiently conveyed in the Measures in Place subsection. In What now?, the delegates get a short summary of the main problems in the topic, ask reflective questions and add the most important research links to get the research started. Structure & Flow The Topic Overview follows the structure given by the Board, with Six subheadings; ‘Aword count not higher than 850 words. If there is a word, term or concept in your overview that you have not explained in the “Key Terms” section, you may add a Hyperlink linking to an easily understandable definition video explaining the term within the text. Footnotes are only used for giving a source, not for explaining something or leaving a note on it. There is 2 source in the footnotes for everything you didn't come up with yourself, European Youth Parliament Serbia 2 Footnotes are formatted in the following way and should have a functioning hyperlink: Masini, Matthias (2016): Social Media Consulting for Dummies. (https://www., There should be a coherent, active voice throughout the Topic Overview. Visuals are highly encouraged to be used to support the text of the topic overview; are suitable to the subsection they are found in. European Youth Parliament Serbia 3

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